Sunday, November 20, 2011

My latest "mud pie"...

It's been quite awhile since I have had the urge to play with my paints...
one cannot create unless the mood is right.

How does one know when the time is ripe?

Not sure but there were some things going on and maybe they had something to do with it...
4 loads of laundry needed washing
it was windy and rainy outside
a steaming mug of hot tea was in my hand
Pepper was chasing her catnip mouse
the house was quiet
I was alone
the music on the radio tuned to CBC 2 was upbeat

I needed to be downstairs in reno-ville to access the washer and dryer
and my hobby room is downstairs next to the guest room...
which both are full of things that had to be removed from the areas that are "under construction"

I will not bore you with all the details but it is a mess down here!

Patience, patience....
it will be lovely when it's done.

Mud pie painting is done for fun.
It's that simple.
Like those early kindergarten days
standing at the easel staring at the blank paper
wearing one of my father's old shirts worn backwards with the sleeves rolled up
all students brought painting smocks and their father's cast off shirts were the usual choices...

the teacher bending close to my ear and whispering
"you can do it Leslie, just wet your brush and dip it in the paint"
I was cautious and afraid of making a mess...
well no more
I love to let the brush ebb and flow over the canvas

I've cut off the right side a wee bit but you get the idea.

Gosh I look serious
actually not the most flattering of photos 

trying to take ones own photo is a challenge
hitting delete might have been the best course of action
but hey I aim for honesty so here it is...

My hair now has a few layers
the new hairdresser thought I needed some to take advantage of the natural wave and I am in her capable hands until Chris gets better.
She has had the surgery,
and is undergoing chemotherapy...

I took Mother to the hospital for a test 
as we were walking in the crosswalk to the parking lot
I saw Chris in her car and I ran over and gave her a hug and a kiss...
I left Mother standing on her own in the crosswalk
sorry Mom!
She was in no danger 
as Chris's car was the one that was stopped at the intersection.

I completely forgot myself in the excitement of seeing Chris.
Gotta love spontaneity! 


Kameel huise tussen spore said...

Dear Hostess - Leslie
I want to utilized your wonderful mud pie basket of flowers in my next post. It is all about oranges and when I saw this I just could not let go of it. Will put a link to your post.

Pondside said...

However the Muse arrives, she should be welcomed. It looks like you had fun with the paints!

Sue/the view from great island said...

I wish blogger hadn't changed the way we view photos...I was trying to zoom in on your paintings, they're lovely.

Kathy said...

I just found your blog yesterday, its wonderful.
Your painting is charming.
Love the realness, the honesty of your blog.
Its what makes it good!

Lorrie said...

Your painting is full of fun! So glad you took the time to just get out the paints and do it.

Mummaducka said...

I can't seem to do so many things unless the moon and stars are aligned!

Anonymous said...

I love your top painting. Full of charm! Keep painting.

mette said...

The painting of the roses is to my liking. As I have written, I like paintings, interiors, outfits and everything that has an unfinished look.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Good for you... for taking the urge to play with your paints! What fun!

Too often we get those lovely urges and are tempted to wait till later, letting them 'rot' by the wayside as we waiting for a more opportune moment.

I just found this quote a few days ago and shared it on my facebook. Thought you'd appreciate it too.....

"Being invited to play changes everything. Invite. Play." ~ Kathryn Schuth

Here's wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places..........