Showing posts with label laundry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laundry. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Hostess Hasty Notes...


Bateaux Mouches Scarf knit in a grey yarn by Drops.
Alpaca and Silk

It is super soft with a nice drape...
very cozy and warm for these colder days.

Mornings this week have been very icy...

A delightful week of Yoga

Yoga for Osteoporosis
Yoga for Balance
Yoga For Hips

Scraping the ice off the car before heading off to Yoga Class. 

I am focused on the new classes 
which are improving my hip alignment and strengthening the muscles that support the hip.
Training me to be in balance 
with a goal of stability and the ability to avoid future falls.

All of this is taking up time and energy and are an investment in my health.
My flexibility is not what it was prior to COVID.
My goal is to
get back as much flexibility as possible.

My instructor says it takes time.

Do you practice Yoga?


Marshalls dressing room selfie...

I LOVE denim!
 So when I spied this soft cozy fleecy knit denim blue shirt...
I pounced and have been wearing it on rotation these past few weeks.

I am loving this new Sonsie skincare.
The redness from my rosacea has completely calmed down.

If you want to try it please use the 15% discount code...

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to shoot me an email.

Joanne from Steveston came to Victoria for a few days.

We got together for an afternoon of fun.

Shopped thrift and consignment shops 
visited the Vic West Market on Catherine Street
before we had lunch at The Snug in The Oak Bay Beach Hotel.

The Market has a very European Vibe...
lots of interesting food items and the displays are works of art!

Am knitting another Bateaux Mouches Scarf/Shawl
Using Bamboo Yarn in white for Summer.
Feels lovely in the hand...soft and light.

Soup for lunch at Pure Vanilla...
red lentil with a spicy tang.

New LG Washer and Dryer Set

Our former set were 
15 years old and the washer ground to a halt on Saturday.
I had to rinse the entire load in the bathtub 
before wringing the clothes by hand to dry!

Our laundry room is bright and cheerful...
I can look out onto the Humble Bungalow Garden while working downstairs.

There are some rustic touches in the minimalist decor.

but so important!
There are Joys in clean clothes and freshly ironed cottons.

I spend a LOT of time doing laundry!

Another sourdough Boule has baked...
"Alexandra Cooks" basic sourdough recipe is my favourite.
After making bread for several years now I can do it with my eyes closed :-))
The flavour is amazing and the bread is easy to make.

Do you bake your own bread?

White Orchid

Do you shop local?
Think we need to help these shops stay open and keep their business thriving.
So many small businesses are struggling to survive and many are already shut down.

Buying Power is in our hands
(and wallets)
we have choices
 through our decisions of 
who we buy from...
where we spend our money
If we
 support companies run and owned by women.
We are empowering them to continue...

Just like the
Cordova Candle Company who are local and make lovely scented soy candles.

I light mine every morning while I sip my coffee and read my socials.

What are your favourite local shops?
Are you a repeat customer?
Do you know the women behind the business?

Speaking of Socials...
several friends have quit Facebook
others are taking a 3 week break from all online platforms.

Are you considering leaving any of your social memberships?

We have the power to make changes...
it is up to each of us to decide what is right.

What is new with you?

Are you worried about the state of the world?

Have you, like me, had to limit your exposure to the news?

I do not go down rabbit holes...
I act locally...making changes where I can see the results of those efforts.

I bake, I knit, I drink tea, I read, I walk, I go to Yoga, I live an honest and simple life.


~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog


Saturday, January 14, 2023

January ~ Busy days and a time tested favourite recipe

The weather has warmed up a wee bit but I am still wearing cozy clothes.

This plush velour zip top by 32 Degrees is very warm 
paired with the felted hand woven wool scarf I was dressed for the windy day.

The scarf was found in a thrift shop on Pender and it was very reasonably priced.

My week has been surprisingly busy!

Two Yoga in person classes at the Studio.
Trivia night at the pub, dinner here after school pick up with the grandchildren.
Errands, cooking and cleaning, 
lunch out for sushi with my husband and another couple
watching Stay Close on Netflix.
Then on Friday I met up with a friend for lunch and a walk.
Then we met two couples for dinner at The Snug at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel.
My weeks are not usually so full of events...

Fresh Orchid arrangement in the Lobby of the OBBH.

The Snug Pub is getting a new floor
 so we dined in front of the fireplace in the hotel foyer.

Got my steps in...
so much easier and more enjoyable when a friend is on the walk!

I slept late Saturday morning and read a couple of chapters in my current book.

Looking For Jane by Heather Marshall is a page turner...
Set in Canada it weaves a story of three women linked by a common thread.
An important book which I am very glad that I picked up.

Did some grocery shopping and laundry...
took a book to a friend.

Making a pot roast, carrots and roasted potatoes for dinner tonight.

I have shared the recipe before on the blog...
it is SO SIMPLE!
In case you want a comforting meal...
here is the recipe.

I like to make a gravy 
remove the roast to the carving board

Mix 4 tablespoons of Cornstarch with an equal amount of water 
in a jar and shake to mix
 add to the wet ingredients and whisk quickly
you remove the roast to the carving board.

In other news...

I purchased a new mat and a small bolster for my Yoga practice.

 January is ticking along quite quickly here...

How are things going for you?

Well I better close and get this roast ready for the carver!
I have gravy to make...

I think Sunday might be a day of rest!!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Love the "little things" ~ a recipe for contentment.

Reading home decor books, Instagram and magazines inspire me.
I often get frustrated and wonder how I can make our little bungalow look better.

  I actioned a quick and inexpensive DIY fix.

I purchased 3 black metal hooks 
(Mr. HB installed them for me)

I hung up my French Market basket
 gardening hat 
  watering can. 

As conscientious stewards 
of a Heritage home
we are required to honour the historic significance 
we do not stray too far from their original architectural design.

With one exception...
The laundry area is painted white 
the basement is dark with very little light 
with only a few small windows.

The bright white walls 
make it much more enjoyable to work in and it feels far less oppressive!

I like to do my ironing while gazing out to the garden.

Looking out and beyond at the foliage and flowers 
while ironing 
feels like a form of meditation.

A handy rolling cart in the space is used for towels.

I fold the laundry on the top of the counter
I have a small ironing board that I use for small jobs 
like our linen tea towels and napkins.

Domestic jobs are a necessity.
To make them a wee bit more enjoyable
I have "fluffed" my downstairs "workplace" adding a few accent pieces.
Vintage enamel tins, ceramics, bird sculptures, and trophies...

Work and chores need not be looked upon as "drudgery."

Attitude is key to making these everyday tasks pleasant.
Taking joy in the results of one's labour and effort is so important.

The feeling of accomplishment is felt...
as I stand back
admiring a stack of freshly laundered 
(scented with lavender soap)
neat and tidy crisply ironed tea towels.

It's the "little things" that make our days richer.

How do you add Joy in your daily duties?
Do you have a secret to share that you use to make your daily round feel richer?

On that note, 
I will close this post...

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Humble Bungalow ~ keeping cool in a heat wave...

We have just returned from our holidays to our beloved home and garden...
the greenhouse is full of fresh home grown tomatoes
ready to be harvested and eaten.

a bounty of tasty tomatoes

I will be making tomato salads, perhaps indulge in some tomato sandwiches,
will also plan to roast some for a pasta dish and may freeze some.

BC is immersed in a heat wave...
the temperatures are rising
and with that, my plans to work outside in the garden are shelved for a cooler day.

The blinds are closed and the windows have been opened a crack
(otherwise the cats escape!)
The overhanging eaves, a typical feature of an arts and crafts bungalow,
help to keep the sunshine out.

So I am staying inside attacking my long "to do list"...
it's only 10:30 and I have done 3 loads of laundry,
the last load of slip covers are spinning in the LG as I type.

The farmhouse sink has been bleached,
the mail opened, bills paid ready to be posted.

I plan a quick manicure
a beach walk
need to return something to the store
stop by a friends' home
start a new book.

My summertime favourites...
Eau Thermale mist by Avene to help refresh the skin
I also keep a cool bottle of water on the counter by the sink 
 take one outside with me when I garden...hydrating from the inside out!

SPF 50 for my face and exposed arms and legs.
I try to wear a light Tencel long sleeved shirt for extra sun coverage.

Spritz of Roger and Gallet light rose scent to refresh throughout the day.

The new favourite Sally Hansen diamond tough polish which lasted an entire week before showing signs of wear...
the shade is called Love Bug.

I'd better get back to work...
my break is over! 

Thank you for stopping by the Humble Bungalow Blog.

What are you reading and how is your summer going?
Is it hot where you are right now?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lightening up...

Have you noticed how the days are getting lighter?
The sun is setting later and we have been fortunate with our weather lately...
as the sun has been out several days this week which lightens up my mood enormously and energizes me...making me more efficent in the home department.

Love the sliver of light shining through the front door 
illuminating the orchids and making shadows dance on the wallpaper.

Bradbury and Bradbury heritage wallpaper in the arts and crafts style
hangs in our entry hall.

Looking towards the hall from the living room of The Humble Bungalow.
You may be able to see the wallpaper border at the top from this angle.

When the sun shines I like to get outdoors for my walks.

Emma Bridgewater has such an imagination...
I bought several of her shopping bags.

One I gave to a friend for a birthday...
it said Take Me To The Shops.
I'd never give this bag to a friend...this one is mine all mine!

I've culled some of my clothes...
when one has a small wardrobe and closet the clothes get worn a LOT 
the fabric of my frequently worn tops tends to pill and look yucky after a couple of seasons.
I wash then inside out and hang them to dry 
but despite the gentle care 
they still develop these nubby bits which I find unsightly...

I've switched up my red lipstick for a pinker shade.

L'Oreal # 580 Pink Peony
It feels lighter on these sunny days.

 a long lighter weight shirt by French Dressing
worn with my ponte knit skinny Calvin Klein pants and Chelsea boots.

Has the weather lightened up in your patch of the woods?
Have you been curating your closet?
Whats new with you?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hard workers...

There's a real hard working cleaning spray in The Humble Bungalow.
I use this dandy spray for everything 
from the kitchen sink to getting stains out of clothes.

Did you notice that we have a new faucet?
Our previous Franke faucet from 1988 was replaced when we had a leaky pipe.
The plumber who came to the house was punctual, prompt and polite 
AND he cleaned up all the mess too!

Janet's recent post on How to Wash Slip Covers reminded me of how much I use and love this cleaner.
We have white slip covered love seats in our family room 
they require regular laundering...
if there is a stain or a spot I pre-treat ours with this Method cleaner.

Another product that I use a lot is Bon Ami...
I have written about it before and it works really well without harming the environment.

Do you have any favourite cleaning products?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, May 1, 2017

OOTD, flowers, "serviettes vs. napkins"...

Surprise delivery of flowers from a friend...
a lovely and thoughtful gesture of kindness.

beautiful blooming buds 
such beauty 

soft delicate blush pink roses

sunlight on the floor
of the blinds

Northern Reflections crisp white shirt
NYDJ skinny jeans
Ferragamo flats

 Mr. HB took the photo...
it's a silly one



I am not a professional model and do not take myself too seriously...
so the pictures stay.

What is so funny you may ask?

Mr. HB was snapping photos so fast I could not keep up with him.
Stop now, please...

Crisp Fresh linen from Belgium
an extra large tea towel
that may be used as a tablecloth 
on our small arts and crafts 
kitchen table.

I noticed the pretty native lilies are blooming in the park.

Today I've been busy washing the bedding and catching up on the ironing. 
It is pouring rain outside and there is a chill in the air.

In the previous post 
several comments were made about the inappropriate use of the words 
"serviettes" and "napkins."

I use both...

We use paper "serviettes" as well as linen "napkins."
What about you?

plural noun: serviettes
a table napkin

a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments, or to serve food on.
synonyms: table napkin, dinner napkin, cocktail napkin, serviette; More
another term for sanitary napkin.

What are your thoughts?

Tea is served in a variety of vessels here in The Humble Bungalow...

Emma Bridgewater mugs...

Fine bone china cups and saucers...

this one is my favourite as it is a wide deep bowl with a bright bold pattern. 

Speaking of favourite things...
My "go to casual fave" outfit.

Jeans, a white shirt or Tee
sterling bangles and pearls.

Chester found the one sunny spot for his nap.

Must close for now as I am making a new recipe for a comforting soup.
It is a curried sweet potato carrot and red lentil soup.
Vegetarian and perfect for a cold day like today.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow.