Showing posts with label dinner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dinner. Show all posts

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Entering my 70', flowers and dare I say the T word?


Well it has been quite the week of celebrating...
lots of lunches, coffees, and dinners out.
I think that 70 is a very big number but I do feel grateful to still be here.

Zambri's was our first stop in the recent birthday dinners...
it is probably our favourite restaurant and we have been going there for 25 years.
We remember fondly their teeny tiny spot where they got their start...
the food is amazing, service perfect and the atmosphere is vibrant.

I started with a Ceasar Salad...

Followed by the Fresh Fish entree...

Our favourite dessert the passion fruit Panna Cotta.
This time it came with a candle...
at least there were not 70 candles!!!

My husband surprised me with these lovely freshwater pearl earrings.
We don't usually exchange gifts anymore,
 so I was curious and wondered what was in the wrapped box.

These are fun and can be worn with almost every outfit.
A new "classic" and I have worn them almost everyday since my birthday.

I love how they glow...such a pretty nacre.

Spring is making its way to Victoria in fine fashion...
the flowers are harbingers of the season.

Hellebores are often the first to bloom...
early January we see them sometimes 
even before the snowdrops.

This chartreuse Hellebore was a very thoughtful gift from my long time friends.
Thank you

New from Lululemon...
Yoga mat carry strap, Yoga pants.
From the Ajna Studio a spiky ball for "rolling" my feet.
Helps wake up the feet and gives a massage as well.
The feet are more "in tune" to stability when one rolls their feet daily!

Since going back to Yoga I have noticed my stability is much better, 
my hip pain has decreased, I am sleeping better and I feel stronger.
The fall that I had, 
with the black eye and concussion 
were the instigators in returning to this practice.
I am grateful to my instructors and feel that I am heading on the right path.

Tulips were on sale at Peppers so I grabbed 4 bunches...
they add a pop of colour on these rainy days.

I attended a workshop 
in the studio of Pender Island Jewellery designer Charlene Hall.
She guided us through the steps required to create our own necklace.
Many steps are necessary, and new skills are learned.

Pearls of course!
Stars and a heart...which, in a happy "accident" became a "beating heart!"

I made the necklace a little longer so 
that I can opt to wear this with my Akoya strand of pearls...
this is my "no make up" rainy day workshop vibe.

How are you coping with the events that are unfolding in the world?

Here in Canada we are facing the "T" word
an economic war that is being set in motion by the US President.
Our countries have always been friendly and we have family and friends living there.
If the tariffs go ahead both our countries will suffer.

It is definitely a very strange and surreal time...
Canadians are being encouraged to buy local, or made in Canada products.
Which is really what I try to do everyday.

I love the Farmers Markets and local women owned businesses...
I try to support them as much as possible.
The relationship that develops over time and it feels very genuine 
it reminds me of the way people shop in France.

Not everything I use is made in my new washer and dryer.
My skincare line by Pamela Anderson's Sonsie company.
Prescription Medications...
and so much more.

It is raining cats and dogs here this morning...daylight saving time is here.
I've been up had my cups of coffee eaten some sourdough toast with cherry jam.

Think I will make a pot of chicken soup...
lay down on my Yoga mat and enjoy a quiet practice 
listening to the the raindrops as they fall...

70 is starting off with a BANG...
I've decided to seek out and participate in new and different activities...
the pendant workshop is the first of these explorations.

A Knitting/Yoga retreat on Salt Spring Island is in the works...
Maybe I will sleep in the yurt?
There are SO many ideas and opportunities for FUN...
choosing which ones to embrace and participate in is the challenge!

What new things are you doing?
Have you started a new Hobby? Or adopted a new Habit? 
Perhaps it is trying a new recipe, learning a new language, or planning a trip.

We are never to old to try something NEW.
To wear a new style, to take a course, to redecorate a space.

Even in the simple days we have choices...
to light a candle, to add some perfume, to buy some flowers,
 to plant some seeds and watch them grow.

Life is always an adventure...
there are UPS and DOWNS and we need to be prepared for the ride.

Put your Helmet on, and Fasten your seatbelts!

But remember...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Years ~ Three resolutions for 2025


~ Mount Baker ~ 

My view this week on my walk.
A crisp fresh topping of snow atop this grand mountain.

~ The new walking poles are so helpful ~ 
I can take longer strides, 
walk faster, 
feel so much more stable
~ Confident ~

If you have ever fallen, or felt a wee bit wobbly on your feet.
 these poles are a wonderful tool, I think they are a real Game Changer.
(they work the arms too)

With the last few quiet days
I've been culling stuff here in The Humble Bungalow...
tidying drawers, cupboards and closets.

Taking donations to the charity shops and having a wee peek at what is for sale!

I spied these new (with tags) waterproof gloves at the local WIN Thrift Shop.
They are lined and are SO much warmer than my old thin leather gloves.

I also scored a soft charcoal grey long cardigan.
It has two pockets and is really cozy.
It also feels brand new...

Do you shop at thrift stores?
Buying second hand is so easy on the budget.

As a retiree with a pension,
 I really appreciate the price points on the merchandise.

Prices have gone up a bit
 most shops charge at least 1/4 off regular retail prices.
Some smaller shops are at giveaway prices!

I decided to buy a second pair of jeans...
I donated the low rise Eileen Fisher jeans as they emphasized my muffin top.

The brand I prefer and fit well are MNG or MANGO.
Mom jeans with an ankle length.

The local BAY store did not have any in stock so I ordered some from Nordstroms.
Rarely do I shop online but it was absolutely necessary this time.
Good News...
they were on sale...I got the last pair in my size :-))

Faded wash...
my current jeans are a dark wash.

Am going to love wearing these...I love denim.
They will pair well with the soft pale blue flannel Frank and Eileen shirt.
White Old Navy shirt, new-to-me grey sweater, white T shirt, black long sleeve T
almost ALL my tops will work with these jeans.
(silver sequin top)

Summer time they will be great with flip flops too!

Fortunately the jeans arrived on time and more importantly they fit!

Are you making any New Year's Resolutions?

Focusing on getting as much information as I can 
on the management of osteoarthritis
and reducing the pain in 
 my arthritic hip.

Getting back to Yoga
After my recent fall and concussion,
 I decided that I needed to work on balance.
Have been following a You Tube balance routine and need MORE.
My local Yoga Studio "Ajna" in Oak Bay offers fabulous classes.

I have registered for a workshop on Hips.
Which will identify moves and exercises that strengthen
the muscles that support the hip.

Signed up for 8 sessions of Yoga for Osteoporosis 
at a local Rec Centre taught by one of the Yoga instructors from my studio.

Continue to attend Aqua Fit Classes at the Oak Bay Pool.
My doctor highly recommends these classes and prefers them to my long walks
with my "bad" hip.
He's going to refer me to a surgeon...
(our wait list for new hips is several years long)

I mentioned to him that I did 8,000 steps last week and for the next 2 days I was in terrible pain...
he thinks that is way too many steps considering my hip issue.

Do you have arthritis?
Are you able to modify your activities so you do not feel as much pain?

Well enough about my health related resolutions...

In exciting news...
We went out for New Year's Eve!
First time in many years...

A Dinner Date :-))

~ OOTD ~

My LBD (5 years old) Eileen Fisher
Baroque Pearls from Hong Kong

Coach Loafers
(2 or 3 years old)

Aritzia Wool and Cashmere Coat
(new bought on sale)
Vintage Coach black leather bag

Vintage rhinestone bracelet
(After All it is New Year's Eve!)

Dinner at Zambri's
The Mocktail was delicious...
(tasted like an Aperol Spritz)

I've been off alcohol for awhile
(trying to lose some weight)

Only a few pounds down but in December I have been nibbling shortbread cookies
and eating this fabulous dinner!!!

Caesar Salad

Halibut and shoestring yummy!

Panna Cotta with lemon...

Oh my goodness!
Our dinner was so lovely...great food wonderful service.
A very nice way to start the new Year.
Thank you Honey :-))

Before I forget...
 I found a real Antique at Value Village last week...

French Porcelain
Clain and Perrier

Look at those pretty pink roses and gold gilt!
So sweet and feminine...
just darling.

The Company was located at 238 Boulevard St. Germain in Paris.
It was in business from 1879 - 1914

I am quite smitten with this wee treasure...
a compote for the top of my bureau.

For the record, I didn't NEED this, but I couldn't resist...
 it feels like a French Souvenir.

It is an item that makes me smile every time I see it...
and I keep looking at it.

Hope that you are enjoying the start to the New Year...

There are many new adventures waiting to unfold
so many possibilities
dreams to be dreamt
people to meet
books to read
teas to sip
music to hear
meals to be made
new recipes to try
interesting courses to enroll in
new skills to learn
opportunities for discovery.

What new things will you try this year?
Will you travel?
Will you stay at home and feather your nest?
Will you keep a journal?
Write a Book?
Paint a picture?
Sew or Knit?

Or will you sit still in the moment 
breathe in the energy that will keep you grounded and sane?

~ 2025 ~

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thank you for popping by to read my little blog...
Grateful for you choosing to be here.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Christmas happened...despite Covid and we survived!

Christmas Gifts
Kosta Boda Rose pattern crystal votives.

Gift from darling daughter and her husband.
I love the design and the icy light from the candles.

The festive season was a bit different this year due to catching Covid.
My husband and I both had it earlier in December.
I have scarred lungs from repeated bouts of pneumonia 
so when I get a cold (or Covid) I tend to get a chesty cough.

We went to our son's home for Christmas morning where we exchanged gifts and had brunch.
I made Jacques Pepin's French Toast Bake, a fruit salad and sausages with croissants.
The kids were so excited!!!
Lovely to see their enthusiasm and joy.

Here is the island that Mr. HB made for our son's home.

It was a summer project and I have serious Island Envy!!!

I didn't have a ton of energy and so I had to give up on most of the baking.
Fortunately I had prepared the candied nuts ahead of time 
the chocolate bark is a quick recipe to make.
(posted the recipe in a previous blogpost)

Food is a BIG part of our traditional celebrations...
turkey and lots of side dishes.

Simple table setting...
red and greens.

The cute little tree was found in our Cook Street Village Garden Centre.
I used it as our centrepiece on the Christmas table...

The turkey was about 10 pounds...
I made stuffing, maple glazed carrots, whipped potatoes, sweet potatoes, Brussells sprouts with pancetta, gravy and cranberry sauce.

Dessert was Panna Cotta with Italian sour cherries in syrup.
Served in an iittala Ultima Thule Glass

We have quite a few pieces of Tapio Wirkkala's Icy Modernist Crystal.
It was popular when we got married in 1974 and is still in business today.

After Boxing Day...
made a small batch of Yorkshire puddings to add to the leftovers.

Turkey Soup

Candles in The Humble Bungalow Kitchen above the Farmhouse Sink.

This morning I woke early...
have been going to bed before 10:00 most nights.

Coffee in the dark and thoughts swirling...
felt a surge of energy to get some decluttering done.

The car was loaded up and I dropped off the donations around noon.
Starting downstairs in the guest and hobby rooms.

Still a few more things to deal with but it feels way better!!

Funny thing that has happened since I had to cancel my haircut...
I have been using the flat iron and straightening it...

I think it is "growing on me"

Not perfect 
getting to the stage where I can wear it up in a French Roll 
or put it in a scrunchie for a loose ponytail.

So I suppose that's enough rambling for one post...
Hope that you had a wonderful Festive Season.

Hope that you are staying healthy and are avoiding Covid.

Let me know how things are you declutter after the holidays?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Dinners In and out ~ OOTD...

I bought this simple black Eileen Fisher dress a few years ago...
it has become a real workhorse in my wardrobe.

I have worn it with a white long sleeved top underneath
tights and black Chelsea Boots.

Last night I wore it as it is and added a soft wool Petrusse scarf as a shawl.

This is a surprisingly warm scarf despite it being rather sheer.

I received this in one of the My French Country Boxes from France.
It has had a few years of use and still looks new.

I thought about wearing my Ferragamo shoes 
but in the end I decided I should test drive the new Coach loafers.

I wore sheer black hose for the first time in ages...
fortunately I have a few new packages in my drawer.

I added the vintage rhinestone bracelet and wore my simple princess cut diamond necklace and studs.

It felt strange not wearing my pearls 
I thought that I should keep it simple when adding the BLING.

We had a delicious dinner at Zambri's our favourite Italian restaurant.

I forgot to capture our appetizers, main course but here is dessert!
Passionfruit Panna Cotta
so delicious!

We had a lovely evening out and it was such a treat.

On Friday evening we hosted a small dinner party here in The Humble Bungalow.

The table is set and ready for the guests.

Appetizers ~ cheese plate with Olives, pickles, antipasto and candied salmon with assorted crackers in the living room in front of the fireplace.

The main course ~ Beef Daube, mashed potatoes and green beans.
Dessert ~ large brownies topped with fresh raspberries.

I wanted to host a casual dinner before everyone got busy with the seasonal events.

Have you noticed that people are out in droves buying Christmas presents?
I too am trying to get my shopping done early.
I need time to bake some cookies and the annual Christmas Tourtieres.

Hope that you are all staying healthy...
I have heard that the viruses are making the rounds.
One of my friends has been hospitalized and she's been in for a week and only now starting to feel better.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~