The Bungalow is one of my favourite places to shop.
Offering an amazing selection of quality cards and a wide assortment of wares.
When I need to find a gift I am confident that I will find something suitable.
It's got that small shop charm that begs one to come back again and again.
Often I go just to browse and chat with the owner.
It is located in a tony area of town on a strip dotted with cafes
a wool shop, pharmacy, and toy store.
Parking on the wide street is of the angle type,
a style that was quite popular when I was younger.
I know the owners,
they have shared dinner and wine at our table
and we have had the honour of being invited to their lush garden and home
overlooking the bay.
The garden is a work of art, a true labour of love
a hobby that rewards
balances a busy life in the retail business.
When GS bought his cottage a few years ago
it was situated in a Garry Oak Meadow.
Naturalized with rocky outcroppings and filled with brambles and weeds.
He recognized that the property had "good bones."
He has painstakingly remodeled the space
and created an oasis of beauty.
I do not have any photos of my last foray in the garden.
One does need to look long and soak in all the details
which when viewed through the lens does somewhat diminish the experience.
There are so many areas where he has cultivated the unusual and eccentric plantings.
He is a master plantsman with an artists eye for creating beauty.
He weaves and mixes variegated foliage with attention to colour and texture
and is not afraid of "pushing the growing zones" as his garden has a Mediterranean zone.
We walk about snaking through sections
along a gravel path as it winds it's way
from one "room" to another as we climb higher up to the top of the land.
Surprises reveal themselves...
large planters spill forth with foamy flowers
rusted iron sculptures
bowling balls
bench seats
a studio / guest cottage
wicker chairs
where we can sit and gaze over the garden
to the boats bobbing on the ocean below and beyond.
There's not a breath of wind and all is quiet,
it's a magnificent place
and I feel so lucky to be here
stopped dead in my tracks
witnessing beauty above and beyond.
Gardens Illustrated and The Canadian Gardener have come through and done photo shoots this past July.
The Korean Olympic Group came through too.
He's not too sure what his garden might have to do with the upcoming Olympics
because not one of the group spoke any English!
Their film crew snapped photos and took videos for several hours
I hope they make the cut when the Olympics air.
Keep your eyes peeled for his Garden in these publications
I am confident that you'll be inspired!
You never know what is around the corner...
imagine for a second how great life is
when you least expect it!