Saturday, October 13, 2012

Feathering the nest and the quest for red ballet flats...

For those of you who have been following for awhile we are in the home stretch on the renovation front...
soon there will be guests in our Humble Bungalow and I cannot wait to share our fresh new space with them.
Personally I am excited to spend some time with our friends, it is long overdue.
They have been abroad in France, the UK and exotic ports ~ there are many wonderful stories to share.

My job is to make sure they are comfortable here in our Humble Bungalow...
we have fluffed up the towels and are ready to entertain...

I asked Mr. HB if this might pass muster and be hung on the wall.
He gave it the thumbs up and hung it for me.
It's the only nod to colour in the wee bathroom.
Thanks honey!

The weekend is here...
I'm taking Mother out for lunch and some shopping
I'm searching for those illusive red flats
I fear that I may need to shop online as I have not seen hide nor hair of a pair in our city
and I have been looking for far too long!

what have you got planned?

~ ~ ~

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Brooches are back...OOTD

Brooches had fallen off the radar for awhile and now I see they are making a comeback.

Six years ago I would not leave the house without a brooch on my coat, sweater or shirt.
They fell out of favour,
at least in the eyes of the fashion authorities and I think I grew tired of them myself...
coincidence perhaps, as I do not really "follow fashion."

My wee collection has been gathering dust in the jewelry chest.
It would appear that the fashion writers have declared them "back in style."

Today I pinned one on just to see if it would "feel right."
Comments and compliments were numerous...
even my students liked it.

A fellow Canadian, Carole Tanenbaum collects and sells vintage pieces.
She's written a book Fabulous Fakes about her passion for all these sparkly gems.
You can see them online and while you are there stop by her blog.

black tank top by Symplii
dark denim jeans Gloria Vanderbilt
Black patent leather shoes Josef Siebel
acrylic sweater Devoted

say what you will
some of you will find this extremely tacky
others may think it is fun
one thing I discovered today was that it's a great conversation starter!

Brooch by Sherman
aurora borealis crescent moon

I am including this link to Nat King Cole...Paper Moon
my MIL's all time favourite singer.

She is back in her facility
and the residents missed her...
we have a huge debt of gratitude to our healthcare system and providers.

If you are in the US please give Obama's vision for healthcare the nod
it's everyone's right to have health care...
and please VOTE!

I for one am thanking my lucky stars...
how about you?
~ ~ ~ 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cashmere come to mama...

I knew the warm sunny weather would have to come to an end.
Today we have a grey day with masses of fog draping and weaving their thick blankets in and around our bungalow. You can hardly see outside the windows.
It's frightfully damp and the furnace has come on...

I've gone shopping, from my bed.
Swiftly to Land's End for a warm cashmere sweater in a foggy shade of grey.
"Alpaca Heather."
Perhaps influenced by the weather and the need to be comfortable and cozy, cashmere to the rescue.

You can see my new cardigan details here
 if you are quick you may be able to get that 40% discount like I did!


I highly recommend Land's Ends for their cashmere. My black cardigan is so cozy and is performing well with minimal pilling and washes like a dream retaining it's shape when laundered in a warm water bath of sudsy Aveda Shampure Shampoo and laying it flat to dry.

I hope you are warm and cozy today...
if you are chilly there is always cashmere to the rescue!

Thanks for popping by...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thanksgiving thoughts and Flowers...

Thanksgiving was a blur of cooking and company.
Family, food and flowers...

There are leftovers in the fridge, the silverware and china has been washed and put back for another gathering.
So much preparation is required, new recipes tested and then served with love and care.
It always amazes me how fast it's over...
laughter and hugs,
an adorable red headed grand daughter,
an 84 year old Mother who is now also known as Nana
our grown kids
a husband who generously rolls up his shirt sleeves and gets busy in the kitchen after the guests have all left...
we sip wine in between washing and drying
chatting and sharing the joy that family brings to our lives.

Family mean so much.
They are at the very core of my being.
I am sitting here with my mug of coffee, a tear in my eye and a heart full of JOY.
The Bungalow is quiet but I can still hear the sounds of the family if I listen really carefully
it's as if the walls have ears...

Lovely daughter brought these.

These roses are the last flush of Climbing Royal Sunset.

I hope very much that you have much love in your heart.

It's a great day to go out and have yourself some serious fun today.

In gratitude,
your Humble Hostess

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Soup and Shopping

I don't know about you but I find a bowl of soup extremely comforting especially on a cold day.
This is exactly what I was looking for when we went out for lunch.
Nourishment, warmth and comfort during times of stress.

Chicken Penne Soup with dumplings...

After lunch we strolled along the streets lined with people who were darting in and out of the retail shops.
Energy and a real mix of consumers, young and old alike carrying bags with recognizable logo's.

On my list of things to buy this season was a new pair of Yoga pants in black and my first stop was LULU.
(my other Yoga LULU pants, in grey, look brand new and are probably about 8 years old)
The cost is higher than many brands but the value is beyond my humble expectations,
so naturally I went there first.

I ventured into the store leaving Mr.HB sitting on the teak bench outside happy to people watch.
It was a crazy busy scene inside the store and I felt like I could have been in the Robson Street location in Vancouver B.C....
Seriously not at all what I would expect for our quiet little city. (obviously I don't get out much!)
Thankfully they had lots of staff on to help customers and many change booths made for a speedy experience.

Reusable bag

capri length
perfect for a height challenged gal! 

slits at the back

anti slip headband which I also wear in the garden
hair falling in my face bugs me no end

Mr. HB and I think their logo reminds us of Marlo Thomas's hair cut 
from the 1960's and 1970's when she starred in the TV series "That Girl"

I wore these when I watched a light hearted romantic comedy 
Ghost Girlfriends from the Past
with Matthew McConaughey.

I crave comfort when I am feeling weary or ill.
Cocooning at home wearing comfy clothes stretched out on the couch under a cozy blanket
is so soothing.

Just want to say I am prepping the food for our Thanksgiving dinner.
Turkey ~ Veggies ~ Crustless Pumpkin Pie
and more.

I'll be boiling the carcass and making soup as soon as possible.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

MIA or White Wednesday

I have been MIA..
a little longer than originally planned.
We had a bit of a crisis as Mr. HB's 94 year old mother fell and broke her hip.
We have been worried sick and sitting at her bedside in the hospital trying to reassure her. She's' very confused and anxious and even though the surroundings of her private room are modern, clean and calming they are unfamiliar to her.
It's early days and we are not out of the woods just yet...

In the need of a wee diversion I am indulging in a
sneak peek of the newly renovated powder room.
Before the towel racks and all the fluffy stuff is in place.

it's a small room on the lower level of The Humble Bungalow
which will be used mostly by guests and the occasional quick trip in from the garden.

tiny window which needed a privacy treatment for modesty's sake
a custom made blind fits the bill
from Home Depot
at a not the break the bank price

I know what you might be thinking...
not only does the Hostess like to wear black and white she decorates with it too!

It's not the glamourous sunflower shower head like we have upstairs
the smallish acrylic shower stall does not lend itself to luxury
it's rather more like economy!

I will test the shower out when we get the shower rod and curtain installed.

 I realize that I've done a White Wednesday post 
although not a wordless one...
it's completely coincidental i assure you.

See you again when things settle down.
I'm trying to keep Mr. HB and I on an even keel in these stormy times.
So I've been busy in the kitchen turning out nutritious meals
despite the late hour that dinner gets to the table.
It would be so easy to resort to junk or fast food but I cannot abide this habit in times of stress.
I crave warm good food, home made of course.

Be well.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Humble Bungalow Tour Day!

All the cleaning and gardening has been done and we are ready for the arts and crafts tour from Seattle.
I grabbed my camera and snapped a few images of how we look before the tour bus arrives.

Thankfully there are still some blooms in the garden.

I found some cheery mums at the garden center.
Yellow looks good against almost any backdrop.

Yellow on the front porch
Welcome to our Humble Bungalow!

Hey Jude!
Jude the Obscure has a few flushes of flowers.

wilting autumn crocus and drooping limelight hydrangeas
still they add a bit of interest and some colour

a dear sweet rose whose name I have long forgotten
soft blush pink that fades to white in the sunshine

lime coneflower sits atop the French garden table

not yet completely finished laundry renovation

laundry room clock

cyclamen in a matte green arts and crafts vessel
in the powder room

dining room

close up on the roses
more cheery yellow

This is how our wee Humble Bungalow looked when we first purchased it!

She's come a long way baby...

I think she looks pretty good for 100 years old!

I'll be taking a wee blogging break 
 I think Mr. HB and I deserve to have the rest of the weekend to relax!

Thanks for stopping by...
~ ~ ~


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Eleventh hour Chicken ~ fast and tasty!

We had a roast chicken on the weekend and I served the leftover vegetables, chicken and gravy on the Monday night. Come Tuesday there was still some chicken left waiting for some inspiration...
After two cups of tea and perusing my cookbooks looking for a miracle meal I rolled up my sleeves, put on my apron and got busy chopping.

Eleventh Hour Chicken was created out of sheer necessity and a desire for some comfort food that could be made with what I had on hand.

Onions, garlic, red peppers, green peas, chicken meat cooked and cubed, coconut milk, red curry paste, sugar and fish sauce.

Basmati rice.

I love my rice cooker!
Perfect rice every time.

I sauteed 2 thinly sliced onions, a couple of cloves of garlic and thin strips of red pepper until soft.
Pour in 2 cans of coconut milk, whisk until it boils, then add 2 tablespoons of red curry paste, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon of fish sauce.
Reduce the temperature and stir well to blend.
Next the chicken to heat through, and lastly the frozen peas.
Simmer on low.
(I would have used green beans instead of the peas if I had some and I would have added a can of bamboo shoots to make it more like a Thai coconut curry)

The aroma of the coconut milk is scenting the Humble Bungalow kitchen
and wafting beyond...

red curry paste is a great thing to keep on hand in the fridge as it adds so much flavour
love these prep bowls and use them lots
Mr. HB gave them to me one Christmas
he's pretty creative with his gifts especially when he finds himself in a fabulous kitchen shop!

waste not want not 
chicken day #3

Cost of free range organic chicken $30
3 meals
 2 lunches 
chicken stock for the freezer
this makes good economic sense to me

Yum this smells so good!

I forgot to wipe the sides of the bowl!

Bon appetit
dinner fast and easy
and this one is good enough to serve to guests.

~ ~ ~
What fast and easy way do you deal with leftovers?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Olive wood...or post 700!

Mother and I went to the Home Sense store and trolled the aisles for a few items.
Home Sense is a bit farther than Mother likes to drive so she has made it clear to me that anytime I plan to go I am to ring her and see if she wants to tag along.

I replaced the curtains for my closet as Chester shredded my other pair and we found some new kitchen gadgets for Mother...
her things are starting to break and fall apart, I suppose after 50 plus years of use one should expect this to happen. Most of her wedding appliances are still in use and show no signs of fatigue. I think that we are on our second or third set of most electrical things and we have been married for 38 years. I suspect things are made to be replaced and not designed to last forever like they used to be.

I did come home with something that was not on my list and I'm quite pleased with it as it is aesthetically pleasing to the eye as well as functional.

Olive wood Italian cheese board.

What a wonderful way to use up the wood of an elderly olive tree.
With grain so interesting it would seem a shame to use it as firewood.

The instructions are very simple to keep it looking good
wash with a mild soap and a bit of water and occasionally oil it with...
Olive Oil and buff with a soft cloth!

I'd love to get my mitts on a large board like this one for bigger chopping jobs.
I'd even consider leaving it on the counter in plain view.

Mette has fabulous taste.
If you have not met up with her on the blog metscan please do yourself a favour and pay her a visit.
Her kitchen is a work of art and her philosophy is rather like William Morris's
~ ~ ~
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. 
William Morris 

Hope that your week is off to a great start.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pasta salad, a post surgical meal.

One of my colleagues recently had to undergo emergency surgery and will be off work until after Christmas so a bunch of us are prepping and delivering meals to her home so that she rest up and focus her energy on healing.
There is a great array of dishes that people have chosen to make and many she will be able to freeze.
The deliveries will be once a week by a designated co worker so as not to tire her out with all of us keeners ringing her doorbell.
We all wish her a speedy recovery...

I have mentioned her before on the blog as she is the chic French femme who eats her burgers with a knife and fork and could wear a paper bag and make it look like haute couture. If you could see how she dresses and ties her scarves you'd know in a heart beat that she is as feminine and French as can be.

I chose to make a simple but nutritionally packed pasta salad.
She may decide to eat this for her lunches or add it to another main course.

It makes a large bowl and is really tasty.
It's a great dish to take to a pot luck dinner too.

Bon appetit!

If you can help someone in need ~ please do.