Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's O.P.I......when it comes to fingers and toes...

O.P.I. base and nail varnish

I love the names of their products.
Lovely daughter thinks that it would be a fun job to come up with the names!

(I don't Boliva Peru-vit!)

This is a challenge for me...feet were up on the bench, head bent down, lights turned up, glasses on, ready steady go....these crazy toe things hurt!
I love having pedicures but I hate chipped nail varnish more and that's what happened...
  Hostess to the rescue.

While I was in the mood I did my fingers...

Fingers are easier as the varnish is clear and very "orange stick" required.

Maybe I should wear a toe ring and no one would notice if there was a least the Yoga gals wouldn't notice unless they were peeking while posing, which our instructor reminds us... 
"to keep our eyes soft, averted and looking inward."
I'll put my best foot forward when I am doing the warrior pose!


Sydney Shop Girl said...

Hello Hostess

How I admire a good pedicure. Well done.

I had to laugh at your yoga reference, I have an eye out for good pedicures whilst we are downward dogging...

Have a lovely weekend.

SSG xxx

Suburban Princess said...

I just saw your ironing post...I wish I could come over and sort those sleeves for you! I am a whiz with an iron! I have figured out all the tricks :O)

mette said...

I also wear red on my toenails and prefer Chanel Azur ( clear, with a hint of ) on my fingernails. I don´t want the the nail polish to compete with my rings.

Poppy B. said...

I love O.P.I. polishes. The quality is great, and the color selection is amazing.

La Belette Rouge said...

I LOVE that you shared your toe pictures!! They look great with that gorgeous polish. I love OPI's Bogatta red.