Showing posts with label shoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shoes. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2018 shoes

I've been to several shops looking for some new sneakers...
Comfy, casual shoes to wear with my current spring and summer outfits.

I tried on maybe a dozen different styles...what a fabulous selection they have this Spring!
How does one decide?

With so much variety...
everything from a classic Keds sneaker,
to a Converse Chuck Taylor
and more...

I opted for a metallic slip on.

They are a bit bling-y

Will the "Fashion Police" give me a ticket when I wear them?
Do I really care?

 Is this the look of disapproval from Chester?

I plan to wear these with jeans, white linen pants and striped boyfriend cuffed ankle jeans.
They inject a little bit of fun
which I like when purchasing clothing.

A rainy day OOTD
Saint James raincoat
black tights with Chelsea boots
 V neck Black Goat cashmere sweater and a Jigsaw mini skirt.

I am in the process of putting my winter clothing downstairs into the guest room closet
then bringing up the summer clothes.

This process has been slowish because I check each item carefully,
launder and iron them
and discard anything that is pilled or looking tired.

I try all the summer things on to make sure they still fit
look decent
  that they are pieces that make me feel confident.

There are a couple of dresses
several pairs of white pants
(white NYDJ jeans, dressy white UPP pants, and a cropped linen pair)
a few tops, most are white and a couple are blue
 a longer white linen top with grey stripes 
shirt style with abalone buttons which I layer over tank tops.

White V neck Eileen Fisher sweater
grey short knit jacket
I keep my denim shirts, skirt, jeans and a jacket in rotation fall and summer.

I need to find a black skort as I do not like wearing shorts anymore.

Other than that I have very few things to buy.

My hair is undergoing a messy growing out stage...
as my frozen shoulder is in the thawing process 
I can now use the blow dryer 
 so with my hairdressers' help 
we will be teaming up and working through the tedious process.

My goal is to grow it back into a wavy bob...
it may take months but I am willing to put in the time.

Here's the Ann Taylor straw bag that I ordered from Etsy.
It is not exactly the same shade of red as my ballet flats but it works...

In order to kick up my exercise
I've been walking farther and in different areas of town.
Trying to increase the pace of my walk without exacerbating shin splints.
I think the change of scenery is energizing!

What have you been up to these days?
Are you enjoying the weather?

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, April 6, 2018

Shopping with a nod to Mom...

The damp cold rainy weather has kept me indoors more than usual...

I have gone for shorter walks and took a page out of Mother's book!
Going shopping when inclement weather prevails...
Mom was a super shopper...she could have taught lessons on how to shop!
Mother absolutely loved fashion and clothing , she found such joy wearing and accessorizing her beautiful clothes. She was well turned out until the last couple of weeks before she passed away...and then she only wore her PJ's and bathrobe.

Mom had 4 full closets when she died... many classics and some quite trendy pieces...unfortunately we were not the same size...
I have kept her grey cashmere waterfall sweater and a black wool wrap...
they are so cozy and remind me of her when I wear them.

I've brewed up numerous pots of tea
layered on the extra warm cashmere and wool sweaters and shawls.
(thanks to mom I have two of her coziest)

My hands feel the chill so its nice to warm them with a cup of something hot.
Something soothing and tasty with zero calories!
I am mindful of my WW points and the slimming is slower than last time.

My Chelsea boots are away at the cobbler getting some new heels
so I have been wearing my favourite red shoes...
the pop of red makes me feel happy.

A few red things in the Humble Bungalow kitchen...

"Walking in the shops" has been productive...
(of course mom knew this!)
I found a new coat.

I'd gone into Aritzia to look at their Wilfred Free tops 
as they make a nice basic which fits and has a great shape...
with a silhouette that skims and in a knit fabric that can be casual or dressy
a U hem detail which looks good un-tucked.
I already have one in black.
They were out of my size so I ordered one in a neutral soft light grey shade that I will layer with my white jeans and pants.

While I was in the shop I noticed the Babaton line of lightweight coats...
in a light soft fabric, with almost a Tencel feel.
They were far too long on me and I did not want to pay extra to take one to the seamstress to have it drastically shortened.

I found a similar coat at The Bay by Vero Moda
a deconstructed trench coat in a very light and soft fabric.
It was marked down and I got it for a great price.

Have you noticed how many straw and wicker bags are showing up in the magazines this Spring?
I've got a straw tote bag but it is too large for everyday use...
it's more of a market tote 
one that I use when going to the farmers market or to the beach.

Never fear...
Etsy has oodles of vintage straw and wicker bags...
I spent about an hour looking online and then this one popped up 
I could not resist!

The bag is by Ann Taylor
look at that pop of red!

It will work with my denim skirt and jeans
my red ballet flats
 it has just that little extra oomph which I think will perk up my basics quite nicely.

I am eager to see this and hope that the delivery is speedy.

I found this distressed looking Tee at The Bay this week too...
it looks like nothing (well maybe like a dish rag) on the hanger
 it is much better on!

I will wear this with my white jeans
 layered with my denim shirt
underneath a long white and grey linen top
Maybe even pair it with my black ponte knit pants.

Its going to get a LOT of wear.

Last evening we met up with darling daughter and her husband 
to see their new place.
I found a vintage mint orange Catherine Holm kettle and an icy modernist piece of art glass as their housewarming gifts which were well received!

We took them out to dinner after at our favourite local eatery...Zambri's.

I ordered this succulent fish feature and I had a "Julia Child moment!"
Do you remember the movie Julie and Julia?

It is the scene where Julia is in Paris 
dining in a small cafe 
and tastes 
for the first time 
fish cooked in beurre blanc...

Oh my this dish was a little slice of heaven on earth.
I must try to make it at home.

I have kept this vintage avocado green Catherine Holm bowl in our kitchen cupboard for quite some time and I casually mentioned it to darling daughter and it seems that she would use it so it is off to a good home soon...

Before I close 
I want to share some of our very tall snowdrops...

Drenched with precipitation...
things are definitely greening up in the Humble Bungalow Garden!

Hope you are having a fabulous week...
and hey its already Friday!

I've got to get in some groceries and stock up on some cleaning supplies.
Maybe I will do some research on the beurre blanc recipe too.

Whats on your agenda for the weekend?
Have you been shopping for some Spring things?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, November 24, 2017

Hostess style Holiday Basic Black

The holidays and the festive season are weeks away and I have been thinking about what I will be wearing...I do not plan to buy anything new this year.
I have most everything that I might need right here in my tiny closet.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile you'll already know how I rely on garments in Black..
those items particularly the classic styles with the ability to be transformed with accessories and textures.

Black is such a versatile neutral...
I gravitate to it like a moth to a flame!

If you can wear white it is another great option...
winter white is another softer choice that works.

I prefer black with my complexion and salt and pepper hair colour...
with bold red lipstick, eye liner and mascara I am ready for an evening out or an evening at home hosting guests.

Accessories are fabulous on a basic black garment.
I think of it as a blank canvas just waiting for some decoration...

INC black tunic top

Brooches, necklaces and scarves are your best bet to dressing up the simple understated black garments.

Baroque strand of Pearls

Artisan designed necklace.

I purchased it years ago and have worn it many times.

It is SO versatile...
I have worn it with a simple white Tee and Jeans
 under a denim shirt
with a leather Moto jacket
accent with a LBD
and here again with the tunic top.

I love having a funky artsy option in my jewel box.

You could wear some sparkly statement shoes or keep it simple with these Ferragamo flats.

A clutch would be another way to add a fun accent.
I have two black textured evening bags...
 vintage eel skin 
sourced at thrift and consignment shops at a great price point.

Textured hose is fun and feels less conservative...

I keep my wardrobe simple and small.
Owning specific Festive Holiday wear would be a luxury.
If I had to dress for a fancy ball or a "red carpet event" I would most certainly need to go shopping.
(however I feel that a red carpet event is highly unlikely)

Do you have a  favourite colour to wear for the festive season?
Will you add a pop of bright colour to your outfit?
How do you approach dressing for the holidays?

Hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Autumnal Splendor....

Autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons...
rich in colour and texture,
this weekend we have been treated to clear blue skies and sunny warm days.

Perfect weather for walking...
and a bonus while we are at Quarter Deck Cottage on Pender Island.

Golden hues tinged with green.

We walked slowly so that I could stop and take pictures 
besides the fact that I have been recently diagnosed with shin splints...
my doctor suggested that I slow my walking pace and perhaps the distance that I travel
to make sure that I have supportive shoes 
 to replace my walking shoes at least every year if not every 6 months.
This is a painful condition and so I am heeding his advice.

The distance we covered was just a tad under 3 km
the road was perfect for our walk 
very little car traffic
homes and acreages dotted every so often along the byway
the leaves were stunning in their beauty
so picturesque.

This old home was situated at the end of the road overlooking the ocean.

I'd love to peek inside but this is as close as we could get to it.

The road curved ahead and we spied this boat...

We discovered a lovely sandy beach at the end of the road with a public beach access.
Mr. HB saw a mink run into the brush just ahead.

Kelp and maple leaves mingling together on the beach.

Walking with the leaves crunching neath our feet...
a glorious day 
with dappled sunshine peeking through the canopy of trees.

Feeling such gratitude to be able to enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds us.

How was your weekend ?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday up alcohol on the blog today.

Remember these pink foxgloves?
The geraniums are still going strong but many of the garden flowers have faded away...summer is slowly but surely on its way out 
surprisingly the sunshine and warmth have not yet waned.

When we have finished working in the garden we are able to sit on the deck in our comfy chairs and survey all our hard work.

The garden has many plants that love the heat and perform well over the entire summer season...
others fade as soon as their blooms have wilted.
The lady's mantle is looking very straggly and needs to be drastically cut back.

Inside The Humble Bungalow the orchids have taken a beating...
something has crept in...
an unwelcome insect or pest
that has affected several of the older plants...
I had to throw them into the compost.

Fear not, 
I will be on the look out for a sale and find a few replacements.
They do add loads of cheer to the windowsill above the Humble Bungalow farmhouse kitchen sink.

The rose scent hunt for "the one" is still ongoing...
I have eliminated quite a few on the quest to find one or two that I love.
I will report back when I have completed my testing.

Love a pop of colour in the garden...
these chairs are perched on the railing of a porch on Denman Island
placed next to a jumble of blue flowers.

Delphiniums and bees.

gardening is a green thumbs' way of painting!

After trying and failing to lose 10 pounds several times
I am back counting my points and have quit drinking all alcohol 
in an effort to get back to my goal weight.

The liver plays a significant role in burning fat so cutting out anything that impedes this progress is worth it.
I've been sipping non-alcoholic wines 
which are 1 or 2 WW points per 8 oz. glass.
After sampling several varieties ~ red, white and bubbly...
I have found a couple that taste great, and I have opted for the 1 point wines.

The plan is to return to weight watchers in September...
in the meantime 
I am back counting my points, making sensible food choices
and walking briskly every day.

Putting my "best foot forward" 
as I did it before
 I CAN do it again.

I have lusted after the red Ferragamo Varina's for many years 
IF I can find a pair this Fall 
providing I get back to my WW goal weight 
that is going to be my reward.

Nothing like a red shoe to make one feel cheerful.

There's a lot to do in the garden so I must hasten away and get busy.

Have you seen The Gardener's Cottage newly designed blog?
Janet has been one of the first bloggers that I discovered and I think she's just delightful and her new blog is wonderful.
Pop over and take a look.

Until next time...
Be well and Be Kind.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

More and polish

I have been living in Yoga wear lately as I am going to Yoga 3-4 days a week. It seems silly for me to change clothes when I get home just to action domestic chores, read and prepare dinner. Besides, my Yoga pants are comfy and the tops I wear are Tees topped with a grey cashmere that Mother owned...
and the cats do not complain!

My mid section has expanded and I am finding the zippers on my pants do not lay flat anymore and that bugs me so I purchased a pair of Ralph Lauren pull on jeans that are a slimming and flat at the waist...very comfy.
I hope to whittle down my midsection a bit given time...
but I am taking "baby steps"
giving myself permission to lose slowly to avoid added stress.

The top seen below is navy and white stripes with a white under layer showing fits loose but not baggy so it should be cool in the summer.
I can wear this with my white NYDJ jeans too.

This bright and cheerful Columbia raincoat apparently "breathes" 
Do you see how the colour caught my eye?
(its not black!)
This happened innocently 
while I was looking for new deck shoes to wear on the boat. 
The jacket was marked down almost by half and it fits and flatters so I bought it. 

It will be great for walks and with the boating season almost upon us I could not resist.

I own several pieces of Columbia gear for walking and cruising.
I appreciate the quality of these garments.
Whats not to like about active wear with a bit of style?

Here are the deck shoes...also by Columbia.
Not on sale but oh so comfy and I needed them...
somehow last season my deck shoes were lost
I rarely lose things and when I do it drives me a wee bit crazy trying to figure out what happened...
it is a mystery and one that I cannot waste any more time thinking 
obsessing about!

Lisa at a mid life of privilege showed us her freshly painted toes today.
and I got to thinking that I should have a pedicure.

Most of the women at the Yoga studio have their toes painted and I usually indulge in a pedicure from May to September during sandal season.
It is too late to get an appointment at the Spa this afternoon but not to late to try my hand at an at home pedicure. 
The main reason that I get pedicures is because I am not that flexible and my eyesight is dodgy...

well I surprised myself 
Yoga must be helping me with flexibility as I did not find it at all difficult bending over and applying the polish.
I am quite pleased with the results
 not as professional as I would get from the Spa but they are OK.

So Lisa, I must thank you for sharing your toes...
I used Formula X "Thrilling" 
The next time I am in the "downward dog" position I'll enjoy looking at my toes!

It is a long weekend here in BC and we have the Victoria Day parade this Sunday.

I'll be taking a few days off and will catch up with you all next week.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.