Showing posts with label impressions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impressions. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Fading beauty...and my personal thoughts on aging

This beautiful rose was once a stunning bloom
but she is fading in her beauty
but still worth a look...

This rose got me thinking about aging...
aging gracefully
perhaps with some elegance.

How does one age well?

And I do not mean Botox or plastic surgery...
its not for me.

How do I
ease into my advancing senior years
with the face that I was born with 
embracing the lines and wrinkles 
that are the result of years of laughter?

There are certain things that we can all do to help us look more "radiant."

Ali McGraw looks the picture of health and she glows.
She is such a radiant beauty both inside and out...
a fabulous role model.

Thoughts that may help navigate the road ahead are basics like...

eating healthy 
getting a decent night's rest
alleviating as much stress as possible
experiencing joy and happiness whenever the opportunity arises
listening to our "hearts" 
expanding our horizons which may be travel or going to local cultural events
learning something new to keep us fresh
helping others
staying in touch with friends and family
finding and making time for creativity

"First impressions"
  tell those who meet us about ourselves 
(whether we like it or not) 
how we dress and what we say conveys a lot...
good manners and kindness
go a long way.

At 62 and not the freshest rose in the bouquet...

I try to focus on
wearing neat, comfortable and (hopefully) flattering outfits
paying attention to style
dressing in clothing that is honest and genuine 
a reflection of my personality...
some days it may be a classic LBD
jeans and a Tee with a cashmere sweater and Chelsea boots
which just happens to be my "uniform."
I try always to look put together...
some days it is more difficult than others!

The word "Frumpy" scares me.
My Mother managed to look well dressed well into her 80's and I never thought that she looked frumpy or dowdy.

 has always been important to me.

People look at our faces when we meet and greet each other.

From the time that I went to The Hudson Bay's Saturday charm school 
where among other things
we were instructed on how to wash and care for our skin.
(in that era it was Yardley's oatmeal soap and Noxema or Nivea)
I have been preoccupied with taking care of my complexion.

we have thousands of options...
and how does one choose?

I have been testing a new moisturizer.

It is super emollient, which my dry skin needs, but is not greasy.
The results are a dewy rosy glow which I quite like.
I think that my skin looks healthier...
but maybe I am just hopeful
seeking a fresher rose
one that is petal soft and blush pink!

Two rose scented hard working products from a previous delivery of
they are almost gone
 are truly quite amazing...
 I have been using them on my hands and feet with really great results.

I'll have to see if I can buy them online.

In the whole scheme of things our inner beauty traits 
are far more important 
than how we look on the outside...

a giving nature...

They are the real super stars when we really think about it.

While I like to buy new things 
I plan to cultivate and focus on some inner improvements this month...

What are your thoughts on aging gracefully?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, June 12, 2015

Snapshots and tidbits...from Paris to Victoria.

Snapshots are such a great way to capture everyday life...
with an Iphone in my pocket I am at liberty to snap away to my hearts content, which I do.

The Seine River at dusk...
This image of Paris looks reminds me of an impressionist painting from The Musee D'Orsay.

At Versailles we wandered along the path under a canopy of trees.

In Marie Antoinette's "small home" on the grounds of Versailles.
I loved her quaint "farmhouse" and the working farm.

The Place des Vosges in The Marais area of Paris.
It is the oldest planned square and features a fountain, park and lots of shops.

A wee plant growing in a crack of pavement...

Mr. Peacock in Beacon Hill Park ~ Victoria, B.C.

Chester relaxing in the dappled sunshine of our Humble Bungalow.

My latest book...Kate Atkinson weaves a great tale.

Jacob's Coat Rose floating in our birdbath...
I love how the leaves are reflected in the water, they almost look surreal.

Foxgloves thrive in our clay soil.
Bees love to fly up inside these flowers and buzzing is heard loud and clear.

The wee Vintage French jug I purchased at the Market in Vallence D'Agen.
A reader requested that I share the jug as well as the flowers.

White Iceberg roses and Lady's Mantle.
Which make a striking combination...would you agree?

So delicate...

I wore my Jones of NY wrap summer dress to The Bengal Room at The Empress Hotel 
for Mother's 88th birthday celebration.
I dragged out the sapphire and diamond ring because of the blue in the dress...
I'm hoping that I will not get a citation from the Fashion Police for being too "matchy matchy!"

A decorative door knocker ~ Moissac France.

Our red geraniums are putting on a spectacular show.
I love geraniums for planters and pots as they are relatively inexpensive and bloom all summer long.
Cheap and cheerful.

The weather is perfect for gardening and walking.
This weekend I plan to do both...
and I'll be taking more photos.

Hope that you all have a great weekend!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Dressing authentically...thoughts on personal style...starring YOU!

Jennifer at A Well Styled Life is writing a series about the "Invisible" or rather "The Vanishing Older Woman"
you can read her second installment in the series right here.
Her eloquent posts have started me thinking deeper about what I choose to wear and why I make the choices that I is not an easy thing for me to explain, but bear with me please as I attempt to muddle through...

What we wear says a lot about who we are...
it gives hints as to what economic and social classes that we fall into and how we feel about ourselves...
are we shy, bold, confident, artistic, conservative, are we in touch with our authentic self or
do we even care what others think of us?

 Are you a star when it comes to putting together your wardrobe?
Is it easy or do you find it a challenge?
 Are you sending the right messages with your choice of garments?
Or perhaps you are confused about the image that you want to present to the world.
Money, work, age and lifestyle factor in when deciding what to choose.

Do you opt for designer clothes from head to toe?
Has the clerk in your favourite boutique sold you complete ensembles with accessories to go with them?

Do the clothes that you wear reflect your personal taste?
Are you bold with your colours and accessories or do you play it safe?

With so many possibilities and questions it is a challenge...
maybe a consultation with a professional is in order!

Mother has taught me a lot over the years.
 Observing her fashion sense has helped me to absorb a lot about fashion and style.
Reading magazines, books and blogs have rounded out my education in this area.

~ ~ ~

Mother and I were driving in the car the other day 
and we passed by a woman "of a certain age" with bright day glo pink hair.
Mother said "My goodness she's asking for attention wearing her hair like that!"
I said something to the effect of well anyone who makes a bold statement like that with their hair is not shy!

Mother would NEVER consider making an overture as bold as that statement 
with her hair or her clothing.
(although in the 1960's she went through what I like to think of as a  "Doris Day" phase when she was a blond!)

She would not suggest that we HIDE from our authentic selves
 but rather that we would choose to dress appropriately for each and EVERY social situation.

"Fitting in within our peer groups and blending" have been her words on fashion for as long as I can remember.
Mother is a conservative dresser and she encouraged us to dress well and take care to maintain our clothes.
 Mending, making sure buttons were sewn on right and shoes were kept polished and heels replaced regularly were high on her priority list.

Your Personal Image speaks volumes...
it says a lot about you...more than you might think.

It takes a lot of time to put together an entire wardrobe, not to mention the money that you need to invest.
It also takes a lot of thought...

What is the message that you want to project to the world?

Are you happy wearing the same thing over and over or do you want to put on a different outfit every day?
Do you like a lot of variety in accessories or do you prefer to wear the same few statement and signature pieces?

(I have owned this Burberry quilted jacket for about 8 years and the scarf, which was a gift from my husband is worn daily during the Fall and Winter.

Who are you dressing for? 
Do you represent a large corporation or a small company?
Are you a young mom, a professional in the business world or are you retired?

When dressing for your work life you may choose one style of clothing than for your personal life.
Which undoubtedly would be much more casual.

It took me many years to understand the image that I wanted to project.
It still is evolving but I figured out the basics.

I like to fit in as Mother would say...blending is more important to me than standing out in a crowd.
I do not like to draw unnecessary attention to myself.

Having a wardrobe with options for most events 
(other than a red carpet event or a gala)
 are already in my closet.
they are all black!

A basic black jersey tank top is paired here with a vintage Susan Bristol sweater jacket.

Basic black Eileen Fisher trousers and my "very old" black patent leather Stuart Weitzman bow toed flats.

There are several pairs of black pants one in velvet as well as a casual pair of skinny black jeans...
various black tops and tanks
a black Barbour vest
 a tweedy Chanel-esque jacket
3 or 4 LBD's
a black shawl
a black dressy coat
black casual walking coat
black handbags
black kittens heels and pumps

these what I call the workhorses or the core pieces

A few colourful options have found their way into the closet, but not many.
Several bright silk twill Hermes scarves help to elevate and add some colour and interest.

Now this might not suit you at all but it works for me.
I am a no nonsense kind of gal who likes to keep things simple.

It might seem boring to you to wear the same clothes in different combinations 
only varying the looks by using different accessories.

We have to listen to our "inner voice", be true to ourselves, and project honestly our taste and style.
I do not like to waste money buying fads or trends.
Also shopping my closet just makes more sense.

 To me rushing out in a panic at the eleventh hour before an event is far too stressful...
I'd rather spend the time having a leisurely bath or doing my nails than speeding off on the mall.

Mother would encourage and suggest that we dress in an understated fashion.
(I went through a period of rebellion in my teenage years and opted for "hippie style clothing!")
Naturally she disapproved...
I grew out of it.

She counselled that good manners were as important as what we wore.
(I write and send thank you notes as she taught us.)

Comportment is the ultimate accessory and our demeanor speaks volumes.
So with that in mind...
I will continue to dress in basic black with an occasional pop of colour
opt for the ultimate in polite conversation
practise kindness and let The Golden Rule be my guide.

This post has rambled on and I apologize as it is very discombobulated...

My newest accessory is a rhinestone Panther pin in the Cartier style...
I love the beady red eyes.
I'll be wearing this...
you might have guessed...
on a black background!
It might be on an LBD, a sweater, top or coat.

~ ~ ~

."One is never over-dressed or under dressed with a Little Black Dress."

~  Karl Lagerfeld ~

"Don’t be into trends. 
Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live."

~ Gianni Versace ~

NYDJ jeans...flared
Symplii black tank top
Lord and Taylor dove grey cashmere cardigan
Clark black leather short boots
opera length pearls wrapped twice around my neck

Oh and there is some great news...the Gardener's Cottage is back!
check out what she's up to in her cottage.

Have a great week!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Standing in line...

I've found myself standing in line quite a bit lately.
It's a busy time of year at the post office, bakery and the small shops.

In the line up at the bakery an elderly gent was dressed so fine that I did a double take.
He had a grey wool coat which must have been cashmere and a jaunty plaid scarf red, black and white on a grey background. His black shoes were shined and smart. He had snow white hair and a sparkle in his eye.
He was very animated and chatted with the clerks as he bought a loaf of bread and some scones.

The woman behind him was overdressed in my opinion...she looked like she was trying too hard to impress.
She obviously had money as she was wearing designer duds head to toe.
Coach bag and shoes and a Burberry coat and scarf. She was in a hurry and was rather inpatient with the clerk which made others in line up roll their eyes. She bought quite a few pastries and sticky buns. When she turned around I could see how pretty she was...soft features and on her lips she wore a deep shade of crimson but she had an air of sadness about her, perhaps she was grieving.

The woman directly in front of me had 3 kids in tow, all in private school uniforms, jumping up and down like Jack rabbits. She was buying them after school treats. I thought she looked amazing...simple denim jeans, a red cardigan, her hair pulled back into a pony tail, huge pearl studs a simple wallet and her car keys. She looked too young to have children of this age.
(I wonder how she tends to her complexion, whatever she does it's working.)

I was next in line and having rather an "off day" I was tired and had not taken much care with my choice of clothes as I ran out the door before the bakery closed. I had on LuLu black capri length Yoga pants, a pair of teal Ben Simons, and my black puffy down coat, a grey scarf and my hair was a mass of tangles from the wind.
I'd even forgotten to put on lipstick...

Thinking to myself as I studied the customers while I waited ~
I wondered what ~ or if people even looked at me...
and if they did what would they be thinking!

I should have done what Mother would have...
which would be 
dress your best even if you are going down in the elevator to the lobby to pick up the post!

I am so glad I didn't let Mother see me that day!

~ ~ ~

Take care

Do you strike up a conversation with strangers while waiting in line
or are you an observer?

~ ~ ~

My heart is heavy after hearing about the massacre at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut.
It is all just too horrible to imagine...
question on my lips is why?
I'll never understand it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A beautiful woman inspires...

I saw a stunning looking older woman in the grocery store.
She had fabulous style and her hair was a shock of silver and her skin was radiant and beautiful.
It looked almost opaque.
She wore a rich shade of red on her lips and her skin was quite wrinkled and I noticed when she spoke to the clerk that her eyes twinkled...

I could not help but stare and I did want to know more about her...
she was wearing a pair of jeans and a white shirt with a red cardigan draped over her shoulders
if I had to guess her age I'd be thinking she'd be around 80.

She had a simple gold bangle on one wrist and a large pair of Tahitian grey pearl studs in her ears.
Her handbag was black and had no visible signs of the brand or maker.

She had a large straw tote for her groceries...
I noticed that she had a few pieces of fruit, some vegetables and a small piece of salmon in her cart.
I assume she lives alone.

She had a lovely manner about her...
someone that you would not easily forget
perhaps she was a model or someone who performed on stage
she was so poised and relaxed, comfortable in her own skin.

This woman unknowingly inspired me to take a good long look at how I looked.

It was windy and my hair was a mess, my coat was undone
my lips were bare and I think I looked rather frazzled...
I was frazzled inside so I am pretty sure that it showed!

I could have made the effort to smarten up even if it meant putting some lipstick on in the car and smoothing my hair, doing up my coat and putting a smile on my face...even though I felt weary.

The McCartney Rose

the perfume is unbeatable

these petals hold the scent for days
often I'll pop them in a pretty dish and enjoy them for until they wilt

speaking of enjoyment
my newest and most favourite magazine 
has arrived...

I'm going to put my feet up and sip a cup of tea...
and dream a bit.

 Perhaps I'll meet that seriously chic lady at the market sometime soon...
and I'm going to tell her how beautiful she is next time.
I compliment strangers often
do you?