Showing posts with label yyj. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yyj. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Food shopping, a new local business, books and a striped top that popped onto my radar!!!


Welcome to my Teeny Tiny Closet that I share with my Hubby!!

I definitely have a minimal wardrobe...
small closets make it necessary to be restrained.

The black, white, grey and denim basics are all getting lots of wear.
I've had fun finding more denim options...faded Mom Jeans from Mango.
A fleecy denim coloured shirt from Jane Delancey.

The dressy after 5 outfits are small but stored in the closet downstairs.
They co-mingle with the summer linens...
I peeked at the selection today and think I can cull a few more items.

New striped Breton style top...made in Portugal.
Company is Mus & Bombon from Barcelona.

LOVE the texture...

Love the texture YUP I said it again!!
 Very cozy.

Have been reading library books every afternoon with a cup of tea...
read the Nina Stibbe book in a couple of days..I liked her other books.
 I have started on The Queen of Dirt Island by Donal Ryan...
his books are new to me.

Have you read his books?

World news is TOO much right now...
Am taking a break from it and exploring (escaping) in the fun shops of our fair city!

Victoria Gourmet Food Market on Broughton is FABULOUS!!!
The owner is friendly and so knowledgeable...the food is above and beyond!!

All the charcuterie board basics are available and
with an extra punch of unique and exotic items to make it an incredibly special experience.

I like to think of this as "The Wall of Pasta!"

Please go in and introduce yourself to Cherilee and tell her I sent you!!
I am going to go back and get my charcuterie board and pasta favourites soon...

We are so fortunate to have so many energetic women entrepreneurs here in Victoria!
Wherever you live please support your local businesses.
Buy with the owners
 like they do in France and become regular shoppers it is a wonderful experience...
knowing who sells you the goods that you use and need on a weekly basis.

It feels real and genuine to have a dialogue with the people who supply our foods.

We are planning some changes in The Humble Bungalow Garden...
busy getting ahead of the season with our wonderful local garden crew
Susanne Osmond Garden Design.
We are going to be on the Victoria Hospice Fundraising Teeny Tiny Garden Tour this June.

It is finally "pay back" for the care they gave Mom in her final days.
I hope to auction off a painting too for garden visitors...proceeds go to Hospice.

Well I haven't much more news to report...
perhaps I should mention that My Instagram is now Private.
I had a deluge of "MEN"...all claiming to be doctors 
who were wanting to follow me!
I think they were JUST BOTS...
so I am now hoping to stay under the radar...

Hope you are staying sane with all the crazy stuff going on in our world...

What are you doing these days?
Any exciting news to share...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Daytripping, a New Frock...and Snippets from the Humble Bungalow Garden


Still here...
maintaining positivity
while the ankle slowly mends.

I have gained weight with the lack of exercise...
mid March to Mid May with no aqua fit classes or long walks.
Once my mobility improves I am going to have to get serious about losing pounds.

I had my second xray today...
hopefully showing the fusing of the bones.
(fingers crossed)

Walking is much better, not too painful unless I walk too long.

The Pharmasave had these Pokoloko hooded beach cover ups for sale.
I don't own a proper cover up for the beach or the pool at the cottage 
so I grabbed this one in grey.

I justified the purchase quickly as I imagined wearing it on the cottage deck.
Or perhaps with cute sandals and my straw hat to the Farmer's Market?
I could use it as a robe, or to sleep in!

Waffle cotton...
(two trees are planted with every purchase)

Sooke River

Friends accompanied us on a day trip through Metchosin on the way to Sooke.
The scenery was green lush and gorgeous.
We stopped for a peek at Weirs Beach where my husband's family once owned a cottage.
Walked along the sandy beach and gazed across to the city and the majestic Olympic Mountain Range in Washington State.

Then we tootled along to Lester B. Pearson College, 
an international world college, 
one of 18 in the world.

We drove through the campus to see the beautiful architecturally designed buildings 
in the West Coast style...

My husband has done lots of architectural work for the college over the years.
Our friends had never been there.

Sooke River is a pristine spot, popular with locals for the pot holes and swimming.

The weather was wonderful!

We ventured into a thrift shop
I found and Italian scarf with hand rolled edges 
pink with burgundy designs.

Here is the scarf...

The Alliums are blooming in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

The bees LOVE these blooms.

These are planted in between the white Claire Austin roses 
which are growing on black obelisks just in front of the deck.

Primula Auriculas are putting on a show on the front porch.
We have them on a bamboo shelf unit that my husband painted black.
There are quite a few different varieties and colours.

Their blooms are like little happy faces...they make me smile.

Last week we had a really gloomy cool rain day...
I made my sourdough boule which warmed up the kitchen and made the house smell wonderful.

I decided that comfort food was called for so I made Hamburger Soup.
The recipe is from The Best of The Best of Bridge cookbook.
These cookbooks were very popular in the 1980's and 90's.

I only have the one book but it has some great recipes in it...
some feel nostalgic, others are totally retro!

I've drastically whittled down my cookbook collection...
I only have 3 Barefoot Contessa Books!
Various other books are among the group.
The small shelf the books sit on is only half full.

Do you have oodles of cookbooks?
Do you find recipes online?

What are your favourite cookbooks?

~ Cut Loose Linen Dress ~

Hooray I finally found a black linen dress!!!!
I have been looking for almost a year to find THE ONE.

Will be wearing it a LOT...
to the market, at the cottage, shopping, at a garden gathering.
Out for lunch or dinner...
the possibilities for wearing are endless.

I have black flip flops with rhinestones 
and white bow fronted shoes.
My straw black and white visor will work too...or my old straw hat.
Will carry my French Market straw tote...
have a white crinkle shawl from Paris which will be a good accessory.

Pearls too! 
Big ones or small ones...

I have set aside 6 garments to take to the consignment shop.
These will help to top up my clothing fund.

I am now thinking I could use a BIG Sterling Silver Bracelet...

I wonder if I can find one at the thrift shop???

What have you found at the Thrift Shops lately?
Have you been shopping?

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~