Saturday, August 27, 2016

Good news...a quick update on the battle of the bulge.

Good news!
It has been a couple of weeks and I have visible proof of my efforts.

Weight Watcher point counting and walking have started to whittle away some of my wobbly bits.
I am toning up, the muscles on my calves are strong and my clothes have a bit more wiggle room.

Approximately 2 pounds gone...8 more to go.

Sunny yellow rudbeckia's are blooming in the front garden.

We also have the giant variety of rudbeckia plant out front.
The wind blew over a few stems...they are about 10 feet tall!
I clipped off a few blooms and brought them inside.

~ Waste not want not ~

I keep a variety of fresh fruit handy for snacks 
with my cottage cheese at breakfast.

When the weather gets colder 
I will be eating Roger's brand ancient grains hot porridge 
at my breakfast with fruit.

It has been fun these past few weeks getting more creative with salads.

The main ingredients...
head lettuces
spinach leaves
brussel sprouts

beets, garbanzo beans, radishes, celery cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, peppers

topped with a small drizzle of a light dressing

Fill a big bowl with salad
a small sprinkling of feta cheese 
or a hard boiled egg 
which I find is very filling and totally satisfying.

All that chewing takes time and it relays the message to the brain 
indicating that you are full.

Are you following along?
Have you noticed that you have more energy?
Are your clothes feeling a bit looser?

Has the scale shifted or are you still waiting to see results?

Keep going and try not to get discouraged.

Persistence pays off.

Oh an don't do what I did one day.
I weighed myself wearing 16 sterling silver bangles and wondered why I had gained a pound.
(the bangles actually weigh a pound)

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


Poppy B. said...

Good for you! I'm doing WW too. Bless them for letting me eat as many fruits and vegetables as I like. Breakfast is a cup of 2 percent plain Greek yogurt and a cup of fresh fruit--peaches have been incredible. Every day I walk at least 10,000 steps--today I got in over 15,000 ... which is great, except now I'm TIRED.

I weight every morning and I'm down 7 pounds from a year ago ... slow but steady. And no silver bracelets--I'd weigh without my glasses if I could see the number!

Anonymous said...

Brava Hostess!
My salads are very similar to yours. I add sometimes mozzarella or tuna (grilled or from the can)instead eggs or feta. Looking forward lentils salad at home
I was out for lunch and dinner yesterday,but had only fish and mangold with olive oil.
My diet is very similar as at home but I feel great because of swimming and the sea
Living in bathing costumes and shift dresses-hard to say (still without scale !) anything
Poppy-steps are great idea
Have a nice Sunday

Patricia said...

Well done with the 2 pounds - you work so hard at it, the rest will be gone in no time. My breakfast is usually what is marketed here as Traditional Rolled Oats, minimal processing and no additives etc. possibly similar to your ancient grains. I love a big juicy apple chopped over it, as I need plenty of fibre. I like the idea of feta over the salad, a change from the tuna I eat all the time. The rudbeckia is stunning, not a plant I have seen here, and very nice in the vase.

Rosie said...

Well done hostess ....its such a satisfying feeling as clothes become looser isn't it? Mine are getting a bit snug at the moment as we've done a lot of travelling and eating out this summer.I've only put on a few llbs but definitely looking forward to loosing them again (and a few more!)once we're home! My diet and walking regime are very similar to yours.I feel lucky that I do enjoy eating various salads fruit and plain protein ie no rich sauces! Slow and steady definitely seems the most effective and healthiest way to loose weight. .my goal is to loose aproximity 1 to 1 1/2 stone before my daughters wedding this time next year.So fingers crossed!
Hope you're having an enjoyable Sunday

Rosie said...

Excuse my phones predictive text!
Should be approx. ..not aproximity :)

rebecca said...

Happy for you! I'm on day 101 of my Fast-5 lifestyle. I've lost 30 pounds so far and would like to lose 8 more. These last few pounds drop off slowly, but I'm learning to trust the plan and be patient. Clothes fitting well (I had a whole 'nother wardrobe waiting for me in my closet) and energy level good.

Kristien62 said...

You are inspiring, Hostess. Unfortunately, I have seen a 1.5lb. gain, not surprising given the hectic week we have had. But I did swim, walked the State Fair and committed to keep trying. I would like to see a 3lb loss by Sept. 17th when I leave for NC.

Keep up the good effort! I look to you to get me back on track. You are proof that the program works.

Dana said...

Yay Hostess- cograts on weight loss! I am working on toning up with weights and eating better. Starting to see results in my arms- the jiggle is less noticeable! I am eating more salads as well. Sometimes I eat my salad in a tortilla to make a salad wrap, or pile it onto a flatbread- seems more substantial that way. I love your blog- so inspirational.

kristieinbc said...

Well done! I have been trying to cut way back on sugar consumption (oh how I wish I hadn't been born with a sweet tooth!), and have been fairly successful. I've told myself I can make a dessert if we have guests, and I can indulge if I'm visiting someone. Of course, that means this past week has been a total write-off as I've been in both Vancouver and Victoria spending time with grandchildren. It will be nice to get home and return to my semi-disciplined life. That's funny about the bangles! You must have been quite relieved when you realized why you had "gained" that pound.

MabonMoon said...

Well done, agreed! I have postponed my start date to the beginning of September as I knew that having a number of social engagements concentrated this past week would only frustrate any effort. But am on board September 1st (and in actual fact, starting this Monday.) I have followed your posts with interest and plan to make my own meals very similar to yours. I eat that same salad frequently and sometimes add a sprinkle of garbanzo beans. I find that I dislike the canned ones and cook my own from dried. Have been eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables lately; so easy this time of year. Cheers to your initial success! Funny about the bangles.

Pondside said...

You are definitely making g progress and I am right along there with you. Your picture could have been taken from my scale this morning.

Lorrie said...

Well done! We were at a dinner party last night and I ate more than usual, so I'll be extra strict for the next few days.
I laughed about the bangles. I weigh myself in the morning, before getting dressed as I don't want a single extra ounce to show up!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Oh i agree the peaches have been delicious this year!
Congratulations on your results Poppy...and great to hear that you are enjoying your fitness routine...15,000 steps is impressive.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I am not familiar with mangold...your seaside holiday sounds lovely.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I read somewhere that oatmeal was like a sponge for cholesterol...the study said that if you ate it every day that your cholesterol would be lower. The fibre is important and a juicy apple would make it very healthy.
I rarely eat tuna...but I do love salmon and could easily substitute that in my salads.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I will have to do a search to see how much a stone weighs!
that UK measurement is not used here.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Sounds fabulous!
You must feel more energetic and do you find that your stamina is better?

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Oh that's not too bad...3 pounds is totally within reason by your departure date.
Good luck!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I agree that a wrap is filling.
I like to spread a corn/flour wrap with hummus and add the plain undressed "coleslaw" that they sell in a bag...about 6 points. Yummy and high in fibre.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Have you ever tried stevia? It is sweet but without the calories...
Your week sounds full and busy...ferry travel eating always challenges is looking at all those burgers and fries..I have to put blinders on and opt for a salad!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

September is a good time to start a program as the weather is changing and there seems to be fewer garden parties, weddings, and BBQ's which can be problematic with WW points.

hostess of the humble bungalow said... we are both working toward similar goals :-))
Mr HB has lost weight too by eating the same foods using WW point calculated meals.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I think that is a very sensible approach to keeping the weight in check...
I usually weigh in the morning too. Clothes and obviously jewelry can add pounds!

La Contessa said...

EATING a bag of LAYS CLASSIC potato chips as I READ THIS!

Unknown said...

I recently (last week) went back to Weight Watchers. Yeah. I'm a lifetime member who put a shitload of pounds on my ass, my gut, my thighs and my arms. I'm now dealing with it. Starting this coming Friday, I'll be posting about the loss or rather the loss that I HOPE to have achieved. I'm with you sista. I'm with you!

Anonymous said...

Do you know about the 5:2 fast diet? You consume 500 cals for 2 days of the week and eat normally, but sensibly for the rest of the time. If you google intermittent fasting you will find lots of info.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Oh my! I will have to live vicariously through you now!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Good luck...the program really does work as you know. I found that losing is the easiest part it is the maintenance that requires work.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

There are many programs out there to choose from and for me the WW system is easy as there are not special foods to buy and it is not a deprivation regime...lots of fresh fruits and veggies and no need to be hungry...I think 500 calories a day is low but if you see results and are happy why not?

Rosie said...

There are 14lbs in a stone. So hopefully I'll lose between 14 and 21lbs!

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, I had such hopes this summer, but alas they've gone completely haywire and I'm up a few lbs. Hoping to drop about 8 (or more?) before daughter's wedding mid-October. Think it's time to try WW again! You are doing a tremendous job! jen

Anonymous said...

I would like to see you post pictures of what you eat in a typical day for weight loss. I have gone back to your old weight loss posts many times over. It is so helpful to see what works for someone else. When I joined weight watchers, it took me a long time to translate the program into meals that were satisfying but within the allowable points. Best wishes, Lindy