Saturday, June 13, 2020

Everything's coming up Roses...

I am spending much more time in our garden during the pandemic...
focusing on the flowers and plants.
Listening to the birdsong 
chatting with fellow gardeners on the street.

Many of us are dealing with the urban deer and their voracious appetites.
One doe visits the front yard every day and has decimated most of the Hostas.

You can see in the first picture that its looking quite big!
This is what is left of Sum and Substance a large variety of Hosta.
I watched her eat two "salads."

She's nibbled the hydrangeas and some of the rose blooms despite the thorns!

We are going to build a fence...

Constance Spry and Paul's Lemon Pillar Roses
on the pergola at the entrance to The Humble Bungalow Garden.
High enough that the deer cannot reach all of the blooms.

Constance has a very deep rich fragrance and Paul's Lemon Pillar is a more sublte citrus scent.

The Heart Flag hangs in honour of all the frontline and essential workers.

Jude The Obscure 
(my favourite David Austin Rose!)
a stunning repeat blooming apricot rose with an amazing 
intoxicating perfume.

The pink rose in the background is the McCartney Rose
a hybrid tea rose 
rich scent
repeat bloomer.

Sir Paul!

William Shakespeare
our only red rose in the garden.
"In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends."

~ Okakura Kakuzo ~

Roses growing at the Cottage on Pender.

"Flowers grow out of dark moments."

~ Corita Kent ~

No scent to speak of but very attractive.

"It’s ok to feel delicate sometimes. 
Real beauty is in the fragility of your petals. 
A rose that never wilts isn’t a rose at all."

~ Crystal Woods ~

Are you a gardener?
Do you have urban deer or other wildlife dining in your garden?

My current book borrowed from a friend.
What are you reading?

Take care and thank you for dropping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


La Vie Quotidienne said...

Your roses are beautiful - Constance Spry looks fantastic over the arbor.
I loves the Dutch House and had such admiration and affection for the sister, what a remarkable character.

Take care.

Madame La-Bas said...

Your roses are always so beautiful! It's a shame about the deer. They always seem to visit but are there more this year? I hope that the fence solves the problem. I visited your friend Cheryl's page after looking at your Instagram painting of the Humble Bungalow. I really like her art. I'm finishing Diary of a Bookseller and then starting my new bag of books. I'm going to post them on Instagram. Enjoy the weekend and the birthday.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I am halfway through The Dutch House and appalled by the step mother! She is cold and downright mean! The sister is a saint!!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Cheryl is a very talented and gifted artist.
Happy reading Madame...I am off to pull weeds and deadhead some roses now.

Jeannine said...

Your roses are stunning. Especially those growing on the pergola - I would like such, but, at this point, do not. We don't have issues with deer in our yard, but we do have bunnies eating the tops off pansies. Thanks for showing your garden.

MabonMoon said...

Oh no, your poor hostas! But your roses are spectacular. I have always loved gardening but am now in a condo. I don't miss the heavier garden chores. I am addicted to reading mysteries. This is new. When did I turn into my mother?? (I also love British television mysteries. Vera. I want to be acerbic like her, and call everyone "pet." I watched all available seasons of Shetland and Hinterland on Netflix. Both excellent with great characters and stunning locales. Especially the bleak beauty of coastal Wales on Hinterland.) I have found reading harder during the Pandemic, though, not able to concentrate as well as before. But it has got better.

KSL said...

I finally figured out how to comment via my phone! Your garden is amazing. We’re currently having our whole yard redone, which started 2 days before lockdown. So without an outdoor space at home this whole time. Should be done in 3-4 weeks. I read The Dutch House, but found the story meandering a bit. I just started The Vanishing Half which is fantastic so far. I love the potting table your husband built, and I’m sure he’ll design the perfect fence. Xo

sensitive poet said...

Your roses are unbelievable! We don't have deer where we live (just rabbits, skunks etc, the usual city dwellers), but I have heard good things about Plantskyyd (?spelling). I always enjoy your photos, they are so clear and colourful. Did you take a photography course?

Poppy Q said...

Your garden is lovely and the roses are beautiful. We only have a couple of neighborhood cats that come through our garden.


hostess of the humble bungalow said...

We have some wild bunnies here too but they don’t often nibble things in our garden. Our neighbour’s cat likes to wander in the yard so perhaps that scares the bunnies away?

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I enjoy a good mystery. Vera Stanhope is a wonderful character I love the series of books and the TV shows. We are most fortunate to have great authors to write such riveting stories. I have been escaping more through books during the pandemic. Haven’t been knitting as much as I thought I would and now the garden gets lots of attention! The nicer weather helps to get us outside which is very therapeutic.
Take care

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Oh your garden project sounds like quite the undertaking! I would love to see some pictures!
You post some very picturesque hiking trails and gorgeous beaches...getting outside is such a tonic right now. Good to know that you are able to post from your phone now!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I got a deer spray recipe from a friend which I plan to mix up...milk. Eggs. Water and Eucalyptus essential oil...hope it works until we get the fence built!
No I have never taken any photography classes...just use my IPhone.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Yesterday I was out working in our back yard and the huge cat from next door jumped out from under a big plant and raced past me. I think it had been napping and I was getting closer with the hose!
Take care Julie

Sheila said...

Oh, those danged deer! We see them around my house, but there aren't as many tempting gardens in my neighbourhood. Your roses are amazing, L! I can smell them from here!

La Contessa said...


LadyJicky said...

Oh what the deer did!!
Still.... you do not have possums like I do and they love to eat roses.
Gardener's just can't win can we ! lol

Lorrie said...

Beautiful roses. Too bad about the hostas and the deer. We don't have those, but we do have rabbits - they moved into the neighbourhood this spring and I am not happy.