Monday, December 27, 2010

Musings from the Humble Bungalow Hostess...

Christmas has come and gone...
a flurry of activity preceded the day and in a matter of a few hours
family gathered
gifts exchanged and opened
smiles and laughter
 food carefully prepared
served and consumed
the crackers popped
hats discarded
and good wishes...

the turkey carcass has been picked clean 
and the turkey stock has been made
to become a nourishing soup later

images captured on the movie camera
reviewed and shared...

in the quiet of the Bungalow
Mr. HB and myself
weary yet content
lounging around in our robes long into the morning
sipping coffee
the sun filtering in through the window
Pepper asleep on the chair

I am quiet with my thoughts...
thinking of people who are in need of some TLC

thinking of providing nourishment for others
when times are tough and food is scarce

 thinking that everyone needs a hug now and then...

and a warm place to rest

something to believe in
to sustain through days of darkness and uncertainty

inviting gtratitude and simple beauty
into everyday

getting enough vitamins and nourishment 
through a healthy diet

planning for the future
but attending to the now

tending to your needs

embracing your inner child

keeping hydrated

accepting imperfections

growing and nurturing

remembering and honouring the past
but learning to let go...

being open to new things
keeping in touch

maintaining friendships

reading books

saving for a treat once in awhile

being passionate about something
cultivating a hobby

celebrating your achievements

all this on a sunny morning 
sitting in the Morris Chair of the Humble Bungalow living room
thoughts that seem to bubble up 
and weave their way into my consciousness...

in the wake of the hubbub of festive activities
there is a stillness
and an opening for new opportunities
to which I will apply myself
 for the New Year is on the horizon... 

"Bloom where you are planted"
Mary Englebreit


Suburban Princess said...

Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

That is such a lovely post! Very uplifting.

Susan B said...

What a lovely post, Hostess! If we can carry some of these attitudes with us into the New Year, we can all do a small part to make the world a little bit better.

Anonymous said...

Season's Greetings! Yes, this is a week of relaxing, but have done a bit of bargain shopping. Got the Simon Chang denim pants X2. Also got a nice scarf and two turtleneck t-shirts - another black and a brown. Today I made use of a wonderful gift certificate at my yarn shop - sale!! - that my son gave me for Christmas.
Love the Cape Primrose - must watch for some small flowered plants to perk up our home. Peg

the gardener's cottage said...

hi leslie,

what lovely sentiment and wishes. it all sounds so restful and peaceful. happy new year to you too.


Semi Expat said...

This is a wonderful post, Hostess...something I will look back on once in a while too - wise advice. THank you. x

Annie ~ Red Roses and Crystal said...

An enjoyable post Hostess and I particularly like the quote, really says it all I think.

La Vie Quotidienne said...

Wonderful, thoughtful post with so many things to think about...and many to celebrate. Thank you.

Faux Fuchsia said...

Your house is so beautiful! Happy Christmas. Are you freezing? xxx

Suz said...

Perfect advice as we head into a new year. Happy New Year! Susan :)

jenndon said...

Thank you for such an inspiring post. Happy New Year!

mette said...

Hostess: You said it all. Thank you : )!

Northmoon said...

Wonderful thoughts, beautifully illustrated, to carry into the new year.

Thank you so much.

Sydney Shop Girl said...

What a beautifully uplifting post, Hostess!

Thank you :-)

SSG xxx

Sydney Shop Girl blog

Rebecca said...

What a sweet and thoughtful post. Brings out the "want to be better" part of me! Happy New Year, Hostess!

Staircase Witch said...

That was beautiful. Thank you! And a happy new year to you, too!