Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2022

August ~ Hydrangea Season and a wee chat...

Candles with a woody fragrance add ambiance to our arts and crafts bungalow.
I love to sit and read or knit 
 a candle glowing and the scent wafting about in the air.

Our Annabelle Hydrangeas are putting on a spectacular show!
 The Humble Bungalow Garden is looking quite lovely this summer.

Some years are better than others for certain plants...
 I think it is a very much a stellar hydrangea season.

They do love water so we need to keep the soil moist...

Look at the size of this bloom...
a HUGE mophead almost threatening to break the branch
with its weight.

The Sea Glass haul that nearly wasn't...

I fell on the uneven rocky shore not too far from the Humble Bungalow.
My instinct was to put out my hand to save my face from hitting the ground
when I fell...

My poor wrist took the brunt of the tumble and I sprained it.

It swoll up pretty quickly so I zipped off to the local pharmacy
a tube of Voltaren
 (which is an analgesic and an anti inflammatory)
a right hand wrist brace
a week later
yellow bruising remains but fortunately the wrist is feeling MUCH better!

The sweet peas are still blooming so we have bouquets in the bathroom.
Such a delightful fragrance!

Did you know that sweet peas must be picked regularly 
to keep them from going to seed?

I am looking forward to getting back to my knitting project...
I haven't snapped a picture of the progress that I made until my mishap.

Am working on the yoke of the Miriam sweater.

It will be lovely to wear this in the fall and winter.
I have so few sweaters...
the cooler fall weather will be here before we know it and I will want to be cozy.

I've been staying pretty close to home as my husband is up on ladders sanding and painting the pergola above the sundeck.

He's not accustomed to this kind of work, but since he retired, he has taken on various projects that I would usually hire people to fix.

I posted this quote on my Instagram...
so worthy of reposting here on the blog.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

It is really unfortunate that your comments are not forthcoming...
I have tried to fix this on my end but alas it is beyond my scope.

I do hope that you will continue to stop by and read my blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Remembering...snippets from the archives.

I recently bought a new computer and our son and grandson 
helped to transfer 
over all my programs and photos. 
It's great having smart computer savvy helpers in the family!

I've been looking at all the photos and remembering...

Life is not always full of sparkly things 
 we have the option of adding some of our own.
I do love a sparkly brooch or necklace for some whimsy...
I currently have a pink rhinestone butterfly pin on my distressed denim jacket.

Scented candles are one of my favourite ways to add elegance and ambiance 
in The Humble Bungalow.
There are so many wonderful candles on the market it is really quite wonderful
that we have so many choices.

Meet Jude the Obscure, a David Austin Rose.

Growing Roses is a very rewarding hobby.

I didn't grow roses when we first bought the bungalow.
Those early days we spent weeding and planning the garden.

It took an inspirational woman, Vi Heslop, an award winning rosarian 
in the Victoria Horticultural Society to get me started.
She generously gave me a Peace Rose and I entered a bloom 
in the Society show and won for best rose!

That did it, I was hooked!
We now have over 35 roses in our garden, most are fragrant David Austin varieties.

Jude the Obscure
my all time favourite rose.

I have a minimalist wardrobe.
We don't have a lot of storage space here in The Humble Bungalow
I keep it simple and wear my clothes for many years.
I buy classic pieces in a neutral palette.

Accessories are the "icing on the cake."
Sterling silver bangles and pearls get a lot of wear.

I have been collecting bangles for quite a few years and many of these were gifts.

Darling daughter gave me this luxurious bag...
sadly it has been lost.
I cannot for the life of me think where it went?
I have searched in all the closets cupboards and drawers but it is not here.
It remains an unsolved mystery.

Every once in awhile I will change things up...
get out of my comfort zone
like this peacock blue toe polish!

I didn't always embrace imperfection...
like this rusty piece, adds character.
Perhaps it is my coming into an age where I willingly accept that things change.

Dried up and withered...

seriously old
oh so very beautiful.
Rather like laugh lines on an older woman's face...

In Japan they have "Wabi Sabi" which is a wonderful and freeing idea.

The Japanese embrace ~ the imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.

I love natural beauty
like this collection of Mother of Pearl cutlery...
I find them in antique malls, thrift and local consignment shops.
I love how they add elegance and as Marie Kondo advocates "They Spark Joy!

Walking in Nature always pleases...
and eases away troubles
so soothing.

Seafront views along Dallas Road in our neighbourhood.

~ beach treasures ~ 
collecting shells and sea glass make me happy.

~ Simple Joys ~
a bar of scented soap and a bath or shower 
help to refresh and wash away stress.

Domestic chores feature prominently here in The Humble Bungalow.
I couldn't resist these tins at Marshalls
Polka dots are just so cheerful!

This is my everyday "uniform" pearls and a linen apron!

Life is not all glamour...

It is time to get busy and do a few jobs that are calling my name!

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of these archival images...

Will be back soon to share more.

 ~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Wee luxuries...and remembering MOM

Willows Beach in Oak Bay

(a favourite spot of my late mom's and mine)

I took my coffee in a thermos and sat in the stillness
watched the sea, the sun and the clouds
listened to the waves as they met the shore
the sound of the gulls as they soared overhead.

A few precious moments of peace outdoors in nature to start the day
sets the tone for the hours ahead.

Unwrapped a lovely soap from Fragonard in Paris.
The porcelain soap dish accompanied the soap which was in a recent 
My French Country Home Box.

The scent is soft, subtle and sweet.

Hand washing happens many many times a day here in The Humble Bungalow.

I can still hear my mom's voice
her mantra was
"Soap and Water are Cheap."

Mom always kept a few bars of triple milled soap unwrapped in her lingerie drawer.
I think her favourite was Yardley's English Lavender Soap.

Mom was an avid gardener and worked for many hours outside 
before coming in and soaking in the tub...
a cup of restorative tea on the edge of the bath.

Lavender scents wafted throughout the house.

She'd dress up for my father's arrival home from work.

A dainty apron worn atop of her dress...
mom was a much tidier cook than I.

I remember so many lovely snippets of mom and learned so much from her.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of her.

Mom sipped her tea in a pretty cup and saucer.
She had a fondness for those decorated with flowers.

While I don't ALWAYS choose one of mine for tea.
(several inherited from mom)

I do more often than not.

My face is getting some serious TLC
the recent and ongoing IPL treatments are reducing the rosacea redness 
the broken capillaries are slowly disappearing...

My skin however is dry 
so I purchased a hardworking moisturizer to use in tandem 
with the IS Clinical Pro Health Serum.

Fingers crossed it will perform as was suggested at the clinic.

Healthy lunch at Brown's Social House
Tuna Poke Bowl

loaded with fresh veggies

Eating mindfully 
adding lots of veggies with lean protein
 high on my radar.

Choosing healthier alternatives is becoming much easier...
the lure of french fries is still very strong.

If my husband orders them I ask to sample a few :-))

The interesting thing about eating tons of veggies and a small amount of protein is that I don't feel "stuffed" after I eat.

It is such a different feeling than when I order a burger and fries.
I actually prefer it and I am not hungry afterwards.

Sale item from Joe Fresh.
A simple basic which will get worn on my walks
paired with jeans perhaps layered overtop of a denim shirt.

Love the warm cozy feel..
great texture.

So many thoughts are swimming around in my head today 
as I sit here in The Humble Bungalow kitchen and type.

I am not sure how to wrap up this post...

writing about and remembering mom 
often skews my thought process
emotions tugging at my heartstrings...

Auriculas are starting to put on a show!
Perhaps it is time to find or build a theatre to display them?
They are all the rage in the UK.

How are things with you?

Hope that you are enjoying the start to the week.
Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Mellow Yellow...


Pops of Colour

With all that is going on globally...

I am seeking cheer in my daily round.
As hard as the news is to hear we need to be informed.

I don't consider myself a "news junkie."
Limiting the amount of negative news is something I consciously do.
Being sensitive, I need to be mindful of the amount I can process.

While at the garden centre I purchased 10 pots of tete a tete daffodils.
These wee plants will brighten up the border out front of the Humble Bungalow.
At the cashier there was a donation notice...
I added an amount to be sent to Ukraine.

These small acts of kindness 
where we all participate 
can help to make a difference.

Chester seems to be feeling better...
he's gained a few more ounces and is more energetic.
He loves a warm spot of sunshine to lie in and enjoys a nap on a lap.

I've got a very tall stack of books to be read.
Daisy Jones and The Six is my next book.

I've not been reading as much as I usually do...
walking and domestic chores and de-cluttering are keeping me busy!

Seen on my walk...

My new Columbia coat (which I shared on a recent post) is really warm and so cozy.

The pile lining in the hood helps keep my neck warm.
The silver mesh "Omni Tech" lining reflects the heat and keeps me from being cold.

Walking quietly in Nature helps to keep me calm and grounded...
there are small surprises that pop up on my radar when I walk.

A former co-worker who walked regularly
focusing on thoughts that "bubbled up"
 called it "mindful meditation."

The "first" 5 pounds are lost...
now working on the next 5.

Little by day at a time.

Hope that you are finding some peace and solace in everyday simple Joys.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December Snowfall...and some snippets from the past few weeks.

We have snow!
It's pretty to look at but it is very cold.

I've been wearing my cozy cashmere sweaters and thick wool socks.
Bundling up in my puffy down coat 
(think Michelin man style)

Fancy popping by to sit on the front porch with a hot cuppa?
The hummingbird feeders are freezing so we are rotating the two feeders 
in the cold snap of winter
the wee local Anna's hummingbirds rely on us to keep them fed.

Snowy scenes here in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

Abraham Darby a David Austin Rose
while wearing a snow hat!

A fabulous book...
by author Alka Joshi.
The good news is she has published a sequel
 and is working on a third!

Lady Gaga was amazing in the film!
We saw it in the theatre...a matinee 
safely viewed with only two other people in attendance!

Lady Gaga is wearing the same pearls that I bought from a local shop.
Mary from Skanda sourced them from Hong Kong!

We discovered a new cocktail...

"Jingle Buck"

1 ounce Vodka
3/4 ounce pure cranberry juice
3/4 ounce lime juice
2 ounces ginger ale
garnish with fresh cranberries


I've felt at a loss for words on the blog lately...
perhaps it is writer's block?

Covid has worn so many of us down.
I want to rise up in positivity and rejoice 
but the new Omicron variant has us all in a tizzy.

Our numbers are surging and the hospitals are slammed.

We get our booster shots next week and for that I am very grateful.

I have been working on
The Doocot Sweater
I knit the body of the sweater and now I am working on the sleeves.
You'd think I would have this finished by now...
I started it before the pandemic hit!

When I attended the knitting club meeting I discovered that I am not alone in procrastinating with my knitting project.
Some of the women have taken up painting and several others bought bikes and have been meeting up to explore the scenic roads and trails.

I have made a conscious decision to focus on and embrace Simple Joys.

I feel happiest in my kitchen 
whether I am cutting veggies for a soup or baking cookies
or planning a menu to serve to my family
the contentment is hugely rewarding and comforting.

Two items that I purchased during Covid that have been most useful 
are linen aprons.

We have not purchased many things in the past two years...
we don't "need" much other than food.

Clothes shopping has been put on the back burner for the time being...
except for that "wee foray" at Eileen Fisher on South Granville in Vancouver!

I found a cute grey top and a sumptuous boiled wool sweater in a tunic length.
I bought the black one (of course!)

The sweater was, what I consider, an "investment piece."
It has been worn multiple times since I bought it!

I wore it Christmas Day with skinny Eileen Fisher pants.
I added a sparkly Sherman rhinestone pin.

Vintage rhinestone Brooches are such a fun way to add sparkle.

Hope that 2022 has some bright spots and highlights...
Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~