Thursday, September 26, 2013

OOTD ~ The Barbour Vest ~ a wardrobe staple.

With minimalism and frugality in mind and a new lifestyle wardobe to hone I have found another great contender.
The Barbour vest...
it is a great layering piece as it is not too bulky and has great lines.
The price point is not too dear and the quality is superior.
The fit divine.
It will be one of the new "workhorses" in my casual retirement wardrobe.

The only give away that this is a Barbour vest is the logo shown here on the pocket.
One could certainly buy a less expensive brand.
Lands' End for example.
They have a few vests online this season which I had considered.
 I did not find one that I liked as much as this one.

It's lines are quite shapely and very feminine.
Great to pop over a long sleeved Tee shirt or a merino sweater.

I purchased a wonderful basic grey Merino Tee at Costco.
It's a thinner layering weight and so very cozy.
It will be another staple for Fall and Winter and it was under $20!

So far I have purchased 3 things...
the walking coat by Chillox, 
the Barbour vest and the Merino Tee.

I'm keeping track of my clothing purchases for the first time in many years.

Today I am wearing my cheap skinny dark wash dg21 denim jeans - Walmart
Grey merino wool Tee - Costco
Black vest ~ Barbour
Loafers ~ Franco Sarto

The hunt is over for the black pants! 
Mother and I were out trolling the consignment shops when I found a fabulous pair 
which are in near new condition by Bellissima.
They are a heavy weight pointe knit and in a 10 petite so no hemming is involved!
I think you'll be as surprised as I was when I found out what they cost...
Talk about a frugal and fortuitous find!

~ ~ ~
Accessories are going to be my best friends from now on.
The scarves that I have been collecting are going to get a lot of wear.

What have you bought for Fall and Winter?
Are you keeping your wardrobe to a minimum or do you like to stuff your closet chock full?

I share a teeny tiny closet with Mr. HB,
 so I do not have the luxury nor the inclination to buy scads of clothes.
Now I have more time to shop ~ I am embracing thrift.

I saw a cute tote bag on my travels...
"Keep Calm and Shop On"
so opposite from
 "Make Do and Mend"

Hope that you are having a Joy filled week.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Skincare and some beautiful bloomers!

It's been ages since I have thought of writing a skincare post.
Healthy looking skin is something that I do not take for granted.

Naturally I have wrinkles and some slackness at the jawline but I am embracing aging in a positive way.
I don't want to lament about having a face that has some life and laugh lines.
Personally I would feel odd  if I looked the same  as I did when I was 30, especially now that I am nudging 60!
But don't think for a minute that I have given up!

I use a few tricks...mascara, eye liner, creamy peach blush, bronzer and lipstick.
Bobby Brown's line works for me...her foundation seems to even out my skintone and goes on like silk.
It gives me a bit of a healthy glow which I like.
Make up works a treat but the skin beneath is where one needs to get serious.

I have had some nasty flare ups with rosacea over the years.
Rosacea is exacerbated by certain harsh additives and chemicals, spicy food, stress and wine.
My family ancestors hail from Denmark, Sweden, and Ireland. I am told that it is the genetic background that have given us the tendency to flushing and rosacea.

After avoiding the obvious triggers one needs to find a gentle regime that works with sensitive skin.

I appreciate the custom of French Femmes focusing on skincare.
Young girls learn early how to take care of their skin.

Your face is the first thing most people notice... 
so before investing a fortune on designer clothes and bags
consider taking time to make your skin the best it can be.

Eat healthy nutritious food.

Drink plenty of water...I like to think of it as Nature's Moisturizer.

Get fresh air, exercise and a good night's sleep.
Try to avoid stress...
 Try Yoga or meditation if you do feel anxious.

I am not an expert nor do I represent or receive any money from the L'Occitane company...
I just want to tell you what works for me.
~ ~ ~
Using a light hand and a gentle cleanser pay special attention to removing all your make up.
I use the Immortelle foaming cleanser by L'Occitane and a soft bamboo wash cloth.
When my face is clean I spritz with the Immortelle water and then while it is still damp I apply an emollient cream, L'Occitane Divine works and it's an award winner.
A little goes a long way which is good because I think it's rather expensive.
It delivers on all it's promises and my skin seems to stay calm and rosacea has been kept under control
so naturally I have become a loyal customer.

I love a gift with purchase...
especially when it contains items that I already use.
Perfect for travel.

Every couple of days I use a gentle scrub to exfoliate and once a week I apply a clay mask for deep cleaning.
I have not indulged in a spa facial for many months and although I love the pampering I'd much prefer to spend the money on quality products that I can use everyday.

The Humble Bungalow Garden is still very much in bloom.
Our roses are putting on a wonderful flush of floral fabulous~ness.
Their beauty is not lost on me.

Soft pretty petals.
an intoxicating and sweet fragrance.
No wonder they continue to be my favourite flowers.

Did you read Lisa's post where she shares her tips on looking youthful and gorgeous?
She might have influenced this post today.
Thank you Lisa!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend round up...

It was a busy weekend here in The Humble Bungalow.
We had a great evening with our friends on Friday, sharing a cocktail and a simple dinner.

Now that I am retired I want to focus more on entertaining at home.
I have more time to plan ahead.
Hosting friends and family in our Humble Bungalow is one of my favourite things.

Aren't sunflowers at their most spectacular this time of year?
They make me smile.

Appies and one martini before dinner...
this gin is far and beyond my favourite for a martini.

I set an understated table...
I focus much more on the food preparation.

These pretty vintage napkins were a gift from a friend.
She made them from fabric that she found in her travels...
I love to use them as they are so cheerful.

I finished knitting a hat for Henry...

I hope it fits!

Our family popped over for afternoon tea on Sunday so I made Nigella Lawson's chocolate cake.

Mr. HB harvested the last of the tomatoes and cucumbers.

I am impressed by the rich colours that are produced from such a simple beginning...

The sun came out and surprised us after we heard the dreary weekend forecast.

Pillows galore!
This is my blogging bench...
I sit at this rustic arts and crafts dinette and type my thoughts.

I picked up my copy of Country Living UK...
I will find a quiet moment this week to brew a pot of tea and read it cover to cover.

Hope you are well and enjoying the simple things that life has to offer...


Saturday, September 21, 2013

OOTD....what I wore to the market.

Today I am off to the Market as we have company coming for dinner.
I plan to serve steak, sauteed mushrooms, baby potatoes dressed with butter and freshly chopped mint, steamed asparagus, and a homemade rhubarb pie for dessert.
Fall is on the horizon...
there's a chill in the air and some of the leaves are already turning their autumnal shades of orange and sienna.

Skinny dark denim jeans Walmart
striped Breton top Banana Republic
loafers Franco Sarto
scarf Lanvin Paris
from The Bungalow on Estevan in Oak Bay
(thank you Michelle and Graham!)
~ ~ ~
assorted sterling bangles
Tiffany, artisan and vintage

I adore my Hermes scarves but every so often I like to mix it up.

Love the dab of orange.

Janice over at The Vivienne Files posted on the colour Koi for Fall.
Pop over and say hi...
she writes a fabulous fashion blog.

Hope that you are well and enjoying your weekend.

Back soon...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Salt Spring Island Fall Fair

We attended the Salt Spring Island Fall Fair last weekend and it was like taking a step back in time...
On this large BC Gulf Island community members meet up and compete for ribbons and trophies.
We saw displays of home baking, flowers, vegetables, animals, livestock and pets.
There were vendors selling crafts, Tupperware, collectibles, hats, clothing, toys, jewelry and many food stalls.
It was entertaining and my favourite event, without a doubt were the sheep dog trials.
We missed the zucchini race...
I wondered how a squash race would be staged and later we saw a young girl clutching her large zucchini that was strapped to a small skateboard and we saw the ramp that the racers would speed down to the finish line...
it looked like a slippery slope!

We rode the free shuttle from Ganges Harbour to the venue.
Hundreds came to this event and cars were parked on the narrow streets for miles.

These were so large I wondered how they would have been transported...
VERY carefully, I'd imagine!

Every garden needs a scarecrow!


about the size of a basketball.

A lovely display of colourful squashes and an interesting array of shapes.

The Fall Fair theme was PIRATES!
Check out this cake.

A beautiful parlour show.

Dahlia's galore.

Roses too

This spray of roses was very fragrant.
I leant in and sniffed every one of the blooms.

The most unusual houseplant.
~ a clivia ~
 I thought it was an orchid!

~ Pirate boots ~
the vessels for the 
floral arrangements.

Treasure chests played a big role...

I loved all the colours.
Oodles of displays to admire with so many creative and talented participants.

If this had been for sale I'd have been tempted...
children's art just makes me smile.

There was even a Pirate Pony!

Red onions glistening like jumbo rubies.

Veggies galore...

This cabbage was grown by RAFFI, a children's entertainer who was also a singer.
We had quite a few of his cassettes  back when the children were wee.

Children had lots of opportunity to participate.

This zucchini was obviously not going into the downhill race!

I wonder if the grower of this winner would be eating it before too long!

Look at those tomatoes!

The most unusual looking vegetable...a carrot like no other!

It was a wonderful Fair.

Tell me does your community have these events?
Have you ever entered into a competition like this one?
Did you win a ribbon or a trophy?

Fall is definitely on the horizon.
The mornings are chilly and there has been a heavy dew on the grass.

It won't be long until we turn the furnace on and I'll need to swap out my wardrobe.
I have a few sweaters tucked away from previous years.
 I'll need to shop as I still have to find a pair of black pants.

Hope that you have a great weekend!