Monday, December 13, 2010

Candle light...

Candlelight adds warmth and ambiance...
and I love beeswax candles but I have found a worry free and safe alternative for some situations.

Tiffany crystal votive

I find that lighting candles in the dining room makes the food taste better and the simple act of eating a meal is elevated to something a bit more special. There is a possibility of romance in the soft glow.

Entertaining and candlelight seem to go hand in hand.
The buffet table comes alive when the candleabras are aglow.

I found some battery operated votives this year and I can leave them on even when I am not in the room.
They work well in my precious antique finger bowls and there is no danger of them melting down and overheating the delicate crystal. I arranged these atop of the arts and crafts cabinet in the dining room with my crystal art deco ballerina.

Daytime image

I've considered draping her with a sparkly rhinestone necklace...

 details of the finger bowls are more visable when they are lit from within

I plan to light large candles in my bathroom during the holidays.

I made a stuffed free range roast chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, green beans and carrots.
It was delicious and the best part is that I have leftovers for a few meals.
No worry dinners for a couple of days while I am focusing on getting Christmas ready.
 I have boiled the carcass and made soup stock
my daughter has a terrible cold
and I plan to make her some chicken soup which is my prescription for healing
all that ails.

The torrential rain has stopped which is fortunate 
as there has been some flooding in our area
 some neighbours have had to pump out their basements.

There's a patch of blue sky and a ray of sun shining down
the birds are chirping and singing
you can almost feel their happiness.
hope that you have a great week!

Pepper patterns...

I found a fun top...
or rather it found me...
Pepper's... feline influence is showing up again.


it's a loose tunic length top
which I will pair with my black leggings
and add some ballet flats
the sequinned ones from last season

and the vintage eelskin clutch

I could wear some pearls...
but maybe this needs something a bit more artsy

 Debra Kay 

vintage cubes of crystal
haphazardly woven 
sterling accents

I put it up to Pepper
and I think this is the one :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

For my money Robin Reed is TOP of the POPS!

In The Humble Bungalow Family and those who are in our circle of friends...
share a Christmas custom which harkens back to the old country....
Jolly Olde England.

We wear paper hats during Christmas dinner...they are garish shades of Eggy Yellow, Fire Engine Red, Royal Purple, and Hot Pink....which invariably clash with one's outfit!

There is a bit of a mad scramble to pull these crackers...all the food is on the table, we are ready and gathered, we turn to the person seated beside us, (it works best if we all turn to the same side or chaos ensues!)  take turns pulling the crackers. They POP and we swiftly unwrap and empty out the contents...hats are put on and we set the rest aside while we serve and pass turkey and vegs...we toast with some wine and bubbly and when dinner has been finished and those wanting seconds are sated, the table is cleared and we get down to the business of reading the jokes and riddles and showing off the prizes inside...
(laughter and groans follow...the jokes are usually bad)

Trading does occur...and sometimes the ante is high if there is a coveted item.
I have kept my mini screwdriver set from several years back, it has been a valuable tool pack for mini fixes when Mr. HB is not here...and the mini cards found their way into my handbag and were used on a long ferry ride.

If one is creative, has time and wants to shop for personal and individualized prizes
the makings for these are available at Michael's stores and most certainly there are some online sources.

I have yet to make my own Christmas Crackers
I feel that these folks have been making them for so long that they have mastered the art...
that's what I tell myself...
I do not want to entertain guilty or lazy thoughts!

Hostess Holiday Hint:
I double recipes and freeze them for times when life gets busy...
like now!
 I take the frozen dinner out of the freezer the night before and refrigerate
then all I need to do is heat it through and make a salad, set the table and I'm done.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas...and memories...

and memories...
of family celebrating together

no ordinary walking stick
this was
handmade by my father
he used it in his later years
mother gave it to me
when he died

he carved and varnished this piece of wood....
a former piece of driftwood that he found on the beach

I keep this stick by the front door in the entry hall beside the Westminster clock
it rarely gets moved...I only spied it this morning when looking for Pepper.

Dad always put an orange in the toe of our Christmas stockings
during the Great Depression oranges were like gold...

I wish 
you were here...
I see you in the light
and I can almost feel you
in this stick that you carved
If only you could be here in
 our Humble Bungalow again 
especially at Christmas
when we gather to celebrate
and honour our simple family
and partake of turkey and trimmings
pull crackers, wear hats and hold hands
secure in the knowlege that love lives here
but as this tear drops I know that it cannot be
another holiday will pass without you
and I will miss you.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas shopping...

I have been shopping...
mostly for friends and family but a trip to the local boutique could not be avoided
and I found a new duo to pair with my black pointe pants.

I passed this by as I thought it too busy
and it didn't have much oomph on the hanger
my favourite sales clerk at the local boutique suggested that I just try it on...
and as they say the rest is history.
This sweater is very forgiving
it hangs without clinging
and is elongating
in the front
I will add long strands of creamy pearls and add a black vintage jet strand as an accent.
The jet beads sparkle

black grossgrain ribbon belt
which I tie in the back

underneath the sweater is a jersey knit V-neck top with short sleeves
a light layering basic which has longer sides than the front

I also have my black sequin top from last year which would add some serious sparkle should I need to be dressed up a bit more...

Pepper and I are starting to look alike...
they say people resemble their pets...
I am in good company :)

Behold the new tins...
for shortbread, rum balls and chocolate bark.
Conveniently they nest inside one another when empty
and so storage will not be an issue after Christmas.

they'll look festive on the counter

Hostess Hint...
I wrap gifts as I buy them and bring them home
make note of what I bought and for whom
then keep track of who is left to buy for
pace myself
shop with a purpose
and have fun!

I hope that you are pacing yourself too
and savouring the lights and decorations that accompany the festive season.