Showing posts with label scenery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scenery. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2023

OOTD and I may have solved the problem with comments...


 ~ Walking ~
I love walking along the waterfront.
Fortunately we live close to the seafront but I frequently walk in Oak Bay.
The Esplanade near Willows Beach is a scenic spot for a stroll.

I spied this beaded bracelet on the arm of the blue Adirondack chair...

I stopped to take a closer look and noticed the card inside.
Oak Bay Trinket Fairy

I now follow this Instagram account and have learned 
that this bead artist makes and leaves them for people to find!
What a lovely idea...
similar to those painted rocks that were once popping up in our neighbourhood.

Friday ~ post published today 
as I am going to busy this Sunday...
I have been trying to keep the posts regular but a wee bit of a BLIP is fine.

On the heels of my denim jumper purchase I found a coat!

New Eileen Fisher blue coat...
a simple and classic choice for Spring and Summer.
Turns out that I really like Eileen Fisher coats as I now have 3 of them.

~ OOTD ~

Wore my big pearls from Hong Kong to tea at a friends home.
We sip tea ~ chat and knit together.
I paired it with a crisp white Old Navy shirt and a wool Lord and Taylor skirt.
Layered over Hue capri tights and my Josef Seibel Chelsea Boots.

Rather an "edgy" look but very comfortable :-))

Do you wear "edgy" fashion choices?
It is a wee bit of a stretch for me but after wearing this combo several times 
it feels honest and natural.

Let's have a quick chat about hair...
it is supposed to be our crowning glory.

my hair has been thinning this past year...
which has been a worry but I do have a thyroid condition and that is one of the issues.
I take medication for my thyroid but hair loss is a concern.
My hair used to be SO THICK!

Has your hair thinned?

On my last visit to my stylist I mentioned this to her she cut in more layers 
now it looks fuller and has more body
so I am happy with the results.

In other news...

I have been researching the blogger problem with comments.
Your emails have not gone unnoticed...
May have found an answer...
fingers crossed 
so please try now and see if it works.

Leave a comment and we'll see if it works.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Cold weather, a Thrifty Chicken Veggie Soup Recipe, and knitting at the cottage.


We are at the cottage and awoke to snow dusting the stairs...

It coated the ground which reminded me of icing sugar...
then I thought of cookies :-))

We purchased a wee tree for the cottage and chose small fairy lights in white.
It looks best when the lights are dimmed or turned off but we felt the need to add some festive cheer, it is December after all.

With this cold I decided to make a chicken veggie soup.
It was full of flavour and was a warm and cozy choice for the cold day.

Thrifty Chicken Soup

I used a roast chicken carcass.
Pick off the bigger chunks of meat and set them aside in the fridge.

In a soup pot I added the carcass and just covered the bones with water.
Boil then simmer for about an hour.
Take out bones and set them aside to cool.
Put the rich stock into a large container.
Pick off any more meat from the bones and add to the stock, discard the bones.

Saute one large diced onion, 2 stalks diced celery in oil until soft.
Add the meat from the fridge and the stock to the pot
2 diced carrots, some sliced greens 
(I used bok choy)
Cook about 45 minutes until carrots are soft
salt and pepper to taste.


It is very tasty and is so warming on a cold snowy day.

The sun was shining and we bundled up for a cold weather walk.
The air was crisp and so refreshing.
Little birds skitting about pecking for morsels of food...
Gulls soaring in the sky.

Soon the birds will be nibbling these red berries and rose hips...

December is a truly beautiful time to visit the cottage.
It is quite peaceful so we sleep deeply and feel relaxed when we wake up.
We are so fortunate to be able to come and do not take our time here for granted.
It is a precious gift.

We have been reading our books and I've been knitting on my vest 
which is getting very close to being finished.
I needed to buy some new locking stitch markers
 so I went to The Beehive before we left town.
Wouldn't you know it! I spied a lovely blue variegated yarn by Berocco.
Wool shops are rather lethal for me...chocolate, tea and book shops are trouble!
I rarely leave with empty hands.

This pattern is my next project.
Are you a knitter?
What do you love to make?

Hope that you are warm and cozy and enjoying the beginning of December.
I think it is going to get busy with baking and shopping and wrapping!
(with time set aside for knitting and reading)

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, September 26, 2022

Garden snapshots, thrift shop finds and scenic views on my walks...


Large green bottle in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

I saw many of these when I was in Tuscany 
so when I spied one at Kay's Korner in Cook Street Village I snapped it up!
(Thanks Karin for saving it for me when I was out of town.)


Dappled light
sunny day

 ~ Abraham Darby ~

A stunning fragrant
David Austin Rose

Fatsia Japonica 
above a bed of ferns.

Dahlia season is upon us...
so many blooms and various varieties.
Which ones to choose?

Annual Tagetes Marigolds
we plan to save the seeds for next year.

Thrift shop teacups...
very cheerful and so pretty.

I don't NEED them but I HAD to buy them!

The de-cluttering binge is still underway...

I took the orchids in their big pots off the shelf above the sink.
The pots were washed and stored away
the orchids were put out on the boulevard for free
they were snapped up quickly!

My goal was to invite more light into the kitchen.
Cleaning off the shelf worked and I am very pleased that I can enjoy the view.

Candle light in The Humble Bungalow Living Room.

My morning routine...

Love the soft light and scents...

Most days I find myself 
Walking in Oak Bay...
where I spent my childhood.

Memories flood in...

Salty Air
The call of the Gulls
The sound of the waves
as they crash upon the Shore. 

~ Sunshine ~

Kitty Islet in Oak Bay

I collect sea glass along the rocky shoreline.

The chairs on the point are very popular...
with expansive scenic views towards Trial Island and beyond
it is not surprising that locals and tourists alike stop and gaze across the sea.

Many bring coffee and some bring picnics...
there is also a picnic table which you might spy on the right side of the rocks.

So many things to be grateful for...
had our 4th vaccination.

We hope to stay healthy and enjoy the Fall weather.

I'll be starting a new knitting project soon and am reading a fun book right now.

Rise and Shine Benedict Stone
Phaedra Patrick
soon to be a Hallmark Movie.

That's all for now...
hope you are well.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Weekend getaway...and flowers in The Humble Bungalow Garden

Last weekend we were invited to visit long time friends who retired to Thetis Island.
They built their dream home on the water's edge in Telegraph Harbour.

Other long time friends made the trek across the big pond from the Lower Mainland and we had a reunion of sorts...
we were celebrating Mr. HB's birthday.

I found a wee bit of time to work on the Miriam sweater...
the view was a bit distracting as
there were so many gorgeous yachts cruising past 
that I had to keep looking up from the knitting!

Just knitting the garter stitch front border, it will be finished soon!

Enjoying the newly purchased Tonka and Oud candle 
from a wee shop in Chemainus near the ferry dock.

The scent is woodsy and rich.

A lovely fragrant rose at the Telegraph Harbour Marina...
an old rose scent with soft apricot petals.

When I posted the picture on Instagram of the unknown rose...
several readers identified it as Just Joey.
Thank you :-))

Pulled out the stack of my TBR books
had a wee gander...
there are far more than I remembered.

Now my dilemma is to decide which one to read next?

What are you reading?

Our hydrangeas are the current stars in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
This hydrangea was a gift from my husband's architectural firm 
when my dad passed away years ago...
it has grown and never disappoints with its variety of blooms.

These limelight hydrangeas are just one of the dozen or so that we have planted over the years.

Their shade of chartreuse green glows
it lights up and illuminates the perennial borders.

Lots to keep us busy in the garden at this time of year.

I plan to go out and pick some of the various hydrangea blooms 
with hopes of drying them to bring indoors for the Fall and Winter months.

The weather is still very hot but i know that it will change as the summer wanes.

I'll be wearing boots and carrying my brolly before too long!
(I need to buy new rubber boots too!)

Well I must close and make lunch for us...

How are things going with you?

If you have a moment or two
please leave a comment and share your thoughts...
I always appreciate hearing from readers.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Wee luxuries...and remembering MOM

Willows Beach in Oak Bay

(a favourite spot of my late mom's and mine)

I took my coffee in a thermos and sat in the stillness
watched the sea, the sun and the clouds
listened to the waves as they met the shore
the sound of the gulls as they soared overhead.

A few precious moments of peace outdoors in nature to start the day
sets the tone for the hours ahead.

Unwrapped a lovely soap from Fragonard in Paris.
The porcelain soap dish accompanied the soap which was in a recent 
My French Country Home Box.

The scent is soft, subtle and sweet.

Hand washing happens many many times a day here in The Humble Bungalow.

I can still hear my mom's voice
her mantra was
"Soap and Water are Cheap."

Mom always kept a few bars of triple milled soap unwrapped in her lingerie drawer.
I think her favourite was Yardley's English Lavender Soap.

Mom was an avid gardener and worked for many hours outside 
before coming in and soaking in the tub...
a cup of restorative tea on the edge of the bath.

Lavender scents wafted throughout the house.

She'd dress up for my father's arrival home from work.

A dainty apron worn atop of her dress...
mom was a much tidier cook than I.

I remember so many lovely snippets of mom and learned so much from her.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of her.

Mom sipped her tea in a pretty cup and saucer.
She had a fondness for those decorated with flowers.

While I don't ALWAYS choose one of mine for tea.
(several inherited from mom)

I do more often than not.

My face is getting some serious TLC
the recent and ongoing IPL treatments are reducing the rosacea redness 
the broken capillaries are slowly disappearing...

My skin however is dry 
so I purchased a hardworking moisturizer to use in tandem 
with the IS Clinical Pro Health Serum.

Fingers crossed it will perform as was suggested at the clinic.

Healthy lunch at Brown's Social House
Tuna Poke Bowl

loaded with fresh veggies

Eating mindfully 
adding lots of veggies with lean protein
 high on my radar.

Choosing healthier alternatives is becoming much easier...
the lure of french fries is still very strong.

If my husband orders them I ask to sample a few :-))

The interesting thing about eating tons of veggies and a small amount of protein is that I don't feel "stuffed" after I eat.

It is such a different feeling than when I order a burger and fries.
I actually prefer it and I am not hungry afterwards.

Sale item from Joe Fresh.
A simple basic which will get worn on my walks
paired with jeans perhaps layered overtop of a denim shirt.

Love the warm cozy feel..
great texture.

So many thoughts are swimming around in my head today 
as I sit here in The Humble Bungalow kitchen and type.

I am not sure how to wrap up this post...

writing about and remembering mom 
often skews my thought process
emotions tugging at my heartstrings...

Auriculas are starting to put on a show!
Perhaps it is time to find or build a theatre to display them?
They are all the rage in the UK.

How are things with you?

Hope that you are enjoying the start to the week.
Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Seeking Solace in Nature...

listening to the sound of the birds and the waves as they lap against the shore.

Lighting a candle...

Gazing out the window...
breathing and feeling grateful.

Reading a good book
sipping tea.

Walking along a beach
searching for sea glass
watching the otters and the gulls.

Taking time out to be soothed by the beauty of Nature.

Inviting Natural Beauty Indoors...

Bright and cheerful flowers

Diving into a new book.

Going for a walk in the misty rain...

Looking for bright pops of colour.

Taking in the views 
admiring the details
embracing the various colours and textures.

Wet logs strewn all over the beach and this one looked like a seal.
Do you see it?

Are you seeking the calm and soothing hands of Mother Nature?

Are you taking local action?
I'm looking into more ways to help...
We've made donations of money and plan to make more.

Fresh salt air 
the moist wet mist
slippery logs and mossy rocks.

The gentle lapping of the sea...
the Raven's Song.

A gentle breeze blowing 
shells crunch at our feet.

These don't solve our problems but they do help release tension.

Wishing, Hoping and Praying for Peace.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~