Waterfall style sweaters seem to call my name...
I gravitate to them whenever I see one in a shop.
They do a good job of camouflaging my wobbly bits and when fitted properly they skim the bumps and drape nicely.
It would be nice if I was slim...
who am I kidding
it would be fabulous!
But that's another post altogether!
For the time being...
I found a new sweater and it feels much lighter and springy than the tweedy black one I have been wearing all winter.
Oatmeal toned
lacy light and loose knit
great to pop over a white tank
here's a close up of the pattern detail
I have been eating rabbit food for lunch for weeks
raw veggies and hummus dip
an apple
I thought this might help shed some weight but so far the scale has not budged.
Yoga is going to be the exercise I opt for after my swimming and back injury fiasco.
Which BTW is still not quite mended even after several massages
but I have little to complain about
as it is getting better.
Lovely daughter is having her birthday this month
she'll be 33.
She wanted clothes as a gift so we blitzed the mall and came home with some great stuff.
She's a tiny gal and she looks great in anything she puts on.
We'll be hosting a family dinner celebration and we are ordering in sushi
and she wants a cheesecake for dessert.
We have a long standing tradition
that you can have whatever food you want on your birthday.
It's my MIL's birthday today,
you can imagine how excited she was when our lovely daughter was born on her special day.
Coincidentally there was a great grandchild born on this day as well
3 family members all celebrating today.
Happy Birthday to all.
Must be running as I have a long list of things to do today.