Showing posts with label sourdoughbread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sourdoughbread. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Hostess Hasty Notes...


Bateaux Mouches Scarf knit in a grey yarn by Drops.
Alpaca and Silk

It is super soft with a nice drape...
very cozy and warm for these colder days.

Mornings this week have been very icy...

A delightful week of Yoga

Yoga for Osteoporosis
Yoga for Balance
Yoga For Hips

Scraping the ice off the car before heading off to Yoga Class. 

I am focused on the new classes 
which are improving my hip alignment and strengthening the muscles that support the hip.
Training me to be in balance 
with a goal of stability and the ability to avoid future falls.

All of this is taking up time and energy and are an investment in my health.
My flexibility is not what it was prior to COVID.
My goal is to
get back as much flexibility as possible.

My instructor says it takes time.

Do you practice Yoga?


Marshalls dressing room selfie...

I LOVE denim!
 So when I spied this soft cozy fleecy knit denim blue shirt...
I pounced and have been wearing it on rotation these past few weeks.

I am loving this new Sonsie skincare.
The redness from my rosacea has completely calmed down.

If you want to try it please use the 15% discount code...

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to shoot me an email.

Joanne from Steveston came to Victoria for a few days.

We got together for an afternoon of fun.

Shopped thrift and consignment shops 
visited the Vic West Market on Catherine Street
before we had lunch at The Snug in The Oak Bay Beach Hotel.

The Market has a very European Vibe...
lots of interesting food items and the displays are works of art!

Am knitting another Bateaux Mouches Scarf/Shawl
Using Bamboo Yarn in white for Summer.
Feels lovely in the hand...soft and light.

Soup for lunch at Pure Vanilla...
red lentil with a spicy tang.

New LG Washer and Dryer Set

Our former set were 
15 years old and the washer ground to a halt on Saturday.
I had to rinse the entire load in the bathtub 
before wringing the clothes by hand to dry!

Our laundry room is bright and cheerful...
I can look out onto the Humble Bungalow Garden while working downstairs.

There are some rustic touches in the minimalist decor.

but so important!
There are Joys in clean clothes and freshly ironed cottons.

I spend a LOT of time doing laundry!

Another sourdough Boule has baked...
"Alexandra Cooks" basic sourdough recipe is my favourite.
After making bread for several years now I can do it with my eyes closed :-))
The flavour is amazing and the bread is easy to make.

Do you bake your own bread?

White Orchid

Do you shop local?
Think we need to help these shops stay open and keep their business thriving.
So many small businesses are struggling to survive and many are already shut down.

Buying Power is in our hands
(and wallets)
we have choices
 through our decisions of 
who we buy from...
where we spend our money
If we
 support companies run and owned by women.
We are empowering them to continue...

Just like the
Cordova Candle Company who are local and make lovely scented soy candles.

I light mine every morning while I sip my coffee and read my socials.

What are your favourite local shops?
Are you a repeat customer?
Do you know the women behind the business?

Speaking of Socials...
several friends have quit Facebook
others are taking a 3 week break from all online platforms.

Are you considering leaving any of your social memberships?

We have the power to make changes...
it is up to each of us to decide what is right.

What is new with you?

Are you worried about the state of the world?

Have you, like me, had to limit your exposure to the news?

I do not go down rabbit holes...
I act locally...making changes where I can see the results of those efforts.

I bake, I knit, I drink tea, I read, I walk, I go to Yoga, I live an honest and simple life.


~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hello June !


Welcome June...
We spent the past week at the cottage.

Beautiful scenery...a surprising mix of weather...Sun, Rain and HAIL !

Our favourite sailboat went out for a brisk sail...
quite a few sailboats took advantage of the gusty winds.

There was a sailpast ceremony for a recently passed member of the Pipe Band.
A bag piper was on the point and all sailors dipped their flags as they passed...
I love the sound of bagpipes.

We went to the Legion for the Saturday night meat draw...
met some nice people and won some snapper!
(not meat but FISH! and a $100 gift card at the local grocery store)

We sat on the deck when the weather was nice...

watched the ferries as they cruised past the cottage.

Observed the cloud formations...

Swam in the refurbished pool. 
It is now a "salt water" pool but it isn't "sea water."
Much more eco friendly and we felt much more boyant!

I am embracing the colours of blue and white at the cottage.
Vintage blue and white ironstone and yellow flowers are a great pairing.

I found this crinkle shirt at the thrift shop...
I seriously cannot believe the prices!

I found 2 pound weights!!
So excited as my recent diagnosis with osteoporosis recommends weight training...
Found a seated chair routine with Lauren ~ Senior Fitness on YouTube.

The session is 10 minutes so I do it twice.

Hopefully I will have more toned arms for summer sleeveless tops and dresses.
But most important I will be building BONE.

Greek style yogurt...high protein and rich in calcium no added sugar.
Read Mireille's book French Women Don't Get Fat again...
I have gained weight since I broke my ankle.
Inactivity is the culprit and maybe some naughty mood lifting eating :-))

There was a French Theme in my book choices this week...

Read this book written by David Lebovitz...
I have read several of his books.

He documents his Paris apartment purchase and the extensive renovations...
definitely not an easy thing for an Anglophile!

Found this one in a wee library kiosk...
read one of Janine Marsh's books before and enjoyed it...
am not quite finished but her stories of village life are very vivid and funny!

One of our feasts...

Marinated Pork tenderloin on the BBQ
roasted zucchini, peppers and carrots
half a baked potato with sour cream and bacon bits.

Marinate a pork tenderloin in a glass bowl

~ Marinade ~
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup soya sauce (I use Braggs)
1 clove chopped garlic
3 tbsp. honey Dijon mustard
salt and pepper

Marinate for at least 2 hours.
Heat grill on BBQ
cook until no longer pink
slice on the diagonal


When we got home...

We were surprised to see my husband's latest project in full bloom!
He dug up all the grass on the boulevard...
planted a lawn alternative and VOILA!

The pollinators LOVE IT!!

Climbing Royal Sunset Rose is in bloom.
This rose is so fragrant and repeat blooms all through the summer.

I love the orange shade...

We had a really rainy day today...
we stayed pretty close to home as our elder cat Pepper is unwell.

She has been diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis.
She is on pain medication and staying pretty quiet.

Her appetite is great so that is very encouraging.
Poor Girl...

Quite stressful for us adults...
if you are a pet owner you will know this feeling.

Baked my sourdough boule today...
such a rewarding and healthy habit.

Easy sounds daunting 
once you have made one boule you will be a PRO!

Do you bake sourdough?
Do you know that it is lower in gluten, 
is easier to digest and has amazing probiotics?

Well that about wraps up our news...

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog

I will close for now...
we are going to watch some Acorn TV Mystery shows.

Stress can make us want to seek solace and escape...
English Murder Mysteries are just what we need tonight!!!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~ 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Wardrobe Basics ~ A symphony in Black and White, a recipe and our Star Magnolia


Our Star Magnolia
blooming out front of The Humble Bungalow.

I love the elegant waxy white flowers.
They emerge from fuzzy cocoons...
if you look closely you can see one as it is about to pop.

The tree was planted many years ago and has grown quite slowly.
It is in the middle of a bed and makes a bold statement.

My linen skirt has an asymmetrical detail that makes it more interesting...
I like a flounce and it sways as I walk.

I can dress it up or wear it simply 
with a casual white top and my distressed denim jacket.
I actually wear it with my white "trainers" or tennis shoes and lacy white socks.

The length is longer on me so I don't feel I NEED to wear capri tights.
My legs are not at their best...they have scars and marks which I try to hide.
One cannot live to 69 and still have pristine unblemished skin.

This white blouse is a favourite of mine.
I love the texture and the fabric is pure white.
The shape is forgiving especially for my mid section 
which is where I now carry most of my weight.

Nice detail on the cuffs.

I wear this with black Eileen Fisher pants, and often with casual denim jeans.

The Big Baroque Pearls add an interesting touch.
I feel so much more "dressed up" with pearls.

Black and white wardrobe basics are so easy...
I can get dressed for almost any occasion and have a lot of mix and match options.

Recently I found a lovely Saint James black sweater which has a good structure.
I purchased it second hand for a fraction of the original price.
It is almost like a sweater jacket...
Saint James make lovely clothing...I visited one of their stores in Aix en Provence.

I have my sourdough boule baking in the oven as I write this blogpost.
The kitchen smells wonderful...

I just finished making Hamburger Soup.
It is a recipe that I have been making for many decades...
I used to make a big batch and freeze it in containers for my lunches when I worked in the schools.

We had a bowl for our lunch today with a couple of small pieces of sourdough toast.

I try to make soups once a week...
the soups is quick to heat up and works well on my aqua fit days.
I arrive home hungry and my husband has soup and toast ready when I get home.

Do you like to make soup?

Have you tried making sourdough bread?
I got my starter from a good friend and I have given batches of it to many people...
she has shared hers with many others as well!

We both use the recipes on Alexandra Bakes.

I have recently discovered Farmhouse on Boone and am enjoying Lisa Bass's site.
She lives on a large farm and has 8 children!

I wear a vintage rhinestone brooch on my wool beret and other hats.

Wearing vintage pins are a bit of a habit of mine. 
I don't seem to find many but I always look!!

Do you enjoy thrifting?

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
I appreciate your comments and invite you to share your thoughts.

Take care and until next time...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~