Tuesday, January 8, 2013

H is for Health...

I need to boost my immune system....
it's been a fall full of ills and I am tired of feeling tired.
Tired of hearing myself complain...
tired of listening to myself cough or sneeze
it's not like ME...
at least the ME I used to be.
I want the old ME back!

Happy Hostess

Bring on colour
bring on the organic veggies....
it's a 911 call for wellness
ban the sugar
binge on water
reduce stress
invite joy
slow down
walk more
take notes...

sweet tasting
please tickle my taste buds

I need to boost my immune system
eat my way to wellness and health

spuds and squash
a sprinkling of pepper
a gentle caress of virgin olive oil

a roasting pan
and some heat
give me some time and there's a roasty toasty tasty meal

after these veggies have softened a bit
toss with some feta cheese and balsamic vinegar
grab a fork or spoon and dinner is done...

chew slowly
 savour the flavours
be mindful
think happy thoughts

invite positivity and wellness to be a part of every day...
I'm on a journey to wellness
will you join me?

"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity."
~ ~ ~ 

What do you do to stay healthy?


Kristien62 said...

This winter we have been caught in a cycle of colds, flus and viruses, passing them back and forth between grandchildren, parents and grandparents. Time for my grandmother's cure- open the windows and let fresh air in. Not for long, though, it's cold outside. She insisted that this needed to be done to rid the air of germs. Since we can't seem to shake this, I am trying air. Eat well and feel better.

mette said...

I try to keep warm; to dress properly in our cold weather, I take my vitamins, I avoid crowds, wash my hands more often and go to bed early. One day at a time.

Susan B said...

Your roasted veggies look fabulous! I've cut WAY back on sugar and processed foods as part of my regime minceur and do feel much better for it, less tired mostly. Everyone around me has been getting sick, so I'm starting to hit the zinc lozenges.

Leanne Maguire said...

I wash my hands frequently and if I feel stressed I'll take deep breaths and try to get lots of sleep. Ever since I started drinking green smoothies I have not had a cold/flu. Also I've been drinking "Kombucha" which is a fermented tea and comes in many yummy flavors (Lifestyles Market on Douglas St.carries it).
I hope you get well soon...this type of bug is quite nasty and hard to shake. I also like your tip of eating less sugar....must try that :)

Adrienne Shubin said...

I just got over a yucky bug that kept me down for about 4 days. Too much interacting with others, not enough sleep, poor diet, stress...it all adds up.
I try to go to bed at a sane hour, wash my hands a lot like Leanne, take a 50mcg zinc everyday, and stay away from sugar, carbs that don't come in a vegetable, and too much caffeine and I am starting to get out into the world more. I am making getting vitamin D the old-fashoined way - from the sun - my priority right now. I can't take D in pill form because it messes with my heart palps so sunshine it is!
hope you feel better soon!

Big hugs, A

Pondside said...

I'm trying my darndest to stay healthy - a challenge when I work with a vulnerable population. I am obsessive about hand-washing and when offered a handshake I'm saying 'I'm not shaking hands right now because I want to help stop the spread of sickness'.

Duchesse said...

How has this emphasis affected your thoughts about stress and most pointedly, the amount of work you want to take on? To me this is a more fundamental consideration than the amount of vegetables, which it seems you have always prepared deliciously, in abundance?

DaniBP said...

I avoid sugar like the plague to avoid whatever plague is out there. I do have a glass of wine every day either before or after dinner. The French cannot be wrong.
I think avoiding parties is a good idea, I didn't feel like socializing much over the holidays and I think this saved me from my usual flu.
Fresh air: big yes. I try to spend at least an hour outside even in bitter cold and I open the windows while I make the beds to bring in some fresh gusts of air. I also boil a big pot of water with cinnamon sticks to humidify the air.
Hostess I hope you are all better soon!!

Lisa said...

All of that beautiful food is enough to push me in the right direction! I need to eat healthier; I'm hooked on carbs and sugar. Boo....

KSL said...

I eat very healthy foods, exercise, and wash my hands a lot. I walk a lot now, as opposed to being in an indoor gym, and I think the fresh air and the Vitamin D is good for me. But I do get colds anyway, this year less than some others, but I do. I also make sure I'm warm, and don't get too chilled. Stress is difficult and runs everyone down - some years there is more stress than others, and it takes it's toll. Just part of life. If I'm very stressed, I try to do less, and get some rest. Feel better soon, and those vegetables look great.

Leanne said...

Oooh, I like the idea of boiling water and add cinnamon sticks to it....love that :)

materfamilias said...

Naps are key for me, although they're restricted to weekends, sadly, during term which has started up again. Otherwise, though, just trying to slow down, breathe, and put stress in perspective.
Take care! Hope those veggies cheer your spirit and put you on the mend. . .

JudyMac said...

Mette seems to have a lot of the right answers. Many of my friends who seem to be sick a lot are around children, grandchildren, etc. who are in school--an excellent source of catching anything going around. I tend to want to hibernate in the winter and stay out of the cold, whether in crowds or otherwise. I don't go to bed early, but have no problem in getting 8 hours of sleep at night, maybe more. Fortunately, I have always seemed to have a very good immune system but I try not to push my luck. Nice fresh-roasted veggies never hurt! :-)

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Just for the record I work in a school of over 500 students and 50 staff...
germs are everywhere and I do take my vitamins and wash my hands frequently.
I think my stress level is the problem and I am addressing that aspect as I type.
Thank you all for your good advice and thoughts...I owe you all many thanks.

Jennifer said...

In addition to all the things you mentioned, my alternative medicine Dr put me on Tumeric capsules (from the health food store) to boost my immune system. I had a year like you are describing 2 years ago and it was awful. It got so bad they finally checked my immune system. All was OK but I agree with you...stress was one of the nasty culprits.
I also added breath work, which I found on the Dr Andrew Weil website. It's a great addition as well as the meditation.
Feel stronger soon my friend.

Judith said...

Had a head cold before Christmas,there is a norovirus (diarrhoea & vomiting)sweeping Britain....so am wiping trolley handles at supermarkets with antiseptic wipes,not touching handles on loos etc,hand washing,staying away from crowds.

Eating healthy foods,as little sugar/fat/salt as possible.As I have poor circulation in my hands/feet need to keep them warm (even in the hot weather my feet look blue! celtic looks can be a pain.

Hope you are feeling better,like the way you are wearing your scarf very elegant.Ida

Suburban Princess said...

We've all had the 100 day cough that's been going around. Everyone is dropping like flies. Fortunately mine is pretty much done, now to see if I can actually get some rest!

Your roasted veggies look awesome! I love roasted beets with feta but will have to try it with other veggies too - thanks for the inspiration!

Rebecca said...

I'm with you! I have been going to bed early. Nothing like a good night of sleep, in my opinion. I lost weight last year and think I'm at a good weight to maintain. We're eating out less; eating more soups and fruits. Generally living and appreciating a fairly simple life.

LPC said...

Hostess, we all need this! Take care of yourself. Flu is sweeping the country, and it's a serious one.

Coulda shoulda woulda said...

i missed out on buying that scarf! i hesitated and then it was all gone...lucky you - following you now on bloglovin - very sweet blog