Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Views from the sink..."White Wednesday"

Do you spend hours in your kitchen prepping dinner, washing dishes?
I know I do.
I find these simple tasks very soothing.

The radio is always on and I am alone with my thoughts.
A great song has me swaying to the beat and often I sing,
sometimes very loudly and out of tune but only Pepper can hear it so it matters little.

What I see when I look up from my sink is a high wide wooden shelf, a 98 year old window sill.
I have chosen to place things on it that speak to me...

Objects that inspire calm and reflection...
here are the kitchen sill shots.

Standing here washing veggies
I thought that it might be fun to ask other bloggers to post their kitchen views.

Matte white = Peace and Serenity

Vintage pots

I am inviting you all to post some images of your kitchen sink scene.
Please leave me a comment and a link to your blog 
so that we can all hop right over 
see what you gaze at from your kitchen sink!

Come on
don't be shy
the more the merrier!

Hope that you have fun and enjoy White Wednesday.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome Home with Roses...thanks Mom!

Home is where the heart is, and I feel that this is so true for me.
I love the feeling of belonging and I find it here within these four walls of this rather old Bungalow.
The smell of old wood and beeswax as they filled my nostrils upon entering and yet there was a subtle fragrance that I had not expected...
the floors shine with an age old patina brought to life with wood polish
the air is still and the scent is authentically olde.

I opened windows and let in some fresh air...
soaking in the familiar surroundings.
I have not forgotten, I've just been away for awhile.

While we were away mummy was here.
She brought in the post,
watered the beds,
and left us some welcoming posies.

She picked a few roses to welcome us back!

It took several trips to empty the Volvo wagon of all our gear.
A mountain of laundry sorted into piles sit on the floor by the washer and dryer await...
they are in full swing as I type...

Tonight we had chinese takeaway for dinner and watched the final episode of The Batchelorette.

Pepper meowed as she went room to room and has slept for a very long time on a bed that is not bobbing about in a sea of tidal action.

Jude the Obscure
in a wee glass
(mother didn't know where I kept the vases)

"The home should be the treasure chest of living." 
Le Corbusier 

I am weary and ready to slip into my nightie for a night of slumber...

I hope that you had a great weekend!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Luxury is in the simple things...

Luxury for me is in the simple things.
Triple milled soap, beeswax candles, body lotion, high thread count cotton sheets, a down duvet, linen tea towels, fresh herbs, flowers inside the bungalow, fluffy white towels and hot water for bathing everyday.

Pure linen tea towels
a Bungalow staple.

My tastes are really very simple.
I do have a passion for fashion and the price of so many luxe lines are really beyond my reach.
After all one can only carry one bag at a time!

The desire to acquire is waning...
I feel that this is because I am feeling more at ease with the choice of lifestyle that I live.
I do not need to compete with anyone.
It is very freeing for me coming to this conclusion and it has taken me many years to get to this place.

Getting off the spending treadmill and consuming less feels appropriate for me right now.

My minimalist wardrobe is working for me.
Getting dressed is much simpler as there are fewer items to choose from and the pieces that remain are the ones that fit well and make me feel comfortable and confident.

Food is an area where I need to be more mindful...
I have a tendency to over eat as I love to cook and love the tastes!

If I approach eating with that same philosophy that I applied to my clothing
"less is more"
I might be able to embrace the concept more readily!
I read constantly about Chic French femmes staying slim by eating mindfully and walking daily.

Fresh homemade Batard
oil and balsamic vinegar

I am working on improving my eating habits....
Eating slowly and savouring each morsel, putting the utensils down between bites.
New habits take a few weeks to enact,
so I will persevere and see.

Rome wasn't built in a Day!

I have been very inspired by Adrienne at Rich Life on a Budget
I think that you might be too...go over and say hi, please tell her I sent you!

Breaking bad habits is done one step at a time
baby steps, that's where I am at.
Putting one foot in front of the other
a work in process....

Fresh Heirloom tomatoes and basil are a match made in heaven!
I love a bit of salt, pepper, and balsamic drizzled over top.
A simple salad that is pure luxury.

What says luxury to you?

Friday, July 29, 2011


One of the things we enjoy living close to the ocean here in the pacific Northwest is the wildlife.
Birds, porpoise, seals and whales are sighted frequently.
Often though our cameras are not in hand...but when they are it's an opportunity to capture the image and share.
It is always a delight when wildlife is sighted and somehow feels like a gift,
as if Mother Nature herself was saying "surprise"!

This little seal popped his head up and looked at me before diving down to feed on some fish.

Two swans swam by...

They seemed quite eager and friendly
I think they were hoping for food.

When I was a child 
I was at the edge of a pond in a park and one rushed up to me and bit me.
I still feel a sense of unease when I see them and keep a safe distance away.

we fed them some bread

and then they swam off into the sunset.

There is not much going on here...
as you can see by my post.

there is
plenty of reading 
relaxing and good food.

al fresco lunch
my girlfriend calls this a "picky plate"
little bits of this n' that
easy peasy

Pepper's actioning some serious napping!

 What are you doing these days?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Shoe buddies...

Summer is a time for walking barefoot in the sand
or wearing sandals
showing off pretty polished toes.

putting our best feet forward
here 3 generations of our family
are all wearing sandals
and baring our toes.

Do you have a favourite pair?
I know I do!

Our darling grand daughter Isla is almost walking!
She has been teetering and taking a few tentative steps 
before she realizes that she is accomplishing this feat all by herself
and then she promptly sits down.

Speaking of toes, she likes to stand on her toes
like a wee ballerina
it is so cute to watch her arching her feet
wee little pink toes that are kissably perfect.

Conversation slows when she is around
we all watch and marvel 
with her every move
it is enough 
just to be in her presence 
she brings such joy 
to our family
in our Humble Bungalow.

 I discovered a great shoe assortment at the children's shop on the Avenue.

It was quite an adventure
there's so much to choose from
everything from
Bolch ballet flats
soft leather Mary Janes
even Hunter Boots !
all manner of styles, colours, and designs...

When my children were young there were only a few standard styles
Buster Brown made a sturdy and reliable leather shoe for girls
 Mary Jane's
they also made a shoe that was considered a boot
 for boys.

We bought new shoes every six months back then as their little feet grew so fast
my MIL took us shoe shopping
she didn't have many shoes herself but took great pleasure in buying shoes for her grand kids.

bronzed baby shoes
these were their first shoes
son's on top
daughter's below 
a cute bell on hers

As I perused the selections 
I found myself picking up various pairs and studying their construction
touching the soft leather
getting excited at the thought of Isla wearing them.

I am hoping that one day I will be shoe shopping
with Isla
maybe she'll love shoes as much as I do.

I like the idea of being known as 
The Shoe Grammy.

It sounds better than being 
The Bag Grammy!

having said that
I'll be whatever she wants me to be.

Grammys aim to please!