Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Eleven requested...

Jen Lawrence of Dwell On These Things gave me a nod...and I am not one to shy away from a challenge even though it requires me to share 11 personal tidbits...

But before I go there I have been seriously distracted....tea at Mother's with my family today was sublime.
Tea, food, family, a cacaphony of conversation, and a charming child who had us all in the palm of her hands made for a fabulous afternoon. I came home with a renewed strength of family connection and a larger reading list!

I lit a candle to set the mood.
For me there is nothing like a scented candle to invite quiet contemplation.

I have my Town and Country magazine on the bedside table waiting...

Paris is very much on my radar...
I have been online checking out apartments and am trying to wrap my head around the cost.

I am saving money and will need to get creative as I am now retired and on a pension.
 I will need to be more frugal in order to save money as I do not want to be penny pinching in France.

OK 11 things about me...

I am afraid of spiders.
I cannot tell a lie...I have tried it never works!
My favourite colour is green.
Potatoes are my favourite all time food...I could eat them forever....possibly because of my Irish Roots.
I have NEVER pumped my own gas...hope I never have to cuz I have no idea how to do it in style!
Love diamonds and pearls...have only a few pieces of costume jewels and think I might be a bit of a snob because I rarely wear anything faux.
Have a passion for scarves...especially Hermes.
My nails are rarely polished because I garden and I am rather hard on them.
Tim Minchin's White Wine in the Sun makes me weep.
I brush and floss my teeth 4 or 5 times a day.

I could go on....
well I must as that is only 10 things!
Am addicted to Downton Abbey and House of Cards.

 I would like to invite any bloggers to join in and share 11 facts about themselves.
I do not want to single out any one in particular so please link your answers here and we can follow up on your response.

See you soon...
sweet dreams.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Pepper...and Blighty

I call her my little mischief maker these days
here she is lying on top of the leather loveseat as close as she is allowed to be to the counter where the cooktop is located.
I spend a lot of time at the stove and she likes to be near me...
I do not want her to walk across the halogen elements,
I shudder to think how awful that would be.

notice her paw is just testing me to see if I'll react!

she loves to get into things...
my grocery bags for example

I don't know how long she was playing in here before I found her
long enough for me to get my camera and capture a few images...
Later on
I went grocery shopping and took these bags as is my habit.

I don't always shop at Thrifty Foods although it is the closest option,
my favourite market is near work 
about a 30 minute drive from the Bungalow.
 I like the insulation these bags offer to keep the cold things cold for the drive home.

Imagine the shock when the clerk opened the bags and spied a small grey mouse hiding in the bottom of the bag...
and when she showed it to me...
I screamed...
VERY loudly
and all within earshot came running to see what we were all in a tizzy about...

I totally embarrassed myself 
and when I got over the shock and humiliation
I saw the humour in the situation

 I am home and the groceries are put away
and Pepper has her mouse back...
she will be having surgery soon
 I feel a little like an anxious mother
she still seeems so young and vulnerable

 the adoption agreement 
requires that the pet will be spayed
and of course that's what we'll do
I am a responsible pet owner

I saw a TV show recently about feral cats that live on the street
the volunteers that feed them 
and the vets who spay them before returning them back to their neighbourhoods
it's a huge problem

I know in my heart it's the right thing to do
I can't help feeling worried about Pepper
she has carved a spot in my heart
she is a constant companion

Blighty has given me a blogger award
Thank you
and after watching the Golden Globes...
 I feel that I must step up to the plate.

As requested I am to post 7 things about myself

I do not own a red carpet dress, 
I am wearing dark denim jeans, a black 3/4 sleeved tee and my standard issue pearls

I was a member of the Junior League when we had an active chapter here in town
I loved being involved in the many worthy causes that the League supported and the network of women working together taught me much.

I am a list maker and in my daybook I note our nightly dinner menus and have done since 1979

I do not have a sweet tooth although I do enjoy the occasional chocolate...

I have recently bleached my my dentist recommended.
He made an impression of my teeth and provided some solution to be used every other day for 2 weeks
it worked!

I cannot leave the house without wearing tinted foundation, mascara and lip gloss.

I do not like washing my car...
hence the floor mats are littered with leaves and there is a fine film of dirt on the body
as it has been a few months since I took it to the car wash.

I am meant to tag 15 bloggers now and here is where it gets tricky for me...
I do not want to add any obligation
if you want to post on this please do so and leave a comment 
I will pop over and read 
your 7 things...
I hope Blighty that you do not judge me too harshly :(

Monday, August 30, 2010

An award.....I accept!

Last evening I watched the Emmy's
this morning
I discovered
I have been given an award 
Thank you to

These flowers are for you Suburban princess!

With so many talented and creative bloggers out there
I feel honoured
to have been considered and mentioned.

As far as my acceptance speech or red carpet gown
I am short on words
this has taken me by surprise
I have no speech writer
and my attire is, well, totally unsuitable!

Thank You for considering me worthy...

and I am wearing
as seen here

recently pedicured toes 
wearing Peru-B-Ruby by OPI
no make up on
freshly washed face
rather common
and the
(don't even go there!)

What would I wear?

1. Jeans and a white shirt with masses of pearls.
2. One of my LBD's and some Bling.
3. Dressy tweedy black trousers, black tank and Simon Chang jacket (see side bar)
4. Black knit palazzo pants, Black 3/4 sleeve top, pashmina 
5. Mother of the groom outfit...circa 2007
silk shantung patchwork skirt grey, charcoal, black, cream, silk shantung cream wrap top

I do not think I am Red Carpet material
I'd be the one tripping on my hem
red faced 
 bumbling on the podium which would be tall
and obscuring my height challenged
unable to see or be seen
and the worst of all
the camera adds 30 pounds
so now
I am really in trouble!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's an unexpected pleasure to receive this award!

I have had a few technical difficulties getting this post ready, sorry for the delay!

I have been awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award


First I'd like to thank Deja Pseu over at une femme d'un certain age for nominating me for this award!

I am putting on some special help me get in the mood.

Some key facts about me are required in order to be eligible....

I happily accept this gracious award....

Seven things about me....

1. My favorite color is green, all greens, lime, forest, chartreuse, hunter, emerald, avocado, etc!

2. I am busty and short measuring in at just over 5 feet and was once asked if I impersonated the Queen ! (OUCH) ....I was in a round necked cashmere sweater set, pencil skirt and pearls....a BAD LOOK on my frame! The fashion gene skipped a generation...lovely mother and daughter are naturals, me, I need to work at it.

3. I have a tendancy to overreact...once there was a fire in the boys washroom at school, I smelled the smoke and ran screaming loudly "there's a fire in the washroom, there's a fire in the washroom" while waving my arms, into the office and the quick thinking assistant grabbed her tea kettle and ran into the boys washroom and doused the fire...I was left hyperventilating and attended by our secretary!

4. I was born tongue tied. (Luckily for me, it was fixed)

5. I am obsessive about doing laundry, I hate to have a hamper full. When we return from boating or a holiday one of the first things I do is sort the clothes and throw a load in the machine. I am also laundry challenged...somethings get shrunk, others are dyed pink...

6. I rarely understand or get the punch lines of jokes and cannot tell a joke...REALLY, cannot, always screw it up royally!

7. I am afraid of spiders.

Ready? Lights, camera, action....

I would like to nominate the following stars for this award....
.Faux Fucshia
 Bonjour Happiness!  
the gardeners cottage
 daily connoisseur
 Sweet tea in Seattle