a clean slate and anything feels possible.
Holiday chocolates, cheeses and cocktails are over for awhile...
I embrace change at this time of year when a healthy optimism prevails.
It seems like a good time to get serious about ridding one of those bad habits...
a detox is one of the first things I like to do at this time.
I am going green
with Green Apple Greens+
1 1/2 cups water and a scoop of this powder
shake and sip
a healthy detox in a jar
what could be easier?
I am eating lighter
making and sipping Miso soup
drinking lots of water
a wedge of fresh lemon squeezed into each glass
and I am resting up
going to bed early with my latest novel
"The Distant Hours"
by Kate Morton
for the face
a gentle pick-me-up in a jar
dishes get cleaned the green way too
I am wishing now that my yellow gloves were green.
Hand cream goes on before the gloves
for a mini spa treatment
who says domestics can't be fun?
I picked this magazine up at the market
it looks like I am not the only one thinking about detoxing and refreshing one's life.
Perusing the pages I noticed that there are great ideas for getting healthy by employing common sense ideas...
eating better
reducing stress
kicking the caffeine habit
going to bed early enough to get a full 8 hours of sleep
spending quality time with people that you love and admire
those you hold dear, those who inspire
letting go of guilt
all great thoughts
I have a few things on my to do list...
make an appointment with my optometrist and have my eyes examined
book a hair appointment for some layers to slightly alter my current style
get my teeth cleaned
schedule a time for a massage
buy some new foundation garments
(translation = lacy lingerie!)
go through my junk drawer and toss what's not necessary and tidy up the mess
add all the birthdays that I need to remember and put them in my daybook
toss out and recycle anything in my wardrobe that makes me feel fat or frumpy
polish shoes
and give handbags a wax and a polish
tend to any garments with loose buttons
wash wool sweaters
take the non washables to the cleaners
and I make sure to schedule in some "down time"
I do love to cross off these tasks after I complete them
and there is a satisfaction watching the list shrinking as the days go by...
What's on your do list?