Friday, January 24, 2020

Five things Friday

Five things Friday

Gorgeous wee daffodils that were a gift
they are especially cheerful on these rainy grey days.

Colour and flowers can make a big impact in elevating our flagging spirits.
I know I seek out bright pops of colour at this time of year.

Shopping the trends...
I went to the mall to check out the newest straight cut jeans.

I tried on several pairs but don't think they flatter my short frame.
Too heavy and make my legs look like tree trunks!

I much prefer the skinny silhouette which I find makes me look taller and slimmer. I hope that they will continue to be available as mine are all several years old and will need to be replaced at some point.

I don't usually follow the trends as I prefer a classic look 
with a touch of vintage
like this Coach bag 
which has many miles on it and some signs of wear
but it ticks all the boxes for me.

Quality, versatility, classic style and streamlined shape.

Did I mention that Vintage is a big fashion focus in Paris?

Eileen Fisher dark denim jeans
Timberland Tobacco coloured short boots

Large square silk hand rolled scarf
in a leopard pattern

Found at a local thrift shop for under $10
Love a bargain and it is in mint condition.

Citrine earrings made by my darling daughter they pair well with the scarf.
Eileen Fisher black vest.

This weekend we have several casual events planned...
I will make every effort to add a pop of colour and a touch of vintage to my basic outfit.

Do you LOVE vintage?
What is your best thrift shop find?

My best "score" 
 a pair of arts and crafts bookends 
copper with sterling silver inlay birds
I sold them so I could buy a strand of baroque pearls. 
 I literally ran across the street to a dealer who specialized in arts and crafts items 
(He purchased the bookends for $500.00)
then I skipped happily back across the street to snap up the pearls.

Hope that you have a fabulous weekend.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, January 20, 2020

What a difference a day makes!

First Snow Day of the New Year
Humble Bungalow

Day 2 
Very heavy snowfall overnight in the garden.

Hydrangeas weighted down by the snow.

The Ilex berries look very pretty in the snow
the red shade just pops against the white.

You can see how deep it is on the deck.

I found this book in the wee little library on our street.

My walks were curtailed due to the icy conditions
so I busied myself in the house
attending to some chores then mixing it up with reading and my knitting project.
Many cups of tea were sipped.

A Doocot Scottish design available on Ravelry.

Are you familiar with Ravelry?
It's an amazing site for knit and crochet patterns and tips a very helpful community of crafters are able to network and share their projects.

Wool sweater in the making...
learning some new techniques and loving this yarn.

This wooden maul is coming in handy as a yarn holder.
Many women in the knitting group that I belong to 
use crafted wooden bowls 
which have a hole in the side for their yarn to slip through...
it helps the skein from getting all tangled up.

Have you started any new projects?

The weather has improved and we are back to our usual rain days.
So I am able to get outdoors again for my walks.
Very grateful to be able to get some fresh air and exercise.

"Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation 
in awe of everything you see around you. 
Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. 
This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe."

~ Wayne Dyer ~

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Shopping agenda ~ a cozy top

It's cold and drafty here in this old heritage home.
The Humble Bungalow has single paned windows which let the cool air inside
so I wear several layers to keep warm. It's been snowing for a few days and we have had the furnace going full blast!

My go to outfit for home days is a tee shirt worn under a cashmere sweater, pants or jeans and warm wool socks.

For my walks I wear a puffy down coat, hat, scarf, and gloves.
I look like the Michelin man...but at least I am warm.

Inside the change room at Marshall's.

On my shopping agenda:
Black Yoga pants and a cozy top.

Great long sleeves with a thumb hole to keep the hands warm.

A wrap style on fleece with an asymmetrical hem detail.

You can see my Eddie Bauer Michelin man coat on the left 
and a small peek at my Petrusse scarf from My Stylish French Box on the right.

Fabulous fitting Yoga pants were found as well as the top
both made by the company 90 Degree.
I wore them today on my walk.

Doubling up on pearls...maybe a fashion faux The Canadian Tuxedo
aka double denim!

Speaking of My Stylish French Box
I use and love all the things that I have received over the years...
if you follow me on Instagram you will notice that I occassionally
 post pictures of what I use from the boxes.

The Petrusse scarf is one I wear throughout the cool weather...
it is made of soft wool which is warm and cozy on the neck.

The boxes are a real splurge and there is an element of surprise.

Speaking of surprises...

Sharon Santoni and her team are hiding a Golden Key in one of the boxes and if you find that key in your box you will receive a generous and luxurious gift 
from one of the partners that supply goods for the boxes.

If you want to learn more click the link here and see for yourself.

Hope you are having a wonderful week.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, January 9, 2020

January week ~ highlights...

January week 1
easing into the New Year...

home keeping
a wee bit of shopping

Witch Hazel
seen on my walk

I stopped 
juggled my umbrella and bag of groceries 
reached into my handbag and grabbed my IPhone
to capture this image.

I could not pass this by...

A stunning shade of orange 
these flowers stand out against the bark of the nearby tree
 soft delicate pendulous petals.

A hearty bowl of chili with a dollop of sour cream.


1 diced onion
2 cloves of minced garlic 
 1 1/2 pounds of ground beef, chicken or turkey
until cooked

 19 oz can kidney beans
 19 oz can chopped tomatoes
 12 oz can kernel corn
 7 1/2 can tomato paste

1 tbsp cocoa powder
3 tsp chili powder 
1 tsp cumin 

Simmer 45 minutes  
serve with a dollop of sour cream

Snow drops popping up through the soil.

Easy "Peasy" Pea Soup

Dice an onion and add 4 - 6 cups of vegetable stock.
Bring to a boil over high heat
 reduce to medium low
 cook for 5 minutes uncovered until onion is tender
Add 1000g (2 lbs) frozen peas
bring back to the boil and cook til peas are done

Using an immersion blender puree the soup
make sure you get all the lumps out
you can thin it with a bit more stock if it is too thick.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with a dollop of sour cream

(a fabulous flavourful soup)

How is your January shaping up so far?
Have you made any resolutions?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, January 6, 2020

Many hands....

(my parade float with horses)

We had the great pleasure of entertaining the 3 darling grands 
on Saturday this past weekend.
As the rain would not abate we spent the day indoors.
We dumped the bin full of Lego on the dining room table and began to use our imagination and get busy creating...

Mira and I collaborated on a castle with a small but very tall flower "garden"
Isla made a mansion with a rooftop garden.
Henry made a police car with a very secure looking jail.

After we cleaned up 
Grammy made dinner and set the table.
While dinner was cooking in the oven the grands played with play doh at the kitchen table.

Today I am spending time cleaning up the kitchen and bathroom.

I can easily procrastinate but the earlier I commit to getting a job done 
the better chance that I will be successful...

Playtime for Grammy will come after I finish!

My kitchen "work station"

Playtex gloves and a lavender scented cleaner by Method.
Great for grime and dirty jobs.

I use this in the bathroom on the sink, toilet and claw foot tub.

It is great on counter tops and walls...

a great laundry stain remover 
I spray it on the spot and gentle use a small brush to remove the stain.

Method doesn't know that I am a fan of their products or that I am writing about their cleaner on the blog.

Simply sharing a very helpful product with you in case you are interested...
it makes my job here a lot easier and it may help you too!

With all that is happening right now in our world 
I cling to routines and rituals for comfort.
Do you?

How are you coping in light of the recent events?

“When tea becomes ritual, 
it takes its place at the heart 
of our ability to see greatness 
in small things. 
Where is beauty to be found? 
In great things that, 
like everything else, 
are doomed to die, 
or in small things 
that aspire to nothing, 
yet know how to set a jewel of infinity in a single moment?”

~ Muriel Barbery ~
 The Elegance of the Hedgehog

I read recently
 "Knitting is the new Yoga."

That's how I feel when I am knitting...
peace, comfort and serenity 
in the simple act of moving my hands
making something out of yarn.

Let's light a candle, pop the kettle on for tea and pick up our knitting.

Take care
until next time...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~