Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Hard work and Busy days...I have a garden to tend!


Can you see the reflection of the Arbutus Tree limbs in the birdbath?
We relocated the bath from the side yard to the newly installed brick patio...

The weedy small patch of grass out front never got any thicker despite our efforts
Over the years...
Underneath the tall tree next door our garden has changed from sunny to shady.

Fortunately Hostas LOVE shade and I LOVE Hostas.

Three black pots...
A globe shaped Boxwood, Brunnera, and some Black Mondo Grass.

We took several weeks to complete this project...
 most of the hard work was done by my husband
digging up the sod
leveling out the space

(I found the used bricks on Market Place)

Designing the pattern, 
laying the bricks and grouting them with sand 
was all done by Mr HB.

Our Climbing Royal Sunset Rose is looking fabulous!
This fragrant repeat blooming rose is a stunner.
It must be 30 years old give or take...

Strawberry Hill is a new rose in the Humble Bungalow Garden.
WOW her fragrance is sooooo lovely.
I had no idea that she would have such a rich deep complex scent...

There is never a DULL moment (or lull) here in the Garden...

~ Another Bee in My Bonnet ~

Getting rid of more grass
new bed for tall perennial flowers is under construction :-))

Three days of hard work and I am finished the prep.

Our grass is really quite tatty...clover and buttercups mostly.
The bees seem to enjoy those so we will keep a bit of the grass.

We are off to the Nursery today so will see what they have left...
I have a list of flowering plants on my wish list.

My favourite David Austin rose Jude the Obscure.

Another view of Climbing Royal Sunset.


Fragrant frothy and fabulous.
Growing in a large pot on the gravel area out front.

 ~ Imogen ~

grown in a large pot also
OODLES of roses in bloom!

Gertrude Jekyll Rose 

bright fuschia pink
THORNY but we can forgive her that as she is a stalwart rose.

We have over 30 roses in our small city sized garden.
I cannot believe how many we have but it is all my doing...
very much an obsession as far as plants go.

If you are a passionate gardener I am pretty sure that you will have a favourite plant.

We smile and knowingly nod at each other when we pass at the garden centres.

Our trolleys are full and our wallets are empty when we leave...
happiness CAN quite possibly be bought at the garden shops :-))

Update :
My ankle bone...has been x-rayed again
the fistula" has still not calcified.

Darn it...
 Dr. says no aquafit unless it is deep water, laps and swimming is ok.
Weight training is ongoing 20 minutes each day for the arms.

~ Aging is not for Sissies ~

Do you like Alliums?

I LOVE them!

These are pretty much done their blooming...
they were bold purple and now are fading.

Still, they bring interest and a sculptural quality to the garden.

In the Fall I will be buying MASSES of them!
More is More when it comes to these gorgeous Bulbs!

Gardening has been taking most of my energy these past few weeks.

We attended the annual Hospice Fundraising Garden Tour on Sunday.
The TEENY TINY Garden Tour.

We saw about 12 gardens and gleaned a few ideas for our own.

It surprised me how many people had hot tubs in their gardens!

Oh how lovely it would be to soak in a hot tub
 after a long day working in the garden!

(We hope to be on the tour next year.)

I ordered some black Adirondack chairs
 to pop on the grass in the garden...

We forget to stop and sit, 
gaze out over the space that we have created and lovingly tend.

I plan to take more time to sit and appreciate our Humble Bungalow Garden.
(once my latest project is done)

I am immersed in this lovely book...

I read The Chilbury Ladies' Choir a few years ago and totally LOVED it.
This story is set in wartime when rationing is place and women are trying to be creative with the foods that area available.

Am going to reserve her other book The Spies Of Shilling Lane at the local library.

Well I suppose that I better get busy and make some lunch...

Hope you are keeping well and taking time to stop and smell the roses!

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, May 6, 2024

Healthy habits and something new...


~ Lily of The Valley ~

Muguet des Bois is the name in France...
its scent is intoxicating and heady.

We have masses of these plants in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
They seem to love the clay soil and multiply very fast.

I am enjoying picking small bouquets for the bathroom...
when I walk into the room the scent envelopes me.
Pure Bliss 

I've been dealing with some health challenges 
Not surprised to discover that I am not the most "patient" of patients!

My ankle injury is still an issue...
slowing me down when I want to be free to do as I please.
This morning I went for an doctor thinks I might have a fracture.

In other health news I got the results of my bone density test.
I had one in 2008 which showed osteopenia...
my latest one shows osteoporosis and I have one fractured vertebrae.

My doctor wants to put me on twice a year shots.
He told me they are generally well tolerated and seem to offer good results.

Will be having a chat with him next week...

~ OOTD ~

Pale Denim vintage shirt worn over top of a white linen Tank top
black Michael Kors pants.

I posted this on Instagram and Joanne suggested it was Coastal Grandmother Style!

We live in a coastal location and I am a Grammy to 3 lovely kiddos!
Happy to be wearing casual clothing when it suits me.

In the wake of this new information....I have been doing my own research.
Only choosing reputable websites.

I need to get way more calcium into my meals.
Also the health experts research indicates that older women need more protein.
Suggesting 30g of protein at each meal.

I've already started buying Siggi plain yogurt which has 19g of protein per serving.

I bought this one by mistake...
it is Vanilla and has more sugar and only 18g of protein than the plain.
I add 5 dried prunes 20 g calcium and that is my new go to breakfast.

I am going to be very mindful and add more protein and calcium with each meal.

Will also be adding a calcium supplement.
(need to check with my doctor on type of calcium and dose)
I already take a higher dose of vitamin D 
(doctor suggested this last year)
a daily multiple vitamin and a tablet of Magnesium.

Enough of that health stuff... 

Let's move onto something NEW.

I've discovered a new tool...

Rose Quartz facial roller.

Use on a freshly washed face ~ add some serum 
gently roll from the inner to outer areas of the face.

Smaller roller is good for the eye area...
(roll from nose upwards and outwards)
Helps to reduce puffiness and encourage lymphatic drainage.
~ Very relaxing ~

My face feels like I have been to the Spa for a facial and it only takes a few minutes.

These rollers have been around for ages 
I never tried one until I read how good they were for the face.
Besides a little pampering is always a good thing :-))

My local Oak Bay Pharmasave have them in stock.

I surprised myself with this meal...
I needed something fast and when my husband was outside in the garden 
he discovered that there were some asparagus stalks ready to harvest and some radishes ready to be picked.

I had no lettuce! 
Made a salad of celery leaves, cucumber slices and thinly sliced radishes.

~ Creamy Pasta ~

Boiled up some dried pasta noodles.
Sauteed sliced asparagus
(I would have used some grated lemon rind and juice if I had a lemon)
in a couple of tablespoons of butter
added 1/2 tsp freshly grated pepper
 added 1 cup grated parmigiana reggiano
1/2 cup of pasta water
stir well to melt cheese and combine.

Then add the noodles and serve!

~ Bon Appetit ~

Auricula Primulas are blooming!

These wee plants are perhaps a CULT plant in the UK.
I discovered them a few years ago and have been growing different varieties.

They are such a sweet and cheerful flower.

Do you have any health challenges?

Life feels very much like a balancing act as I age.
(I am only 69)

Positivity, Optimism and Gratitude are attitudes I embrace.
 They continue to prevail as I navigate 
aging as gracefully as possible.

Seeking JOY everyday is something I intentionally do.
It makes such a difference especially if one is in pain.

Hope that you are well and enjoying life as much as possible.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, April 29, 2024

Rosemarie ensues...and then a few tidbits.


Meet Rosemarie!
She lives in Vancouver and we are friends.
On any given week we will email several times and catch up with what we are doing.
Rosemarie is active, has a vibrant personality, is gregarious,
an adventurous traveller, kind and giving.

We have met up in Victoria several times for lunch and teas.
 Both of us love gardens, gardening and enjoy visiting gardens.

I invited Rosemarie to tour our Humble Bungalow Garden.
Then I asked if she wanted to peek inside our home.

We drove around the waterfront and stopped in at The Oak Bay Native Plant Garden.
The garden is tended by volunteers and is an oasis of calm and beauty.

Trilliums blooming...

Several different trilliums were dotted about in the lush space.

Checker Lily a Frittilaria 

The sound of water had us looking for the source
a  brook or a creek was nearby
such a lovely spot to sit and enjoy the natural beauty.

We met up with a couple who were visiting from Oakville Ontario.
Alix Scott and her husband...
Alix knows Ellen...
a woman who went to Oak Bay High School with me...
who I recently met up with at our 50th reunion.
(Hi Alix ~ Hi Ellen)
Apparently they both follow and read my blog!

Rosemarie and I continued on our scenic waterfront drive...
we stopped again at The Esplanade at Willows Beach.

Rosemarie collects cans and bottles and takes them to the depot
 them for cash 
which she sends to her cousin who has an animal shelter up island.
The shelter is called Misfit Meadow Sanctuary in Ladysmith.
You can read all about them on Facebook.

If you want to donate to them I am sure that Rosemarie would be THRILLED!
Tell them you read about it on my blog!!!
Let's see if we can help all those animals like Rosemarie does :-))

She tells me she usually sends about $100 a month.
The shelter needs the money for food to feed the rescued animals.

I bought a chicken on sale and wanted to find a new recipe...
I searched on line and found this one.
The site is Simply Delicious by Alida Ryder

Mr. HB and I love East Indian cuisine so this one caught my eye.
I had all the spices on hand and I got busy mixing up the rub and I marinated the roaster a few hours before cooking.

The results were delicious!

Jeanne on Instagram mentioned this book to me a few months ago.
It has been on my radar ever since,
so when I spied it at the thrift shop I knew I would buy it!

I read it in 2 days...loved it!
Thank you Jeanne 2707

Vintage Mustard Yellow Beret matches the yellow chrysanthemums.

I was washing dishes and gazing out at the gorgeous sea views...
when this combo caught my eye 

~ Cheap and cheerful ~

Weather Report
yesterday was super windy with rain.
This morning we awoke to glorious sunshine!
What a Gift!

Speaking of gifts...
I received this new book for my birthday from my BFF.
I am going to pop the kettle on and brew a pot of tea and start the book.
Thank you Suzanne.

Hope your week is off to a great start...

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, January 29, 2024

Art, Entertaining and my recent successful thrifting adventures...


We attended the art exhibit "Building Bridges" at Cedar Hill Recreation Centre.

Victoria Artist Tanya Bub

Paper Mache Rooster

~ Grace ~

Tanya Bub created this "chair" using a variety of reclaimed and recycled pieces.
Walmart carry bags, cardboard, and papers among them.

Can you see the boots hanging underneath the chair?

A documentary "Sitting With Grace" has been screened locally.

Tanya has such a great eye for detail...
the face is exquisite.

Tanya is well known locally for her amazing driftwood sculptures.

~ OOTD ~

Thrifted Black Kirkland Tee
Artisan necklace

Thrifted ankle length pants black with small white dots.
(label missing but I think they are by INC)
Coach Loafers that I bought new last Spring.

We shared dinner with friends...
on the menu:

Appies ~ Olives, Dried Apricots, Dates, Smoked cheese and Blue Cheese

Salad ~ Arugula, sweet red pepper mini pearls, chopped pecans, thinly sliced white radishes and a French Vinaigrette.

Main course ~ Chicken Breasts stuffed with feta and topped with red pepper pesto
Spinach Gnocchi with cheese sauce, garnished with snipped fresh basil

Dessert ~ Olive Oil Citrus Cake with fresh blackberries and whipped cream

Our guests brought a lovely Maidenhair Fern.
(Thank you!)

I popped it into our Vintage Arts and Crafts Weller Jardiniere.

Chester, our smaller cat, was quite taken with the fern!
It is a pet friendly plant so if he nibbles a wee bit no harm done.

I absolutely LOVE Vintage Sherman Rhinestones.
I have a small collection of brooches.
If you have been reading my Blog awhile you know I wear these pieces often...

If you are REALLY lucky you might find some in a thrift shop.
Most of the ones that I see are now sold in The Antique Malls.

Denim shirtdress...was purchased on sale, not thrifted.
(Lands' End)

The Baroque strand of Pearls add some interest.

Dress by H&M

Second Hand Hope Thrift Store.

I went thrift shopping with Annie, a woman I have connected with on Instagram.
She is starting up a business where she plans to take people to the thrift shops and consignment stores here in Victoria.
Her instagram page is Victoria Thrifting Tours.
If you pop over to check out her site, please say I sent you :-))

Ralph Lauren reversible leather belt from WIN Thrift Shop.

Small Patterns work better for me as I am a curvy gal...
I like the small metal button details at the neck and on the cuffs.
The fabric is a jersey knit so this will be a great Spring and Summer Dress.

Found one of my favourite author's books in a wee Book Nook.
It just so happens that the Book Nook is in the front yard of my childhood home.

I keep finding the BEST books there...
if I ever see the owners I am going to introduce myself.
Tell them that I grew up in the house.

Well that about wraps up my news...
until next time.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~