Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Hostess Hasty Notes...


Bateaux Mouches Scarf knit in a grey yarn by Drops.
Alpaca and Silk

It is super soft with a nice drape...
very cozy and warm for these colder days.

Mornings this week have been very icy...

A delightful week of Yoga

Yoga for Osteoporosis
Yoga for Balance
Yoga For Hips

Scraping the ice off the car before heading off to Yoga Class. 

I am focused on the new classes 
which are improving my hip alignment and strengthening the muscles that support the hip.
Training me to be in balance 
with a goal of stability and the ability to avoid future falls.

All of this is taking up time and energy and are an investment in my health.
My flexibility is not what it was prior to COVID.
My goal is to
get back as much flexibility as possible.

My instructor says it takes time.

Do you practice Yoga?


Marshalls dressing room selfie...

I LOVE denim!
 So when I spied this soft cozy fleecy knit denim blue shirt...
I pounced and have been wearing it on rotation these past few weeks.

I am loving this new Sonsie skincare.
The redness from my rosacea has completely calmed down.

If you want to try it please use the 15% discount code...

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to shoot me an email.

Joanne from Steveston came to Victoria for a few days.

We got together for an afternoon of fun.

Shopped thrift and consignment shops 
visited the Vic West Market on Catherine Street
before we had lunch at The Snug in The Oak Bay Beach Hotel.

The Market has a very European Vibe...
lots of interesting food items and the displays are works of art!

Am knitting another Bateaux Mouches Scarf/Shawl
Using Bamboo Yarn in white for Summer.
Feels lovely in the hand...soft and light.

Soup for lunch at Pure Vanilla...
red lentil with a spicy tang.

New LG Washer and Dryer Set

Our former set were 
15 years old and the washer ground to a halt on Saturday.
I had to rinse the entire load in the bathtub 
before wringing the clothes by hand to dry!

Our laundry room is bright and cheerful...
I can look out onto the Humble Bungalow Garden while working downstairs.

There are some rustic touches in the minimalist decor.

but so important!
There are Joys in clean clothes and freshly ironed cottons.

I spend a LOT of time doing laundry!

Another sourdough Boule has baked...
"Alexandra Cooks" basic sourdough recipe is my favourite.
After making bread for several years now I can do it with my eyes closed :-))
The flavour is amazing and the bread is easy to make.

Do you bake your own bread?

White Orchid

Do you shop local?
Think we need to help these shops stay open and keep their business thriving.
So many small businesses are struggling to survive and many are already shut down.

Buying Power is in our hands
(and wallets)
we have choices
 through our decisions of 
who we buy from...
where we spend our money
If we
 support companies run and owned by women.
We are empowering them to continue...

Just like the
Cordova Candle Company who are local and make lovely scented soy candles.

I light mine every morning while I sip my coffee and read my socials.

What are your favourite local shops?
Are you a repeat customer?
Do you know the women behind the business?

Speaking of Socials...
several friends have quit Facebook
others are taking a 3 week break from all online platforms.

Are you considering leaving any of your social memberships?

We have the power to make changes...
it is up to each of us to decide what is right.

What is new with you?

Are you worried about the state of the world?

Have you, like me, had to limit your exposure to the news?

I do not go down rabbit holes...
I act locally...making changes where I can see the results of those efforts.

I bake, I knit, I drink tea, I read, I walk, I go to Yoga, I live an honest and simple life.


~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

December greetings from The Humble Bungalow...


~ Festive Greetings from The Humble Bungalow ~

We've put up the faux tree with twinkling white fairy lights.

One of our cats still climbs the tree
so we do not add our vintage glass baubles.

One year the cat knocked the tree to the floor 
resulting in a mess of shattered baubles...
sadly several vintage treasures were lost.
We keep our decorating simple and have added some silver baubles and stars.

Do you follow Pamela Anderson on Instagram?

She has moved back to the island, renovated her family home,
 planted rose and vegetable gardens and more recently has published a cookbook.
She has totally reinvented herself...written a memoir, appeared in a documentary
starred in a play on Broadway, and is appearing in films.

Pamela is a co-founder of Sonsie skincare products.

My skincare products were getting low and when I heard that she had a rose scented cleanser I thought I might try some.

I purchased the "bundle" cleanser, serum and moisturizing balm.
I would have bought the lip balm but it was sold out.

I have been using the Sonsie products for about a week and already can see an improvement in my skin tone.

Having rosacea and seeing a reduction of redness is VERY exciting!

Hydrangeas are almost done for the season but I managed to salvage a few blooms.

These have dried nicely in a vintage Crown Ducal Vase. 

After 3 years of lusting after this Cocoon wool and cashmere coat from Aritzia
I finally bought it and I am SO GLAD!!!

 ~ SO COZY ~

Cold weather means warmer accessories...
the walks by the sea are very cold.

I had a fall a week ago...
Hurt my hip and knee which are badly bruised.

Sustained a cut above my eye.
My eye lid and area below were really red but now are a limey green shade.

Managed to get to see the doctor who sent me for X Rays.
Fortunately nothing is broken.
However I do have a concussion and have had a CT scan...
results should be forthcoming.

Research on walking assists inspired me to buy walking Poles.
Our local Wellwise store carry the poles.
Hubby bought a pair for his walks too.

I have used them a few times and they make a HUGE difference.
 My confidence, stability and balance are much improved.

Do you use walking poles?
Have you ever had a nasty fall requiring x-rays?
How about a concussion?

Tis the season for candles!

Beeswax and a scented candle on the vintage silver tray add ambiance.
I like to sip my coffee, read my book, or knit with these candles glowing.

Silver baubles...
Harrods George V fluted silverplate Teapot and Creamer

Still on the hunt for the sugar bowl...

It has been a quite a week with my bruises and fuzzy head.
Hubby "cooked" which meant that we ordered Thai food and had White Spot.
Thank you honey it was a nice treat :-))

He was my gallant chauffeur for a few appointments and for that I am thankful.

Feeling much better
I am driving again and have been shopping and running errands.

Lots of Christmas baking to do to fill my cookie tins...
are you getting ready for the holidays?

What are your "go to" traditional festive treats?

This might be my only post for December...
I am wishing you a lovely festive season!

Thank You for reading my Humble Bungalow Blog and for all your comments!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~ 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Solo getaway to Salt Spring Island ~ books, scent, skirt, tee and a sparkly vintage brooch.


I took myself away for 4 days to Salt Spring Island before our week at Pender.

I opted to stay close in town and park the car and walk to the shops and galleries.

My room overlooked the harbour.

The Salt Spring Island Inn was a very pleasant surprise.
It was built in 1937 and has been updated over the has 7 rooms.

Three of the rooms have ensuite bathrooms and are advertised as deluxe rooms.
The 4 others share 2 separate bathrooms with showers.
It is very cozy.

The room was quiet and clean and had a TV which I never turned on once!

I purchased the deVol Kitchen Book from a fabulous shop called Rhubarb.

They have the MOST beautiful things in the shop...
they also have a website with some of their items.
I could have spent a fortune in there.

I finished knitting my neck warmer while I was at the Inn.

There is a wonderful cafe on the main floor.
It is popular with the locals and with tourists.

The food was really delicious and even though it was busy, 
the service was wonderful. The staff were friendly and animated.
I ate at the cafe every evening and opted for healthy meals.
(No fries or burgers)

Rain did not stop me from getting out and about...

I was out for an early morning walk before the shops opened up
when I spied this bottle on the sidewalk.
There must be a story here...

Pod has some amazing things inside!
European brands, cashmere sweaters scarves and hats.
Beautiful coats, clothes and shawls.

Met up with my friend Ali and she and I perused the shops.
She loves the Rhubarb Shop too so I went back with her again...

I went to 2 of the 3 thrift shops on SSI.

Found a sparkly brooch stamped Butler.

Love the size of the makes a statement.

Found a basic tee top by Mododoc at Mouats.
 They have a vast selection of clothing and were having a sale.

I found the Golden Amber scent at Mondo...
it is woodsy and I love the fragrance.

Denim skirt also from Mouats.
I haven't had a denim skirt in many many years.

This will be a serious work horse in my wardrobe.
I am already planning what I am going to wear with it...

My crisp white shirt and pearls, tights and Black Chelsea Boots for a start...
Tee tops with my hand knit sweaters and vests.

Met up with Terry, my husband's cousin, who has lived on SSI for many decades.
We had a fun day together!

Terry is an avid walker and has made many trips to walk the Camino and various walks in the UK and Scotland.
She took me on a 5km walk in the Channel Ridge area.
I held my breath when she showed me a road that was so steep it went straight up!
I was VERY intimidated...
Terry was patient with me and said I'll talk and when you need to stop I'll wait.
Well I stopped 3 times to catch my breath but I did make it to the top.

After our walk she showed me wonderful areas of the Island that I had never visited.

For example, I had never been to the Mercantile...

The Woodshed

Glorious colours and a wide variety of veggies.

Beeswax Candles...

Fruits and Funghi

Salt Spring Island Kitchen Co.

They make wonderful and unusual jams, sauces, and vinegars.
Also sell the Salt Spring Island Cheeses and have yummy crackers too.
Tempting tasty samples too :-))

I bought two jars of jam...
Hot Mango and Onion and Thyme

The uber popular Francis Bread Bakery...

Totally loved these lights! They remind me of jellyfish.

Lots of tempting treats...

We had a delicious bowl of chowder at The Oystercatcher in Ganges.
Thank you Terry :-))

Went into Louise Campbell's Gallery...
colourful paintings and silk scarves.

I purchased 3 packages of art cards.

On November 11th there was a parade and a ceremony in the town square.
Many people turned out to watch the horses and Canadian Navy Bands.
After the event was over I grabbed a coffee 
 I checked out of the Inn and went to the bookstore to buy another book to take with me to Pender.

I read this book in a couple of days and have the sequel waiting at home.

I had never been to Pender from SSI before. It was fun to see the different scenery.

Well that about wraps up my holiday away...

Pender Sunset on our last evening...

I must apologize for being so slow at responding to emails!
I don't use my computer much when I am away.

I have laundry to tackle, bread to make, food to buy, and 
YES many emails to answer...
Only then will I read some more of Ina's new book!

What a lovely story!

Thank you for staying in touch and reading my blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~