Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Canadian Tuxedo, Makeup, and a "Perfect" white tee


~ Snow ~

We don't get a lot of snow here in Victoria but when we do...
many things come to a halt.

The Yoga Studio closed, 
the rec centre annex Yoga classes were cancelled, 
schools were closed.

I have been busy here in The Humble Bungalow keeping the home fires burning.
Vacuuming, dusting, reading, knitting, making soup.
Baking ~ Banana bread and a Sourdough Boule.

Watching the birds outside, sipping tea, thinking deep thoughts.
Silently praying for Peace.

The amaryllis bloomed!
I planted it on Boxing Day.
It is sitting on the shelf above the farmhouse sink where I do the dishes.

The kitchen is my favourite place to work.
I spend many hours at the counters 
sharp knives in hand chopping, 
slicing, and dicing...
creating meals to feed us.

Last week I went to the mall in search of the "perfect" white Tee shirt.
I don't know why it is so difficult to find one that fits well
looks good, is not see through, and has some style.

I want a decent quality, a smooth washable fabric that doesn't cling.

I've spent ages looking for a white tee in the thrift shops, no Joy.

After trying many tees in shops 
most were thin, see through tops, much too clingy.

This is one that I found at The Gap...
it ticked all the boxes I bought 2 of them.
($54.95 each yikes!)

Will be a layering workhorse...
when they go on sale I am going to buy a couple more!

DENIM got me again...
pale blue softness.
Thank you GAP

I know this has become a problem...
Hanging in my closet now are 3 denim style shirts.
The newer fleecy one...
(see previous post)
a thrifted Gap one from 5 or 6 years ago
now a pale one for spring and summer.

(Charter and founding member of Denim Shirts Anonymous)

Actually, come to think of it...
the pale one will go well with those pale denim Mango jeans I bought.
Think Canadian Tuxedo :-))

Very good book!
I read Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano a while back and really enjoyed her writing.
Several friends have recommended this book so I borrowed it.
Glad that I did.

Replaced my former CC cream with this one from Marcelle.
Canadian Company in Quebec that has been in business since 1949.

The gals at The Oak Bay Pharmasave suggested the opthamologist recommended mascara and eye shadow...
 I was asking their advice after two eye infections
 which I attributed to my sensitivity to mascara.

Been using this for about 6 months and have had no problems whatsoever!

The lipstick is a sheer red perfect for everyday.
(Loving Red)

My "go to products" for a simple minimal 5 minute make-up routine.

For a woman who is on the cusp of 70 
I find that less is more when it comes to make-up.

That about wraps up this snow day...
need to make dinner.

~ Spaghetti Bolognese ~

I don't usually post as often so I guess this a "bonus" post.

Many of you have popped by The Humble Bungalow Blog
 through the years...many friendships have been forged.
A few of us get together from other areas of the globe.
There are wonderful spin offs to blogging.

Kind of surprising that after all these years
I still feel like writing.

I might be
Am I repeating myself!

Well I'll sign off for now...

What's new with you these days?
Leave me a comment and tell me how you are doing.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Hoping for a Sun day...while waiting, I shop.

our weather has been really rather beastly.

This weather is for the birds!!!

Rain with high winds and all manner of things blowing away.
We are hanging onto our hats in hope
as we read the forecast for the start to the week 
which is promising (teasing) us warmer temperatures and some sunshine.

If you are reading this post you know that I have decided to continue to blog
using the free Blogger platform.
My research revealed that it would cost me about $2,000 to transfer all my posts
and migrate to a new host. The host would then be charging me an annual fee for the posts and GB that I would be using to keep my blog live.
I am retired and this is a hobby so that was not going to be reasonable.

Thank you again for following.
It is great to read all your comments, I really appreciate them.

I have been forced indoors during the inclement weather
so I have had a few shopping trips to 
 the local shops and malls.

I found a comfy and fun pair of Converse sneakers.

I chose the blue ones but they were also available in red 
which was SO tempting...I really didn't NEED two pairs.

I think they will look great with all my denim pieces and my white jeans.
I have a faded blue linen skirt that I purchased last year which might be fun to
wear white ankle socks and these together.

Oh and I also found a new backpack...
to replace the thrifted one that I repaired .

Hands free for hiking, walking, shopping and beach combing.

Soft leather, attractive details and wonderfully made.

Big enough to pop in a book and my usual wallet, keys, sunglasses and lipstick.
It looks smart too...
I am pleasantly surprised by the quality for the price.

I've been having an espresso on these cold windy afternoons.
I made coffee this way when I was in Roccatederighi, Italy

The Lavazza brand Crema coffee is smooth and needs no cream.

The new to me espresso /demitasse cups are vintage by Susie Cooper.
Made in England.
I found them at Kay's Korner in the Cook Street Village.
I love Karin's shop...
I regularly walk in our Fairfield neighbourhood and will pop in on my route.
If you haven't been to Kay's Korner have a treat in store.

 Spook Street is a book in the popular British spy series by Mick Herron...
my husband has read the entire series and purchased all the books so I am reading them now.
Interestingly, he has picked up the Louise Penny series which I love and is reading the first one now!

I have a few more things to share with you but will leave those for the next post.

For those of you who were enquiring about my back...

I had some X Rays of my back and hands, 
both have been very surprisingly stiff, uncomfortable and very painful.
 The doctor also ordered blood work.
I haven't seen my doctor since before Covid.
He is very busy and it takes a long time to get an appointment to see him.

He's thinking it may be arthritis 
 I won't know more until my follow up appointment in early May.

In the meantime I am taking Tylenol at night which is helping me sleep a bit better.
We'll see...

Hope that your week has some sunshine and fun packed into it.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Thank you so much!


I am overwhelmed by the comments and emails that I have recently received since publishing my last post on blogging.

The information that I discovered to switch to a new platform and bring all my posts with me was quite beyond my tech ability and to hire an expert to help with the migration was more expensive than I ever imagined.

This wee blog is and has been a fun outlet and a hobby not a business or a job.

So I am going to stay with Blogger as it continues to be free...
there are limitations and tech issues but I suppose I will have to live with them if I want to have a blog and an audience without cost.

Researching style with this fun book by two authors from Refinery 29...
I am heading to the shops to scout out some edgy fashion options.

 At 68, I am no spring chicken but I am not giving up on having fun with fashion.

Recalling former conversations with girlfriends over coffee...
the crux of the dialogue revolved around what we might be wearing when we got OLD.
Well we are OLD now and I remember a particular friend saying
 "Shoot me if I ever wear pull on pants and old lady tops."

Pull on pants are very comfy...
Yoga pants and some dressy pants with smooth waistbands.

I have returned to regular denim jeans 
the spandex stretchy fabric loses shape "stretches and pouches out" at the tummy.
Makes me look bigger than I am...
not a good look and I feel bad about my tummy.

No one wants to feel bad about their body...
it supports and carries us around.
The only one we have,
 so we better appreciate, honour, and accept it.
 Making peace with the reality of our forms at an advanced age takes time.
At least it has taken me awhile...
looking at younger fitter women on social media sets up unrealistic expectations.

Dress the body that you have been given...
 fitness is a great goal at our age
Walking Yoga, swimming, aqua fit classes
and a healthy eating regime should be a focus.

Fad diets and exhausting exercise can be hard on our systems and our joints.
Moderation is my preferred method.

Have you heard of MNG?
Love "MOM" jeans...
but hey did you notice they are "NEW MOM" jeans :-))
Gosh the last time I was a new mom was in 1981.
I love the fit of these jeans...size 12 

These are ankle length which I love because I am 5'1
no hemming required.
I bought them at our local Bay store for $70

Now I am thinking I need a fun pair of sneakers...
Converse perhaps?
Something comfy and a wee bit edgy...

Women in Paris are wearing sneakers.

That's it for now...
I thought I would just check in and say thank you for your lovely messages.
Stay tuned for more posts...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Yummy Carrot Recipe, Sourdough Saga continues...and thoughts on blogging


Taking a break 
 a quiet moment with my cup of tea
recalling travel memories...
mulling over the blogs' future.

Think it might be time to close it down...
technical issues and readership engagement 
are prodding me to re-evaluate my hobby.

Vintage Susie Cooper Demitasse Espresso Cups
purchased from Kay's Korner in the Cook Street Village.

Espresso break with a delightful magazine.

This is where I make the bread...
vintage bread tin which is perfect for the sourdough boules.

Freshly baked sourdough loaf...
I prep the dough the day before I bake it.
So much fun and success with the recipes from Alexandra's Kitchen.

Quick and easy sourdough biscuits.
Made these in about 40 minutes including cooking time.
Found the recipe online...
I googled Sourdough biscuits without yeast and found a recipe on
King Arthur Baking

Served these with a stew.

Speaking of recipes...

Roasted carrots
healthy and delicious.

~ Roasted Carrots ~

Slice carrots on the diagonal
place in bowl and toss in balsamic vinegar, honey, thyme, salt and pepper.
Place on a parchment lined sheet pan.
Roast in oven at 450 degrees for 20-25
Top with crumbled feta cheese.

 (easy and yummy)

Great for a buffet or dinner party.

Star Magnolias are in full bloom...
so fragrant and delicate.

Loving my new Iphone camera!

The crispness and focus are so much better than my older phone.

Well as I mentioned this might be my last post.
I will still post on Instagram
It's been a lot of fun and I have met so many amazing people.

Some are here in Victoria and we regularly meet
others are far away.
I have had the pleasure of meeting a few in person...
Jennifer from A Well Styled Life
Dani who wrote Mop Philosopher
Jamie Cat Callan

Joanne Long ~ Madame La Bas
We have met before and last time she was in Victoria 
which was a couple of weeks ago 
we went for a walk and had a coffee together.
She sent these thoughtful gifts to me in the mail.
Merci Beaucoup Joanne.

Today (Saturday) we met up with Adrienne and Bill Shubin.

Adrienne wrote a blog A Rich Life On a Budget from her home in Sonoma County.
Adrienne and her husband have recently embarked on a major lifestyle change.
Bill retired from his job as fire chief and they started a grand adventure!
They sold their home and have been travelling across the USA in their 5th wheel trailer.
They are visiting Canada for several months and stopped here in Victoria.
So we arranged to get together and met for lunch at the Cactus Club.
Such a lovely couple!

Sunday they'll be here in The Humble Bungalow for coffee.

Making friends through blogging has been such a delight.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, March 24, 2023

OOTD and I may have solved the problem with comments...


 ~ Walking ~
I love walking along the waterfront.
Fortunately we live close to the seafront but I frequently walk in Oak Bay.
The Esplanade near Willows Beach is a scenic spot for a stroll.

I spied this beaded bracelet on the arm of the blue Adirondack chair...

I stopped to take a closer look and noticed the card inside.
Oak Bay Trinket Fairy

I now follow this Instagram account and have learned 
that this bead artist makes and leaves them for people to find!
What a lovely idea...
similar to those painted rocks that were once popping up in our neighbourhood.

Friday ~ post published today 
as I am going to busy this Sunday...
I have been trying to keep the posts regular but a wee bit of a BLIP is fine.

On the heels of my denim jumper purchase I found a coat!

New Eileen Fisher blue coat...
a simple and classic choice for Spring and Summer.
Turns out that I really like Eileen Fisher coats as I now have 3 of them.

~ OOTD ~

Wore my big pearls from Hong Kong to tea at a friends home.
We sip tea ~ chat and knit together.
I paired it with a crisp white Old Navy shirt and a wool Lord and Taylor skirt.
Layered over Hue capri tights and my Josef Seibel Chelsea Boots.

Rather an "edgy" look but very comfortable :-))

Do you wear "edgy" fashion choices?
It is a wee bit of a stretch for me but after wearing this combo several times 
it feels honest and natural.

Let's have a quick chat about hair...
it is supposed to be our crowning glory.

my hair has been thinning this past year...
which has been a worry but I do have a thyroid condition and that is one of the issues.
I take medication for my thyroid but hair loss is a concern.
My hair used to be SO THICK!

Has your hair thinned?

On my last visit to my stylist I mentioned this to her she cut in more layers 
now it looks fuller and has more body
so I am happy with the results.

In other news...

I have been researching the blogger problem with comments.
Your emails have not gone unnoticed...
May have found an answer...
fingers crossed 
so please try now and see if it works.

Leave a comment and we'll see if it works.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, February 19, 2023

OOTD ~ Fashion Police "look away" and some thoughts on hair...


It's Sunday again...
I am trying to continue with my weekly posts and it seems like Sunday is THE day.

You might be surprised if you saw me today :-))

The Fashion Police would definitely be citing me with an infraction.
most certainly it would be an enormous fine.

After showering I put on my body lotion, washed and moisturized my face...
added some mascara and tinted lip balm.
I am not going out.

A pair of indigo sweatpants
black camisole
 dove grey hand knit Miriam wool sweater
Akoya pearls

This morning I am baking bread, doing laundry and tonight I am making a roast beef.
There will be some reading and knitting...

I am giving myself permission to stay home and cocoon.

In other news...

I found a cute top at the Win Thrift Shop

I used to see a lot of garments made by Joseph Ribkoff.

I think this will come in handy for the summertime.
I can pair it with pants and that blue linen skirt that I purchased last year.

The neckline is perfect for the pearls :-))

The sun was shining a few days ago...
today there are moody clouds blanketing the sky.

Must be craving summer with my shopping habits...
purchased a new straw tote.
a great size for our Pender trips.
It can be loaded up with my laptop, books, and a few other bits.
It will come in handy at The Farmer's Market as well.

Hubby and I went to the Tapas on Oak for dinner.
Our son and the grands gave us a gift card so we wanted to try it out.
The food was good and the tapas portions were perfect for two.
It was busy and the wait staff were super friendly and efficient.

I wore a casual outfit...
tweed Hudson pants
this black crinkle top and my Chelsea boots.

I have no idea who made this top?
it has been in  my wardrobe for ages, it must have been a thrift shop find.
I took it travelling to France and Italy as when washed it dries overnight.
Great for layering !

I post on Instagram daily and several readers mentioned my hair style...
"straight and flat ironed"
the texture of the salt and pepper grey has changed and my hair is much thinner.

This would appear to be an aging issue...
many women complain of thinning hair 
my 69th birthday is a few weeks away
so I guess it is my turn...
but no complaints :-))

Do you colour your grey hair or have you gone au natural?
Was it a gradual process going grey or did you just stop dying it?
Has the texture changed like mine?

Have you changed your hairstyle?
I know many women keep their signature style over decades...
rather like a signature fragrance, many never ever stray.

I am not unhappy with my hair,  but I regularly change things up.
Covid happened and I grew my hair long.
Two years later I had it cropped in a short layered bob.
Now it appears that I am growing out the layers and wearing it straight.
I haven't been to my hairdresser for a few months.

Shall we chat about our hair?
Leave a comment to chime in...

Well I guess I better get on with my day...
lunch will not make itself
plus I want some tea...
then there is bread to bake and laundry to fold!

Hope that you are all well...there seems to be a lot of illness about.

Be Well and Be Kind