Monday, April 29, 2024

Rosemarie ensues...and then a few tidbits.


Meet Rosemarie!
She lives in Vancouver and we are friends.
On any given week we will email several times and catch up with what we are doing.
Rosemarie is active, has a vibrant personality, is gregarious,
an adventurous traveller, kind and giving.

We have met up in Victoria several times for lunch and teas.
 Both of us love gardens, gardening and enjoy visiting gardens.

I invited Rosemarie to tour our Humble Bungalow Garden.
Then I asked if she wanted to peek inside our home.

We drove around the waterfront and stopped in at The Oak Bay Native Plant Garden.
The garden is tended by volunteers and is an oasis of calm and beauty.

Trilliums blooming...

Several different trilliums were dotted about in the lush space.

Checker Lily a Frittilaria 

The sound of water had us looking for the source
a  brook or a creek was nearby
such a lovely spot to sit and enjoy the natural beauty.

We met up with a couple who were visiting from Oakville Ontario.
Alix Scott and her husband...
Alix knows Ellen...
a woman who went to Oak Bay High School with me...
who I recently met up with at our 50th reunion.
(Hi Alix ~ Hi Ellen)
Apparently they both follow and read my blog!

Rosemarie and I continued on our scenic waterfront drive...
we stopped again at The Esplanade at Willows Beach.

Rosemarie collects cans and bottles and takes them to the depot
 them for cash 
which she sends to her cousin who has an animal shelter up island.
The shelter is called Misfit Meadow Sanctuary in Ladysmith.
You can read all about them on Facebook.

If you want to donate to them I am sure that Rosemarie would be THRILLED!
Tell them you read about it on my blog!!!
Let's see if we can help all those animals like Rosemarie does :-))

She tells me she usually sends about $100 a month.
The shelter needs the money for food to feed the rescued animals.

I bought a chicken on sale and wanted to find a new recipe...
I searched on line and found this one.
The site is Simply Delicious by Alida Ryder

Mr. HB and I love East Indian cuisine so this one caught my eye.
I had all the spices on hand and I got busy mixing up the rub and I marinated the roaster a few hours before cooking.

The results were delicious!

Jeanne on Instagram mentioned this book to me a few months ago.
It has been on my radar ever since,
so when I spied it at the thrift shop I knew I would buy it!

I read it in 2 days...loved it!
Thank you Jeanne 2707

Vintage Mustard Yellow Beret matches the yellow chrysanthemums.

I was washing dishes and gazing out at the gorgeous sea views...
when this combo caught my eye 

~ Cheap and cheerful ~

Weather Report
yesterday was super windy with rain.
This morning we awoke to glorious sunshine!
What a Gift!

Speaking of gifts...
I received this new book for my birthday from my BFF.
I am going to pop the kettle on and brew a pot of tea and start the book.
Thank you Suzanne.

Hope your week is off to a great start...

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


Sheila said...

How fun to connect with so many folks through your blog, Lesley! I've been wanting to read that Dave Grohl book - will look for it. Your chicken recipe looks yummy! Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

Ann said...

Sounds like you had a great time with Rosemarie...and a great time in general. Love a cozy life with good books and tea...enjoy !

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to see ROSEMARIE in your photos!As you know she is coming my way next!For years she has written emails and sent dark ITALIAN chocolate for the ITALIAN!
This is so much fun how we all connect here through blogs and other social media!
Your chicken sounds delicious!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Sheila ~ I can loan you the book if you like! We just need to arrange a time and place to meet.

Ann ~ The weather has improved and we have glorious sun shining today! Great for my slower beach walk and hubby's big walk! Am reading Homecoming by Kate Morton far it is good!

Contessa ~ I am excited for you two to meet up...hope that you take oodles of pictures to share them on your blog! I know you will be fast friends.