Sunday, January 8, 2023

Starting 2023 slowly, thoughtfully and with intention...


 ~ New Year ~

Thoughts of change and the steps required to take the necessary actions
easing slowly...
mulling over the multitude of possibilities.
What to do?
Stay the same or move ahead in a fresh new direction?
Take a risk or keep it safe?

Current read...

I heard so many lovely things about this book that I bought a copy.

Numerous friends told me that it was the BEST book that they had read last year.
That says a LOT!

I am not yet finished it...
reading slowly to absorb and digest the thoughts 
significance of the words.

It is very beautifully written, full of emotion and poignant life experiences.
Very Sad...
the attention to detail is divine, the author writes like an artist paints.

In the spirit of not rushing...

I've signed up for a 30 day online Yoga challenge.
On day 4, I realized how much I have missed my Yoga practice.

Watching the instructor,
  (who looks effortless) 
while she moves through the poses
was quite discouraging for me.

 I was struggling on my mat!

I signed up at my former Yoga Studio 
for in person classes with the instructor whose teaching style I love.
Her calming voice, slow movements and gentle spirit are absolute BLISS!
Classes start in 2 weeks and I am very excited.

Our naughty cats were guilty of shredding my old Yoga mat...
it was time to replace it.
I bought a new one today which is 6mm thick to cushion my 67 year old achy joints.
While I was shopping I found a small bolster and a lavender scented cleaning spray.

Do you practice Yoga?

Sunday morning post on Instagram today...

Sand and Fog Candle
in a lovely soothing fragrance
~ Roses and Sandalwood ~

This scent would make a great perfume.

The painted rock above was designed and painted by my former neighbour.
It reminds me of a mandala...

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet.

 We are immersed in a Netflix series called The Stranger...
oh my goodness it is so complicated!

We've watched a few good ones lately...

Treason and another one called The Bodyguard
 they are all British.

The Stranger is British too with an all star cast.
You might enjoy them too...
let me know.

What are you watching?

Thank you for stopping by...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year ~ A time for Hope, Promise and a Fresh Start...


~ January 1, 2023 ~

Waking up on a brand new day, a brand new year, feels so full of promise.
There is a sense of optimism, thoughts of possibilities, and wonder.

How DO we start this New Year?

Are there any changes we want to make? 
Are we planning any new adventures?

Will we try something new?
A clean slate awaits...

We stayed up until Midnight on New Years Eve.
Something that we have not done for many years.

We haven't spent a New Years at the cottage before...
 there were quite a few cottages full of people who were celebrating.

We met up with friends who were on their new boat...
its maiden voyage in fact!
Lovely to be welcomed aboard for a tour and a chat.

The Salish Sea is calm 
there is a lot of debris in the water from the recent King Tides.
The logs float off the beaches and become a danger to navigation.

It did not stop me from climbing over and around the beach full of logs...
the edges of the beach were badly eroded from the pounding of the waves.
There were shells, kelp, plastic, trash, and a myriad of things strewn along the shoreline.

I managed to find a few pieces of seaglass but it was tough work.

I do not make new year's resolutions anymore...
I usually just break them :-(

I like to focus on healthier habits and continue to live with intention and gratitude.

I could definitely stand to lose some weight...
so I know what I need to do.

Move more, eat smaller healthy meals...and stop munching on potato chips!

They are a snug size 12

I bought a new pair of jeans and am going to use them as a "tool"
a tool to slim down my midsection.

I will not be "beating myself up" 
but will phase in small changes in over the next few weeks.

You know what they say..."Rome wasn't built in a day!"

~ OOTD ~
Style & co jeans
Hand knit Miriam sweater 
Akoya Pearls
Simple white Tee Lands' End

Starting 2023 with a casual look
wearing slightly snug jeans

How did you spend New Years?
Did you stay up to ring in the New Year?

Are you making any resolutions?

I'd love to have you chime in and leave a comment.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Let it snow....

It was almost a white Christmas!
The snow fell fast and furious and closed down the roads.
Ferries, buses and some businesses were out of service for several days.

Tea for Two?
Iced Tea perhaps...

Dinner on the Deck?
Looks like a puffy Pavlova dessert.

Even the Christmas baubles were clad in snow....

The Humble Bungalow Garden
looked quite pretty dressed up in all white.

We've been busy!

The snow has melted and there is a gusty wind and rain taking its place.
Power outages are predicted and the lights here are flickering
so I am hoping that we don't lose our power.

We have a lot of candles and a fireplace with some logs 
in which to build a fire if need be...

Hubby got one of those cool toques with a light in the front
so he can turn it on and read his book.
I don't think there would be enough light for me to knit on my current project.

I finished the vest and am knitting another Miriam sweater.
I knit one in a soft dove grey and the one that I am knitting now is a turquoise shade.

We were busy over the holidays with family, friends and there was lots of good food.

Did you try the nut recipe that I posted last time?

I gave away all the jars I made except one...
it is currently on the counter and I sneak a bite every so often.
Dang those nuts are tasty!!!

My husband and I no longer exchange gifts at Christmas.
We really have enough...
If we really NEED something we go out and buy it.

For example...
Our infloor heating thermostat broke just before the holidays
so we hired an electrician to come and swap it out.

Besides it is much more fun to give...
to our family
to friends.

I've been able to add a donation to the local food bank every week 
when I buy our groceries...
there are many people in need.

I will close for now and get our dinner started.

I hope that you had a good Christmas.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
Until next time...

 ~Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Hostess Gift ~ It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in The Humble Bungalow


Festive Season is upon us and I am keeping things very simple.
Am wearing some sparkly vintage pins.

(Sherman pin ~ close up)

 Sherman brooches are a favourite of mine.
The newest one seen here is from our darling daughter. 
I popped it on a black boiled wool Eileen Fisher tunic sweater.

Some women avoid black but I gravitate to it for several reasons...
it is easy to wear,
it can be casual, or dressy.
It transitions well to evening...

My basic minimalist wardrobe relies heavily on black basics.
Accessories are the stars in a basic black ensemble.
I prefer pieces with a history...
Vintage jewellery is found in thrift shops, antique malls and online.
The thrill of the hunt excites me.

I found a new Finnish modernist votive holder at the thrift shop...
now I have a pair!
The silver baubles are from my childhood home.
Mom used to put them in a tall vase, I popped them in this silver trophy.

We don't have a lot of decorations...
a simple tree with white fairy lights

I found a pair of Josef Seibel boots 
to replace my tired "almost 8 year old" Chelsea Boots.
I will wear these with tights and skirts as well as my jeans.

A classic vintage handmade wreath made by a friend of my MIL.
Made with baubles, pine cones, rhinestone brooches.
I consider us custodians of this wreath...
it is a family "heirloom!"

Mixed Nuts are one of my go to Hostess Gifts.

Here's the recipe...

Mixed Nuts 

2 egg whites (at room temperature)
4 cups mixed unsalted nuts:
cashews, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cayenne pepper or hot paprika
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 325 degrees
Place egg whites in a large bowl and whisk until frothy.
Stir in nuts ~ mix to coat.

Combine in a small bowl: sugar, and spices
Pour over nut mixture.
Mix well.

Place on a parchment lined sheet pan spread out so they are in a single layer.
Bake 20-25 minutes 
stir halfway during the cooking time.
Cool then store in sealed jars.
Wrap in tissue paper add ribbon and a tag.
Ready for gift giving

They are delicious!!

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

It's a busy time of year, so remember to take some time to stop and breathe, 
sip a cuppa and rest.

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Cold weather, a Thrifty Chicken Veggie Soup Recipe, and knitting at the cottage.


We are at the cottage and awoke to snow dusting the stairs...

It coated the ground which reminded me of icing sugar...
then I thought of cookies :-))

We purchased a wee tree for the cottage and chose small fairy lights in white.
It looks best when the lights are dimmed or turned off but we felt the need to add some festive cheer, it is December after all.

With this cold I decided to make a chicken veggie soup.
It was full of flavour and was a warm and cozy choice for the cold day.

Thrifty Chicken Soup

I used a roast chicken carcass.
Pick off the bigger chunks of meat and set them aside in the fridge.

In a soup pot I added the carcass and just covered the bones with water.
Boil then simmer for about an hour.
Take out bones and set them aside to cool.
Put the rich stock into a large container.
Pick off any more meat from the bones and add to the stock, discard the bones.

Saute one large diced onion, 2 stalks diced celery in oil until soft.
Add the meat from the fridge and the stock to the pot
2 diced carrots, some sliced greens 
(I used bok choy)
Cook about 45 minutes until carrots are soft
salt and pepper to taste.


It is very tasty and is so warming on a cold snowy day.

The sun was shining and we bundled up for a cold weather walk.
The air was crisp and so refreshing.
Little birds skitting about pecking for morsels of food...
Gulls soaring in the sky.

Soon the birds will be nibbling these red berries and rose hips...

December is a truly beautiful time to visit the cottage.
It is quite peaceful so we sleep deeply and feel relaxed when we wake up.
We are so fortunate to be able to come and do not take our time here for granted.
It is a precious gift.

We have been reading our books and I've been knitting on my vest 
which is getting very close to being finished.
I needed to buy some new locking stitch markers
 so I went to The Beehive before we left town.
Wouldn't you know it! I spied a lovely blue variegated yarn by Berocco.
Wool shops are rather lethal for me...chocolate, tea and book shops are trouble!
I rarely leave with empty hands.

This pattern is my next project.
Are you a knitter?
What do you love to make?

Hope that you are warm and cozy and enjoying the beginning of December.
I think it is going to get busy with baking and shopping and wrapping!
(with time set aside for knitting and reading)

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~