Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Canadian Tuxedo, Makeup, and a "Perfect" white tee


~ Snow ~

We don't get a lot of snow here in Victoria but when we do...
many things come to a halt.

The Yoga Studio closed, 
the rec centre annex Yoga classes were cancelled, 
schools were closed.

I have been busy here in The Humble Bungalow keeping the home fires burning.
Vacuuming, dusting, reading, knitting, making soup.
Baking ~ Banana bread and a Sourdough Boule.

Watching the birds outside, sipping tea, thinking deep thoughts.
Silently praying for Peace.

The amaryllis bloomed!
I planted it on Boxing Day.
It is sitting on the shelf above the farmhouse sink where I do the dishes.

The kitchen is my favourite place to work.
I spend many hours at the counters 
sharp knives in hand chopping, 
slicing, and dicing...
creating meals to feed us.

Last week I went to the mall in search of the "perfect" white Tee shirt.
I don't know why it is so difficult to find one that fits well
looks good, is not see through, and has some style.

I want a decent quality, a smooth washable fabric that doesn't cling.

I've spent ages looking for a white tee in the thrift shops, no Joy.

After trying many tees in shops 
most were thin, see through tops, much too clingy.

This is one that I found at The Gap...
it ticked all the boxes I bought 2 of them.
($54.95 each yikes!)

Will be a layering workhorse...
when they go on sale I am going to buy a couple more!

DENIM got me again...
pale blue softness.
Thank you GAP

I know this has become a problem...
Hanging in my closet now are 3 denim style shirts.
The newer fleecy one...
(see previous post)
a thrifted Gap one from 5 or 6 years ago
now a pale one for spring and summer.

(Charter and founding member of Denim Shirts Anonymous)

Actually, come to think of it...
the pale one will go well with those pale denim Mango jeans I bought.
Think Canadian Tuxedo :-))

Very good book!
I read Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano a while back and really enjoyed her writing.
Several friends have recommended this book so I borrowed it.
Glad that I did.

Replaced my former CC cream with this one from Marcelle.
Canadian Company in Quebec that has been in business since 1949.

The gals at The Oak Bay Pharmasave suggested the opthamologist recommended mascara and eye shadow...
 I was asking their advice after two eye infections
 which I attributed to my sensitivity to mascara.

Been using this for about 6 months and have had no problems whatsoever!

The lipstick is a sheer red perfect for everyday.
(Loving Red)

My "go to products" for a simple minimal 5 minute make-up routine.

For a woman who is on the cusp of 70 
I find that less is more when it comes to make-up.

That about wraps up this snow day...
need to make dinner.

~ Spaghetti Bolognese ~

I don't usually post as often so I guess this a "bonus" post.

Many of you have popped by The Humble Bungalow Blog
 through the years...many friendships have been forged.
A few of us get together from other areas of the globe.
There are wonderful spin offs to blogging.

Kind of surprising that after all these years
I still feel like writing.

I might be
Am I repeating myself!

Well I'll sign off for now...

What's new with you these days?
Leave me a comment and tell me how you are doing.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Week of wild weather...

Beeswax candles glowing...
adding ambiance on a frigid cold day.

Very snowy here these past few days...
not a lot of accumulation in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
Other areas of Victoria have a LOT more!
Schools were closed, traffic was snarled, buses got stuck.

Mr HB and I stayed home.
I read books, played word games on the computer, 
knit a few rows on The Sophie Scarf,
decluttered and cooked.

Chester seems unfazed by the snow.
He is an indoor cat so he isn't really affected by the weather.
He has been taking advantage of having Mr. HB home...he's snoozing on his lap!

Chester asleep on the cat blanket.

I make soup for many of our lunches.

This spice was in a French Country Home subscription box.
It is made by Compagnie Francaise...
peppers, turmeric, oregano, thyme, curcumin, paprika, sage, basil, tamarind, onion, cinnamon.

The Christmas Cactus is still in bloom!
I bought this orange cactus recently...I love the bright shade of orange.

Here I am just before my Aqua Fit class....
no make up, just lipstick.

My decades old Burberry scarf, Columbia Puffer coat and a hand knit gift hat.
The Sally Hansen Insta Dri nail polish matches one of the stripes!!

Post swim relaxation.

Reading an interesting book by Lesley Crewe called Amazing Grace.
I have not read her books before but I am really enjoying this one.

What are you reading?

The weekly sourdough boule baking is still very much part of my routine.
I keep the sourdough starter active stored in the fridge.
The recipe I use I found online at Alexandra Bakes.

Cooking, baking, cleaning all these things happen here in The Humble Bungalow.
I accomplish a lot everyday but I intersperse the jobs with rest and tea.

I've been wearing these pink gloves to wash the dishes.
They are help my manicure last longer!

What is the weather like where you live?
We aren't used to snow so any amount can mess with the commutes of workers.
It makes getting around much more difficult...especially when the buses are stuck!

Tomorrow the forecast is for warmer temperatures and rain.
I think the snow will melt quite quickly and we will all resume our normal activities.

I plan to get out for some groceries and perhaps peruse a thrift shop or two.

Have you found any treasures recently in the shops?
I go into shops with an open mind and look at all the stock...
if I go in with a certain item in mind I find that I feel stress.

You never know what is waiting in the thrift and charity shops!

~ Happy Thrifting ~ 

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday ~ Sunshine and Snow


This candle is not what I expected...
it is melting in a rather unusual fashion.

The shopkeeper where I purchased this candle
assured me that they were quality imports from Europe.

I think I will go back to buying beeswax candles.
They burn cleanly and look lovely and are fragrant while they burn.

Reading Mick Herron's book Slow Horses the first in the series.
Mr. HB is on book 5 London Rules...
he has the next one and will purchase the new one when it is published this April.
We do not usually read the same books but this series is an exception.

My reading corner at the cottage.

The weather is freezing cold and we had some snow overnight.
Just a dusting.

It is a beautiful sunny Sunday here at the cottage!

Another vintage sealer jar...almost full.

We managed to get out for two beach walks and gather sea glass.

Fashionable OOTD at the cottage are rather non existent!

I pack a Lands' End tote with cozy casual sportswear during the fall and winter.

What I pack for the week:

Nightgown and Ralph Lauren terry robe
thick alpaca socks (instead of slippers)

bras, panties, camisoles

Two long sleeved Lands" End cotton tops 
Yoga pants and a pair of black lined leggings
32 Below black velour zip jacket
Black quilted Eileen Fisher vest
distressed and much worn Gap denim shirt
Long sleeve Eileen Fisher boiled wool sweater 

Warm lined Reiker boots in a tobacco shade
Black waterproof Josef Seibel Chelsea Boots

Columbia blue puffer coat
Burberry plaid scarf

You might be curious, I do wear my Akoya pearls...
my vintage burgundy leather Due Fratelli bag
I also bring a small black leather Roots bag for hikes and walks.

Our cottage time is laid back and casual.

Hope that you are keeping warm and cozy if it is snowing where you live.

We'll be spending most of the week with our noses in our books and going for walks.
Meals will be simple and the weather sounds like it will warm up.

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
Many of you are frustrated that the email service Blogger offered is no longer working...
You can try Feedly or check in most Sundays for the post.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Let it snow....

It was almost a white Christmas!
The snow fell fast and furious and closed down the roads.
Ferries, buses and some businesses were out of service for several days.

Tea for Two?
Iced Tea perhaps...

Dinner on the Deck?
Looks like a puffy Pavlova dessert.

Even the Christmas baubles were clad in snow....

The Humble Bungalow Garden
looked quite pretty dressed up in all white.

We've been busy!

The snow has melted and there is a gusty wind and rain taking its place.
Power outages are predicted and the lights here are flickering
so I am hoping that we don't lose our power.

We have a lot of candles and a fireplace with some logs 
in which to build a fire if need be...

Hubby got one of those cool toques with a light in the front
so he can turn it on and read his book.
I don't think there would be enough light for me to knit on my current project.

I finished the vest and am knitting another Miriam sweater.
I knit one in a soft dove grey and the one that I am knitting now is a turquoise shade.

We were busy over the holidays with family, friends and there was lots of good food.

Did you try the nut recipe that I posted last time?

I gave away all the jars I made except one...
it is currently on the counter and I sneak a bite every so often.
Dang those nuts are tasty!!!

My husband and I no longer exchange gifts at Christmas.
We really have enough...
If we really NEED something we go out and buy it.

For example...
Our infloor heating thermostat broke just before the holidays
so we hired an electrician to come and swap it out.

Besides it is much more fun to give...
to our family
to friends.

I've been able to add a donation to the local food bank every week 
when I buy our groceries...
there are many people in need.

I will close for now and get our dinner started.

I hope that you had a good Christmas.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
Until next time...

 ~Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Cold weather, a Thrifty Chicken Veggie Soup Recipe, and knitting at the cottage.


We are at the cottage and awoke to snow dusting the stairs...

It coated the ground which reminded me of icing sugar...
then I thought of cookies :-))

We purchased a wee tree for the cottage and chose small fairy lights in white.
It looks best when the lights are dimmed or turned off but we felt the need to add some festive cheer, it is December after all.

With this cold I decided to make a chicken veggie soup.
It was full of flavour and was a warm and cozy choice for the cold day.

Thrifty Chicken Soup

I used a roast chicken carcass.
Pick off the bigger chunks of meat and set them aside in the fridge.

In a soup pot I added the carcass and just covered the bones with water.
Boil then simmer for about an hour.
Take out bones and set them aside to cool.
Put the rich stock into a large container.
Pick off any more meat from the bones and add to the stock, discard the bones.

Saute one large diced onion, 2 stalks diced celery in oil until soft.
Add the meat from the fridge and the stock to the pot
2 diced carrots, some sliced greens 
(I used bok choy)
Cook about 45 minutes until carrots are soft
salt and pepper to taste.


It is very tasty and is so warming on a cold snowy day.

The sun was shining and we bundled up for a cold weather walk.
The air was crisp and so refreshing.
Little birds skitting about pecking for morsels of food...
Gulls soaring in the sky.

Soon the birds will be nibbling these red berries and rose hips...

December is a truly beautiful time to visit the cottage.
It is quite peaceful so we sleep deeply and feel relaxed when we wake up.
We are so fortunate to be able to come and do not take our time here for granted.
It is a precious gift.

We have been reading our books and I've been knitting on my vest 
which is getting very close to being finished.
I needed to buy some new locking stitch markers
 so I went to The Beehive before we left town.
Wouldn't you know it! I spied a lovely blue variegated yarn by Berocco.
Wool shops are rather lethal for me...chocolate, tea and book shops are trouble!
I rarely leave with empty hands.

This pattern is my next project.
Are you a knitter?
What do you love to make?

Hope that you are warm and cozy and enjoying the beginning of December.
I think it is going to get busy with baking and shopping and wrapping!
(with time set aside for knitting and reading)

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

OOTD ~ SNOW DAY and Baby it's cold outside!

~ Snow Day Selfie ~

I am getting ready to head out in the snow...
Snow does not usually make an appearance until after Christmas
so I was caught scrambling for my woolen accessories.
I popped on my boiled wool Eileen Fisher sweater overtop of a black camisole.
Layering is the warmest way to dress in this chilly weather.

~ OOTD ~
The cashmere Burberry scarf is ages old...maybe 10 years or more.
My hat is one I wore in Paris in 2015...Andre Diffusion with a feather pin.
The bag is vintage Due Fratelli.
My down Puffer coat is by Columbia and has a thermal foil-like lining in the body.
Super warm but bulky!
My dear departed Mom used to say...
"Darling Why don't you just wrap yourself in a Down Duvet?"

(I wear them simply because they are warm.)

Early morning routines...
candles, coffee, and my book.

I enjoyed this book...
set in Ontario Canada, in an Italian community.
I read Anne Giardini's The Sad Truth About Happiness and enjoyed it.
 When I spied this novel at the bookstore on Pender Island I grabbed it.

Chester and Pepper are snuggling...
a rare sight!
Perhaps it is the cold weather that encouraged them to sleep side by side?

Staying indoors has inspired me to bake.
I found this recipe online.

Cream Cheese Pound Cake
a heavy cake but oh so delicious!
Blackberries and whipped cream elevated it to a divine dessert.

You can see that the snow is melting on the porch.
The sun is warming us up...

I added a vintage Sherman Pin.
The rhinestones sparkle brightly set on a black background.
I love adding Vintage accessories...
they are unique, 
often found at thrift shops and can add a personal touch.

Do you wear Vintage pieces?
I'd love to know more about your vintage pieces.

I must close for now as I am heading out to the knitting group
we meet in a friends home, knit, chat and sip tea.
It's a fabulous way to be social and share our projects.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~