Showing posts with label lipstick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lipstick. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2021

Pop of colour ~ Rouje Lip Compact from Paris


Lip Compact from Paris
01- Signature

New lipsticks for 2021

Beautiful Rouje gold case and a gold lip brush by Jane Iredale.
Some women might like to use their fingers to apply the lipstick. 
I prefer a lip brush.

We are all wearing masks these days for safety
but when I am at home or out for my walks I want to add a pop of colour.
This compact feels luxurious and with the variety of lip colours I can vary the shade depending on what I am wearing that day.

The lipsticks run true to colour.
 Are very emollient and last a long time.

This is the bold red lip.

The plum shade.

I wear very little make up so I focus on my lips.
A couple of readers emailed me asking about my skincare regime...

I use Avene 3 in 1 cleanser
Mad Hippie daily facial oil and at night Mad Hippie Vitamin A serum
I wait 10 minutes then follow up with rosehip night cream by Sukin.

I avoid the sun and use Avene BB cream with an SPF.

I hope that answers some of your questions.
If you have any more queries please leave me a comment.

Winter bloom on Jude the Obscure a David Austin Rose.

Wishing you a wonderful week.
Take time to nurture yourself...we are living in a strange time and it is easy to forget to make time for those rituals which are soothing and relaxing.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pops of Colour

Clematis Jackmanii

In a deep blue and purple when the blooms are new.
They fade a wee bit in the sunshine.

Lucky Brand silk scarf
in shades of mauve orange and red.
I wear this with my denim jacket and dress.

A lovely fresh rose fragrance from L'Occitane of Provence.

Fig scented Lip exfoliating cream and a new lipstick.
Vibrant red summer colour.

Red Russell Lupines

The bees love this flower!

May is a very colourful month in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

I've been hand watering almost everyday due to the light rainfall that we have had this month.

Its so relaxing standing outside in the sunshine with the hose and nozzle spraying much needed moisture to the thirsty plants.

The hummingbirds and butterflies like to fly into the fine mists of water.
It's almost like they are saying thank you to me for providing them with water!

The geraniums on the front porch continue to put on a beautiful display.
I like geraniums as they are stalwarts in the potted plant arena!
Quite inexpensive and repeat bloom all summer long.

I opt for plants in a bold shade of red and some pure white ones.

The red ones in the planter on the railing
with some white ones in pots on the tables by the front door.

The white lavender is a new plant.
The bees are drawn to this one in droves.

I finished reading Educated, a memoir, by Tara Westover.
It was a difficult book to get through...
some parts were very graphic and utterly terrifying
her story is truly amazing.

I think I will read something much lighter next!

We've got a long weekend coming up as it is Victoria Day on Monday.
 I hope to get out weeding in the garden, do some cooking and entertaining.

What plans do you have for the weekend?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, September 25, 2018, friends and a fabulous book!


Ralph Lauren skinny knit tweedy pants
Black Symplii tunic top
Red Joesph Seibel ballet flats

(vintage carpet)

I like having a few colourful accessories 
they elevate the basic black and grey garments that I regularly wear.

Juicy red rose hips...

I have heard that when the hips form early in the season 
 it means we will have a cold harsh winter...

The sun is shining today and there are blue skies.
Yesterday I helped a new friend move into her new condo.
She is a lovely woman, a recent widow who is relocating from Vancouver to Victoria where she has family.

I admire her in so many ways...
she has left behind many friends but is embracing this move.
Her energy and enthusiasm is contagious!

This past month she has been discovering the amenities that Victoria offers
exploring new groups
cycling club, bridge, yoga, french lessons and a french conversational group.

We have met up for walks and coffee and there will be future lunches 
bridge games and perhaps we will go to the theatre.

I also discovered that she is a painter and has sold many paintings...
she is very modest about her work.
She plans to take a class or two this winter and I am considering joining her.

She will be unpacking for the next week or two 
fluffing and arranging her furniture and hanging her art in her light filled condo.

This pretty tea cup and saucer was a gift...
I love the gold polka dots.

This book is quite the page turner...
I am almost finished it and can recommend it
it is very intense and so well written.

I will finish it this afternoon while the white Ektorp slipcovers are in the wash!

Hope your week is off to a great start.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Black and White....

Black and White seems to be the colour theme here right now...

Hermes scarf
Saint James striped top
Barbour vest
NYDJ boyfriend jeans

Red shoes !
Josef Siebel ballet flats!

New lipstick in a brighter shade...
inpsired by Kathy KSL on Instagram.

(she is the talented artist from whom we purchased our most recent piece of art)
I love it!

Not always easy taking a selfie...
but you get the idea of the new shade of lip colour.

Hope that your week is ticking along nicely and its nearly the weekend.
Do you have something fun planned?

Thank you for popping by my Humble Bungalow Blog...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lightening up...

Have you noticed how the days are getting lighter?
The sun is setting later and we have been fortunate with our weather lately...
as the sun has been out several days this week which lightens up my mood enormously and energizes me...making me more efficent in the home department.

Love the sliver of light shining through the front door 
illuminating the orchids and making shadows dance on the wallpaper.

Bradbury and Bradbury heritage wallpaper in the arts and crafts style
hangs in our entry hall.

Looking towards the hall from the living room of The Humble Bungalow.
You may be able to see the wallpaper border at the top from this angle.

When the sun shines I like to get outdoors for my walks.

Emma Bridgewater has such an imagination...
I bought several of her shopping bags.

One I gave to a friend for a birthday...
it said Take Me To The Shops.
I'd never give this bag to a friend...this one is mine all mine!

I've culled some of my clothes...
when one has a small wardrobe and closet the clothes get worn a LOT 
the fabric of my frequently worn tops tends to pill and look yucky after a couple of seasons.
I wash then inside out and hang them to dry 
but despite the gentle care 
they still develop these nubby bits which I find unsightly...

I've switched up my red lipstick for a pinker shade.

L'Oreal # 580 Pink Peony
It feels lighter on these sunny days.

 a long lighter weight shirt by French Dressing
worn with my ponte knit skinny Calvin Klein pants and Chelsea boots.

Has the weather lightened up in your patch of the woods?
Have you been curating your closet?
Whats new with you?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, October 23, 2017

Pops of colour...

Autumn is a lovely time of year for enjoying the colours.

I wear mostly blacks and greys 
so I can see here with this example of contrast 
that a spot of colour
may be in order!

The pumpkin patch was full of families this Sunday.
Many local farmers grow pumpkins and they also offer hayrides, hot chocolate and some even have corn mazes.
I just love the field of orange pumpkins!
A sea of orange...

It is lovely when one discovers a magazine that has well written and informative articles.
one that has a balance of 

Today I am cozying up in my newest linen scarf...
no pop of orange today 
I am wearing a red lipstick 
which is helping to liven up my OOTD.

L'Oreal on the far left # 315 True Red
followed by
a spritz of Le Labo Rose 31 and I am ready.

Hope you have a great week!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, September 15, 2017

September is a great time to curate one's closet.

September is a time of change...

the summer season is slipping away
fall is in the air
fresh starts, new beginnings
and a burst of colour in the foliage of the trees.

A great time to start some projects,
take a class,
shop for accessories,
clean out the closet
declutter the pantry
get rid of expired medications
polish boots, shoes and handbags.

Take stock of what is hanging in the closet...
what clothes get worn, what clothes do not feel right when worn.
Time to "observe trends" that may be in the magazines, on blogs, in the shops.
Can you rework what you have in your closet?
How about pairing separates in a fresh new way?

Perhaps it is time for re-evaluating one's personal style
how our current lifestyle might affect the clothes that we keep
those that we may donate, consign or hand down...

What new things could thrill or inject energy to what we have and love?
Vintage pieces?
What "speaks" to your inner muse?

Can you kick it up a notch?
Is it a genuine representation of your personal style?
Does it feel real or do you feel like you are wearing a "costume."

Shop at the charity and consignment shops for a splash of colour,
find something a bit unusual...a scarf, a belt, a bag are great pieces that don't have to break the budget and are ways to add a punch of colour or texture or style.
Have fun!

The least expensive accessory that I purchased so far this season is a lipstick.

L'Oreal trio...

The new kid on the block is #315 True Red
It is the first red that I have purchased since I was in Paris.

It will be fun wearing this shade with my crisp white shirt and jeans.
I have a lot of black and grey garments and this pop of colour will brighten up my pale complexion.

I've received numerous compliments on the Rose 31 scent by Le Labo.

Layering products makes a fragrance last longer so I phoned Nordstrom and ordered the Rose 31 lotion yesterday.

Wearing a new scent and a red lipstick is giving me a psychological boost.

Have you found anything new and exciting for the new season?

Une Femme has some new lipstick shades 
coincidentally I was working on this post when I read her blog post!

Great minds think alike!

The WW regime is really paying off...
almost 10 pounds down.
I am not hungry and have been pleased with how my clothes are fitting.
More energy and better sleep patterns have been wonderful side effects.
My skin has started to glow...
I think it must be all the water that I am drinking 
plus the variety of colourful vegetables and fruits on the menu...
less red meat 
a bit of fish, lean free range chicken and organic eggs.

What are you reading right now?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~