Thursday, April 28, 2011

Locks and walks...and wedding talk.

Sunny skies are overhead and its a great time for a walk.
I used to walk in athletic shoes or as they call them in the UK
I have opted for a different style of walking shoe.

Josef Siebel
makes a great shoe
excellent support and superior comfort
long wearing and not too dowdy.

These are several years old.

Josef Siebel
recent purchase

Privo by Clarks
shoes today

I've been to the salon and had my locks coloured
no more high and low lights
just my natural colour minus the grey tinsel.

I got the nod of approval from Mr. HB which made my day!

It's a bit of a shock looking in the mirror now
even at the best of times!

I am working hard at acceptance
and not taking every new wrinkle or crease as a personal insult
the sagging and creasing is part of aging
and aging is what we have to accept
and move on...
with grace

Life is too short to be too focused on ones self
it feels so much healthier to look beyond
and seek out opportunities to help others.

Are you going to watch the Royal Wedding?
I am definitely going to tape it
 and watch it later
as it starts here at 2 am
and I do love to get a full nights sleep!

I might be wearing this...

in honour of Princess Diana...
a woman whose life was cut far too short.
Will you be watching and if so, what will you wear?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shall we Dansk to a Symphony in Blue?

I found this vintage Dansk Paella pan in a local shop.

The shape and form were so attractive that even though I have never made Paella I decided that I could use it for a baking and serving dish.

I can visualize it filled with pasta and sauce, wine steamed clams, a hearty stew or a curry.

The shape is smooth 
and the enamel is in perfect condition.

In 1974 Avocado Green and Harvest Gold were the popular colors 
for appliances and kitchen decor.

Our wedding gifts were in Avocado Green
none of them exist today 
almost 37 years later!

We had a Blue themed kitchen for many years
with a whistling Copco kettle and baking dishes
Wedgewood Midwinter Stonehenge crockery in Blue.

I showcased the current white Maxwell Williams 
white goes with everything!

Some Blue is creeping back into 
The Humble Bungalow
"what comes around goes around"

Grape Hyacinths

Seattle Music Experience
Frank Gehry designed structure
a symphony in blue

(too big for the Bungalow!)

Salt from Guernsey
hand scooped by salters

French sea salt is a Humble Bungalow staple

Blue sealer jars

this display is for you!


Thank you
lovely blues...sent from across the sea

Harumi Ota 
a very talented porcelain artist created two bowls that caught my fancy a few years ago which I purchased and admire

While I am embracing blues...

I cannot conceive of reintroducing Avocado Greens
except in the form of tasty and heathy avocados!

Does anyone have a Paella recipe that I must try?

Thank you for stopping by...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Family Photos...Memories and A Mighty Leaf

It's been a hectic weekend,
I am feeling weary but very satisfied by what a small and mighty group can accomplish.
We have not completed the job and it will require a few more days on the job but at a less frantic pace.

The most fun I had was going through boxes and boxes of family photographs.
Many were of people that I didn't know and unfortunately there were no names or dates identifying them, so they got recycled.

Mr. HB's Family
in front of their home in the mid 1950's

Mr. HB looks so cute as a toddler!
Look at that daffodil bed, it must be Springtime.

Mr. HB must be about 10 years old here fishing in the BC Gulf Islands 
aboard the family's first boat
an Ed Monk designed wooden classic.

She is anchored in what was to become their favourite anchorage
an inlet near Prevost Island.

It's a lovely spot, 
protected and peaceful
we used to get fresh oysters off the rocks at low tide.

Mr. HB had a speed boat when we met and he was a fabulous skier
this inlet was the perfect place to practice his skills
and impress his girlfriend

We have also spent many lovely days anchored there aboard our Chris Craft Constellation.
Waking up at first light 
a mug of fresh brewed coffee in hand
and a quiet and calm surface
listening to the gulls
waiting for the day to unfold
and then staying up after dark looking up at the stars
they are so much brighter without ambient light from the city.

There's nothing like a box of old photos to stir up the memories!

Mr. HB is snoozing on the sofa
and I have snuck off to my computer
to write a quick post
and have a cup of Tea
before turning in for the night.

I've recently discovered a new and tasty Herbal Tea

Mighty Leaf
White Orchard

 African Nectar is delicious too.

You might like to try some
a sampler pack is available which is a great way to find one that you might enjoy

I feel the need to digest the immense emotions that have surfaced
I am surprised by the intensity of this experience
and thoughts seem to flit in and out
of innocent times 
when one never considered mortality 
or illness 
or sorting out belongings that filled up a lifetime 
until now.

A cup of tea is the perfect drink to sip while pondering life and making plans...
in my Humble opinion I think perhaps tea is the "penultimate drink"
or maybe I am just a tea grammy!

What do you think?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday...Flowers and Family....and fun.

Happy Easter!

I would like to thank those of you who follow The Humble Bungalow Blog
and those of you who take the time to comment.
I know what busy lives we lead...
I am finding myself strapped for time
trying to juggle work, family, domestics and the garden.

Granted it's a holiday...
We are not taking the day or the weekend off
we are engaged in hard work.

Work that needs to be done
and we have lots of great helpers!

We are helping an elderly family member clean up their home and property.

Our family have given us so much over the years...
trips to the California Desert
trips aboard a yacht
and Easters

Which i am finding all
adds up to heart tugging

I am wearing faded denim jeans, a white T shirt and my casual walking shoes.
Not a great look, but really who cares?

                                            I have my gloves ready!

Sadly the gloves are wearing out
and I need to go and find a new pair
luckily there are more where they came from
and they're as cheap as chips!

It seemed like a good idea at first
and then I said 
the silk is too slippery
so I swiftly tied the scarf around my neck
much better!
Am I crazy to want to add some colour and style to my work duds?

Is it me
do you love the sound of those two words?
"Work Duds"

On the drive home 
I had a "moment"
it caught me off guard
I felt my throat become taut and tight.

Where did that come from?

sorting and handling everyday household items used for years
going though personal papers
discovering the cards and drawings that my children had sent over 20 years ago...
which they saved
has affected me greatly...

and I wonder 
if this is how my children will feel....
when they are in this situation.

Clutter is not a problem
 in The Humble Bungalow
but it's early days!

(I am kidding, I am so on it!)

There's something so cheerful about flowers in the home
and yellow is ticking all the boxes for me today
a little bit of sunshine goes a long way.

Easter Egg Hunts and Chocolates
will need to wait for next year.

We are Family...
and a little bit of Fun!

I hope that you have a smile on your face!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fashion, Maye Musk, and our lovely daughter's newest jewels...

Magazines are a great source of ideas and are easy to pick up and put down.
In the spirit of Thrift I have limited myself to two subscriptions...
Town and Country and Fashion magazine.

Country Living UK is purchased monthly at a local booksellers.

Magazines find their way to the table in the staff room at work so I can get my fill of In Style, Vogue and numerous other fashion magazines.

I am very impressed with Fashion Magazine...
"Canada's No. 1 Fashion and Beauty Mag"

I read the articles instead of just skimming through and checking out the pictures.
This was my last issue and I have just renewed for another year...
a great value too.

The classic style is what I aspire to...
here they showcase a few things that I love
a man size watch
white shirt
Hermes scarf
red flats
big sunglasses
a sturdy handbag/tote
striped Tee
a simple dress
and a bold piece of jewelry

isn't Audrey lovely?

There's a spread called "White Noise"
and the white fashions are modeled by stunning
femme d'un certain age
(62 going on 63)

She looks fabulous with her shiny silver hair and glossy red lips...
it's obvious that she takes care of herself
and after perusing her site I can see that she is an amazing gal.

Lovely daughter who celebrated her 32nd this week
spent some time shopping 
and her trained eye
picked out a couple of real bargains
It helps that she has great eyesight
I would have missed what she zeroed in on...

9 carat chain
turquoise and seed pearl pendant

Such a sweet piece
under $10.00

Sterling silver
cultured pearl pin
 14 carat gold stamen tips 

Lovely daughter is very lucky when it comes to finding treasures
her art history background helps
as does her knowledge of jewelry styles.

Years of watching The Antique Roadshow
perusing reference books
a keen eye 
 a desire to acquire
the love of the hunt
all work together
in her favour
she takes great delight 
in wearing her treasured finds.

If you go to thrift or charity shops,  
garage sales
car boot sales
what has been your best find?