Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

Forever Chic has arrived in The Humble Bungalow!

Blogger and writer Tish Jett's book Forever Chic arrived in the post this week!
The chic and savvy Deja Pseu hosted a giveaway on her blog and I was fortunate enough to be the recipient of this delicious book. Thank you Deja Pseu I am so grateful that the book arrived safely after the post office mix up.

I can hardly wait to read it but it will have to wait as we are busy with friends and the calendar is getting filled up.
I'd like to hunker down and take a couple of days and simply soak in all of Tish's words of wisdom.

I'll write a review of the book when I am finished reading it.

(Did you notice the card that Deja Pseu sent with the book?)

My lazy lunch...
leftover butternut squash, a few strands of spaghetti noodles, and an egg beaten up and topped with chives.
When I bought this wee frying pan I had no idea that it would get so much use.
It comes in so handy for roasting nuts, cooking up an egg or two and making a single serving of French Toast.

I must be off as I have some chocolate zucchini cakes to bake.
The Root Cellar had zucchini on sale and I could not resist a bargain.

Be Well and remember Kindness never goes out of style.


Friday, November 15, 2013

~ Paris Street Style ~

I recently picked up a copy of Paris Street Style from the local library and read it cover to cover in an afternoon.
This little book is a real gem!

It's chock full of great tips and an interesting assortment of fabulous photos showing chic women wearing clothes with French flair and panache. All of the women added their personal touches so they do not come across as cookie cutter models.
The interviews of 25 personalities involved in the fashion industry add depth...
these "fashion insiders" share their advice.

I think a copy of Paris Street Style should find a home with the other French Style books on my bookshelf.

Essentials that you need to know about French chic...
Notes from the book jacket include;
8 items that everyone should own.
Classic handbags that last a lifetime.
The ideal jeans to wear Monday through Sunday.

The little black dress is perfect for you.
Mixing vintage, brand new luxury and dirt cheap pieces.

Run! don't walk and get your mitts on this gem of a book.
 If you are at all interested in French Chic this will out a smile on your face.

Speaking of French Chic,
 I just found out that I was one of the lucky readers to win a copy of Tish Jett's new book
Forever Chic: Frenchwomen's Secrets for Timeless Beauty, Style, and Substance.
Blogger Deja Pseu offered a generous giveaway and I am so excited!
Thank you so much!
I cannot wait for it to arrive so I can read it.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The book goes to....

I apologize but it's been a busy week and I am behind on my posting.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog,
I hope you know how much your feedback and emails mean to me...
it's often your voices that inspire my blog topics.

The selection committee of two...the Mother Daughter team have struggled with our decision.
What makes one feel beautiful is very personal.
Beauty is as one writer said..."in the eye of the beholder."

It would be wonderful if we all found our reflections those of beauty.
Being comfortable in one's skin
accepting ourselves for who we are
and confident enough to be content.
It may seem illusive and yet there are many aspects that radiate love and loveliness.

Now if only we could award all of the participants a book our job would be easy.
Jamie Cat Callan will autograph her new book and send it in the post.

We narrowed it down but we chose two of the commenters...A Well Styled Life and Little Sister.
Please email me at with your mailing addresses and I will forward them to Jamie Cat Callan as soon as I receive them.

I hope that you both will enjoy Jamie's book.
If you did not win a copy her book is available online and at a local book store soon.

I brewed a pot of tea when I received the Advanced Reading Copy of her book and found myself transported to Paris...
through the voices of the fabulous French Femmes who were profiled and interviewed in
Ooh La La! French Women's Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Everyday.

Look for beauty today...
it might be in the eyes of a child, the smile from a stranger, a weed blooming in the garden.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Shopping Spree and the Giveaway reminder...

It's been a shopping dry spell that was broken this past weekend.
It didn't hurt that I spent the weekend with a friend who loves to shop!
She lives on Thetis Island and I picked her up on Vancouver Island at Cobble Hill.

The Drum Roaster Coffee Shop fabulous brewed coffee beverages and tasty food for those who are hungry!

We explored the Vintage Fair in Cobble Hill before going to the Duncan Farmers Market
and the quaint shops in the older part of downtown Duncan.

14 vendors with shabby chic and country items
furniture and home decor accessories
a wonderful event!

Tick Tock
I found this clock for my hobby room
time flies when I have my paint brush in my hand!

Mustard pickles
from Hillary's Cheeses at Cowichan Bay.

 Thetis Island vineyard 2012 pinot gris
Domaine Jasmin
a wine tasting this morning and a subsequent purchase
very pretty blush coloured wine
a lovely fruity flavour and a perfect summer wine...
great to pair with salads and seafood.

Franco Sarto

a sweet slip of a scarf by Echo
light weight for summer

my "go to colours"
  black and white

a light loose cotton topper
shown here with my Eileen Fisher tank

Mr. HB picked a Royal Sunset bouquet!
The fragrance is delicious...

the blooms exquisite.

I had a fun filled weekend
the weather was cloudy with patchy sunbursts and a smattering of rain.
It didn't matter because we know how to make the most of our time together.

I hope that you had a great weekend too.

Don't forget to enter the book giveaway...
you've got until May 29th to leave me a comment and become a Bloglovin follower.
My daughter and I will read through your comments and decide on who Jamie Cat Callan will send her new book to so check back to see who wins as you'll need to provide her with your mailing address. Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Giveaway...Ooh La La!

When I received Jamie Cat Callan's latest book "Ooh La La" I could not put it down.
I have read all of her books and think that the French Femme theme holds great interest for me.

With each new book I learn a little more about the chic and mystique that French women possess.
"French Women's Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day."

Women of any nation can cultivate these habits...
you don't need to be a French Femme to feel beautiful.

Adopting a few tricks goes a long way...
delve into Jamie's book and you'll learn more.

Jamie has graciously offered to autograph and send one of her new books to one of my readers.

All I ask is that you follow my blog by email or by Bloglovin ~

google reader is phasing out their service very soon so in order to stay connected I've been advising readers to join  Bloglovin so they can keep bloggers posts coming.

Leave me a comment before May 29th telling me what makes you feel beautiful every day.

I will ask my daughter to help me choose the recipient on May 30th.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

White Wednesday and The Verbena scent goes to....

I've been terribly lazy posting on the Humble Bungalow Blog.

One reason may be that my cleaning lady is on leave as her daughter got married and she has been hosting all the relatives from far and wide on this vast planet.
I cannot believe how much help she is around our dusty little home.
I am seriously missing her expertise.

I really don't do well living in chaos or watching the dust bunnies multiply like rabbits.
So I am "on the job."
It's a great way to get some exercise too.

The Iceberg rose is having her second flush of blooms!

speaking of lovely ~ just look at that crisp clear blue sky

Thank you to all of you for stopping by...
your comments mean the world to me

You must want to know whose name we drew out of the bowl.

Congratulations to Awakening My Wardrobe
please send me an email with your mailing address 
 I'll pop over to the Post Office later on in the week.

I hope that you'll enjoy this scent.

~ ~ ~


Monday, September 3, 2012

Playing with light...

Summer is coming to an end,
slowly fading light comes early into the nights.

Fall is closing in on summer's heels...
which leaves me with a sense of sadness
longing for more sunny days ahead and time to kick back and relax.

It's bittersweet...
pretty soon we'll be deep in winter's embrace and slumbering soundly.
We'll be putting the Humble Bungalow Garden to bed for another season over the next few weeks...

Chester's relaxing in the sunshine.

I took my camera on a walkabout in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

I've had my nose firmly planted in this book and am enjoying it very much.
Too much as my cuisine has taken a back seat to the book!
It's been a few days of a free range organic chicken
cooked and served in different ways...

Chicken Pot Pie
homemade pastry which I whipped up in the food processor.

it was tasty and no complaints were uttered by Mr. HB
so I think I got away with it!

Now I am going to have to come up with something else...
(not chicken!)

I'll close for now and put on my apron and spring into action.

If you haven't entered the giveaway there's still time...
two posts back is where you'll find the particulars.
Good Luck!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

French Fragrance from Grasse, a giveaway!

I recently wandered into my favourite shop and was smitten by the fresh crisp scent of Verbena.
There were soaps, scents and lotions in this line from Durance.
I bought one for myself and I thought it might be time to thank all my followers and host a giveaway
so I bought a second bottle for one of you.
Time to give back a little to you because your wonderful comments encourage me to keep blogging.

Eau de Toilette Verbena
The Verbena scented composition is lemony and green. 
It has been made by the perfumers of Durance in the pure tradition of Grasse.
100ml ~ 3.3fl.oz

If you'd like to enter 
you need to be a follower of The Hostess of the Humble Bungalow Blog
and I'd love to know what makes you feel chic.

I'll keep this open until September 4th
I'll draw a name on the 5th and come back and see if it's yours!

I'll need an email with your mailing address at that time so I can pop it in the post.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing about what makes you feel chic!
~ ~ ~

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What makes you feel chic? and I've been tagged!

I have almost finished reading Madame Chic.

Please don't forget to tell me what makes you feel chic to enter the giveaway...
details are in the previous post.

materfamilias has tagged me in a meme
and I am rising to the challenge by sharing some things about myself.

11 random things about me are;

Spiders scare me...lovely daughter was bitten by a brown recluse spider and it was a horrific experience, her bite took nearly a year to heal and has left her with a scar on her leg the size of a toonie.

I do not like to fly...I have flown several times but have been anxious the entire flight.

I have never pumped my own gas...and I am not particularly proud of this fact.

Very few family and friends know that I have a blog. It's my secret hobby!

I have considered getting my nose pierced with a very small and sparkly diamond stud.

Several years ago I ate an entire pumpkin pie over the course of an afternoon. Incredibly shameful but true!

Metric measurements still challenge me as I was educated when the Imperial system was in use.

I have a crush on Colin Firth.

Potatoes are my favourite food, I love them mashed, scalloped, baked, fried and even potato salad.
It must be my Irish heritage coming through.

While my house may be dusty on any given day it is usually tidy as I cannot stand to live in chaos as it stresses me no end.

I carry a handbag/purse everywhere I go. I get teased about this quirk!

Now to answer mater's questions...

1. What was your favourite film last year and why?
Midnight in Paris was my favourite film last year. I liked it for the cinematography, the costumes, the sets, and the fact that it was set in Paris, a city I long to visit. I saw Midnight in Paris very soon after reading The Paris Wife, which was about Paris in the 20's and the bohemian lives that so many arty types were living. I love Woody Allen's quirkiness when it comes to film and thought that he chose a fine cast of characters to star in his film. I've viewed it twice.

2. If money were no object, where would you spend your next vacation? and why?
I'd go to Paris and the south of France. I have always wanted to go there...I'd love to spend a year in the south of France as dear friends John and Cheryl rave about the warm and friendly people, the beautiful countryside and the lifestyle.  I'd love going to market days and poking through the brocantes.

3. Describe the earliest meal you can remember enjoying.
Soft boiled eggs and toast fingers (which we called soldiers)
I remember dipping the soldiers into the runny yellow yolks. It was almost like playing with my food and Mother allowed me to do this. I remember feeling very grown-up.

4. If you were dividing domestic chores with a new roommate, which ones would you try to claim?
The cooking and the kitchen...and the decorating!

5. Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one?
I played the flute in school but I have given it up now.

6. When you're bothered by prolonged muscle or joint soreness that's interfering with your workout plans, do you visit a General Physician, a Chiropractor, a Physiotherapist, or a Massage Therapist?
My G.P. and I love massage so I'd hasten to book a few sessions at the spa.

7. What activities do you hope will sustain you throughout your 80s and 90s?
Walking, Yoga and perhaps swimming.

8. What was the first important car in your life?
My first one! It symbolized my was a vintage Zephyr. White with black accents fins at the rear, red leather seats inside, quite posh but so retro in the 1970's!

9. What was the most significant course you ever took?
Oh I have taken so many courses over the years I really cannot choose just one!
Maybe Lamaze preparing for natural childbirth.

10. If you had the resources, which elementary or high school classmate would you try to track down, and why?
Louise Kahn. She and I enjoyed and played music together. She was very pretty and creative and so interesting. Her father was a professor and they lived in a large arts and crafts home that was furnished eclectically and had vast stacks of books strewn everywhere. They moved to New York when her father was transferred to another university and we lost touch. I have always wondered what happened to her.

11. Which chef would you like to have come to your house to prepare a meal for your guests -- or, alternatively, give you a cooking lesson in that chef's professional kitchen?
Jamie Oliver! I'd like to go to his home to meet his lovely family before sitting in his kitchen, watching him make me a tasty meal.

The rules are:
1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them

Part of my participation requires that I tag a few bloggers who would kindly post and answer the 11 questions that I pose to them. 
I understand that not everyone likes to, or has the time to play along....but if you were to join in here are my 11 questions.

1. What name would you choose for yourself if you could pick your own name?
2. Who would you most like to meet and spend an evening getting to know?
3. What are your pet peeves?
4. If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
5. If money were no object where would you like to live?
6. How would you describe your fashion style?
7. Who influenced your life the most?
8. What is your favourite book?
9. What have you discovered about yourself that surprised you?
10. What is your favourite blog?
11. What 5 beauty products would you take if you were to go to a desert island?

OK now this is where it gets tricky....
I now need to ask you to if you'll participate...
If you are too busy I will undertsand completely...

Lisa, the author of the privilege blog has just returned to work after spending 2 years as a lady of leisure. She hails from a High Wasp background and has grown up in style. Her blog was the first I discovered and remains one of my all time favourites.

Duchesse has recently moved to Montreal. She has a great sense of style, loves pearls and I'd like to know more about her. She writes the blog passage de perles.

Adrienne lives in wine country and is a volunteer coordinator with a flair for fashion. I hope that she'll share with us some tidbits about herself. You can visit her at the blog A Rich Life on a Budget.  She's very friendly and has impeccable manners.

Today felt like any other day except that I broke my tooth eating a cracker today at lunch...
and I swallowed the part that broke off!
I'll be supping on soft foods and soups until I see my dentist for a crown.

My mouth feels so odd,
thankfully there is no pain...
and I hope there won't be any.

I am not a fan of the dentist, drills and drilling.
On a positive note
my dentist has the most beautiful baby blue eyes...

How's your week going?

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Lessons from Madame Chic" a giveaway!

You don't need to speak French to enjoy Jennifer Scott's new book "Lessons from Madame Chic"
I am immersed in all things French...
so learning more about French Style Chic is exciting.

Jennifer lived in Paris with an aristocratic family in the 16th arrondissement for six months. Her keen observations and attention to details are shared as she highlights the top 20 things she learned from her experience.

Jennifer Scott is a very savvy young woman who has produced many You Tube Tutorials and she is the author of the blog The Daily Connoisseur. She very graciously sent me an autographed copy of Madame Chic in the post all the way from California.
In fact, she sent me TWO copies so that I could host a giveaway!

If you have never visited her blog you are going to be delighted when you pop over and meet her.
Jennifer if you are reading this I sent a note in the post and you should get it any day now.
Merci beaucoup!

I am halfway through the book and I don't want it to end.
Mr. HB snapped the photo and I must say I look quite serious
perhaps studious...

 Sitting by the fire reading and keeping cozy
Pepper is asleep on the other chair and Mr. HB is reading a novel.

The house is scented with the aroma of Beef Daube as it cooks in the oven.

I used this French wine in the recipe.

 Herbes de Provence 
c'est marvielleux!

une baguette s'il vous plait

(a must to soak up all the tasty juices)

French Chic soap...
I am saying farewell to that hideous bar that makes me cringe every time I use it.

Jennifer has a chapter in her book that is titled 
"Only use the best things you have"
this made me realize how much negative energy went into that cracked bar of soap
BTW it was French too!

Black and white 
are my kind of colours
this zebra tunic top is going to be top dressing for my black leggings and boots.

If you would like to be entered for the giveaway you must be a follower of my blog
You don't need to advertise my giveaway or tweet about it
I want to keep it simple.

I'd like you to tell me what makes you feel Chic.
Please enter before February 6th, 2012
Mr. HB and I will choose whose description will win the book.
Have fun...

Bon Chance!

Bon appetit!