Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Salad daze...and Google Reader's demise.

Summertime is the season for freshly grown local produce...

the local markets are a riot of colour with freshly harvested vegetables on display.
I love looking at the baskets filled with bright red tomatoes and sunny yellow peppers
sprigs of green onions and ruffly heads of lettuce.

Simple glass jugs filled with country style flowers
and rubbing elbows with shoppers eager to get the pick of the crop

my eyes always wander to the market baskets that shoppers carry
looking to see what they have purchased and what I might have missed if I had been ther first!

"The early bird gets the worm."

Salads play a big part of our dinners from Spring until Fall.

Romaine lettuce is one of my favourites....
I dearly love a Caesar salad.

Since joining WW I have been unable to indulge in the rich and creamy clad romaine of my dreams...
way too many Points for all that dressing!
So I decided to compromise and create a lighter version that would allow me to still enjoy my favourite salad.

My new GE stove came with a griddle 
which is quite handy especially when one wants to grill something...

grilling lettuce elevates the flavour

it wilts a bit and has a delicious nutty flavour

I drizzled a wee bit of bottled low fat Caesar dressing on the warm romaine
(skipped the cheese and croutons)
enjoyed a small piece of chicken breast
which I marinated in a chipotle dressing
and some rice

A tasty dinner ~ Point Friendly
 after dinner I cleaned up the kitchen and headed outdoors in the sunshine for a walk.

The ocean was calm and flat like a mill pond...
a glorious evening scene.

 couples were sharing picnics on the beach
I noticed a bottle of wine and did not want to intrude on their moment
perhaps there was a proposal in the works
the mind does wander...

someone else was enjoying the calm sea on a lovely evening 
paddling has become a very popular sport here
apparently it is really good for the core muscles
and your balance improves.
The ocean is extremely cold in these parts so you do not want to fall in
this brave soul was wearing a swimsuit and looked dry!

I didn't walk as briskly as I usually do on my route
I soaked in all the beauty and stopped to take a few pictures and enjoy the views.

The Walk Meter App recorded the stats...
and I managed to walk 3.10 km in 43 minutes and burned 424 calories.
I love this APP!

~ ~ ~

I'd like to remind you that at the end of June Google Reader will cease to exist and any blogs that you might be following
including mine
will need to be followed by another method...
subscribe by email
or join Bloglovin like I did
I have found it so easy to transfer all the blogs to their site
I hope that you will continue to follow me on my path
the new chapter is about to begin...

Hope that your week is off to a great start.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Tigara" ~ An Enchanting Garden

I would like to introduce you to a gorgeous garden.
This estate is located a stone's throw from the ocean in a tony area of Victoria.
It's location and the vast plot of land make for a stunning impression.
The arts and crafts home has been carefully restored and is imaculately maintained.

I want to focus on the garden which is constanty evolving the way most gardens do...as the owners find new and exotic plants and refine the beds and borders. This garden is on the path of a herd of deer and has a resident bunny.
Lots of plants provide food for these creatures but with lush and dense plantings the casual observer rarely notices.
(the owners do!)

I hope that you enjoy these images...
can you imagine how much work this garden takes to keep it looking so pristine?
I know the owners well and they devote hundreds of hours tending to it...
a labour of love!

The front porch
and entryway
(designed by Mr. HB)

pergola with a climbing rose

look at the wicker furniture
~ ~ ~
perfect for relaxing and reading 
or just sitting and listening to the hum of the bees
as they buzz by 

the rose provides some dappled shade

taken from the upper window looking down on the rose

lush plantings

the granite masonry makes such a grand statement
I love the bulk of the stonework

rhodo's are favoured in this garden
and there are many varieties
some are over 20 feet tall!

pots with flowers spilling forth
found in many parts of the garden
add colour and interest

deer fencing surrounds an area where some plants are protected
rose growers do not appreciate deer nibbling all the blooms!

looking toward the ocean
lush green lawns
to the left a pond 
with carp and some goldfish
hiding among the lily pads and water Iris
those are the lucky ones that have not been eaten by the Great Blue Herons!

the garage

patio beside the garage
a hot spot that retains the heat
it has a very Mediterranean feel

a clever placement of a mirror
and some pretty flowers

more potted plants perk up the grey gravel drive
edged with granite

I got my finger in this picture!
the heritage tea house
covered with the rambler Kiftsgate 
which is just about to burst into full flower
weddings and parties have been held here.

the croquet lawn
has also been the setting for Marquis tents
last year's wedding 
the lawn was entirely covered by tents!

There are lots of opportunities to sit
 and admire the different parts of the garden

with a garden this vast one does need to sit
once in awhile and think 
even if it is to grab a mug of tea and a sandwich to fuel the body
so as to tackle the next task!

Have you enjoyed this visit to Tigara?

I hope that you will take the time to comment 
as I know the owners will be reading this blog and I am sure they would welcome your thoughts

Thank you S & P!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hermes ~ the ultimate accessory

Accessories make the basic wardrobe POP!
You can own a few basics and add a few scarves or belts and shoes and you have more than a dozen outfits.

I do love pearls...they are luxe and I own more than a few strands.
Wear then in multitudes if you have them..

The best bang for your buck is a scarf...
vintage, new, designer brand or the ultimate....

For my money it is THE scarf to buy.
Wear it often, change up the tie.

choose a great colour palette
 a pattern that speaks to you
one that ignites passion

look at the features and fold accordingly

point to point

repeat the fold

and again

tie a knot

wrap around your neck
knot in front
ends go through each side
pull tight


longer double knot in front
loose ends

on the side

looks so casual and uncontrived...

if it looks too fussy
it is


Play with your scarves and you will get comfortable
I stand in front of the mirror and look to see that the tie matches the theme of the outfit and that it feels right.

Wear your scarves often
they do nothing languishing in a drawer or an orange box!
Tie one on a tote
drape one under the collar of a jacket
wear one with a swimsuit
( take it off before diving in!)
Wear two at a time
just wear them
if they are Hermes  ~ they cost you a small fortune
(if you earn a conservative salary like me)

With the weather getting warmer
I think I 'll be wrapping my Hermes around the brim of my straw hat....

There was a retirement event this evening
Thank you to all who attended
I have so much to be grateful for...

I was more than humbled tonight...
tears fell

I am sure there will be more in the days to follow.

~ ~ ~

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lovely Daughter's Father's Day Brunch...OOTD

Mr. HB was feted on Father's Day by our darling daughter and her significant other.
We dined in their urban loft....
I took a few snapshots to share with you.
The 400 square foot patio is through the sliding glass doors in the top right of the image.
Sunshine, teak chairs and potted plants await...

Rosenthal china 
Tapio Wirkkala glasses
Rosenthal stainless cutlery
Hans Olsen table and chairs

an inviting corner
I can imagine how pretty this would be at night

Tapio Wirkkala 
fruit salad
Weight Watchers friendly!
( I ate brunch instead of breakfast AND lunch)

~ The menu ~

fruit salad
scrambled eggs
crisp bacon
roasty potatoes

great conversation in a richly decorated atmosphere

Lovely daughter is a collector of bakelite bangles.
Rabbit Ears never looked so fashionable!

Dalia black Capri's
Eileen Fisher top
Majestic Paris linen loose jacket
Roots cross body bag
Franco Sarto sandals

I was so excited  
(I actually did a little happy dance)
when a co worker mentioned that I was looking slimmer...
her words were "Leslie you are wasting away!"
I confessed to my new regime and said thank you.
~ ~ ~
I have tried to keep my WW to just a few near and dear 
oh besides all you lovely readers of course 
 you know with you it's all out in the open.

I must close for now...
I'm busy here this week in The Humble Bungalow.

Be Well

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Morning Rose Walk in The Humble Bungalow Garden

June is Rose month here in our Humble Bungalow Garden...
their blooms and scent fill me with JOY!

This gorgeous rose whose name escapes me is growing on a trellis beside the front door.

Joesph's Coat is by the back door

sweet and prolific bloomer
this rose does not cut well as it wilts within a day of picking...
pretty in place and the bees happily buzz about and have a picnic party...

White iceberg climber
on a trellis in the back garden.
I think every rose grower needs a reliable white rose.
I have a newly planted white rose which I am eager to see get established
because it is a David Austin rose with many many petals and a heady scent.

Graham Thomas a stalwart among roses
David Austin again and those petals are gorgeous...
not to mention the scent!

Gertrude Jekyll
another reliable David Austin...
watch out for her thorns as her stems are very prickly
wear your rose warrior gloves when trimming this specimen or you will get scratched!

Constance Spry
the rose on the front pergola as you enter our Humble Bungalow
she is putting on quite a show right now.

I hope that your week is filled with joy...
perhaps if you are feeling blue a posy of roses might be just the thing to perk you up.

I love roses...
oh and have you seen the peonies that are in bloom?

What's not to love about these frothy cups of beauty?

I have a Father's Day brunch post planned and some more scarf thoughts on the way soon
stay tuned...