Showing posts with label weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2018

I've got the blues....

Blue porcelain pottery

Tumbling bunnies

lilting lyrics

Artist and porcelain maker Harumi Ota gave local artist Robert Amos lessons.
 Robert has created a whimsical line of vessels.
This one was a gift from our darling daughter Jennifer.

The two bowls shown here are by Harumi Ota.
I have had them several years.
For those of you reading this post who may be local 
they were purchased from a local gallery in Oak Bay called Eclectic.
 Harumi Ota frequently sells his work at The Moss Street Market on Saturdays.

Here's my new swimsuit...
also blue and white.

Finding a "flattering" suit was quite a challenge.
First off there was a limited selection in my price range
coming to grips with my ample figure "weighed heavily"
I wanted decent support and good coverage...
needing to camouflage the "wobbly bits" as much as possible.

I ended up at a bathing suit specialty shop...
where they have many sizes and styles and expert fitters.

While in the change rooms I overheard many women's conversations 
 ALL of which were lamenting that they were FAT!

They were mostly young women and teenagers...
I was the eldest by far!

We are sensitive and critical of our bodies...
not everyone can be the same size or shape
we all have "problem areas"
no one is perfect.

 I am overweight
I know that I should slim down and get back to my WW goal weight.
 I have a serious conversation with myself about this regularly...
and its not really working.

I eat healthy
I try not to indulge in chocolates or sweets.
I walk every day and swim once a week.

I look around at the pool and there are women of all shapes and sizes.
There are some who would be considered morbidly obese 
in swimsuits much bigger than mine 
participating in the Aqua Fit classes...

How do they feel in their own skin?
Do we all have negative thoughts about our body image?
Is this a healthy way of thinking?

Here's my healthy lunch.

I AM going to try harder, starting right now, 

How about you?

Are you struggling to lose weight?
How do you feel about your body image?

Have you been swimsuit shopping lately?
Are you shocked by the swimsuit prices?
(many that I looked at were over $200)

Its a lovely sunny day and I am heading out for my second walk.

Thank you for reading my humble blog and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this issue.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Meat Pie for the Mister

Lately on my WW regime I have been eating different food than my husband.
Mr. HB likes to have a hearty meal and I have been avoiding heavy meals, preferring to nibble on salads with a small amount of protein.

The reduced point plan has definitely been a success as I am closing in on my goal weight and have about 5 pounds to lose.
Last week, or rather the past 10 days I hit a plateau and the scale stayed at the same weight which I find rather discouraging, but I press on...

Encouraged by the results so far I continue to be mindful of what I eat and the portions that I put on the plate...if I have a larger lunch, I'll opt for a smaller dinner.

The meat pie recipe that I served Mr. HB follows...

Meat Pie

Brown 1-2 pounds ground and stewing beef in a small amount of oil.
Add 1 large onion and cook until soft.

Chop and dice:
3 carrots
3 ribs of celery
3 medium sized potatoes
1 parsnip
1 small turnip

Add to beef and onion mixture 1/4 cup flour,
blend to coat and cook for a few minutes then add 2 cups beef stock.
Season with salt, pepper, and thyme.

Add all the vegetables and simmer with the lid on until they are cooked.
Pop in a cup or 2 of frozen peas and put lid back on and let simmer while you make the pastry topping.


In a bowl measure 1 1/2 cups of flour, 1/2 tsp salt then mix it together.
Cut in 1/2 cup cold butter with a pastry blender until butter is coarsely blended.

In a cup measure
beat 1 small egg with 1 tsp vinegar
add just enough ice water until it measures 1/3 cup.
Drizzle into flour and butter mixture and mix to form into a disc.
Wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes to chill.

Place stew mixture into an ovenproof dish.
Roll pastry put on a lightly floured board large enough to cover stew and leave a little bit overhanging the edge to crimp and seal it in.

Cut vents in top of pastry and bake at 400 degrees for about 35-40 minutes or just until pastry is golden brown.

Before baking

Dinner is served !

I highly recommend this wee Weight Watcher calculator.
It has simplified my shopping choices and makes it fast and easy to calculate the points of any products using the nutrition information on the package.

My favourite snack these days is a tart crisp freshly sliced apple 
served with 2 wedges of Laughing Cow cheese and 2 Wasa rye crisp crackers.
I will opt for this mid afternoon with a cup of tea and it keeps me satisfied until our dinner is served  around 7 o'clock.

How is your weekend going?
Anything fun and exciting to share?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, September 15, 2017

September is a great time to curate one's closet.

September is a time of change...

the summer season is slipping away
fall is in the air
fresh starts, new beginnings
and a burst of colour in the foliage of the trees.

A great time to start some projects,
take a class,
shop for accessories,
clean out the closet
declutter the pantry
get rid of expired medications
polish boots, shoes and handbags.

Take stock of what is hanging in the closet...
what clothes get worn, what clothes do not feel right when worn.
Time to "observe trends" that may be in the magazines, on blogs, in the shops.
Can you rework what you have in your closet?
How about pairing separates in a fresh new way?

Perhaps it is time for re-evaluating one's personal style
how our current lifestyle might affect the clothes that we keep
those that we may donate, consign or hand down...

What new things could thrill or inject energy to what we have and love?
Vintage pieces?
What "speaks" to your inner muse?

Can you kick it up a notch?
Is it a genuine representation of your personal style?
Does it feel real or do you feel like you are wearing a "costume."

Shop at the charity and consignment shops for a splash of colour,
find something a bit unusual...a scarf, a belt, a bag are great pieces that don't have to break the budget and are ways to add a punch of colour or texture or style.
Have fun!

The least expensive accessory that I purchased so far this season is a lipstick.

L'Oreal trio...

The new kid on the block is #315 True Red
It is the first red that I have purchased since I was in Paris.

It will be fun wearing this shade with my crisp white shirt and jeans.
I have a lot of black and grey garments and this pop of colour will brighten up my pale complexion.

I've received numerous compliments on the Rose 31 scent by Le Labo.

Layering products makes a fragrance last longer so I phoned Nordstrom and ordered the Rose 31 lotion yesterday.

Wearing a new scent and a red lipstick is giving me a psychological boost.

Have you found anything new and exciting for the new season?

Une Femme has some new lipstick shades 
coincidentally I was working on this post when I read her blog post!

Great minds think alike!

The WW regime is really paying off...
almost 10 pounds down.
I am not hungry and have been pleased with how my clothes are fitting.
More energy and better sleep patterns have been wonderful side effects.
My skin has started to glow...
I think it must be all the water that I am drinking 
plus the variety of colourful vegetables and fruits on the menu...
less red meat 
a bit of fish, lean free range chicken and organic eggs.

What are you reading right now?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, September 10, 2017

OOTD and random snippets from The Humble Bungalow

Our weekend harvest of home grown vegetables in Mr. HB's new wooden Trug.

The Trug looks very much "at home" with the wooden cutting boards.

Mr. HB tends to the veggies in the garden and grows tomatoes in his greenhouse.

The tomatoes are so tasty and sweet, 
nothing like those that you find in the grocery stores.
The potatoes were amazing too...we ate them for dinner last night.

Love being able to go outside and harvest some home grown veggies.

After much consideration and testing many samples I was finally able to chose a rose fragrance...the one that I opted for is Le Labo Rose 31.

It was a time consuming exercise testing all the samples.
Some were too sweet, some too strong,  and one made me break out in hives and I had a rash with a couple of other ones which was a surprise as I have never had a reaction to any perfume before.

Le Labo makes a "natural product" that is compounded fresh at the retailer 
 when one places the order.
Nordstrom's Fragrance Department in Vancouver were extremely helpful.
They sent me all the samples for free.

  I received the scent promptly after placing my order and a few samples of Le Labo Rose 31 lotion and shower gel were included.

The scent is subtle and can be worn by both women and men.

It is a subtle fragrance and layering the lotion with the eau de parfum makes it last longer.

Fall is in the air and our furnace came on this weekend when it rained.
We need the rain badly as there are forest fires still burning in our province
and the gardens are looking quite parched.

With the change of season comes the change of clothes from the out of season closet downstairs and swapping out the summer things in our bedroom closet.
Some pieces overlap and are worn all year long.

I do not have a huge list of things to replace.
(or a big budget)
 I did get rid of a pair of basic grey pants last Spring...
they had lost their shape and the seat pouched out making them look shabby...
 having worn them for 2 or 3 seasons they had served me well and owed me nothing.

I went out and did a wee bit of shopping this past Sunday 
after our family brunch 
and the beach play time with the grandchildren.

NYDJ boyfriend jeans
Cupio tank top
OM3 jersey jacket
Jungla shoes

OOTD without the jacket.

Calvin Klein sturdy skinny knit pants
a wide elastic waistband with a slim line
no extra details to add bulk
smooth across the tummy
I like these very much!

Gap long sleeved top
a basic in a neutral shade that is very soft and will be cozy for Fall and Winter.
Great for layering under my vests.

Patterned Mod-O-Doc tunic top in black, grey and white that will be paired with the skinny knit pants.

All three items totalled $130
plus they can be worn with several other things already hanging in my closet.

Machine washable
 hang to dry 
which extends their life 
keeps them looking new as long as possible.

Still on my list for Fall and Winter are a new pair of black leather Chelsea boots.
I wore out my last pair...
which is not surprising 
because I must have worn them 5 days out of 7 for the past 2 years!

The weight loss regime continues...
I have lost 6.8 pounds in the past few weeks.

Eating lower WW point count food and not drinking wine
coupled with more exercise has finally paid off.

It's hard work and dedication that make the difference.

It is my hope that the losing will continue and that the scale will reflect my efforts.
The goal is to get back to my WW goal of 132 pounds which is at the top of the WW weight range for someone my height.

If I eventually weigh 135 I will be content...
132 would be amazing.

My heart goes out to the people affected by the recent wild weather events.
The devastating earthquake in Mexico and that powerful hurricane Irma. 

There are so many things that are beyond our control.

 Watching the news it is encouraging the way that people are helping each other get through these troubled times.

Hope that your week is off to a great start.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Views from Here...

We have been away on the boat over the Labour Day Weekend and Mr. HB has returned home and I am at Quarter Deck Cottage with my sister.

Our cozy cottage has a lovely view over the Salish Sea towards Vancouver Island you can see part of Salt Spring Island on the right in this snapshot.

There is a smokey haze over the region due to forest fires in BC and Washington State...the sun looks like a big red fireball.

Binoculars are placed on the table so that we are ready to grab them.
Boats, eagles, seals and Orcas are frequent "visitors" off the deck in the distance.

Reading on the deck is punctuated by the passing of the boats...
from large yachts to the tiny crafts that ply the waterway
they capture our attention.

We cannot sit all day so we venture out walking.

We make time to explore the country roads.

This Old Manse is located in the historic Hope Bay area of the island.
There are some lovely heritage homes in this small bay.
At the end there is a small dock, an art gallery, a restaurant and a real estate office.
We spied a chocolate shop undergoing renovations and will soon be open for business!

Sheep farming seems to be a popular vocation on the island.
We hear the sheep as we walk and this curious fellow came to greet us through the fence.

Farm stands and fresh egg stands pop up along the roads.
This morning at Raven Rock there was a large offering of fresh veggies.
I could not resist the large oak leaf lettuce and the basket of cherry tomatoes.
Then the posy of cheerful dahlias just begged to be bought!

I've already planned my meals revolving around fresh eggs and the produce.

The no alcohol regime has become routine and I am not missing it at all.
Thought that I would but the "faux wines" are keeping me satisfied.

There is no scale here at the cottage to accurately monitor my weight 
but my clothes are feeling looser which is encouraging...
the daily laps in the pool and the walks are definitely helping.

 I am way behind reading all the blogs that I follow
holidaying at the cottage is not really conducive to computer time.
Will try to catch up over the course of the week.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, June 30, 2017

Weight Watchers...and watching out the window.

Our kitchen window looks out toward the neighbours yard.
My laptop sits atop a quarter sawn oak trestle arts and crafts table so when emailing or blogging I can observe the work going on next door.

Here's a low Weight Watcher point breakfast that I ate a few days ago.
Low fat cottage cheese and fresh fruit.
I have been unable to focus on my WW since Mother passed away but now I need to get back on track.

It is proving to be more of a challenge this time...
I am trying to be disciplined but think I am in trouble and I may need to go back to the meetings as they really helped me before.

Coffee first thing in the morning is my only "real" caffeine of the day.
The rest of the time I opt for decaf beverages or I have trouble sleeping at night.

Dinner one boneless skinless chicken thigh, 
curried quinoa and brown rice
salad with 1 Tbsp. of low point yogurt dressing.

Our views from the kitchen window are changing daily and dramatically...

This used to be a demolition site...just a big hole.
Things are taking shape as the building is being erected.

A basement and main are being framed here...

And here is the view a couple of days later
There will be two new homes on this site.

Breakfast this morning was a symphony in red and white.
I have not seen any movement on the scale so far but I am not discouraged.
My pants feel looser so that's a good sign.

We are celebrating Canada's 150th birthday tomorrow on July 1st
there are a lot of people expected to attend the events on the lawn of the legislative buildings at the Inner Harbour.
I plan to avoid the crowds as I do not like getting jostled or stepped on and because I am so short I can never really see what's going on!

Mr. HB hung the flag up and we are hoping to watch the fireworks
from our neighbourhood.

Happy Canada Day!

Hope you have a lovely weekend.
I'll be back on the blog in a few days...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Three months...and the journey continues...

Last March 3rd, on my 62nd birthday, Mother passed away.
It has been 3 months and I still miss her so much.

Everywhere I go...I am "with her" and she is "with me."

Mom was so much a part of my life,
and in retirement...a weekly friend who would join me for teas, lunches, shopping and coffee. We shared books, laughter and love.

My daily walks, which were curtailed upon her demise.
Load of work to do on the estate, but mostly because
I passed by her condo on my walking route
and I felt so sad walking by...

Most days, before Mom died, I would stop in for tea and a chat after my walk.
so naturally,
walking past was just too emotional for me.

Many times I would start to walk only to turn around and return home.
Then I took to driving to other areas of town for my walk but this felt too weird and why drive the car and use the gas?

Three months in...
the bulk of the estate has been seen to...
mom's condo has sold and her personal things have been dispersed among the family and those not wanted, were donated.

It has been a big challenge and I have dug deep for strength.
With support from my husband and friends... I am grateful.

I returned to Yoga
to increase my flexibility and for stress relief...
The deep breathing and calming poses help.

I have gained a few pounds.

Recently a call came in from Hospice offering me some counselling...

I cried while I was on the phone and said 
"Thank you,  I am OK"

I have been eating "comfort food"
too many salty crunchy chips!
(my weakness)

They call it comfort food for a reason!

I gave myself a stern lecture.
It is time to get back on track.

The roses are blooming, the sun is shining and my walking route awaits...
Mom would not want me to be sad.

So I have been walking along my favourite route and am looking at the building where she lived and remembering...
with a few tears mixed in with the salt air and sunshine.
Behind my sunglasses no one can see them.

 My week is ticking along...
watching the scale slowly reflecting the results of my efforts.

Pepper is looking longingly out at the birds.

She would leap out the window and try and catch one of the birds if she only could...

Lunch after my walk.

Tea with a 2 egg omelette and a small salad.

The daily 5km walks are not quite happening yet
4kms each day is my current goal...

The roses blooming in The Humble Bungalow Garden 
are helping to brighten up my days. 

It is going to take me some time to get totally "back on track"
to my desired weight.
In the meantime we plod along and try to make the best of things.

Grief is not predictable.
Frankly it frequently startles and surprises me.

Thank you for stopping by...


Friday, February 3, 2017

Snow Day, Flowers, Candles, the Gym and I could use your help...

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow.
The past post on women generated numerous comments, emails and there was a wee bit of controversy.

The blog posts here in The Humble Bungalow are varied and focus on 
beauty, joy, cooking, home keeping
are polite 
rest assured
the mood here is peaceful and calm.

This week has been a busy one and I have done a little "fluffing" in our home.
Scented candles and fresh flowers are two of my favourite affordable luxuries.
 Its the little things that make life at home more enjoyable.
Flowers and fragrance
light and warmth.

Time for a cup of Tea 
decaf Yorkshire blend is my daily brew.
I enjoy sipping from a pretty mug like this one from Emma Bridgewater.

Snowdrops are dainty, sweet and we have planted then in our garden.

Yes that IS snow...
it was falling most of the day.

The black mondo grass is peeking through the blanket of snow.

You may be surprised to hear
I've taken the plunge and joined a gym.

Dominique, a reader of my blog, 
emailed me and suggested this particular gym
  I am very grateful.
Thank you!

The gym is for the over 55 group and located not too far from The Humble Bungalow.
 A personal trainer is teaching me how to use the equipment and is assessing my levels and recommending how long and at what levels I need to be working.
I have worked out 3 times this week and my muscles are slightly tender.

It feels good to be actively working out to change my shape.
I have come to the gym somewhat reluctantly...
I was hoping not to pay for fitness but I have not had much success recently with my walking.
The weather has kept me indoors more often and I have gained weight.

The weight training should speed up my metabolism and I am hopeful that the scale will reflect all my efforts in due course.

The trainer told me to stay off my scale for the first month...
muscle weighs more than fat and she does not want me to get discouraged.

My goal is to go to the gym 2-3 times a week.
The people are friendly and the staff are knowledgable.
The space is clean and the atmosphere is quiet and relaxed.

After my work out I went to the mall and bought a new bra, two magazines and a new mascara.
My mascara had passed its use by date and I thought I would try a less expensive brand but I still want to use one that is free of nasty ingredients.
Physician's Formula makes this one so I will test it out and see if it delivers on the promise of fuller lashes.

My workout has left me feeling weary tonight and I am happy to relax on the sofa and watch some TV with my husband.

I have a question for you...
It is my hope that you can help me find a perfect 
or close to perfect 
basic white Tee shirt.

I want one that is simple and very plain
no logos or writing or pattern on the front
in a cotton that has some weight to it 
so it does not cling.

I have spent so much time trying to find one in the local shops
 so far I have come up empty handed...
it should be easy to find
 I am not sure why I am having such trouble.

So I figured you might have the answer and be able to steer me in the right direction...

Thank you for dropping by and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~