Monday, January 6, 2020

Many hands....

(my parade float with horses)

We had the great pleasure of entertaining the 3 darling grands 
on Saturday this past weekend.
As the rain would not abate we spent the day indoors.
We dumped the bin full of Lego on the dining room table and began to use our imagination and get busy creating...

Mira and I collaborated on a castle with a small but very tall flower "garden"
Isla made a mansion with a rooftop garden.
Henry made a police car with a very secure looking jail.

After we cleaned up 
Grammy made dinner and set the table.
While dinner was cooking in the oven the grands played with play doh at the kitchen table.

Today I am spending time cleaning up the kitchen and bathroom.

I can easily procrastinate but the earlier I commit to getting a job done 
the better chance that I will be successful...

Playtime for Grammy will come after I finish!

My kitchen "work station"

Playtex gloves and a lavender scented cleaner by Method.
Great for grime and dirty jobs.

I use this in the bathroom on the sink, toilet and claw foot tub.

It is great on counter tops and walls...

a great laundry stain remover 
I spray it on the spot and gentle use a small brush to remove the stain.

Method doesn't know that I am a fan of their products or that I am writing about their cleaner on the blog.

Simply sharing a very helpful product with you in case you are interested...
it makes my job here a lot easier and it may help you too!

With all that is happening right now in our world 
I cling to routines and rituals for comfort.
Do you?

How are you coping in light of the recent events?

“When tea becomes ritual, 
it takes its place at the heart 
of our ability to see greatness 
in small things. 
Where is beauty to be found? 
In great things that, 
like everything else, 
are doomed to die, 
or in small things 
that aspire to nothing, 
yet know how to set a jewel of infinity in a single moment?”

~ Muriel Barbery ~
 The Elegance of the Hedgehog

I read recently
 "Knitting is the new Yoga."

That's how I feel when I am knitting...
peace, comfort and serenity 
in the simple act of moving my hands
making something out of yarn.

Let's light a candle, pop the kettle on for tea and pick up our knitting.

Take care
until next time...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, January 2, 2020

January...starting slowly

Easing into the New Year...
mulling over some goals and ideas
making a few intentions
not necessarily resolutions
confirming if they are reasonable, attainable and worth considering.

Have you made any resolutions for twenty twenty?

The view on my walk earlier this week on a beautiful sunny day.

December Hollyhocks in bloom on a street near the Humble Bungalow.

The eagle has landed!
There are frequently two bald eagles perched up in the tree...

New Years Day 
a few people walking past the tree 
stopped to look up and admire this majestic bird.

Speaking of looking up...

A Single Star 
made out of tin 
hangs above the sink in The Humble Bungalow.

Different from the 
 that sparkle and twinkle up above 
in the night sky.

Do you remember this poem about Stars from your childhood?

The rains have started and they'll be with us for awhile.

 Cenotaph near Cattle Point in the Uplands area of Victoria.
Glimpsed as we walked by on our morning walk.

I don't know any food more comforting 
except a bowl of soup on a cold rainy day.

 Homemade Tomato Soup

I roasted several pounds of fresh tomatoes 
diced onions 
5 cloves of minced garlic 
in a shallow pan with some olive oil 
 400 degree oven for 45 minutes

 I popped them all in a pot 
added a tetra pack of veggie stock
put it on to simmer.

Then I used the immersion blender to blend it all.
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Currently reading The Rocks by Peter Nichols.

Going to pop the kettle on soon and brew a pot of tasty Murchies Chestnut Tea.
Will light the candle and read for a bit.

How is your New Year looking so far?
What are you reading?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year

It's the Eve of the New Year today and I am pondering...
thinking on things that I can do to improve my health.

Walking more 
perhaps going back to the Yoga studio 
or branching out 
by taking a Zumba class.

I've got a stack of books to read...
a knitting project on the needles
busy with the Strata Council as a new board member
plus the regular bridge games at the club.

My current book is a heart breaking story...
well written and very sad.

I recommend it very highly.

“New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? 
Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.”

~ Alex Morritt ~

On this Eve I am saying farewell to 2019.

Taking with me into the New Year 
 lessons learned
places I have visited
experiences and memories
will enable me to welcome the days and weeks ahead 
with an open mind and heart.

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, 
waiting to be written.” 

~ Melody Beattie ~

Happy New Year to You!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, December 27, 2019

Victoria Sponge with Lemon Curd

Recently I discovered that Bonne Maman makes lemon curd and I do love their jams so I wanted to give this a try.

I love the flavour of lemons.

An easy choice was opting to bake a Victoria sponge...
It is a basic cake that can be filled with jams
or in this case,
the star of the recipe...
Lemon Curd.

Hope you enjoy this cake recipe.
It is quick and easy.

We enjoyed our Christmas Holidays very much.

Seeing members of our small family was a highlight.

Our daughter and her husband accompanied us to Butchart Gardens for a festive dinner and a walk around the garden which is all lit up with festive holiday lights and
displays for the 12 Days Of Christmas.

Our son and the grandchildren spent Boxing Day with us.
We had a casual brunch and then a turkey dinner with all the fixings.
Salmon was on the menu for Isla the eldest grand who prefers not to eat meat.

Today I've made a tasty turkey vegetable soup for lunch.

The past few days of cooking and entertaining have kept me very busy.
The table linens and napkins are all washed, folded, ironed and put away.
Knitting and a leisurely walk with my husband sound like a great way to spend a few hours...

Now I am wondering...
what will I cook for dinner tonight?

Hope you had a lovely Holiday.


~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, December 19, 2019

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Seasons greetings!

As I am whittling down my to do list 
getting ready for the holidays 
 finding myself extra busy
fatigue will surface.

If I am not careful I can feel the stress of trying to do it ALL.

Inner pressure to be the "perfect hostess"
 serve elaborate and tasty meals
keep up appearances
 a "picture perfect" home.

I need to remind myself not to set the bar too high.

Readjust my thought patterns...

Keep it simple
slow down

Candles are one of the things that help set a relaxed mood...
I light these festive reindeer votives in the morning when I sit and sip my coffee and 
again later in the afternoon with my tea.

Music is also a powerful mood shifter...

if I need energy I play some lively tunes from my teen years
if I am looking for calm I usually play a classical piece.

One of my favourites is Barber's Adagio for Strings
you can hear it performed by the Detroit Symphony

I feel like I could just float away when I listen to the music.

The gifts are purchased and wrapped.
The tree is up...

festive tins will be filled 
with shortbread, dried fruit dipped in chocolate, and cookies.

Our dinner menu is in the planning stage.

Leisurely mulling over cookbooks
slowly turning the pages
 looking at the pictures 
 what to cook?

The Humble Bungalow is dressed up very simply...

Grapevine wreath wound with fairy lights in our family room.

Hope that you are savouring the wee moments
that make up your days.

We can start by
Peace and Quiet 
into our hearts and our homes.

I like this quote it sums up  what I am thinking.

“No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, 
for 'we' are the only thinkers in our mind. 
When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, 
we will find it in our lives.”

~ Louise L. Hay ~

Wishing you a calm and meaningful holiday.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~