Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Beach Bliss....

Mr. HB and I recently took a few days off and went to Point No Point where we enjoyed several quiet days.
The rustic resort is comfortable and quiet. Hot tubs on the deck, a restaurant that is open for lunch and dinner, well appointed cabins and nothing to do but relax. We turned off our cellphones and IPads as there is no Internet or cell coverage...beach walks, good books, a fire in the fireplace and delcious meals = bliss!

I love the beach and beach combing...

 the surf is strong and powerful
waves crash and recede as the sea flows with the tide

we were able to step over the rocks to the cove

the smooth damp sand was waiting...

writing in the sand...
which was erased without a trace with the next wave

mussel shells and kelp are scattered along the rocky shore

I arranged a few rocks
chosen for their colour
as a message left for another beach guest
should they look this way

other guests have left their mark

someone forgot their shovel
a bright spot on a grey background

splashes of bright red dot the resort

High above the beach the sound of the surf as it crashes on the shore is surprisingly soothing.

one can spend hours gazing out to sea
soaking in the sun
the rhythm of life

as the sun sets and we retreat inside to cook dinner and build a fire
I am reminded of how important it is to take a step back
quiet the mind
slow ones pace
and reflect on all that is good in life....

Be Well
until next time...


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Staring out the window...

I've been so busy lately that I feel that I have been neglecting my blog.
It may be that I have been mismanaging my time or that I am trying to pack too much into each and every day.

I don't know if you read Faux Fuchsia's brilliant blog but if you do you know what an energetic and busy woman she is...
She works outside of the home at a firm that she refers to as Coalface and she has a husband, and an adorable young son. She cooks, entertains and has a gorgeous home and garden. She takes fabulous pictures and her blog never disappoints. Rush on over and meet her and tell her that I sent you!

Are you good at multi tasking?
Do you find that your time management skills are in tip top shape?

I've caught myself staring out the window meditating on life more frequently these days.
It's most likely a combination of world events and the fact that I am on the cusp of a lifestyle change.
Retirement is a big step and I want to do it well.
There are so many opportunities for renewal...
I want to explore new things, get more involved in my community and take an active role in keeping Mother moving and engaging her in some extra curricular activities.
Speaking of which...

I took my students to The Shaw Discovery Centre this week and it was such fun. There was a lot to take in and our special needs students ran from one display to another and back again! It was early and not crowded so this worked out to our advantage. The volunteers were most helpful and their knowledge and information enriched our experience. This ocean science centre has tanks of sea creatures and there is a hands on area where you can actually touch some of the fish, sea anemones, crabs and more. If you get the opportunity to visit the centre go early and bring your young children or grandchildren.
I want to take Isla with me when I go next time!

We went to McDonalds for lunch after and the groups played in the play zone before we had a bite to eat.
It's been a long time since I've set foot in McDonalds and I was most impressed with their welcome.
Our students were so happy and their smiles were plentiful...I cannot show you the pictures as that would be a violation of their privacy rights so you'll just have to take my word for it...they loved it!

Today I am meeting up with Susan Grieg she writes the wonderful blog Arts and Crafts Bungalow.
I'll report back on our visit soon.

I think the people of Boston must be sighing with relief...
their city has been turned upside down this week.
It's all just so sad.

Be kind and gentle as you walk through life.
As John Lennon said.....Let's Give Peace a Chance.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sweeping Beauty....and men in kilts!

Cleaning is an ongoing job that never seems to get finished.
As soon as I complete a task there is another one that needs tending to.
My standards have relaxed somewhat and the dust bunnies are having a convention here in The Humble Bungalow!
It's not for lack of vacuuming, dusting or sweeping...I think there is a dust bunny baby boom afoot...make that underfoot!

The rays of sunshine are drawing attention to my lack of due diligence, and pointing their fingers at me as if to say "tisk tisk" Hostess. All I can say is that it is very difficult keeping a house of this vintage dust free. The forced air furnace seems to whip up the dust in whirls of frenzied spirals and they land willy nilly settling on the plate rails and dark wood fir panels.
Life is much too short to obsess about this but I recoil a bit when I spy this mayhem.
It's bad enough that I judge the dust in disgust ~ imagine what guests must think!

Meet Sweeping Beauty.

One might as well have beautiful tools when doing a rather thankless job.
They elevate my mood when I am darting about trying to capture the dirt.
Did I mention that I now wear my walking or Yoga gear so that I feel like I am getting some exercize?

The psychology of wearing stretchy fabrics and my hoodie are making me more active.
Who knew that this would happen?
I think perhaps I have turned over a new leaf.

I've often thought about trying to use a leaf blower to eradicate the dust by using brute force.
Has it ever crossed your mind?
Bring in the big Guns?

Spring is a time for renewal...

Spring Cleaning is currently Number 1 on my do list.

Windows are done by a friendly fellow who loves leaping up on ladders ad squeegeeing his way 
around the many panes. I've had him do the inside and the outside and I do admit it's a bit of a luxury but he does a far superior job than I can do!

I've heard about a new service in town that might be worth a call
but I am loyal to my fellow who has been taking care of our windows for the last 20 years...
when he retires I think I'll hire these blokes!

Deeper cleaning happens in the Spring. 

Every day I wipe and disinfect the kitchen counters
(our cats are the reason I need to be so fastidious as they jump up and drink out of the kitchen faucet!)

I keep on top of the clutter
a small home looks smaller if it's littered with stuff
besides feeling way too chaotic...

I wash dishes 24/7
 keep the stainless appliances shining
wipe off the cooktop and keep on top of the fridge and it's contents.

Laundry is probably my favourite domestic chore...
and I LOVE my new LG steam machines.

We "domestics" have an important job and one that I think offers job security!
~ ~ ~

Mr. HB is busy too...
We have quite a few major projects planned...
a new roof, 
a sun deck repair and rebuild 
and a green house at some point.
~ ~ ~
I am so disturbed by the recent events in Boston at the marathon.
I'll never really understand the use of violence...
I admit to being naive and I do live my life by the Golden Rule.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Spread Peace in your daily round this week
the world needs balance and I feel we can all do our little bit to help.

~ ~ ~

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Year and a fresh start...

I am not given to make New Years resolutions
but do try to visualize the beginning of the year with fresh eyes and optimism.
Anything is possible!

Life will unfold as it will, as it usually does.
One can never predict what might be, where one may go, what challenges we might face.
We can only control how we react...

Embracing and holding close ~ family and friends.
Good friends are gifts and ones worth tending...
family members need unconditional love and support
(must keep in check my tendency to smother!)

Remember to keep my spirits up and to keep moving, however slow or fast.
Feeding my soul as well as my body.

Finding a time for quiet reflection
an outlet for stress
something of beauty to behold
something meaningful to do
and someone to love.

waterfront walks
go a long way to keeping me focused and fit

living in a neighbourhood
belonging to a group
doing something for others

home keeping
cocooning in a cozy space
finding joy in the everyday routines

~ it's the little things ~
accents from nature
a juxtaposition 
the unexpected that catch my eye
and hold me close like a whisper
~ ~ ~

pushing the envelope
taking life less seriously
not conforming
taking risks

dressing up for the day 
when staying at home doing domestics
and no one sees me but the cats!

indulging in a little luxury
a scented soap
a hot bath
emollient creams
cashmere sweaters and socks
a soft scarf
designer fragrance

exploring a new shop

tickling ones taste buds

(salad dressing never tasted so good!)

~Adopting an attitude of gratitude~

"it's not the grandeur
it's the simple
that keep me grounded"

I'm looking ahead to the New Year
with a spring in my step and hope in my heart.

Your thoughts are most welcome
I hope you'll share some of them with me.

~ ~ ~

"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. 
I do not judge the universe."
Dalai Lama 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fundraising for the TLC an indulgent post...

Please indulge me
I am passionate about the TLC.
The Land Conservancy here in town is having some serious financial woes.
Mr. HB and I are keen and loyal members of this organization and we both applaud their acquisitions of land and preservation of heritage sites. There is no longer government funding to help support this agency so funds are tight.
The Abkhazi Gardens was saved and is run by the TLC and it's one of my favourite spots for a stroll, a cup of tea, or a bite of lunch. Wandering about in the garden provides me with inspiration for my hobbies of gardening and painting. It's a place of peace where one can sit, be quiet, and meditate, soaking in all the surrounding natural beauty.

It seems fitting that I donate to the cause and hope that others will as well.
They desperately need our help.
I decided to part with one of my paintings and the director thought that this was a good idea.
He chose the painting of the Abkhazi gardens.

It will be hung for sale in the tearoom and I must say I hope that someone loves it enough to purchase it and help the cause.

I hope that this post might inspire you to send a cheque to the TLC and if you have not yet visited the Abkhazi Gardens please run don't walk and come back and tell me all about your experience! Tell them I sent you!        
                                                                      ~  ~  ~

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lazy day; a prescription for happiness in an otherwise busy world.

Ah I am sighing and breathing in deeply yogic restoring breaths of fresh air.
Soothing simple comforts...
I took Mother to the Doctor today...he thinks she might have COPD.
Google that and you will not sleep!
Puffers, X-rays, Pulmonary diagnostic tests...

I need a pedicure!
a day of rest
and some OPI
Be a Dahlia Won't You?

blue skies
the tall acacia tree blowing in the breeze
the scent of the honeysuckle overhead wafts my way
as I sip a warm mug of tea 
and give myself some time to be still
and be grateful

to soak in natural beauty

to dream...
en Francais!

get inspired
en Anglais...

to marvel
(the Cerinthe Major is in bloom!)

Cocooning at home 
is such luxury
it's a gift.

Guests are arriving...

simple fare


not quite the 100 mile diet!

Canadian OKA cheese
Okanagan cherries
Bath UK crackers
a glass of wine
some great conversation

Thank you for stopping by for some quiet moments 
listening to the Westminster clock as it gently tick tocks...
in The Humble Bungalow.

Mother has  had a few tests
and we are on stand by...
I hope that she passes....

if she does not
we will face the day with bravery
and only share with the intimate circle...
you know who you are...

and fingers crossed she will be fine!

Tomorrow is another day....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

dreaming in cream....

I was woken up early by the sounds of the trees swishing and swirling about in the blustery wind.
It is cold but not snowing...
I have cocooned myself for a bit of extra time lazing in bed snuggled under the down duvet.
There's a mug of coffee on the bedside table, Pepper is asleep in her bed and the house is quiet
except for the furnace which seems to be labouring to keep the temperature steady.

Time spent doing nothing allows me to recharge and visit my thoughts.
It is a chance to stop multi tasking and managing the demands of everyday life...
a chance to breathe deep Yoga breaths
to sigh
to listen
to thoughts that bubble forth
in the stillness
not to solve
not judging
letting them wash over me
in the moments...

my thoughts wander
as I look at the waffle weave of my creamy duvet...

matte creamy white figurines...
I have not found a new one in ages...
I'm not really looking
but if one were to pop into the corner of my eye
I'd be tempted...

speaking of temptation...
creamy winter white is such a calming shade for me...
it reminds me
why I adore pearls
I gravitate towards their luxurious lustrous shade...

Baroque beauties...
creamy dreamy
pearls with imperfections
in shape and size....

Wishing you a delicious and dreamy weekend...

pause every now and then
take time to notice details
honour and nurture your spirit
invite gratitude

and please
consider performing at least one random act of kindness