Friday, June 25, 2010

Kitchen carpet

I have a new carpet!

I have placed it in my kitchen and I love the way it brightens up the area. It is soft on my bare feet as I pad about the kitchen working.
My neighbour Margo who is moving, was throwing it out....she mentioned that her father bought it at an auction many years ago....thanks Margo. (She hails from eastern Canada)

Rugs and carpets are a mystery to me...wools, the dyes, the patterns...
I have absolutely no idea where this rug was woven or what kind of style it is...all I know is that I like it.
I think that's enough.

It fits in with the smaller rug I already own.

I could research it...but am rather busy at the moment.

Anyone out there know where it might be from or it's age?
I welcome any comments and who knows maybe we can figure this out collectively...
as we say in school....put your thinking caps on!

Hope that you have a great weekend.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's in my handbag....

I was interested in the latest post from the Daily Connoisseur on what's in my handbag...seen here

She has a very tidy and organized got me thinking...
I grabbed my camera and took a quick shot of the bag I used today...Elliot Lucca
any relation to Monserrat de Lucca ? cousins perchance?

and dumped out the contents of my bag...
Contents as follows;
Starbucks Gum, 
Volvo keys,  
LG cellphone ( emergencies only phone) 
Spencer and Rutherford wallet,
Scholastic tape measure (freebie from a book fair)
Stim-U-Dents ( if your over 50 try these)
cuticle scissors ( Libraries and gardens take their toll)
Rebar snack (in case I am hypoglycemic and want fries and a burger)
 zebra print roll up carry bag (top left)
Chanel lipstick #11 Legende
Chanel lipgloss #69 
Keep Calm and Carry On...mirror
Persol polarized sunglasses
almost full of photos of Isla....

I am wondering what is in your handbag?

I need a new summer bag...any suggestions?
I love the Coach Limited Edition Straw Bag
any thoughts?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Paint it Black

I spied this vintage wicker rocker on the boulevard with a FREE sign on it!
I didn't hesitate 
I stopped driving and popped it in the back of my Volvo wagon.

It took two coats of paint 
a seat of plywood cut to fit by Mr. HB (thank you darling!)
and a cushion will be purchased at Pier One
to match the ones on my front porch.

I am going to put the new rocker in the backyard 

Remember this freebie?
I picked it up on the boulevard and painted it black.

I will place this near the rocker

This stool needs to be tucked into the garden with a large plant on top.

I am placing a bowling ball on top of this stand
then tucking it into the perennial border.

Strolling around while the paint dries...

I love these foamy flowers

They contrast with the foliage

Wooly Thyme
these play a role in my next project...
slate pieces are to be laid down to form a bit of a garden path
near our "working area" of the garden.
and these will be planted in between the slate to form a living carpet.

I need a place to sift soil, compost, and store my wheelbarrow
so Mr. HB erected a bit of lattice fence to hide and define this part of the garden.
I'll take some photos when I complete the job.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Garden tour highlights...

I recently went on a garden tour...
I love gardening and all things garden-y...

I find such beauty in flowers and greenery,
it feeds my soul.
Ideas and inspiration flow...
after one has been on a tour of gardens.

Outdoor "rooms" were created by the talented green thumbs...
not only did I glimpse fabulous plantings, I saw cozy seating areas and dining spaces...

These chairs just beg to be sat in...
 I can place myself there...
with a mug of tea...
for a few minutes...
before spying a rogue weed that needs to be pulled!

"A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day...

A day to celebrate and remember, honour and thank.
There are so many things that fathers do and have done over the years.
I was fortunate to have a hard working father with firm family values.
He was not given to showing of affection in a grandiose manner, more reserved, gentle and kind.

A deep thinker, an avid reader, a fixer of things...

he grew the best tomatoes in his greenhouse and we ate them well into the winter!

he influenced me in so many ways...
I miss him.

My father and Mr. HB's father passed away several years ago only a few months apart...
my BFF's  father died that year too...
it's known in our circle as "The Year of the Dads"

Happy Father's Day...
and thank you...

Our son is a father and that totally moves me...
to tears...
...of joy.