Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pepper + Snow + Paint + Share Show and Tell = PS....PSST

We thought that Pepper might like to check out the snow...
she was watching the snowflakes with much interest at the French door to the sundeck/snowdeck...
so we put her harness and leash on and took her out.

Pepper at the back basement door where there was a clear patch
Pepper is part Bengal
and they love to play in water 
and enjoy walks.

Pussy footing around...

Pepper's paw prints on the deck

you can see how deep the snow is

it's also very cold and wet

her sense of adventure took over

she didn't mind it  too much
we didn't want her to get too cold and wet so we brought her inside
where she enjoyed the warmth from the fire while we read our books.
I finished mine,
Jane Austen's memoirs by Syrie James
I really enjoyed it...
I am a big Jane Austen fan.

After dinner and some TV watching I got inspired to paint.
When the inspiration strikes I listen and act.

I have a dear friend who asked me to paint her a picture with Poppies in it.

I am not an artist
merely a hobbyist...
so when I was asked to create something it was very flattering
 but also came with the thoughts of self doubt
 Could I or couldn't I do it...

I flirt with paint
play as one might making mud pies
I don't overthink it I just do

well for better or for worse I have done it...
here I found some inspiration

Poppies in the Bungalow Garden 
circa 2010

now cover your eyes and peek only if you dare....

a small portion of the larger canvas

abstract in nature
loose and suggestive
can you see the Poppies?

I wonder how the Poppies came to look like these
the brush has a mind of it's own

it's rather scary for me to share these images
I might regret doing so
I feel decidedly vulnerable

Don't forget about the Majorica pearl giveaway
I am drawing a name on Sunday
Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snow Day!

Look at the white winter wonderland
I awoke to this magical scene...

We have 6 inches so far and it's still snowing!

How would you like to sit in the Adirondack chairs
soft puffy white cushions?

Arbutus tree 
view from living room window.

The Humble Bungalow 
pergola in front
where Constance Spry hangs out.

Bird bath and raised beds

Clematis Montana reubens
wearing a cloak of white.
The native Dogwood tree back and beyond.

I plan to keep warm and cozy
I have a great book
many of my favourite blogs are yet to be read...
Later I will put my down jacket, scarf, gloves and Sperry boots on 
and venture forth on a winter walk.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Family fashion and flowers...

I attended a gathering of family and friends to celebrate our son's 30th milestone birthday...the event took place at  his home.
It was a sunny afternoon with crisp blue skies and not a cloud in sight and the heat of the sun streaming through the windows warmed not only our souls but our hearts.

Tears did not spill as I had anticipated...but there was no lack of love, emotion and hugs.
One never knows what might bubble up....sometimes it catches me off guard.

Their home is perched high up on a rocky outcropping replete with Garry Oaks. The panoramic view can been seen from it's many windows offering glimpses of the ocean and the snow capped mountains beyond. It has a large and open plan which makes it a great entertaining house.
It has several bedrooms and bathrooms...more than ample room for a growing family.

Flowers greeted us at every turn
the food was delicious and plentiful...

I enjoyed sipping my tea and perusing the assortment of tempting treats
I needed to exercise restraint...
I nibbled cheese, crunched veggies, ate a devilled egg and then...
I  enjoyed a few tasty cookies made by my DIL's mother...
 sweet buttery mounds sprinkled with butterscotch chips...yum!

So many rosy cheeked toddlers and wee ones were in attendance...we literally could have opened a preschool!

Try as not to steal the focus of the event (but how could she not)...the lovely Miss Isla tugged at my heart strings...
I held her for a bit, (not long enough) before she wanted her mommy back
Miss Isla and her Mom have a very close bond, serene and's as it should be.

There was floor play with toys in a sun filled room. Isla flirted with another baby boy her age...her eyes lit up and she was definitely pouring on her charms, smiling broadly and tilting her head!

I had never seen this side of her we usually see her with her parents.
She is crawling...crawling backwards and rolling over, and standing up at the coffee table.
Diminutive and gorgeous this little lady has harnessed beauty and it's all wrapped up in one cuddly package...

I wore basic black
top and bottom
right down to the toes.

a garland of pearls
to add length

The Burberry jacket came out too as it was not too cold

My hair has been in my face so much of late
I decided to go retro and put it half up the way I did when I was younger.
My cheeks are not thin so the look is...
the word matronly comes to mind
for want of a better word.

It shows my full face
a bold and brave statement!

I need to feel more confident about wearing my hair pulled back
and is matronly a bad thing when one is closing in on 56?

My Yoga practise has given me
 a renewed sense of energy.

Lululemon Yoga Gear
Privo shoes

Capris and a tank
Yoga mat

The Studio where I practise is very close to home.
a leisurely stroll.

I have been trying to watch what I eat 
ingesting more enzyme rich raw food.
Reading about the raw food movement has been quite interesting.
I could not embrace it in it's entirety but can adapt and adopt some of the principles.

Winter weight gain necessitates 
choosing food with mindfullness
and upping the exercise quotient.
I hope that I am up to the task.

Good Luck!

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Hostess gift...a milestone birthday...and a pathetic attempt at humour

                                                    Welcome to the Humble Bungalow!

I am looking out onto the front porch and pondering life
while I am actually cleaning my oven.
There's a self clean super hero that does the hard work for me.
I stay close just in case the many roast beef Sunday dinner drippings decide to ignite...
and when Mr. HB comes in the door he'll actually think that we are having a roast!

The Lampe Berger will get some sweet scented time after the cycle has finished.

My wonderful son is celebrating a milestone
he's turning 30
and there will be partying and presents...
celebrations are the order of the day.

Emotions spill forth,
tears woven with memories...

cherished photos
bronzed baby boots
I'm gonna HUG HIM BIG when I get the chance!

I'm in the mood for a party
and what's a party without gifts?
It's time for a gift for a follower...
your comments really rock my world...
In gratitude, I'd like to share something of mine
maybe it'll be yours!

It is snug inside this wooden box
any guesses?

a 20 inch strand of Majorica
faux pearls
considered to be the BEST faux pearls

To be entered in the giveaway
you must be a follower
leave me a comment
Please tell me what Bungalow posts you enjoy the most
or suggest a topic for a post.

I'll keep the contest open until February 27th 
The night that The Oscars will be on TV 
I will draw a winner
and The Pearls go to....
actually I'll ask Mr. HB to draw a winner
it will be low tech
paper pieces with your names on them
put into a bowl or bag
shaken up

Good Luck

Front porch
the Free Plants Sign has been resting here since the Fall
The twiggy branches await budding 
warmer weather and longer sunnier days are required.

Boy that oven takes a long time to clean itself!

 I am content with the snowdrops in the front bed...
although I'd like them to multiply rapidly!

she's got snowdrops too!

 I remember manually cleaning ovens
what a dirty job
stinky too 
 those ammonia aerosol sprays
my gloves got filthy
I perspired
not my favourite thing
afterwards a long soak in the tub was necessary to rid myself of the grime.

did you laugh?

Your recent post reminded me that my pony needed an outing!

 Hope that your weekend is chock full of delights...

I'll be here and there
prepping foods
wrapping gifts
hugging family
recording milestone moments in my heart
snapping a few photos along the way...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snowdrops, greed, magnification and...magazines

I wandered out in the garden for a spell today
in a sliver of sunlight I spied a small patch of snowdrops under a rhodo
they looked so pretty and dainty
and with only a few clumps I considered carefully but
I could not resist picking a few
to bring indoors.

One of my dreams 
is to have a garden that has masses upon masses 
of snowdrops 
I plant them whenever I see them offered for sale
but they are difficult to find here

I am a victim of garden envy 
and my envy is a vivid shade of green

love to share
  to acquire
and often are secretive 
and smug 
and will not share their sources

some even resort to stealing...

remember hearing about 
The Orchid Thief
and later reading the book.

Driving on a shaded street nearby
I spied a profusion
en masse
of white wee poppets
the boulevards were overflowing 
littered with the tiny white drooping heads 

what a sight!

green and greedy
 my gardener's envy 
reared it's ugly head...

I remarked to my mother
that I might come back at midnight and dig up some of them
they have so many would they miss just a few?

I would never actually do this
but the thought did occur to me...

I can visualize the snowdrops in my minds eye...
unfortunately my eyesight is not 20/20

all kinds of activities
beyond reading
things near and far
require glasses

so the time has come...
 a magnifying mirror

eye make up
and dare I say it

8X magnification on one side 
an honest and true reflection on the reverse

Anything new that comes into the Bungalow needs to be inspected
as you can see
Pepper is on the job.

I was surprised at how expensive these mirrors are to purchase
I have been looking for a sale
and have had no luck

I gave up waiting
this is more of a need than a want.

my favourite magazine
recreational reading
and dreaming

at first glimpse 
I thought the flowers were snowdrops...
now glasses on
 I see they are muscari album!

Town and Country 
arrived in the post
looking at the cover image
I pondered who the target audience was...
funnily enough the issue is titled Spring Fashion
and flipping the pages I see that this image goes with the article
"What is a Socialite?"
not Spring Fashion after all!


my current bedside read is 
The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austin
by Syrie James

I'm hooked...

Mr. HB and I took in the film
The King's Speech and we both loved it...
Colin Firth's performance is superb
if you haven't yet seen it
I highly recommend it
and the book is available at the booksellers.

peeking inside these sweet snowdrops
can you see why I am infatuated with their beauty?

Galanthus atkinsii

there's so much detail
in such a small space

The Hostess has
an embarrassingly large punch
 of greedy gardener's envy!