I grabbed my camera and snapped a few images of how we look before the tour bus arrives.
Thankfully there are still some blooms in the garden.
I found some cheery mums at the garden center.
Yellow looks good against almost any backdrop.
Yellow on the front porch
Welcome to our Humble Bungalow!
Hey Jude!
Jude the Obscure has a few flushes of flowers.
wilting autumn crocus and drooping limelight hydrangeas
still they add a bit of interest and some colour
a dear sweet rose whose name I have long forgotten
soft blush pink that fades to white in the sunshine
lime coneflower sits atop the French garden table
not yet completely finished laundry renovation
laundry room clock
cyclamen in a matte green arts and crafts vessel
in the powder room
dining room
close up on the roses
more cheery yellow
This is how our wee Humble Bungalow looked when we first purchased it!
She's come a long way baby...
I think she looks pretty good for 100 years old!
I'll be taking a wee blogging break
I think Mr. HB and I deserve to have the rest of the weekend to relax!
Thanks for stopping by...
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