Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weekend snippets and snapshots...

Our 40th anniversay weekend was wonderful.
As we met boating it seems fitting that we celebrate on the boat.
We were moored snugly at the Otter Bay Marina on Pender Island.

I brought along some boat flowers as we did not take the cats with us.
Our house and cat sitter, a good friend, moves right in and makes herself at home when we are away.
 She is a cat lover and takes excellent care of Pepper and Chester.

These cantilevered decks are shaded and offer a quiet spot to sit and read or sip a beverage.

Summer is time for swimming in pools.
 Otter Bay Marina pool just waiting for a swimmer...

A little shell with barnacles was left on the table.

Yucca flowers towered overhead...
I am just a tad taller than 5 feet so they were probably 6 feet high.
Apparently our warmer weather has contributed to their massive flowers this season.

Fancy drinks at lunch.
I love these sea green sealer jars as glasses.

Fish tacos for the Hostess.

Clam Chowder and a Burger for Mr. HB.

 Hope Bay is a short drive from the Marina and has a great gift shop, real estate agent, gallery, goldsmith as well as the fabulous and delicious Hope Bay Cafe.

I've been busy playing catch up on the laundry this week and have had very little time to blog.
There's been a luncheon with the gals and the meet and greet with a new baby and an outing with my Mother and sister and a few dinners to make and we have a funeral to attend.
 I have a long list of things to do so I musn't tarry long here...

I'll be back when time allows...
until then 
Be well and Be Kind

Thursday, July 17, 2014

OOTD ~ circa 2014 and circa 1974.

After much deliberation and a wee bit of anxiety I caved in and bought a pair of shorts...
I don't know why I feel so silly about wearing shorts, they are really not much more than a divided slim skirt.

Jumping on and off the boat docking in a skirt or dress just didn't make sense from a safety standpoint as there was too much fabric to get hung up on the rigging and made for a safety hazard....
Big Splash!  Hostess has gone overboard!

 Santana black denim shorts
Tribal black and blue top
Born sandals  

This is as good as it gets 
 with my distinct aversion to shorts...

This Tribal ribbon top is actually one of my favorite tops.

I've got several other white tops which I can wear with the shorts.

We pack lightly on the boat in the summer time and use our large Lands' End totes.
I throw in a few pairs of pj's, bathing suits, pants, tee shirts and a few cool cotton dresses.
Polartec jacket, a sarong and a rain proof jacket round out the gear.

Speaking of shopping I did a quick turnaround in Sears and picked up a black one piece bathing suit so that I would have a second one on board.
I found that my bathing suit did not dry overnight and so I was squeezing into a damp suit for the morning swim...
not as easy as I thought it would be and much huffing anf puffing and wriggling was required!
I enjoy swimming in the outdoor pools in the heat and find two swims a day quite refreshing.

I love Audrey's writing and her novels are unusual and unique...
this one did not disappoint but I was not prepared for what would transpire...
I suppose the surprise is refreshing even if it is a bit strange.

My BFF loaned me this book when we were at Poets Cove on Pender Island this past weekend.
We enjoyed several lazy days of swimming in the pool and soaking in the hot tub...
a walk and dinner out squeezed in between sun bathing and reading rounded out the trip.

The funny thing was that when she showed it to me I said "Oh I am reading one of her novels right now!"

Niffeneger and Diffenbaugh...two distinctly different names and yet I thought I saw the same letters in the same order and yes I was wearing my sunglasses but I have no excuse as they are prescription Maui Jim's!

Sweet Peas
 a fragrant flowery fantasy in a vase...

Buying shorts might not seem like a big deal to you but for me it was a huge leap...
I have my fingers crossed that the Fashion Police are out of the country on holiday.
Shorts are what most boaters are wearing these days...
perhaps I have just come to the party late which is no surprise as that is my usual modus operandi!

July 20th, 1974
Our wedding day under the rose arbour at Government House.

I cannot believe that we are at year 40 as husband and wife but it's true and yet it feels like yesterday 
when we stood in the church in front of over 100 of our friends and family saying I Do.
So young, so naive, and so completely in love.
With many dreams in our hearts for a future together.

My husband is a wonderful partner, a great friend and I am so grateful that we met.
I might call it fate how we met and my husband might refer to it as a mere coincidence.
We met when we were out boating.
 I was a guest on my BFF's family boat in the late 1960's...
so we've actually been a couple longer than 40 years.

We will be celebrating this weekend.

"Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose
beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity."

~ Kahlil Gibran ~

Friday, July 19, 2013

~ We are celebrating ~

July 20, 1974 was a very special day...
our wedding was held on a sunny summer afternoon
nearly 200 people filled the church pews to witness our vows
an assortment of family and friends.

We were so young!

I love this image of us under the rose arbor starting our life together.
Sharing our

a future that would take shape
shared experiences

life lessons

all of which have contributed to make us the couple that we are today.

There are no secrets to our long marriage.
I've thought about it and can not put my finger on any one thing
although family has always been very important to both if us...

I think it is a combination of luck and respect for each other
and growing up together sharing the good and the bad which has continued to strengthen our bond.

We have made time for each other at least part of every day for the past 39 years...
we have been free to persue hobbies and have other interests which we can discuss together.

Date night, usually a lunch or dinner out once a week
working together on refurbishing our home and garden
has certainly gone a long way to keeping us connected and keen.

Life is never dull or tedious
we have so many things that we want to accomplish
and that list seems to grow longer each day!

Saying I love you
never gets old.

I look at this heart rock 
and feel it is a symbol of a solid and lasting love
one to aspire to...

Happy Anniversary Mr. HB

Looking forward to another great year as your partner in life!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pearls amid the Picasso's

Mr. HB and I were with our friends when we stumbled upon a studio in the most surprising spot on  Pender in the Gulf Islands.
Renaissance Studio is definitely off the beaten path.
The artworks massed here are stunning...
Chagall's, Picasso's and an assortment of contemporary artists make up this collection.
Antiques, collectibles and designer jewelry.

It was in this wee shop that I spied some freshwater pearls,
almost gum ball size and very colourful.

They called my name...
and what could I say but "Happy Anniversary Honey!"
We did have dinner out on the date to celebrate, but these are a forever reminder...
(38 years)

Pinch me...
Dear reader I think I am very lucky!

I have them on my neck and have been wearing them everyday since we bought them.

On another tack I am reading a fabulous book!
The writing is crisp and evocative, the story rich.

If you decide to read it let me know what you think.

We are cruising the salty seas in our classic Chris Craft Constellation and while I am able to produce blog posts for some reason I am having trouble commenting on all the blogs I read.
It's frustrating because there have been so many great posts in the past few days...
marina Wi Fi can be very slow.

Please know that I am keeping current with your blogs I'm just mute for now!

Crab cakes 
for lunch.

A very special visit from our son, wife and their precious daughter.

I am savouring life from the slow lane....

giving gratitude for the multitude of blessings in my life.

Be well

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Date night our 38th anniversary and thoughts on marriage...

Our 38th anniversary was Friday July the 20th.
We kept it simple and went out for an early dinner as we had both had very busy days...
(I was arranging flowers for the wedding and Mr/ HB was working on the renovation downstairs)
we sipped a cocktail and dined on some some delicious food in one of our favourite local eateries.

Zambri's used to be a tiny hole in the wall in an out of the way spot with almost a cult following of dedicated diners.
Local foodies and chefs were known to frequent the place on their days off and some strayed in after hours to see what was left after the crowds had departed.
It has moved and is now located in the upscale architectural gem, The Atrium building.
The food tastes as good as it did when we sat on mismatched chairs and distressed wooden tables that invariably needed to be leveled with coasters to keep them from wobbling!
Their new decor is state of the art,
crisp linen table cloths,
twinkling lights above a bar
an open concept inside the restaurant and then Atrium space where we sat, which feels airy and bright.

a Tanqueray martini
~ ~ ~
 bread and olives
( I ate one wee slice of bread ~ the olives were a sweet bite of salty heaven)

we shared a Caesar salad

pasta for our main course
mine was penne with gorgonzola and green peas
I've had this many times and I cannot tell you how much I love it.

Mr. HB had pasta with Dungeness Crab Ragu
we took ourselves home 
for a cozy evening watching our new fave show Newsroom by the brilliant Aaron Sorkin.

38 years is a long time plus we knew each other for several years before getting married

We have no secret as to why we have managed to stay married so long
but we ALWAYS celebrate our anniversary
cards always 
gifts optional.

Mr. HB has been very generous over the years 
I have some special pieces of jewelry that he has given me to mark the occasion of our 10th, 25th, and 30th dates.

In earlier times when the children were young and money was tight we'd have our parents take the kids overnight so that we could go out and enjoy a bite of food together. 
Dinner out once or twice a year back then was a real treat.

Things change, 
kids grow up and move out 
and we are fortunate enough that we still enjoy each other's company.
Every evening when Mr. HB comes home from work 
we take the time to sit and chat and catch up on each other's days doings.

I think communication is huge in a marriage.
Sharing dreams and having goals
planning ahead
working side by side
in the house and in the garden 
never taking the other for granted
compliments go a long way ~ they must be genuine and heartfelt
apologizing when you know you are wrong
sharing laughter
are all things that we have worked on to keep our marriage strong
I do think there is luck involved
we were fortunate enough to meet in our teens
 still surrounded by friends that we grew up with 
who are also long time married folks
probably helps a lot...

I highly recommend this restaurant
it has won many awards
and we have never been disappointed by the service or the food.

Do you have a special place that you like to go?

If a young bride were to ask you for tips on the longevity of marriage what would you say?

Friday, July 22, 2011

A sign of the times...

Cruising aboard our classic Chris Craft  is a great way to enjoy the quiet life.
The ocean tides lull one to sleep and relaxation is a sure thing.
With plenty of time for reflection and book reading one does need to make the effort to move the body. Daily swimming, kayaking are weather dependent so walking is my favourite option.
I like to walk on the beach and explore the areas surrounding the marinas and marine parks.

I was not expecting to have my walks curtailed because of this...

I thought it might be safer to explore the docks and gardens of the local houseboats.
I'd be scared stiff to encounter a large black bear.

A sunny planting
I am particularly fond of this foliage
nature looks like she has been painting the leaves.

Any chance that Johnny Depp is about?
I'd love to catch a glimpse of him!

This industrious honey bee is collecting pollen on this allium alba.

I followed an interesting walkabout 
dotted with metal sculptures...
someone has been very crafty and creative recycling all this metal.

Have a Happy Friday
it's the gateway to the weekend.

What are your plans fro the weekend?

My husband and I are belatedly celebrating our 37th wedding anniversary 
(July 20th)
with dinner out 
which just happens to be at a restaurant with a water view
and while it might be onboard our boat
it's not!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Anniversary and roses...

Here we are a few years back 
snapped out front of the Humble Bungalow
just before we went out for our anniversay dinner.

Jude the Obscure
Rose, most fabulous

Metscan, materfamilias and myself are all celebrating our 36th year of marriage this year.
I commented on mette's blog about some thoughts of marriage and wonder how it is that we have managed to be a couple for so long.

I met Mr. HB when I was 15...I'm 55 now.
There must be a great deal of luck involved
I know that we have changed and morphed into the people we are today
as we were starry eyed lovers innocent  and green when we walked down the aisle of that church so many years ago.
We went from our family homes into the arms of each other
partners in life, for life
and that was the unwritten attitude that I embraced
I never ever thought that marriage would be hard work
(I was surprised, a little, I was so naive)
I never imagined that we would divorce
I don't know why 
I just felt that we would be together forever
maybe just that abiding belief was enough

 life and events have shaped us and made us grow closer 
we have adapted
we have had differences
there have been times when I wanted to walk away
but somehow
we have worked out the kinks
so far
one never can sit back and take it for granted

Many of these anniversaries have been celebrated with a romantic dinner.
We celebrated this year, with lovely daughter and we watched The Batchelorette!
She cooked her delicious Thai curry with chicken and rice...a bottle of bubbly made an appearance and soon disappeared!

at the risk of sounding sappy...
I do feel very blessed
I am grateful

What things are important for a long and happy marriage?
I feel they must be different for every couple
what rings true for you?
Please share your thoughts