Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Bit of this and a Bit of that....

This is a very abstract tangential post so fasten your seat belts and watch out for whip lash!

There's a lot of moss in our Humble Bungalow Garden this time of year.
It must be all the rain that we have been getting.

I'm so happy that this succulent has over wintered, so far so good.
Fingers crossed it stays alive.

Our wee patch of green.
The "lawn" is looking green and lush.
The compost has been spread and bulbs are popping their little heads up.
Spring might be coming early this year.

That straw mop is actually a grassy plant.
The boxwood in the concrete urn is such a performer.
I love boxwood and topiaries...
the black mondo grass is another favourite of mine.

Our Primula's are blooming already!
The snowdrops are about to put on a show...

A little shot of colour was in order today.
Cut Loose vest in chartreuse green worn over a black long sleeved Segments Merino tee.
I threw on the yellow and black print scarf by Saldarini.
Gap Boyfriend Jeans and Timberland Boots complete the OOTD.

Felt like wearing my Aunt Tirzah's fur coat today for warmth.
I love the softness.
It's really too bad that wearing vintage fur has such a stigma attached to it.
Honestly I would love to own and wear a vintage mink coat but would walk in fear of the bearers of red paint!
Teddy might have something to say on the subject...
if only he could talk.

I'm so glad that Le Creuset makes their pots in bright and cheery shades.
They make cooking much more of an event.
Lifting these pots helps keep my upper arms toned.

Love Hermes boxes...always a treat to receive one.

Fruit makes such a colourful and artistic display in the kitchen.
It's the official snack in The Humble Bungalow.

 I need to wear bright colours when I am feeling tired.
They lift my spirit.
Do you look to colour for a quick pick~me~up?

An instant mood booster are my red shoes!
Add some red lipstick and everything is brighter.

Sloughing off dead skin energizes me no end.

Can you imagine how soft this wee bunny feels?
It's little body is squishy and cuddly just perfect for snuggling.
When I see this little fellow in Isla's toy basket I often pick him up and give him a squeeze for good measure.

Here's Aunt Tirzah's coat 
I found this snapshot in the archives.

My break is over.

I must get back to the jobs at hand...
see you next time when I take a break from the elegance and glamour of domesticity!

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Monday, January 20, 2014

Loot shoot ~ post # 962 ~ January 2014.

First of all I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those who commented on the previous post.
I felt a wee bit vulnerable sharing something so very personal and my finger hovered over the publish button for a few minutes before deciding that I had the courage to share something that was at the time rather personal and painful.

It's not what my audience always wants to read but after all this blog is my space to say whatever is on my mind.
I waiver between the serious and the silly and often times things get muddied when I sit down to write.

I'll start out with an idea and things go sideways and I'm off on another tangent before the second sentence has been typed.
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and I hope that you know just how grateful I am for your comments and thoughts.
~ ~ ~

Mother and I had lunch at a little bistro in James Bay before taking her bags of clothes to the WIN Thrift Shop.
WIN is a wonderful shop ~ Women In Need helps women who are down on their luck get back on their feet.
I think it's a WIN WIN donating to this agency and the quality of their boutique stock is not a secret so you see some very well heeled gals shopping there.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile you may recall that Mother loves dressing up and she regularly buys clothes. It is a bit of an obsession with her but it's the nicest possible hobby for an elderly widow.
It gets out of her condo, satisfies her urge to keep up with fashion and browsing the shops keeps her moving.
I'm just so grateful that she still takes pride in her appearance.

I've been told that one of the early signs of dementia is when seniors lose interest in their personal hygiene and don't bother or take the effort to dress in clean clothes. My sister and I have noticed a few spots on her things which is worrisome but when we point it out to her she immediately changes her outfit. Personally I suspect it may  be her eyesight...that and the fact that she has dreadful lighting in her condo. There are only a few overhead lights and so with table and bridge lamps it makes for a dim view of things.

Mother keeps her things for a long time, so long that they come back into fashion long after they have gone out.
She's been observing my recent wardrobe closet de clutter and has decided that it is time to make more room in her closets.
So she phoned me up to suggest that we go the bags were large and cumbersome and I think she thought they might be too awkward for her on her own.

So after lunch we went in to drop the bags off and you might guess what happened.
We found some bargains!
Mother got two lovely blouses and I bought a wool and cashmere jacket and a cashmere sweater!

Fitted and flattering Nygaard wool and cashmere jacket.
I don't own a single jacket so this will fill a void.
It is short and will be paired with my jeans and trousers.
I could also wear it with my dressy short black skirt.
Brown would not be my first choice but the sumptuous fabric, fabulous fit and teeny price tag convinced me.

Raw silk scarf
turquoise and rust brown.

This can unite the blues of the jeans with the brown of the jacket.

Long and lean Lord and Taylor cashmere cardigan.
In grey so how could I refuse?
I'll be cozy and warm wearing this with my skinny jeans.

 I came home with a couple of great bargains that were completely unexpected.
Both fill in gaps in my current wardrobe so there is not even a twinge of guilt.
The best part of all is that these pieces were purchased for under $50.
My idea of FUN... 
Recycling with Benefits!

The Secret History by Donna Tartt is absolutely riveting...
I just love a book that I cannot put down.
(the subject matter is dark but the writing is superb)

What's on your bedside table?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bumps on the road...

Do you feel at peace?
Are you getting enough rest and do you make it a priority to feed your soul and body?

I neglected to listen to my inner voice for many years and it finally took it's toll.
It was years ago but this is how it went.
 I suffered from what I have now come to understand as "burn out."
It masked itself as depression and I was given a prescription for it by my physician.
I felt lost and my bearings were skewed so I took the drug for a few months
I hated it's numbing effect and weight gain was a side effect.
I could no longer feel Joy or sadness.
I felt so empty.

It was a terrible state to be day to day going through the motions but not really living.
I'd rather feel sad than be in no man's land so I quit cold turkey and began my exploration of self.

For years prior to this I was one of those women who never said "NO."
I was on numerous committees over extending myself and working with two teenagers in the house.

Unbeknownst to me I was in peri-menopause.
I'd be exhausted by the time I got to bed and plagued with a "DO LIST" a mile long.
But could I fall asleep?
No way!
My mind would race and I'd think about all the tasks that I needed to perform the next day.
It was a spiralling swirl of thoughts and worry.
I was consumed.
My life was out of balance and I was stress eating.
(this is where I started to really pack on the pounds)

I rarely gave myself a second thought.
Self care was a foreign subject.
As Helen Reddy sang I was woman hear me roar!
I could do it ALL.
Mother, wife, daughter, parent volunteer, friend, employee...
who was I kidding?

I'd binge on potato chips and chocolate...
(you might be familiar with those large Lindt bars with hazelnuts)
and I would eat one EVERY night before bed while flipping through a magazine.
(my mind was so restless that I could never concentrate long enough to read a book)

Until I discovered books on Yoga and Buddhism and one book that helped me rise from the depths of despair...

The daily readings helped me rediscover the joys in everyday life and I learned how to take better care of myself.
 The simple act of observing and practising gratitude was remarkable tool on my road to wellness.
I would recommend this book in a heartbeat if you feel the need to reconnect with your inner self.
Yoga helped me to calm my inner voice...
the focused breathing, poses and being mindful allowed me to cope with many stressful situations and calm myself after a busy or hectic day.

Now many years later, 
I hope that I have the necessary coping skills under my belt.
 I have discovered a few hobbies that I engage in when I feel I need to express myself.

I have dabbled in painting which allow feelings to flow through me to the brush and onto the canvas.

"Purses and paintings"

Having a place that is set up and ready is such a bonus.
When I first started I'd set up my paints and the easel in the kitchen.
It meant putting everything away after I was finished yet I loved how I felt after playing with the acrylics that it was worth it to me.

"Roses for Yolande"

My BFF's mother Yolande is 96 and her health is failing.
I've known this gracious woman since I was about 8 years old.
 She has been such a wonderful mother and grandmother and a great friend to many.

Yolande is one of those rare women that make things look easy.
Her positive outlook and strong faith have certainly been her allies over the years.
  The inevitable bumps and numerous pitfalls we all experience and how we cope with them show the world just what kind of stuff we are made of and I'd like to think that I'd be able to look life in the eye and make the best of the worst case scenario.

My heart goes out to my BFF and her family at this difficult time.
Thinking of you all in love.

"Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart."

~ Sarah Ban Breathnach ~

Friday, January 17, 2014

Weight Watchers ~ Eating habits...and walking

A friend and I are walking 8-10K twice a week now... I walk 5K when I am walking alone.
Before walking a great distance one needs to eat a decent meal.

Since joining Weight Watchers I have learned that protein is key.
It helps keep me feeling sated far longer than carbohydrates or fruit alone.

Weight Watchers has taught me so much.
(surprising because I had read almost every diet book on the market before joining.)
The healthy way of eating, tricks to staying full, not going hungry and I am still losing weight.
If you need a little help in this area I can attest to their regime.
If you stick to it, it works.

Eggs are my quick and easy way to get protein into my diet.
Fresh free range farm eggs are readily available and they have the darkest yolks and the best flavour.

My breakfast consisted of two soft boiled eggs and two pieces of Silver Hills Little Big Bread.
WW points = 5

This will keep me fueled through my two hour 10K walk and when I get back I will brew a pot of tea.
If I am feeling peckish I'll opt for an apple and two small wedges of Laughing Cow Lite Cheese
a bunch of sliced carrots, celery and peppers with a tablespoon of Lite Dilly dip or yogurt.

Lunches are usually salads with some kind of protein.
A small amount of feta cheese, lean chicken or maybe a bit of fish.

If I don't have eggs for breakfast I'll have fresh fruit and yogurt.
Then for lunch I might make a quick and easy omelet.

I love adding salsa as it gives it a kick and there are no points to count!

Dinners are more challenging because I cook for Mr. HB and he is not on WW.
I will modify regular recipes to make them more WW friendly.
I regularly saute in water or broth to save a few points.
It goes without saying that I use "portion control" when dining on high point foods.

If I make Mr. HB chicken wings, which are his favourite, I will cook up a chicken breast for myself.
We eat lots of vegetables and salads so my plate is chock full of filling and healthy food.
I buy Paul Newman's low fat Thai dressing and use a scant tablespoon.
I rarely eat dessert so this is not an issue for me.
If I am hungry after dinner which is a rare occasion, I will pop some popcorn and have it without butter.
It's super filling and it goes well with our movie viewing.

I'd love to hear your tips for eating healthy.
Adrienne of The Rich Life on a Budget posted on this today too...
so pop over and see what she has written and say hello!

Be well.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

OOTD ~ Inside the change room of the thrift shop.

It is a rainy afternoon in Victoria and I need to go out for some fresh air and a change of scenery.
Still slightly achy from my 10K walk so I am taking a day off walking.
Setting aside several hours on a wet afternoon to leisurely browse at the shelves of the local Value Village is a luxury and one that I enjoy.
I trolled the aisles with an open mind. If I shop with intention in a thrift shop I never find anything much.

The shop was quite quiet and so I have easy access to all the racks. It does take time to look through the assortment of clothing and the size ranges. The tip that Sheila gave me to look at ALL the sizes has proved to be a valuable one. I have discovered many gems that I would have overlooked if I stuck to the racks offering those garments in  Medium.

"Tomboy Style"
I read the book and now I am warming up to the idea of wearing menswear.
Thinking that an over sized wool sweater might be a safe place to start I browsed through the men's section.
A cozy sweater on a cold and rainy day does have a certain appeal.

Burberry really use the softest yarn.
This sweater is like a warm hug.
 $24 is a price that I can afford and the colours go with the basic blacks hanging in my closet at home.

I also found a men's wool scarf
and a book.
Looks like there is a black and grey theme here.

Donna Tartt's first novel.
I've started reading this and her writing style is superb.
I feel as is I have fallen under her spell.
I plan to read her second novel The Little Friend before reading her latest title Goldfinch.

I've opted for pearls today.

All's well here in The Humble Bungalow.
I've got a mug of hot tea and a good book to read.

Perhaps you borrow shirts or sweaters from your boyfriend or husband.
Would you ever buy men's wear?

Hope that your week is going well.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

White Wednesday

White Wednesday is often wordless and filled with dreamy whites...
today I have a few images from the archives to pair with the blooming paper whites.
The paper whites are scenting the Humble Bungalow with their intoxicating fragrance.

I feel that there is a purity in white blooms.

Tiny wee blooms that pack a punch of fragrance.

Glowing white against a grey day outside the window pane.

I love to grow soft dreamy roses with a blush of cream.

The Classic white shirt
(every woman should have one in her wardrobe)

~ Say yes to Pearls ~ 
 (of course!)

Soak away stress in a tub of white.
Bath salts or Epsom salts ease tension.
I highly recommend this practise.
(especially after the 10K walk with a muscles are really sore)

Hydrangeas in a vintage vase.

Basic white crockery lends itself to mixing and matching patterns.
You can add to any other colour if you so desire.

I like to mix vintage with new.

Almond delight...
the most emollient milk for an all over body experience.

Thick Egyptian 100% cotton towels are standard issue here in The Humble Bungalow.
They add a sense of luxury that I am willing to save to buy.

A simple white cotton sateen chemise is cool and feels like silk.
Great for women of a certain age!

This Hostess is planning to spend some time with her grand children and gorgeous DIL.
What's on your agenda for Wednesday?