Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Victoria ~ September Tidbits and Snippets

I walked past the church today and observed a crowd of people 
talking animatedly poised with clipboards.

There will be a commemorative service held here in Victoria 
at Christ Church Cathedral to honour Queen Elizabeth.

Many of us are saddened by her passing...
I have known no other Queen in my lifetime.

She visited Victoria BC many times.
She stayed at Government House in Rockland a few blocks from our bungalow.

I remember once that we were able to go down to the Inner Harbour 
to watch her disembark from her royal yacht The Britannia
She stepped gracefully into a launch to come ashore 
making her way to the excited throng of onlookers.

Girl Guides gave her fresh bouquets of flowers.
She had a lovely smile and wore a colourful outfit and matching hat.

She was a hard working monarch with a strong sense of duty...
steadfast in her determination to do a good job
she was kind and compassionate.
She will be missed by many.

Her funeral will take place in Westminster Abbey on Monday September 19th 
The Federal Government has just announced that the day will be a holiday.

The Queen loved Sweet Peas...

Our local Pharmasave in Oak Bay offers many wonderful skin care products.

They carry some exclusive make up items like Pupa from Milan.

I enjoy shopping there as the clerks are so knowledgeable and helpful,
plus they have a wonderful exchange policy.

The Andalou CC cream is easy to apply,
rich and creamy which offers nice coverage without being cakey.

I am test driving a new serum from Derma E.

Ther Andalou Brightening Renewal Cream is a new product.

I recently had a facial at the Boathouse Spa at The Oak Bay Beach Hotel.
After the 60 minute treatment my skin felt wonderful...
I want to continue to take care of my skin and keep it supple.

Hydration and sunscreen are my two top priorities...
I also try to buy "natural" products.

I look a lot like my mom...
the older I get, the more that the resemblance is evident!
Mom loved her pearls and I love wearing mine too...

I snapped this selfie while waiting in a long line up at the car wash today.
was getting a wee bit bored as I forgot my book.

I picked up this book by Maggie O'Farrell
The Hand That First Held Mine won the Costa Award in 2010

Want to read all her books as I so enjoy her writing...

I loved her novel Hamnet and Judith.
The Marriage Portrait that was published in 2020 is on my list.

What are you reading?

Are you planning to watch the funeral of Queen Elizabeth on the telly?
It will be broadcast here at 3am...

Well I must close for now...
Mr HB has been harvesting the Jalapeno and Anaheim Peppers
 I am making a big batch of Salsa.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, September 5, 2022

September ~ School daze and memories

We are staying at the cottage for a few days.

I picked a handful of Annabelle and Limelight Hydrangeas...
a little reminder of our Humble Bungalow Garden.

There are flowers here on the property at the cottage 
part of the communal "complex" 
owned by various owners 
so it doesn't feel right picking any flowers.

This morning the sun was shining brightly and the Salish Sea was calm.
There was the refreshing scent of sea salt in the air...
(which I love) 
I sat quietly sipping my coffee and soaking in the view.

Since retirement in 2014, I make time to savour two cups of coffee each morning.
I LOVE a good cup of coffee.

After I visited France in 2015, I made a bowl of espresso with foamed milk,
(cafe creme)
then after I returned from Italy 
I purchased an Italian espresso maker for the stove
using the popular Lavazza Italian coffee.

Mr. HB makes drip coffee and I admit I like to wake up and just pour a cup...
it is such a treat having someone make it :-))

Just finished this entertaining story by S J Bennett.
I read her other book, The Windsor Knot 
which is about HRH working on a mystery set in Buckingham Palace.

This is another mystery in which Elizabeth gets involved in solving a mystery.
It is an easy read ~ lots of fun...
if you are looking for something light you might enjoy it.

Warm nights 
the sun slipping behind the trees
crickets serenading us 
watching the boats as they pass by 
Quarterdeck Cottage.

The grandchildren are all heading back to school tomorrow...
summer is fading and fall is on its way.

Fall weather will be here before we know it...
warm sweaters and coats will be on our radar.

My new Eileen Fisher black fleece lined walking coat arrived last week...

The size fits perfectly, (the clerk was right) is lovely, cozy, great for everyday walks, yet stylish.
Will be able to wear it for errands, walking, and evenings out.


We will be busy putting the Humble Bungalow Garden to bed soon...
it has been a lovely summer in the garden.

We are currently enjoying oodles of fresh tomatoes, zucchini, yellow beans, cucumbers and several varieties of lettuce.
Salads have been a mainstay on the table for dinner for almost every meal.

It will be strange to go to the shops and purchase veggies 
when the harvest has finished.

Do you look forward to the new season and the change in the weather?
The opportunity to sort out your closet and bring the warmer or cooler clothes as needed?

I will be laundering the linen dresses, tops and skirts and swapping them out for the fall dresses and sweaters.

I need to buy some tall rubber rain and snow boots as my ancient pair fell apart!
It might be fun to look for a colourful pair this year.

Do you have plans to buy any new clothes?
What is on your list?

I must close for now and get some dinner organized...
thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Weekend getaway...and flowers in The Humble Bungalow Garden

Last weekend we were invited to visit long time friends who retired to Thetis Island.
They built their dream home on the water's edge in Telegraph Harbour.

Other long time friends made the trek across the big pond from the Lower Mainland and we had a reunion of sorts...
we were celebrating Mr. HB's birthday.

I found a wee bit of time to work on the Miriam sweater...
the view was a bit distracting as
there were so many gorgeous yachts cruising past 
that I had to keep looking up from the knitting!

Just knitting the garter stitch front border, it will be finished soon!

Enjoying the newly purchased Tonka and Oud candle 
from a wee shop in Chemainus near the ferry dock.

The scent is woodsy and rich.

A lovely fragrant rose at the Telegraph Harbour Marina...
an old rose scent with soft apricot petals.

When I posted the picture on Instagram of the unknown rose...
several readers identified it as Just Joey.
Thank you :-))

Pulled out the stack of my TBR books
had a wee gander...
there are far more than I remembered.

Now my dilemma is to decide which one to read next?

What are you reading?

Our hydrangeas are the current stars in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
This hydrangea was a gift from my husband's architectural firm 
when my dad passed away years ago...
it has grown and never disappoints with its variety of blooms.

These limelight hydrangeas are just one of the dozen or so that we have planted over the years.

Their shade of chartreuse green glows
it lights up and illuminates the perennial borders.

Lots to keep us busy in the garden at this time of year.

I plan to go out and pick some of the various hydrangea blooms 
with hopes of drying them to bring indoors for the Fall and Winter months.

The weather is still very hot but i know that it will change as the summer wanes.

I'll be wearing boots and carrying my brolly before too long!
(I need to buy new rubber boots too!)

Well I must close and make lunch for us...

How are things going with you?

If you have a moment or two
please leave a comment and share your thoughts...
I always appreciate hearing from readers.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Remembering...snippets from the archives.

I recently bought a new computer and our son and grandson 
helped to transfer 
over all my programs and photos. 
It's great having smart computer savvy helpers in the family!

I've been looking at all the photos and remembering...

Life is not always full of sparkly things 
 we have the option of adding some of our own.
I do love a sparkly brooch or necklace for some whimsy...
I currently have a pink rhinestone butterfly pin on my distressed denim jacket.

Scented candles are one of my favourite ways to add elegance and ambiance 
in The Humble Bungalow.
There are so many wonderful candles on the market it is really quite wonderful
that we have so many choices.

Meet Jude the Obscure, a David Austin Rose.

Growing Roses is a very rewarding hobby.

I didn't grow roses when we first bought the bungalow.
Those early days we spent weeding and planning the garden.

It took an inspirational woman, Vi Heslop, an award winning rosarian 
in the Victoria Horticultural Society to get me started.
She generously gave me a Peace Rose and I entered a bloom 
in the Society show and won for best rose!

That did it, I was hooked!
We now have over 35 roses in our garden, most are fragrant David Austin varieties.

Jude the Obscure
my all time favourite rose.

I have a minimalist wardrobe.
We don't have a lot of storage space here in The Humble Bungalow
I keep it simple and wear my clothes for many years.
I buy classic pieces in a neutral palette.

Accessories are the "icing on the cake."
Sterling silver bangles and pearls get a lot of wear.

I have been collecting bangles for quite a few years and many of these were gifts.

Darling daughter gave me this luxurious bag...
sadly it has been lost.
I cannot for the life of me think where it went?
I have searched in all the closets cupboards and drawers but it is not here.
It remains an unsolved mystery.

Every once in awhile I will change things up...
get out of my comfort zone
like this peacock blue toe polish!

I didn't always embrace imperfection...
like this rusty piece, adds character.
Perhaps it is my coming into an age where I willingly accept that things change.

Dried up and withered...

seriously old
oh so very beautiful.
Rather like laugh lines on an older woman's face...

In Japan they have "Wabi Sabi" which is a wonderful and freeing idea.

The Japanese embrace ~ the imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.

I love natural beauty
like this collection of Mother of Pearl cutlery...
I find them in antique malls, thrift and local consignment shops.
I love how they add elegance and as Marie Kondo advocates "They Spark Joy!

Walking in Nature always pleases...
and eases away troubles
so soothing.

Seafront views along Dallas Road in our neighbourhood.

~ beach treasures ~ 
collecting shells and sea glass make me happy.

~ Simple Joys ~
a bar of scented soap and a bath or shower 
help to refresh and wash away stress.

Domestic chores feature prominently here in The Humble Bungalow.
I couldn't resist these tins at Marshalls
Polka dots are just so cheerful!

This is my everyday "uniform" pearls and a linen apron!

Life is not all glamour...

It is time to get busy and do a few jobs that are calling my name!

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of these archival images...

Will be back soon to share more.

 ~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, May 23, 2022

May daze...

Sunshine has made an appearance after many days of precipitation...
The sun streaming in through the windows elevate my spirits.

Tall ships sailing on The Salish Sea
out front of Quarterdeck Cottage.

Seas are calm and it is so soothing to watch the ferry boats as they glide past.

Oh my goodness!
Kate Quinn writes the MOST amazing historical fiction.
Her strong female characters are so interesting.

I just finished reading the book and it was a real page turner.
I highly recommend it.

Toadstool seen on our walk.
Walks in nature provide an interesting array of flora and fauna.

The woodpeckers have been working hard on the tree trunks...
~ rat tat tat ~
Purple Martins have returned and their sweet songs serenade us.
The gulls, eagles and ravens calls add to the symphonic sounds.

I found this book at the used bookshop and it sounds like a gentle story.
I know you should not judge a book by the cover but that is what tempted me...
written in 1931 and it just might be a delightful beach read.

I will start it soon.

Yesterday I made a loaf of bread
we don't eat a lot of bread 
every now and then 
I crave a piece of toast with Bonne Maman apricot jam.

Muguet des Bois are in their full flush with numerous glorious blooms.
Their fragrance is totally intoxicating.
I picked a large handful...
popped them in a vase 
placed them in the Humble Bungalow bathroom
their unique scent is wafting in the air...
which reminds me.

Yardley of London had a lily of the valley soap and cologne.
They also made scented products in lavender, rose and other floral scents.

I haven't been wearing fragrance lately and I am not sure why?
I have a lovely parfum by Hermes and it sits on my dresser gathering dust!
I must spritz some on and remind myself how it smells!

We are enjoying a sunny long weekend here in Victoria.
Mr HB has been out in the garden pulling weeds and planting veggies and plants.
The garden is far behind what it usually is at this time of year...
we usually have many many roses in bloom
they are just budding out now so it might be a few weeks yet.

What is your May looking like?
Have you read any good books lately?
Leave a comment and we'll chat!

I will close for now as I need to get some work done here in The Humble Bungalow.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Continuing with more Vintage vibes...

Did you have a wall phone when you were growing up?
We had a very heavy bakelite phone that actually gave the arm muscles a workout 
if we chatted for too long.

My father was quite strict about the telephone
 we had an egg timer with sand in it to let us know when our chat time was up.
I used to flip the timer over before all the sand ran out to extend my calls...
the main reason for limiting conversations were because we had a "party line."
A party line was a shared connection with someone else in our neighbourhood...
if they picked up their phone they could listen into our conversation and visa versa! 

Can you imagine?
There were no secrets unless we spoke in code!

~ Recently sourced ~

Vintage black patent leather Pourchet Paris handbag.
Quality leather and classic details.

Cross body bag

The company Maison Pourchet, has been in business in Paris since the early 1900's.
It is still in business today and you can find many of their classic vintage bags online.

Black and white skirt picked up at the thrift shop.

I have a small basic wardrobe that has a lot of black and white pieces 
so this will be a very versatile skirt.

White or black tops
casual or dressy.

Paired it with my distressed denim jacket 
black vintage Susan Bristol dressy knit sweater...
I have numerous options.

Sparkly Vintage Canadian designed Sherman rhinestone brooch.

I have several of these brooches and add them when I feel I need a dash of bling.
Mom received several Sherman sets for Christmas from Dad.
They would usually be earrings, a bracelet and necklace...
set in a velvet box from Birks.

The sparkle was perfect with her bright and festive velvet dresses.

Vintage pieces add an extra zing to my classic neutral wardrobe.

When I am in a thrift shop I gravitate to the vintage section...
I keep an open mind
you never know what you'll find!

Good Luck and Happy Shopping.

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~