Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

I enjoy the idea of the New Year, a time when I can consider and embrace change and rid and purge the unessessary and cumbersome.
I no longer make resolutions as I am faint of heart when it comes to "improving myself !"
It usually involves diet and more exercise. I practice Yoga and my studio is just around the corner so why do I not go more often? Life and elderly mothers factor into that equation.
I also have an exercise bike in my hobby room and it has not had a good workout for weeks.
My hobby room has weights and an exercise ball as well as my easel for painting.
I dabble in paint, I have fun, when people ask I say "It's like making mud pies!"
Truth be told, the paintings are naive.

Take time to stop and smell the flowers....I love that message and yet sometimes I find myself rushing through the day trying to get things accomplished so I can carve out a few minutes to sit with a good book and a cup of tea.
I am going to work on my pace and see if I can, in fact, be more present in my daily round.

My New Year's wish is that you embrace something beautiful in your life.
Take the time to honor your spirit.
Be present in the moment.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Lazy Monday and Luxury, or what it means for me as opposed to what the dictionary defines it as...

This morning I slept late after our 12 hour road trip to pick up the Pedigree Pram. I must admit that I have been excited and am now a wee bit tired.
I made myself an egg nog latte and sat in front of my laptop and read all my favorite blog posts before showering! Pure luxury to stay in my robe and relax, something I normally do when waking in a hotel and ordering room service. Another luxury!
 I made a big brunch of bacon, eggs and toast and then Mr. L and I went for a brisk walk. We are fortunate to live in an established older area of the city close to the ocean and yet near town.  It is remarkably quiet in our neighborhood, birds being the cacaphonous symphony of sound we most often hear. There is a large and historic cemetery nearby where we enjoy walking under the canopy of trees and noticing the variety and details of the headstones and family plots.
This afternoon we have spent sitting in the bungalow living room warmed by the fire reading our books and nibbling on wine sausage, pickles, cheese and crackers. More luxury, bliss in fact.
The simple tick tock of the hall clock and the Westminster chime every quarter and the hours marked feel luxurious to can be material things, goods, items, service.

Luxury, for me is the gift of time, spent doing things that I love with someone I love.

Luxury defined:
A good or service that is not considered a necessity but is considered as something that brings pleasure or happiness. For example, an individual might purchase an expensive automobile because of the status and comfort that it will bring, though a used car would suffice for traveling purposes.

Mr. L,  someone I LOVE gave me a very romantic gift this year, something luxurious that I would not do for myself... it involves travel, a hotel and dining out! Destination: Tiffany's! I will be choosing a silver bangle to add to my collection. I have an assortment of them, which I wear as a group. Mr. L could have easily purchased a bangle but he knows me well and knows that the packaging and ambiance of Tiffany's is all part of the gift!

Simple luxury, or decandence? What defines luxury to you?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

The table is set and ready for the family and the Christmas turkey feast.

I spent most of today prepping for tomorrow evenings Turkey Dinner.

 English trifle.
  Make fruit flavored Jello according to package instructions and set in the fridge.  I make several cups of custard using Birds custard mix and let cool. Sponge jelly rolls are cut into 1 inch rounds and then doused in Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry. Line a crystal bowl bottom and sides so the spirals show through add a variety of fruit, (I use raspberries, mandarin oranges and a can of peaches)  jello and custard in layers with more sponge spirals, drizzle with more Sherry and top with fresh whipped cream. Chill in fridge overnight to allow the flavors to meld.

Whipped Potato Bake
Boil peeled potatoes until fork tender, drain. Whip in some sour cream, salt, pepper, butter and cottage cheese until desired consistency. Place in ovenproof dish top with melted butter and sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese. Cover with foil and place in fridge overnight. Heat at 400 degrees 20 minutes.

The hostess is ready to relax for awhile and recharge for a busy day awaits in the Humble Bungalow!

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bungalow Dinner and Decorum

I am hosting the Annual Christmas Dinner at the Humble Bungalow. I now need to polish the silverware and get the groceries!
My organic free range turkey will be ready on Wednesday morning at the butcher and I have just realized that I need new dinner napkins. So tomorrow I go shopping!

The table will be set with the gilt edged Royal Albert china in Lavender Rose, the crystal will be the Flamenco pattern, the flatware, Rogers and Co. Silvery Lace circa 1974...the year of our marriage!

I am happy to host, I love my family. It will be loud, there will be laughter, and so much chatter that one cannot catch it all.

We have Christmas crackers, wear the paper hats, read the jokes and trade the wee prizes.

On the menu:
English Cheddar, Gone Crackers, Italian Olives, Candied Smoked Salmon Candy

White and Red BC VQA wines
Turkey Stuffed with Bread crumbs and Giblets with Sage
Whipped Potato Bake
Sweetlet Peas
Maple Baked Sweet Potato Dish
Roasted Brussell Sprouts
Baby Roasted Carrots
Scissor Buns
English Trifle
Coffee, Tea, Drambuie, Bailey's
Rum Balls, Scottish Shortbread
followed by
a reading of the individual "fortunes" in the Christmas Crackers

And possibly games!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Scents and (S)cents-ability


I love fragrance and have a few favorite scents.

Lavender, maybe my #1 in my repertoire of scents. I grow it in the garden and have sachets in my bedroom and bureau. Soaps are a great way to enjoy Lavender. Harrods makes one that lasts a long time and scents the bathroom. (or your lingerie, if you keep it in the drawer with your lacy knickers!)

Rose, not from a bottle, but from a bloom, Abraham Darby, Jude the Obscure, Constance Spry, Gertrude Jekyll, among others. Citrus, heady, old fashioned, and sweet.

Beeswax candles as they warm and illuminate. I have enjoyed scented candles but I always come back to beeswax. I buy them locally, they are a Humble Bungalow staple.

Coffee, especially in the morning! French or Italian.

Fresh boughs, balsam, cedar, pine and fir. Crisp simple and earthy.

Potted paperwhites, strong, heady and sweet.

Scents are evocative, they bring back memories, mother wore Shalimar, my father Old Spice,  and my grandmother Noxema!
One Christmas I received a gift set of Evening In Paris, cobalt blue bottles of eau de toilette and parfum and that was the beginning of my journey into the world of scent.
I have worn quite a few, some that come to mind are Ma Griffe, My Sin, Paris, Rive Gauche, Tresor, L'air de Temps, and 24 Faubourg.

My mother wears Chanel #5 exclusively now.

What scents speak to you? Have you travelled the heady world of parfum?

 Mulled wine scents and intoxicates the bungalow as it steeps on the stove.

Recipe for Humble Bungalow Mulled Wine
1 large orange studded with 12 whole cloves
2 tbsp. brown sugar
3 tbsp. demerera rum
24 ozs. dry red table wine
Roast orange studded with cloves for 30 minutes in 350 degree oven.
In a large pot heat the wine until almost boiling, add the sugar, rum and the clove studded orange. Simmer on stove top to keep warm.
Ladle into heavy glass mugs.

I have doubled this recipe when hosting an Open House. Popular and inexpensive...scents and (S)cents -ability!