Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hermes...and the Hostess dips her toes into new territory.

What I am not wearing this Fall...

This lampshade is wearing Hermes....
because my waist needs to be whittled
and until I shed a few inches 
this belt will stay here and remind me to tow the line.
It's good to have a tangible goal.

to keep striving and sticking to those new eating and walking routines
(so far so good but it's early days!)

 want to fit into this belt.
This will be the prize if and when I make my weight loss goal.

In the meantime...
I am wearing something of colour
you might be shocked
it's not black!

Windsmoor jacket 
heavily discounted...
in shades of brown, golds, and specks of blush pink
and yes a wee bit of black.

and these...

"can you say giddy up?"

with a pair of jeans
taking to the roads that wind their way around my neighbourhood
exploring opportunities for photography
while getting some restorative fresh salty air
and enjoying the feel of the cool temperature as it meets my face...
gloves are not far off the radar.

soaking in the shades of autumn

 in sepia...

this jacket with it's shredded edging makes me feel fabulous...
and I am not sure why because it is not black

perhaps there is a movement afoot
as I tentatively dip my toe in foreign country
like a pupa emerging from the bonds of a silky cocoon
I am fully awake and open to change...

The season has brought with it new energy and spirit
and I am breathing deeply
thankful for each living breath.

Are you enjoying the change of season ?

Hope that you find some time to stop and smell the flowers 
life has much to offer and much of it is free
and all you need to do is take the time to observe what is right in front of your eyes
you'll be richer for it.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Falling for beginnings.

The weather was glorious today and perfect for walking, please join me and I'll take you on a scenic tour.
We are not going too far from The Humble Bungalow, and we are going to wander through a historic heritage cemetery...

Heritage trees create a lovely canopy
their leaves are turning autumnal shades and leaves crunch underfoot.

mushrooms growing in the flower holder of a grave

The cemetery is quiet and there are benches dotted along the paths for sitting
people walk through here often
and some bring their picnic lunches.

It has a parklike feel despite the fact that it is a graveyard.

Many squirrels scampered about 
and there was a symphonic cacophony of song from the birds.

Days with little wind are few and far between here 
because of the proximity to the ocean.
The seafront is across the road from the cemetery.

After a snowfall this place is hushed in quiet and is pure magic.
I'll try to come back in the snow and show you how lovely the trees look wearing a coat of white.
The headstones and crosses look frothy with the snow swirling and licking at their feet.

But I am rushing the season when speaking of winter
fall has arrived with it's multi-coloured coat 
with hues of umber, ochre, russet and mustard.

I am enjoying these new shades
and will show you in upcoming posts some garments that I will be wearing.

Where do you like to walk?
Do you prefer city streets or country lanes?

(it's free)
they help you track your progress
keep a food and exercise journal
monitor your water consumption
offer tips and it's so easy to use
it's a fabulous site.

Perhaps you'll join me on my journey...

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."
Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Walking is my first step...

OK I had a serious talk with myself after reading the Dr. Dukan diet book and decided to start walking more.

Every site on weight loss, every book says walking is the number one step to getting fit.
If you need to start with baby steps they say to start with 20 minutes a day.

There are so many great places to walk in my city and I do walk, now I know that I need to walk for 30 minutes or more each and every day.
Walking briskly, walking with purpose and wearing proper walking shoes, to avoid injury.

So today I walked down and met Mother and sister in the Village for a late breakfast. I ordered a decaf Americano and an egg scramble with veggies. I ate half of what was on the plate and did not eat the toast that accompanied the breakfast. Next time I'll say hold the sister, who wears size 6, ate the toast for me so it didn't go to waist! (waste)
She stays in shape riding her horses, she has never had children and while I have hypothyroid she has hyperthyroid...
oh the luck of those hereditary genetics.

After breakfast we went to a women's shop, Mercedes Lane. They sell a wide variety of "cheap and cheerful" clothes. The European imports are not cheap, but they need a tall and willowy body to handle all the extra ruffles and ribbons so no temptation here!

Mother tried on a few things and then got tired of changing her clothes...
she's going back tomorrow!
My sister bought an amazing LBD in size 6 of course...
figure hugging and she looked as chic as could be with her blonde locks and her tiny frame and will look fabulous on her next trip to Rancho Mirage, near Palm Springs.

I bought a Papillion Company designed tunic out of Vancouver and Los Angeles
to wear with my leggings...

I will layer this with a longer sleeved or 3/4 sleeved Tee when the weather gets colder.

I'll be wearing the Debra Kay necklace that I bought to wear at our son's wedding several years ago.
The $350 sticker price when new was a bit steep 
but now
considering the CPW (cost per wearing) 
it's down to a dollar or less
it as been a super fun piece which I will wear to my grave.

I need to give up bread
all the diet books say so,
at least in the initial stages.

This will be difficult,
I'll be drooling while watching Mr. HB enjoying artisan bread 
with his Scottish Marmalade on toast...
(when will the technologists develop virtual tasting?)
I need an app for that!

I bought this mug for my tea at work...
loving the black and white theme is now transfering to the work place.
Hydration is a dieter's best friend.

I am on the second bottle of Perrier (500ml) of the day
so I am up to half my daily requirement of water and it is easy so far.

The other serious challenge that I will have is the reduction of my consumption of potatoes.
I can tell you that I honestly love potatoes more than any food I have ever eaten.
It must be my Irish heritage!

I feel that I am ready to make some changes 
I know that I am going to be challenged more than I have in many years
I see other women bloggers my age who have succeeded at reducing their weight
and I have no thoughts of becoming stick insect thin...
I would be happy to shed 20 pounds.
My joints would be happier too.

I am embarking on a journey.

Fear not,
there will be lots of other things going on in The Humble Bungalow.

Menopause seems like a time for redefining and reinventing
seeing life through the eyes of a wise woman
using life experiences to guide one into the next decade 
with humility, grace, and purpose.

Paying attention and being receptive to change 
addressing flaws and shortcomings
which honestly
makes me feel uncomfortable
as they are at my very core
 so personal in nature
that I feel vulnerable.


 at this stage of life anything can happen...
standing on a precipice 
waiting to see 
what is possible...
the unattainable, perhaps.

All these serious thoughts are weaving their way
through my mind as I walk home.
The sun is shining
the streets are covered in leaves
children are playing in the playground
parents are sitting on the benches enjoying their Starbucks coffee

To all intents and purposes I am invisible...
a woman strolling along the street
happy and smiling 
putting one determined step in front of another 
and giving myself the pep talk of my life.

I've got a long way to go...
starting with a few baby steps and when I get those "under my belt"
I'll tackle some more.

I have emailed Sheila
who is a WW leader
(Independent Fashion Blogger)
I am hoping to get some weight loss information from her years of experience as a WW leader.

You are never too old to turn your life around!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Doctor is in the House!

I saw myself in a full length mirror the other day and it struck me that my mind and my body are not in sync.
I saw a fat woman gazing back at her image, aghast, incredulous...
yet the mirror does not lie,
it was me staring into the mirror eyeing up a generous rump, and a blurred middle.
How and why did this happen?
Have I been sleep walking through my menopausal years? I think I have been n denial!

I do not want to give up on losing's been quite a few years, many diets and several dress sizes later...and I find myself wearing a 12 and recently some 14's. I cringe as I write this.
(there, I have typed it and will post it, so I have said it, and you have read it, it is no longer a secret)

Bringing home yet another diet book and I wonder why.
Am I crazy to think that there is some regime out there that will allow me to eat wholesome food that can be bought at the market, food that my husband will eat, food that will nourish satisfy and still shed pounds?
Am I a dreamer?
Will I always be overweight?
What do I need to do besides join and gym to lose some unwanted unhealthy fat?

I have heard talk of this diet by French Dr. Pierre Dukan and now the book is available here in Canada.
Rumor has it that the lovely Kate Middleton, princess royal has been following this diet.
Need I say more?

I lost 20 pounds a few years ago on The South Beach Diet only to gain it all back again within the year.
I tried the Fat Flush Plan before that and lost 15 pounds only to regain 20.
Then the The Park Avenue calcium diet book How the Rich Get Thin which I had great hopes for...but no surprise, it did not work for me.
What I am looking for is a forever eating plan, one that doesn't have extreme phases where food groups are eliminated, one that can be inclusive and sensible, healthy and affordable.

I don't want to buy prepackaged food or food with aspartame or any prepared food for that matter.
I want to eat natural and organic foods, food that is varied and food that comes from from all the food groups.

Dr. Dukan suggests eating protein exclusively in the first phase of his diet for 3-10 days.
Eggs, Greek yogurt, chicken, seafood and lean beef and 1 1/2 quarts of mineral water a day.
No fruit, no starch.
Right there alarm bells are going off.

How can someone who loves veggies eat only meats and seafood?
I suppose if I was guaranteed to lose 20 pounds I might give it a try, but something doesn't sit well with me excluding vegetables seems unbalanced...
I would have thought eating only vegetables would have been the way to slim down.
I have met very few fat vegetarians...maybe I need to give up meat?

This book sits on my bedside table and I read a few chapters at a time. I want to find some tips within the cover that will make it worth the money that I paid for it.
I might be rash in my dismissal of his diet and maybe I will warm to it when I get further into the "meat" of the diet.
I have more questions than answers.

Have any of you followers/readers tried this diet?
What are your opinions on the regime?
Did you lose weight ?
How are you embracing changes in your later years?

I for one am embracing black.
Black dresses, black trousers, black tops, coats, sweaters, vests...a bigger body loves black!
You heard it here...
Paint it Black.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hostess tips on how to handle stress...

Stress comes and goes..
it can tiptoe in slowly or smack us right in the face.

None of us are immune to stress, there is good stress and bad stress. Stress is often there to nudge us into doing something that we know we "should do"
Other times it comes from things far beyond our control and is shocking in it's persistence and intensity.
While I try to avoid stress, it has crept into my life often and I have had to find ways to minimize it's effect on my mind and body.
Strategies that I use may or may not appeal to you dear readers,
I'd like to share what works for me.

Turn off the TV, radio and telephone...sit in silence.
Soak in a hot tub with scented bath salts.
Sip sparkling mineral water with a wedge of lemon or lime in a pretty glass.
Go to your bedroom climb into bed and cocoon in the warmth of your duvet.
Slowly let a square of good chocolate melt on your tongue, savour the flavour.
Look at some beautiful books, the kind that inspire serenity and calm.
Breathe deeply and focus on the inhalations and the exhalations.
(I do this during Yoga practice.)
Practice Yoga or a similar form of stretching and relaxation.
Dim the lights or light a candle.
Slather some body butter on your feet and put on some cotton socks for a mini spa treatment.
Write in a journal, make note of the positives that occurred in your day, aim for 5 gratitude entires.
If all else fails have a weeping session, blow your nose and move on...often we need to cry to release tension.
If there is someone that you are close with, a friend or partner, try some good old fashioned hugs.

If you can afford it, go to a spa for an aromatherapy massage.
Healing hands work wonders kneading those tight muscles and troubles away.

                                        Remind yourself that "this too shall pass."

If you know someone who is going through a stressful patch
 try to go out of your way to lend a hand
 or better yet, lend an ear and listen to their troubles without judgement.

Often clarity comes to us when we relate our woes to a receptive soul.

I am reminded of that British quote that is popping up everywhere these days...
"Keep Calm and Carry On"

(easier said than done!)