Showing posts with label pop of colour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pop of colour. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

OOTD ~ I met up with the fashion savvy blogger Jennifer, who writes A Well Styled Life


Jeans ~ Eileen Fisher
Top ~ Saint James
Ballet Flats ~ Josef Seibel

A messy updo
diamond studs and necklace
pearl earrings

a fresh manicure
Kimono Crimson by Pacifica

Jennifer Connolly

We had tea and a chat at Murchies.
She is on vacation and was in Victoria for a few days.

You probably already know
Jennifer who writes the blog A Well Styled Life.

We have known each other since 2007.
 This is the first time that we have met in person.

Jennifer is a gracious and fashion savvy woman with a winning smile.

We had a lovely time sipping our tea and chatting.
It felt fabulous to finally meet her in person.

Her series "Dressing room Diaries" is one of my favourites on her blog.

I told her how she has influenced me over the years.

For example...
 I recently purchased a new crisp white shirt 
after reading her post on classic white shirts!

Meeting Jennifer was truly wonderful.
I hope to meet up with her again...

Making connections with other like minded women 
unites, empowers and inspires us.

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, April 13, 2020

Seeing and pops of colour

I've been struggling to come up with cheerful and inspiring posts while we are isolating and cocooning at home.
Perhaps I have hit a bit of a writer's block so instead of obsessing about why I went to the archives and found some bright red images to share.

We start off with the recipe that I made recently...
My husband absolutely loves pasta!

To start 
I roast cut up tomatoes in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes until soft.

Several cloves of diced garlic on top of the tomatoes and a bit of olive oil with fresh ground pepper.

This step makes the flavour richer and more intense.

Lidia Bastianich's meatball recipe is the best one that I have tried.

I use an ice cream scoop to make the balls more uniform.

I add the tomatoes that I have previously roasted 
as well as the other sauce ingredients

It serves 6 so we have it for two dinners with a tossed salad.
My husband usually takes the leftovers for his lunches...
as I said he adores pasta so he never tires of this dish.

We are enjoying our meals here in The Humble Bungalow.
(maybe a bit too much now that we are unable to go out for meals)
Dinnertime has become somewhat sacred...
Comfort food is being served regularly here during the pandemic.

This is the vintage ice cream scoop that I use for the meatballs...
I use it for cookies and muffins too.

I've been using leftover vegetables in my weekly soups.
Waste Not, Want Not.

Luscious juicy red tomatoes 
so pretty to look at...

Flying high up in the sky.

Full blown tulips

Heirloom tomatoes and a brioche loaf
slice the tomatoes and the bread
add butter and a sprinkling of salt
the perfect fresh sandwich

Tomatoes with fresh Mint 
drizzled with a balsamic cream reduction
makes for a tasty salad.

Pearls and stripes 
why not get dressed up?
Even if there is nowhere special to go...

Hope that you have enjoyed seeing some of these bright pops of colour.

A distraction from reality 
is what I am craving these days filled with so much uncertainty.
People are stressed and struggling to keep positive.

We are safe, the sun is shining, the garden is full of flowers.

There is food in the fridge and the pantry has the basic staples.
We have toilet paper!
Books to read and a knitting project on the needles.

Our world has changed but we are doing what we are told by staying home and staying safe and here in BC the curve is showing signs of flattening.

We are grateful for all the medical staff and essential services
 that allow us to remain safely cocooned at home.
We are all in this together in unity.

Please leave a comment of how you are feeling and what you are doing...
(use a google search engine as Safari no longer works)

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog

Stay Safe
until next time....

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, March 2, 2020

Something new, a milestone birthday...and cheerful pops of colour.

Good news!
 We have daffodils blooming in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
These cheerful yellow flowers elevate our flagging spirits 
as we crave colour on these dreary rainy days.

It may come as a surprise to you but until recently I did not own 
a totally waterproof coat...
I relied on water resistant coats and jackets and always carried an umbrella.

Perhaps a little bit strange
 as we live on the WET coast!

Years ago, 
when the children were young,
I wore a waterproof Gortex coat 
it was bright red and I loved the bright colour on the rainy days.

I discovered a wonderful wee shop on Government Street
found a 100% waterproof coat perfect for our rainy days.


I plan to wear some of my bright coloured scarves with this coat.

This wee orchid was a gift from dear friends when mom passed away...

Tomorrow March 3rd will be the anniversary of my mom's demise.
(it will also be my 65th birthday)

For these past few years I find my emotions are mixed on March 3rd...

I don't feel like I am 65, although I know that I am no longer a "Spring Chicken"
I am Grateful to be alive.

I am 3/4 the way through this book and am really enjoying it.
Have you read it?

Did you read her previous book The Post Mistress?

Yellow Hellebore

Sunshine filtering through the door in our front hall...
love the warmth and sunlight so much.
Simple Joys.

Hope that your week is off to a great start and that you are finding pops of cheerful colour in your daily round.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, January 24, 2019

A POP of colour and my favourite IPhone APP.

New in The Humble Bungalow.

Le Creuset Dutch Oven

A friend shared her secret to keeping her Le Creuset pots and pans
looking like new.

(it's Bar Keepers friend!)

I made a paste of this cleanser 
soaked our stained white enamel pot for a few minutes
then rubbed it with a scratch free scrubber and voila
clean as new! 

My current read...

Hooray the hellebores are blooming!

One bloom can make a big statement in a small vase.

Rain or shine 
I'm out every day for a walk.

My goal is to walk 7,000 steps.
The IHealth App on my IPhone makes it easy to keep track.

This Saint James raincoat helps keep me dry.

(a picture from the archives)

Purchased several years ago and still going strong.
I can wear a vest or sweater underneath if the temperatures are dipping.

Another walk would be needed to reach my daily goal...
  it is already 4:00 and I have to start preparing dinner after I publish this post.

Some days are easier to fit in more activities...

Are you motivated by a fitness app?
Do you go to the gym?
Have you worked with a personal trainer?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Purple pops of colour...

Look at this luscious artichoke flower!
It's growing beside the sidewalk in the garden of one of our neighbours...

We spend time looking for pops of colour as we walk.
Walking is such a great way to explore our city.

It was one of the highlights from my Paris trip...
walking and taking in the sights...
Women who walk and explore have been given the term "Flaneuse."

The feminine form of flaneur...
which means 
"a man who saunters around observing society."

This book caught my attention when I was at the local library...
I had read Eleanor's first book Weird Sisters 
the title sealed the deal!

I am halfway through it and am enjoying it...
I am trying not to rush the chapters so that I can savour the story.

How is your week going?

What are you reading right now?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~