Showing posts with label beginnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beginnings. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2016

Turning a page.....

New Years is a fresh start...
just by simply turning a page in my day timer it is 2016
blank and waiting...

You might be surprised in this day and age of IPhones and computers that I still use a day timer...
Mother gives me a new one every Christmas just like my Father did.
There is hope and newness in those blank pages...
waiting for a year of scribbled appointments, dates, lunches, dinners
opportunities offering new experiences.

both personal 
and in the garden.

A brave little pink rhododendron blooming in the frosty cold of January.
Putting a cheery face forward despite the weather.

Icy patches on my walking route 
hazards that have not yet been melted by the sun...
I must be mindful with my steps.

Sunlight warms 
the icy breeze...
that chills my face and hands.

The familiar route beckons...
the seafront and the cemetery.

there is a curve in the road up ahead
where will it lead?

It is so quiet
not even my footsteps make a noise.
Until stepping off the beaten path...

Frozen grassy patches offer resistance and crunch beneath my feet.

A mossy mosaic on a grave
reminds me of the intricate pieces of a puzzle.
Life can be complicated
there are surprises 
both good and bad.

Weathered patterns on stone...
keep your eyes open.
You do not want to miss anything!

Walk in peace


the possibilities that lay ahead 
as the year presents itself fresh and new.

What will the New Year bring?

As the sun sets on a cold New Years Day
I wonder and am in awe of Mother Nature and all her magical moments.

Looking forward
but no too far
what will 2016 bring besides blank pages?

Thank you for stopping by my humble blog...