Monday, January 24, 2011

Strategies to rise above the bleak and dreary..

January feels like a long month to me...

It is dreary and damp 

I think it has a lot to do with our weather here in the Pacific Northwest...
I am passionate about the contrast of black and white,
whilst the muddy grey of the skies borders on tedious.

We get a huge amount of precipitation and when it's not raining, the clouds and fog hang around.
It feels cold because of all the moisture...makes one feel like cocooning in a shell...or given the opportunity Hibernating!

There are many people who go south to warmer climates.

This is not an option for me at this time so I have developed some strategies for coping.

I like to see the light when dark is all around..
I seek out bright with every facet of my being...
I turn on lights,
I light a fire to create a spark within to chase away the dim.

I yearn for and seek out colour
in my wardrobe
and more.

I dress in layers and wear cozy cashmere to keep the chill at bay.
Cashmere feels like a soft caress, a wooly hug that snuggles and blankets the skin.

A long scarf works well here as I like to wrap it twice to keep my neck warm...
my neck and feet are the most vulnerable to the damp and feel chilled if they are exposed.

Cashmere socks are wonderful
and I wear them all winter
and often on a very cold night I'll keep them on when I go to bed!

I indulge in baths filled with scented salts and warm water
I close my eyes and breath deeply.

I exfoliate my skin
I love the fresh feeling of softness
and then slather on a rich moisturizer
or I dab on an oil or serum for a "spa effect"

I leisurely peruse magazines while sipping a blended tea...
loose tea leaves add that little extra punch of flavour...
and a little goes a long way.

I like to window shop the sales
and look at new stock for spring and summer.

Taking in an art exhibit or a gallery showing.

Listening to music while actioning domestics 
dressed in my Yoga gear 
for ease of movement and comfort.

Sadly the Bungalow garden is rather dormant at this time of year
so the roses are asleep...their bushes bear rose hips.

I purchase flowers and bring some sunny cheer indoors...

Primulas are plentiful and very inexpensive
and can be planted outside in the garden after they have finished blooming.

I dig deep in the recipe box for comfort food recipes
 a delicious way of nourishing ones self and ones soul.

The joy of preparing a simple meal and the anticipation of the taste
sustain and nurture my core.

Dinner of roasted veggies and a free range organic chicken with gravy
smells good while cooking and tastes even better from the plate!

Trying new recipes from cookbooks borrowed from friends or the library...
online sources are plentiful too.

I like to start the day with a warm breakfast 
something with "staying power"
I top mine with a small amount of Canadian maple syrup.

Pay attention and add some colour to the everyday routines
a pretty cup and saucer for taking tea
makes it taste better 
eye candy
goes a long long way.

I like to reread this book as I garner strength and wisdom through another woman's journey
her desperation and the solace she seeks
eloquently described using simple props from nature.

Anne Morrow Lindberg's A Gift From the Sea 

if you haven't read it 
please do...

Maintain and engage in friendships
a telephone call, 
a walk 
 sharing a coffee
going to the cinema
connecting with others is paramount for ones health
 friends enrich and elevate my days
and I am grateful for them.

Plan to bring some joy into your day
and get to know what makes you happy

Embrace, radiate and shine 
spread light
so others can see.

If you are feeling blue, get outdoors for a walk
or volunteer your services at a local agency in your community
there are so many people in need.

What strategies do you employ to brighten and illuminate your days?

I've been tagged.....and 5 more...

Deja Pseu has listed the 5 things that she does not leave home without and now she has tagged me.

5 things that I don't leave home without...

# 1. House keys (and car keys if I plan to drive)

#2. My cellphone (for emergencies only)

#3. Kleenex...when I go for my walks especially!

#4. Glasses...reading and sunglasses if it's sunny.

#5. Suitable clothing ( that's a given!)  foundation, mascara, and lip gloss...wallet and/or handbag.

Looks like a lot more than 5...
Now to tag other bloggers...which I find tricky
if I mention your blog 
please do not feel that you need to respond,
only do so if you would enjoy sharing!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Soups on.....

What could be better than supping on soup on a cold winter day?
Ina has persuaded me to embrace my Inner French Girl...
put on an apron and COOK!

I made this and it is tasty
so great that I am adding it to my repertoire
I could serve this to company
it is guest worthy...
just add bread.

Ina uses a food mill and I cheat with this contraption
works a treat
easy clean up
so I am done in half the time.

Soup is soul food
it warms and comforts all that ails
very affordable
a great tonic to the over indulgence of the holidays

easy to take to work for lunches
freeze in smaller batches for nights when you need to pull off something fast and easy
and make it look like you've been toiling all day

as Martha would say...
they're a good thing!

Look for some opportunities to bring comfort to someone this weekend...
be it a bowl of homemade soup
  running an errand for a senior that lives alone
 calling a family member that you have been neglecting
cheering up a friend 
helping out at your local soup kitchen

you will feel better for it...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Textures in fashion...

Wardrobe basics can be more fun when a little twist comes into play...
I like to add a variety of textures.

as seen here in the Burberry jacket

or a scarf and pearls

a hand knit sweater

a black sequin Tee 

Jones of NY knit sweater 

 shiny silver woven belt

thick sturdy Dolce and Gabbana belt

and for your best fashion accessory
your face
superior rose oil by Dr. Hauschka

I use and love this

the fragrance of roses
 the dewy emollience
are such a happy mix.

the sun looks good on this carpet
but it is your skins worst enemy
take care to protect your skin
and stay out of the sun for prolonged periods

A designer knows he has achieved perfection, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lazy Stew...recipe for the busy or weary

Days are often full to the brim with activities and dinner can be problematic...
I am tempted to dine on junk food but that is not what my body needs.
After a night of interrupted slumber... keeping a post-op kitty company...
energy runs low and the thought of preparing dinner flies out the window...

Enter Beef Daube Stew.

It is easy and quick to prepare...
it stews happily bubbling in the oven freeing up the cook to attend to other things.
(like a cat nap...yawn)

Beef Daube
1/4 c. oil
3lbs. chuck roast cubed
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 c. flour
750 ml. bottle French Red wine
1/4 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. red wine vinegar
1 tbsp. Herbs de Provence
1 bay leaf
4 carrots sliced
12 ozs. package of pitted prunes
onion chopped
parsley as garnish

I use a Le Creuset ovenproof pot, (Humble Bungalow Hostess chartruese green)
brown beef and onion in oil,
add flour stirring for 4 minutes.
Add the remaining ingredients.
Cook in oven at 325 degrees covered for 75 minutes.
Garnish with parsley and
Serve with soft bread (for mopping up the rich gravy)

green peas and orange carrots 
remind me of this...
(she says as she shakes her head)

these are
Made in Spain
and such a great idea
save messing about with cling film
I am not usually excited about a kitchen product but these really are amazing
(or maybe it's sleep deprivation)
100% platinum silicone
cheery colours

Pepper's food
she's got her appetitie back after her spaying
is wearing a Buster collar and is confined to a room that has been "cat proofed"
jumping is strongly discouraged 
I am hunkered down with tea, my book, and laptop
an improvised bed of sorts on the floor...
last night I hardly slept
I cat napped 
but I felt better keeping tabs on Pepper
she's doing pretty well all things considered.

I am lusting over the bedrooms and linens

I almost forgot that I had taken this picture
 they look like coloured paper towels but they are much "greener"

Santa popped them in my stocking...
100% cotton cloths/napkins by the roll
you tear them off as you need them...

P.S. Julianne, if you are reading this,
there is no contact email on your Blogger profile...
please email me
you won the giveaway!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pepper...and Blighty

I call her my little mischief maker these days
here she is lying on top of the leather loveseat as close as she is allowed to be to the counter where the cooktop is located.
I spend a lot of time at the stove and she likes to be near me...
I do not want her to walk across the halogen elements,
I shudder to think how awful that would be.

notice her paw is just testing me to see if I'll react!

she loves to get into things...
my grocery bags for example

I don't know how long she was playing in here before I found her
long enough for me to get my camera and capture a few images...
Later on
I went grocery shopping and took these bags as is my habit.

I don't always shop at Thrifty Foods although it is the closest option,
my favourite market is near work 
about a 30 minute drive from the Bungalow.
 I like the insulation these bags offer to keep the cold things cold for the drive home.

Imagine the shock when the clerk opened the bags and spied a small grey mouse hiding in the bottom of the bag...
and when she showed it to me...
I screamed...
VERY loudly
and all within earshot came running to see what we were all in a tizzy about...

I totally embarrassed myself 
and when I got over the shock and humiliation
I saw the humour in the situation

 I am home and the groceries are put away
and Pepper has her mouse back...
she will be having surgery soon
 I feel a little like an anxious mother
she still seeems so young and vulnerable

 the adoption agreement 
requires that the pet will be spayed
and of course that's what we'll do
I am a responsible pet owner

I saw a TV show recently about feral cats that live on the street
the volunteers that feed them 
and the vets who spay them before returning them back to their neighbourhoods
it's a huge problem

I know in my heart it's the right thing to do
I can't help feeling worried about Pepper
she has carved a spot in my heart
she is a constant companion

Blighty has given me a blogger award
Thank you
and after watching the Golden Globes...
 I feel that I must step up to the plate.

As requested I am to post 7 things about myself

I do not own a red carpet dress, 
I am wearing dark denim jeans, a black 3/4 sleeved tee and my standard issue pearls

I was a member of the Junior League when we had an active chapter here in town
I loved being involved in the many worthy causes that the League supported and the network of women working together taught me much.

I am a list maker and in my daybook I note our nightly dinner menus and have done since 1979

I do not have a sweet tooth although I do enjoy the occasional chocolate...

I have recently bleached my my dentist recommended.
He made an impression of my teeth and provided some solution to be used every other day for 2 weeks
it worked!

I cannot leave the house without wearing tinted foundation, mascara and lip gloss.

I do not like washing my car...
hence the floor mats are littered with leaves and there is a fine film of dirt on the body
as it has been a few months since I took it to the car wash.

I am meant to tag 15 bloggers now and here is where it gets tricky for me...
I do not want to add any obligation
if you want to post on this please do so and leave a comment 
I will pop over and read 
your 7 things...
I hope Blighty that you do not judge me too harshly :(

Saturday, January 15, 2011

and the book goes to...

It's just past 10:00 and we have drawn a name of the lucky recipient of the giveaway book.

official time clock

I was going to use a bag but decided on the pudding bowl instead


Mr. HB drew a name

please email me with your address and I'll pop this book in the Post for you.

It's been a blissful day

Mr. HB and I had an fabulous afternoon at the Spa.
We both gave each other Spa gift certificates for Christmas, which was a surprise and a coincidence.

We relaxed in the mineral pool before having hot stone massages. These were followed by a delicious dinner out in the historic dining room of Hotel where the Spa is located.
We enjoyed our meal with one glass of wine and many glasses of water, which we were advised to drink to help with the detoxification that accompanies a massage.

I started with a mushroom risotto and had the vegetarian meal which was a crepe filled with quinoa, kale, beets, beans and topped with a carrot puree.

Mr. HB started with crab bisque and for his main had Seafood Mac n' Cheese...we were too full for dessert and the effects of the massages were making us feel very weary so we declined dessert and ate the two wee truffles and macarons that were presented with the bill and left for home.

I do go fairly regularly for pedicures and facials but I do not often opt for massage.
These treats are something that I do not feel guilty about, I save in other areas so I can indulge once in awhile...and in Marissa's book she also suggests saving for what you love and economizing on things that do not matter to you.

Last year we experienced the hot stone massage while on holiday at the Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino, B.C. at the Ancient Cedars Spa The scenic location and wonderful amenities offered here are of the highest quality.
To get us in the mood we were seated outdoors in adirondack chairs wrapped in terry robes covered with blankets, our feet soaking in shallow bowls of warm scented water. The view of the ocean was breathtaking and beautiful. Our treatments were performed side by side in an airy room high up overlooking the beach with the sound of the surf surging on the shore.
Such a luxury and one that was new to us, which has left us craving for more.

I highly recommend this destination should you ever find yourself travelling to these parts.

I am taking a large bottle of water to my bedroom and will be snug under the duvet in a matter of minutes....

Sweet dreams and hope that your weekend has moments of bliss.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Living the Savvy Life...and a giveaway!

Melissa Tosetti sent me her new book hot off the press, called Living the Savvy Life
The Savvy Woman's Guide to Smart Spending and Rich Living.

Melissa Tosetti and Kevin Gibbons worked on this book project together.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to review your book...
the pleasure has been all mine.

I received this a couple of days ago and thought it might take me awhile to read it.
I currently have a novel on the go and thought that this book might require extra attention 
I was not sure how devoted or engaged I'd be and that it might be a bit of a challenge...

 I am pleased and surprised to say nothing could be farther from the truth...
I picked it up and was immediately immersed and interested in reading the savvy tips.

The authors point out how detrimental habits of overspending and living beyond ones means can be.
These habits preclude us from obtaining what it is we truly want and dream about.
It might be a vacation in an exotic locale or the dream of buying something expensive that seems to elude our grasp.
(perhaps a Chanel bag Hostess!)

They give sensible and concrete advice on how to plan to be successful and to achieve these lofty goals!

There are tips for saving money, shopping, cooking, entertaining, wardrobing and more...
I almost forgot that there is a bit of French Chic Shopping advice too!

She lists books and websites
and has her own site which I suggest that you explore.
Thank you Melissa, I appreciate your gift of this book

I'd like to pass it on to someone else,
as they say
One Good Turn Deserves Another
I will host a quick giveaway
if you want to enter leave me a comment
and sign up to follow my blog
I'll send it snail mail via Canada Post.

I'll put the names onto slips of paper and pull one out of a bag...
the giveaway closes Saturday January 15th @ 10:00 pm PST
Sunday January 16th I'll draw for the book.
Good Luck!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

art glass objects d'art...and tech issues...

In the course of weeding and thinning inside the Bungalow
I have eyed up some keepers...
art glass objects that are of interest to me .

I love this wee owl
I think it is his expression that tugs at my heartstrings

Love All is a Tiffany paperweight

Heavy glass paperweight signed with a signature that is unknown to me
if you know who made this please let me know

For awhile I considered collecting paperweights 
and then I heard a dreadful story about someone who had their display on a table by the window
and the sun streaming in had shone through one and set the house on fire.
I keep mine in the cabinet in the dining room away from the window.

I have had a surprise
I see that I have 100 followers
I am truly excited
Thank you for reading my blog and signing up
this is a cause for celebration
a milestone!

at the same time
 a bit of a shock...
 Blogger has alerted me to the fact that the storage space (Picasa Web Albums) 
of my photos has maxed out!
 I can purchase more space or I can delete images to free up some space.

I think I could have a hardcopy printed of my archival posts and then delete the oldest ones.

I am wondering what I need to do...
I will consult with my son who is in the tech industry
Any Bloggers have this experience?
What is your advice?

and again
thank you for following me
I'll get this little hiccup sorted and will proceed as necessary.

Hugs from the Hostess