Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mid March Musings...


Thank you all for the Birthday wishes...

The goal I have set for myself is welcoming with gratitude
embracing the 70's with a focus on exploring new and different experiences.

Life is full of surprises, simple JOYS
 but there is always a hint of the unknown...

Things that can derail or challenge us...
we are living in a very surreal time.

Having said that, 
there are many lovely pops of beauty in the day
one needs to be mindful and stop to look.

Yoga is teaching me many good habits...

take time to stop 
slow down 
be mindful

The house smells so good on bread baking days...

Look at that eyebrow...
I use the sourdough recipe on the Alexandra Cooks website.

I love the routine of making this bread.
A wonderful meditative habit that offers rewards.

Do you make sourdough bread?

I attended a workshop on Ikebana when we were on Pender at the cottage.
It is such an interesting discipline...
there is so much beauty in these spartan carefully arranged designs.

These Kenzan frogs are necessary to hold the twigs, branches and flowers in place.
I bought mine from Susanne Osmond's shop "Gardener's Kit" here in Victoria.

My first attempt at Ikebana...
lots of room for improvement but the process is fun!

Learning something new and fresh, feels very energizing...
have you taken a course or started a new hobby?

We have oodles of tete a tetes blooming in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
Just love these bright wee blooms...they are hard to resist.
My husband planted a few dozen in the boulevard 
where we have a wildflower "meadow" growing.

Some came inside...
popped them in the thrifted vintage elephant vase.
Bold yellow pops of colour...

It's almost like the elephant has something to trumpet about :-))

My late SIL collected elephants...
She told me to always buy an elephant with its' trunk in the upward position...
apparently it means good luck!

Chester seeks out the sunshine...
he loves to sit and snooze in the warmth of the sun.
(I can relate)

When I was making the bed I put the coverlet on the dining room table 
he jumped up and got cozy.

Both cats sleep on our bed during the day.

We had a casual dinner here on Sunday and I served some tortilla chips and hummus with our cocktails.

This delicious hummus is sold at The Root Cellar in the Cook Street Village...
dill pickle flavour and YUM it's darn good.

Beans are handy to have on hand...they are so versatile and high in fibre.
Good in soups, homemade hummus and chili and a star in healthy "bowls."

I might try making my own dill pickle hummus...

The sunshine has been so welcome...
the downside is that it shows how dirty the windows are after the storms of winter.
It also draws my attention to the dust bunnies and floors that need washing!

There is never a shortage of jobs to do here in this old house!!

Once these jobs are done, standing back and admiring the results always feels good.

Taking a break with a cup of green tea between these tasks makes it less onerous.
Lately I've been drinking a lot of green tea...
I read about the health benefits and thought I needed to get on that bandwagon.

Spring Cleaning is happening...
soon it will be time to swap out the winter clothes for the summer ones...
am looking forward to wearing linen and cotton.
Putting on a straw sunhat and sunglasses...
perhaps I am rushing things and should be living in the moment :-))

How are you keeping?
What is new?

Am feeling hungry so will close and make a salad and some avocado toast for lunch.

Until next time...
~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Entering my 70', flowers and dare I say the T word?


Well it has been quite the week of celebrating...
lots of lunches, coffees, and dinners out.
I think that 70 is a very big number but I do feel grateful to still be here.

Zambri's was our first stop in the recent birthday dinners...
it is probably our favourite restaurant and we have been going there for 25 years.
We remember fondly their teeny tiny spot where they got their start...
the food is amazing, service perfect and the atmosphere is vibrant.

I started with a Ceasar Salad...

Followed by the Fresh Fish entree...

Our favourite dessert the passion fruit Panna Cotta.
This time it came with a candle...
at least there were not 70 candles!!!

My husband surprised me with these lovely freshwater pearl earrings.
We don't usually exchange gifts anymore,
 so I was curious and wondered what was in the wrapped box.

These are fun and can be worn with almost every outfit.
A new "classic" and I have worn them almost everyday since my birthday.

I love how they glow...such a pretty nacre.

Spring is making its way to Victoria in fine fashion...
the flowers are harbingers of the season.

Hellebores are often the first to bloom...
early January we see them sometimes 
even before the snowdrops.

This chartreuse Hellebore was a very thoughtful gift from my long time friends.
Thank you

New from Lululemon...
Yoga mat carry strap, Yoga pants.
From the Ajna Studio a spiky ball for "rolling" my feet.
Helps wake up the feet and gives a massage as well.
The feet are more "in tune" to stability when one rolls their feet daily!

Since going back to Yoga I have noticed my stability is much better, 
my hip pain has decreased, I am sleeping better and I feel stronger.
The fall that I had, 
with the black eye and concussion 
were the instigators in returning to this practice.
I am grateful to my instructors and feel that I am heading on the right path.

Tulips were on sale at Peppers so I grabbed 4 bunches...
they add a pop of colour on these rainy days.

I attended a workshop 
in the studio of Pender Island Jewellery designer Charlene Hall.
She guided us through the steps required to create our own necklace.
Many steps are necessary, and new skills are learned.

Pearls of course!
Stars and a heart...which, in a happy "accident" became a "beating heart!"

I made the necklace a little longer so 
that I can opt to wear this with my Akoya strand of pearls...
this is my "no make up" rainy day workshop vibe.

How are you coping with the events that are unfolding in the world?

Here in Canada we are facing the "T" word
an economic war that is being set in motion by the US President.
Our countries have always been friendly and we have family and friends living there.
If the tariffs go ahead both our countries will suffer.

It is definitely a very strange and surreal time...
Canadians are being encouraged to buy local, or made in Canada products.
Which is really what I try to do everyday.

I love the Farmers Markets and local women owned businesses...
I try to support them as much as possible.
The relationship that develops over time and it feels very genuine 
it reminds me of the way people shop in France.

Not everything I use is made in my new washer and dryer.
My skincare line by Pamela Anderson's Sonsie company.
Prescription Medications...
and so much more.

It is raining cats and dogs here this morning...daylight saving time is here.
I've been up had my cups of coffee eaten some sourdough toast with cherry jam.

Think I will make a pot of chicken soup...
lay down on my Yoga mat and enjoy a quiet practice 
listening to the the raindrops as they fall...

70 is starting off with a BANG...
I've decided to seek out and participate in new and different activities...
the pendant workshop is the first of these explorations.

A Knitting/Yoga retreat on Salt Spring Island is in the works...
Maybe I will sleep in the yurt?
There are SO many ideas and opportunities for FUN...
choosing which ones to embrace and participate in is the challenge!

What new things are you doing?
Have you started a new Hobby? Or adopted a new Habit? 
Perhaps it is trying a new recipe, learning a new language, or planning a trip.

We are never to old to try something NEW.
To wear a new style, to take a course, to redecorate a space.

Even in the simple days we have choices...
to light a candle, to add some perfume, to buy some flowers,
 to plant some seeds and watch them grow.

Life is always an adventure...
there are UPS and DOWNS and we need to be prepared for the ride.

Put your Helmet on, and Fasten your seatbelts!

But remember...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Men's Italian Shirt...Bellissimo

Daffodils are putting on a great showing here in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

We need the cheerful flowers as the skies are a gloomy grey and the weather is cold.
I've been feeling the chill and wearing layers on my walks.

It feels colder with the gusty winds...
I wore my wool hat and gloves then pulled up my hood on my fleece lined coat.
 Should have worn my "Michelin Man" puffer down coat.

Not many people were out and about so I had the beach almost to myself.
A few gulls and crows soaring overhead and were tossed about in the wind.

As soon as I finished my walk 
I got in the car and turned the seat heater and hot air on.
Zipped off home and put the kettle on for a hot cup of tea.
Gosh what would we do without a hot cuppa?
Good for so many things.

In other news I found an Italian mens shirt at the thrift shop.
~ Bellissimo ~
The brand is Bugatchi with details that indicate quality...

Just look...
see what I mean?
I'll wear this at home with my black Yoga pants and perhaps out my white jeans.
The pearls kick it up a notch.

~ Bellissimo ~

Mom would have approved :-))

Picked and Popped a wee posy...
Into this vintage elephant vase was a thrift shop find.

Did you know that elephants' trunks on should always be in the upward position 
or your good luck runs out?
I've heard this from several "collectors" who love elephants.

(Not unlike horse shoes that should be hung with the ends facing upward.)

Do you believe in luck?

Luck might help us when we are thrift shopping.
There are so many items that one needs to weed through...
you need to keep your eyes fully open.

Often there are surprises that you weren't even looking for...
they just pop up.
Like this Italian shirt for example...

I always take a peek in the menswear section 
especially in sweaters 
as cashmere is not just found in the women's section.

I once found an argyle pattern Burberry cashmere sweater that I gave to a friend.
Not sure if he still wears it 
(I have seen him wearing it at his shop.)

Do you peruse the charity and thrift shops?
What are your best finds?

We had a Good Friday dinner here with our son and the three lovely grands.

The menu:
Pot Roast 
Wild Rice Broccoli casserole
Cauliflower au Gratin
Brussels Sprouts

Brownies and Strawberries

Easter Eggs for the kids...the adults munched a few too!

Hope you are enjoying a pleasant weekend.
Happy Easter Sunday!

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Cleaner Greener Cleaners...a new beginning, and they are less expensive!


a time of new beginnings...

Here in The Humble Bungalow there is a focus on Spring cleaning.
Time to remove the cobwebs of winter, wash floors and do a deeper clean.

Since Covid I have noticed an increase in the cost of all kinds of goods.
The grocery stores have raised prices on most foods due to increased costs in manufacturing, transportation and staffing.

Toilet paper is still being rationed to two packages per customer.

Cleaning products have almost doubled in cost.

So I decided to do some research and look into DIY cleaners.

I have found that many basic household items are perfect cleaners.
Baking soda, olive oil, salt, vegetable glycerine, white vinegar, castile soap.

Essential oils like lemon and "thieves" blends are powerful additions to increase cleaning power.

I ordered glass jars and spray tops and pumps from a local supplier here in Victoria.

I follow two Instagram accounts that are written by bloggers.

Sheri Silver 
Annie Diamond

Both women are familiar with DIY cleaners and essential oils.

Sheri is sending me daily texts on Spring cleaning tips and a package of laundry scent booster.
I won a giveaway from Annie which is on its way...

Today Sheri told us about wool dryer balls and a recipe for scented spray.

I went out and purchased the dryer balls and the ingredients for the spray.

Sheri Silver's recipe for dryer ball spray is on her blog.

I'll be making soft scrub, dish soap, and a multi purpose cleaner.

Check out the cleaning DIY recipes on these women's Instagram feeds or do your own research online to find out more.

Let me know if you make any cleaners.
What you think about the ease of use and cost savings?

Hope that you are enjoying your week.

The spring flowers blooming in The Humble Bungalow Garden are so cheerful.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, March 19, 2021

Spring weather and Spring cleaning

Nothing like a pop of yellow to brighten our days.
Spring is definitely helping to cheer us on as we move ahead into the warm weather.

More birds have returned and they are singing happy chirpy songs.
I wake to their serenade early in the morning.
It energizes me listening to their melodies.

We spent a few days at the cottage last weekend
 While we were there I picked up 3 used books and one new release at the bookstore.
All the books had been highly recommended by friends who are avid readers....
I do love a good book.
One of the joys of retirement is reading a chapter or two every day.

I have read several of Tana French's books and enjoyed them all.
Only 5 chapters into this book and it is so engaging...
I love how she captures the everyday elements with such an artistic eye.

The phalaenopsis orchids that live above our farmhouse sink 
in The Humble Bungalow Kitchen are back in bloom.

These beauties bloom every March and keep flowering well into summer time.

I water them once a week.
 They seem happy with the humidity of the steamy water that rises washing dishes.

I've started my Spring cleaning...
and am planning to make my own cleaners.

I'll post more on this soon.

In other news, we may be getting our vaccinations in April!
The US sent us a big shipment of Astra Zenica which will help fast track our program.

With all the new variants it is important that everyone get a shot asap.

Hope that you are staying well.

~Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

New things...

Here we are in Covid-19 Crisis isolation

in week 4, or is it week 5?

Some days when I wake up I am not sure of the day!

Fortunately the birds are singing and the sun is shining
Spring flowers are in bloom and life goes on...

perhaps in a different way 
but nevertheless
we are able to stay snug in our home.

Things have changed...

Hearts in the window in support of our front line workers.

Each evening at 7pm we go out onto the front porch and bang pots and pans.
Our neighbours are participating with gusto.

It gives me goose bumps listening to everyone who joins in to make this racket!
We are a solid community united in spirit.

The daffodils are putting on a magnificent display.

King Alfred Daffodils are sold by the box early in the Fall.
We grabbed a box of 100 and my husband planted them out front in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
The deer do not eat them so we can enjoy their bright sunny blooms.

We listen to the reports from our BC CDC Health Authority
Dr. Bonnie Henry shares the latest numbers of cases here in BC.

She tells us which community has new cases
how many people are in hospital
 those who are in intensive care
those who have recovered
most people who have the virus 
are at home in quarantine.

Bonnie is the voice of reason and is very calm.
We look to her for leadership at this time.

She reminds us that we need to stay home to stay safe and to stop the spread of the virus.
She encourages us to be social but do so virtually.

Dr, Henry has become a hero and I hope that when this is over the province honours her in some significant way.

Snowflake Snowdrops are quite tall...
we purchased 5 pots of bulbs from a farm stand a few years ago and I have my fingers crossed that they will multiply.

I love the wee chartreuse dots on the frilly petals.

I absolutely LOVED this book!
I read it in two days.

How are you managing during your time at home?
Have you been cooking and baking or getting creative?

What are you reading?

Comments are welcomed and remind you that in order to leave one you need to use a Google Search Engine.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~