Showing posts with label Banana Republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banana Republic. Show all posts

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Trip to the unexpected find


The casual outfit I wore to "quickly" run an errand at the mall
would possibly have shocked the Fashion Police!

I went to buy some Nespresso coffee pods.
No, I didn't see George Clooney, (darn) but his picture was hanging in the store.

I was wearing:
Eddie Bauer leggings
Lord and Taylor white tunic top 
my thrifted Banana Republic Trench Coat.
(no pearls)

As I was leaving
I passed by the Reitmans store and out of the corner of my eye I spied 

The store was BUSY!
Obviously others were lured in by that SALE sign.

Took a quick look around and saw this black tweed dress.

I grabbed two sizes and headed to the change room
Tried them on...
I like to try things on to see how they fit, especially "knit" fabric garments.
(probably why I am not a regular online shopper.)

I didn't even take off the leggings!

I wasn't even looking for a new dress but that 40% off persuaded me.

It will be cozy for fall and winter and go with my black tights and Chelsea Boots.

I could belt this dress for a bit more waist definition.
I also have an Eileen Fisher black vest which could work with it too.

I looked at the "rear" view mirror to see how it fit on the derriere.
The larger size was better as it skimmed the curves.

The artisan necklace works well paired with this dress.
This might just be my favourite dress for Fall.

Funny how the unexpected can pop up on my radar...

Suppose the message here is
Always keep your eyes open for opportunities.
You never know unless you try.

I've been to 3 aqua fit classes this week.
My suit has been washed and dried overnight in time for the next class.

As I was leaving the pool this week I saw two adorable teenage girls...
They were dressed in a style that I would call Goth.
Black mesh stockings (ripped) black short skirts, short tops layered over tank tops.
Pink streaks in their dark dyed black hair.
Funky jewelry, big earrings, pendants, bangles.

They were laughing as they ran down the stairs...
such vibrant style and oodles of energy.
(Oh to be Young again!)
I thought to myself that they were having fun with fashion.
They were dressed very similarly so I assumed they might be best friends.
Not exactly fashion twins but they shared the same clothing vibe.

Having fun with fashion is why we take the time to choose clothes that we love.
Wearing items that make us feel good as well as dressing for the season.

We need clothes, so why not wear what makes us feel good?

My blue Tencel tunic top is looking rather sad, 
our cat Chester has pulled quite a few threads in the fabric...
I look at these imperfections and I cringe.
So I am going to drop it in the donation bin.
It doesn't make me feel good.
So why wear it?

Have you visited the shops to see what is on offer?
Are you a minimalist or do you have a closet that doubles as a dressing room?

Have you gone to the thrift shops or the local consignment stores?
So many clothes are available and you can feel good about buying them 
"saving the planet" by buying used pre-worn garments.

There are real bargains to be had in the consignment shops.
We have quite a few great ones here in Victoria and there are fabulous finds just waiting...
Designer garments are often hidden between the many pieces of pedestrian wear.

I look in the mens wear section too...
for crisp striped shirts and cashmere V neck sweaters.

In our local Value Village there are loads and loads of handbags...
many are worn out "pleather" bags but there are real leather gems too.

I've seen stylish shoes too...

A friend found a strand of real cultured pearls for $3.99
I don't know how they passed by the staff pricing the stock
but one never knows what treasures await...

Have you had fun finding any treasures in the thrift shops?
What is your best bargain?
I'd love to hear from you.

The bounty of our tomato harvest continues...
Tomatoes are still being roasted to add to soups and pasta sauces.
(recipe is on the previous post)

Hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sunny daze...OOTD

We've been enjoying a sunny Saturday.

It started out quietly with the sun streaming in the windows.
I sat and leisurely sipped a mug of tea while I perused Sharon Santoni's newest book. I keep it on the coffee table in the Humble Bungalow living room so it's easy to pick up. If you haven't had an opportunity to browse through the book which features elegant homes and chateaus of Sharon's wonderful friends you might want to add it to your reading list.

We scurried off to Oak Bay Avenue for a coffee with our family...
our mission was shopping for Hunter boots for pink.(of course!)
Afterwards we went off to the park for some fun and games.

~ OOTD ~
Banana Republic skinny jeans
Cloudveil wool tee from Costco
Barbour vest
scarf in a Burberry style pattern
(Xmas gift from lovely daughter)

comfy leather loafers
new from Winners

I have never bought anything by Coach.
(My son and his lovely wife gave me a Coach silk scarf one Xmas)

They also gave me this J Crew Venus Flytrap necklace.

After our park play time we got into our gardening clothes...
that particular OOTD will not be seen on the blog!

We've been outside for hours prepping the site for our new greenhouse which is due sometime in the next week or so...very exciting to think that we will be able to extend our growing season and that we will be able to grow heirloom tomatoes!

I'm going to freshen up and rustle up some super quick (and easy) chicken burritos.

~ Chicken Burritos ~
Saute sliced onions, red and green pepper strips until soft, 
add 1 pound of ground or thinly sliced chicken to the pan and cook until soft and chicken is no longer pink.
Add a Tablespoon of chili powder and 2 teaspoons of cumin and stir
(Red chili flakes or a glug of Frank's Red Hot Sauce are optional)
stir in some regular ketchup, enough to make a sauce.

Grate some cheese, cube some tomatoes and shred some lettuce.
Arrange on a platter and the burritos are almost ready to assemble.

Heat burrito shells in microwave one at a time for about 60 seconds.
top with a small amount of the chicken mixture
garnish with veggies and top with cheese.
Roll up and eat!

Now how much easier could dinner be?
Quick and easy
clean up is a snap
~ then ~
it's time to hit the couch for some relaxation and Netflix .

Wishing you a Happy Weekend.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pepper update and some ParisTravel Notes...

Ah I can breathe a sigh of relief as Pepper our beloved cat has turned the corner and is on the road to recovery!
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and kind comments and emails...they mean a lot to me.

The Paris Planning File is bulging with papers, there are lists of things to see and do, clothes to pack and detailed information and the itinerary for the trip.
Pages of historic sites, museums, restaurants and shops that have been recommended by friends and guide books.
I can hardly wait to be sitting in a cafe,
sipping a beverage looking out onto the boulevard watching Parisians go by.

I've got to keep my carry on and my personal accessory to a 26 pound maximum so I'll be packing light and weighing everything before I go to the airport. I do not want a last minute unpacking and repacking fiasco.

I read this awhile back and am skim reading it again just to familiarize myself with some of the highlights.
This week I have hair, manicure and pedicure appointments booked and several bon voyage dinners out!
I've let my hair grow out a bit and am hoping my stylist can shape it into a shortish bob.

I've purchased an adaptor for the French plugs so my Iphone. IPad, and Canon camera battery pack can recharge.
We found an instant charger which was reasonably priced and can be used in a pinch.

Euro's have been ordered at the bank.
Small travel sizes of toiletries and skin care products are set aside ready to pack.
The carry on is sitting on the guest room bed empty just waiting for the contents.
I figured out how to set the lock on the case...
A You Tube tutorial helped!

I'll be writing in a travel journal each day so that I can remember the details when I get home and I will be able to refer to it years later. I did the same when Mr. HB and I went to Pasadena and LA...
I also recorded the details of our San Francisco trip...
(Mr. HB is in charge of writing up the days activities in the log book aboard our boat.)

A dear friend gave me this cheery red journal to record the details of my trip.
It is specifically designed for travel notes...
it even has a section at the back to record expenditures!

I'll be taking 14 basic items.

Vera Moda black and white striped dress
black skirt
 Eileen Fisher black pants
Gap Breton striped long sleeved top
Eileen Fisher black linen long sleeved top
 Wooden Ships black sweater 
 Barbour black quilted vest
 Lands' End cream and black tank tops
Uniqlo cream silk blouse
cream mesh pullover
Talbots black and white striped cotton cardigan style jacket 
Banana Republic jeans
Style and Co. light weight black jacket

silk robe and nightgown
underwear, hose, socks
beret, various scarves
short boots
walking shoes 

I'll be wearing my watch and pearls.
The small silk twill square is an easy accent piece.

I've been glued to the Weather Channel and the weather has been HOT in Paris!

Oh and the adventure is about to begin...
pinch me and tell me I am not dreaming!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Retail therapy ~ a date with darling daughter, my favourite fashion advisor.

Life is handing us out some stressful days...
the kind of days where tension manifests itself in painful knots in the upper back and shoulders.

Pepper our elder cat is still not well despite the meds and it looks like surgery is imminent.
More tests, X-rays, blood work, urinalysis the list goes on...
There have been tears shed and sleep has become sporadic and restless.
And somehow a ray of sunshine appears on the horizon...and it's our darling daughter!
She knew I needed her support and so she accompanied me to the vet visit.
Daughters are so lovely...I am so very grateful to have her in my life.

After our appointment we went home and got Pepper settled and went out for a healthy lunch at Pure Vanilla in Oak Bay. The day was sunny and warm so we opted to sit outside on the patio.

I had mentioned to my daughter how I had been toying with the idea of a new pair of jeans so we popped over the the mall and checked out what the Gap had and I tried on a few pair but nothing had that Wow Factor.
As we were cruising the mall we detoured into Banana Republic where I spied a cute pair of petite sized jeans...
I tried them on, and well, the rest is history!

I want to tuck my cream silk blouse into the waist so I bought the 30 inch size in petite.
The jeans can be rolled up slightly or worn straight...depends on my mood and the footwear that I choose.
Thinking the red ballet flats will be a great pairing with these and the Breton striped Tee will be "Oh So French!"

Banana Republic "touch of cashmere" sweater
heavily reduced
 longer in the back
cozy like a warm hug.
I said Yes.

It looks much better on than it does hanging here.

Chester loves bags!

Pepper watched with amusement in her eyes...

Darling daughter shared some of her secret weapons with me...
thank you sweetheart!

The lip balm is AMAZING!
It smells like roses and moisturizes like none other...

The apricot cuticle cream is going to be a mainstay in my arsenal of tricks.
As a gardener I tend to have ragged cuticles despite wearing gloves the hands take a beating.
The pot of cream will be at my bedside and I plan to rub it into my nails every night before bedtime.

I replaced my brown leather watch strap with a new black one and it is like having a new watch.

Well I must get on with my day...I need to keep busy.
so more cleaning is in order
as we await news from the vet as to Pepper's fate.

Hope your week is ticking along nicely.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Folly and the Wisdom of Women

Wisdom's folly...

"The unexamined life is not worth living." 
~ Plato ~

Folly definition as it appears online on  Merriam-Webster's dictionary...

fol·ly noun \ˈfä-lē\
: the lack of good sense or judgment

: a foolish act or idea : foolish behavior

: a very unusual or fancy building that was built in a garden for decoration or amusement in the past

On my 10K walk along the seafront today thoughts bubbled up....
and I am still digesting them.

(The firm's annual staff party and what I wore to a penthouse suite overlooking the inner harbour)

Banana Rebublic tweed dress
Susan Bristol black sweater jacket
black fish net hose
Calvin Klein kitten heel pumps
gumball pearl necklace

My choice is rather pedestrian, nothing out of the ordinary...

Reminiscent of what Emma Thompson wore to her husband's staff party in "Love Actually"
(one of my favourite holiday films)
I am dressed for comfort
not looking for attention
with greying hair
laugh lined eyes
progressive glasses
a slacking jaw
a sense of humour
life experiences
a humble life
a wonderful husband
many blessings
good friends

I am happy to be mingling with the guests 
sipping wine and sampling the hors' d oeuvres...

I feel comfortable in my own skin...
the French have a saying for that...
~ "Bien dans sa peau: being comfortable in your own skin" ~

I might have waited almost 60 years to feel this way.

It is a wonderful feeling
and I feel immense gratitude.

I am reminded of a lovely woman that I worked with for 17 years who lived her life honestly 
she has had a huge influence on how I view life.
( I have never told her and I really must!)

She is an older woman who dresses to please herself
reads voraciously
attends many art and cultural events in town,
is on the pulse of what is "happening about town"
keeps fit by walking
spends time with her family and grandchildren
gives of herself to the community
tends her garden
is enthusiastic about life
is fully present in her daily round
loves tea
(owns many beautiful china teacups and saucers)
has struggled with her health and never complains
she is dignified
is calm and centered
and she meditates every day.

I think if we pay close attention to women of this calibre that we will be able to pass on some of this wisdom to the young women who are following in our footsteps...

I'm looking and listening to the wise women in my midst...
I hope to keep learning.

"A wise woman wishes to be no one's enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone's victim."

~ Maya Angelou ~

Monday, November 17, 2014

OOTD ~ lunettes et etudier le francais...

I have had my tortoiseshell glasses for about 4 years and my prescription recently changed so it was high time to splash out on a new pair. Prescription glasses with progressive lenses and coatings can be very former pair were about $1200 and yikes that's a lot of money for someone on a pension,
especially when that someone is saving for a trip.
I recently accompanied our lovely DIL (and our delightful grandson) when she browsed the selection of frames at The Bay.
She got a quote for her prescription and I was surprised...
as it was a lot more reasonable than I would have expected.
I went back the following week and found some frames I liked and the price was about 1/4 of the cost of my last pair so I took the plunge...

Slightly different shape than my old glasses and the frames are black in the front...
silver details at the side.

Old glasses

I can see clearly
 Boy can I relate to Nora Ephron when she wrote her book...
I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts On Being a Woman.

I don't pay much attention to my neck other than to apply moisturizer...
you know that saying "out of sight out of mind."

Keep slathering it on...

Sunscreen and moisturiser every day
salve and serum at bedtime.

I am not overly concerned about looking older
why worry?
It's not like a frown or worry lines are in any way flattering.

Smile with gratitude and choose happiness.

While I am showing you the new Guess glasses I might as well show you my newest frock....
It's nothing fancy but I like the shape.

A fitted Banana Republic dress..
kind of flirty.

V-neck and back...
you might need to squint to look at these next photos!

I wore this sweater with a black swing skirt, fishnet stockings and black leather boots.
Mother loves this top for some reason and always compliments me when I wear it.
As it happens I wore this OOTD when I took her out for some shopping and an early dinner.

My hair was windblown from the gale force winds on my walk...
I am wearing my old glasses in this shot.
I apologize as these two images are rather foggy...

I posted this image recently on Instagram...
I love the brilliant cobalt blue of the berries with the autumnal leaves.

Nancy Horan's new novel is on my bedside table and I have been reading a few chapters each day.

If you wondered why my posts have been sporadic lately it's because 

French class is amping up in it's intensity
 the homework has increased 
I am finding I need to devote a lot more time to my studies...
It is a challenge and one that I fear I will not win without a serious and dedicated effort.
Learning a second language is not as easy as driving a car or trying a new recipe.
I wish it was...
I've been listening to the French radio station, watching movies with French subtitles and listening to French DVD's.

A bientot mes amies.
Hotesse de l'humble bungalow.

(I could not figure out the "circumflex" keyboard code required for the O in Hotesse)

Merci pour la lecture de mon blog.
Etre Bien et etre Gentil.
(Circumflexes should appear on top of the "e" in etre)
as you can tell it is a steep learning curve!