Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Hostess Hasty Notes...


Bateaux Mouches Scarf knit in a grey yarn by Drops.
Alpaca and Silk

It is super soft with a nice drape...
very cozy and warm for these colder days.

Mornings this week have been very icy...

A delightful week of Yoga

Yoga for Osteoporosis
Yoga for Balance
Yoga For Hips

Scraping the ice off the car before heading off to Yoga Class. 

I am focused on the new classes 
which are improving my hip alignment and strengthening the muscles that support the hip.
Training me to be in balance 
with a goal of stability and the ability to avoid future falls.

All of this is taking up time and energy and are an investment in my health.
My flexibility is not what it was prior to COVID.
My goal is to
get back as much flexibility as possible.

My instructor says it takes time.

Do you practice Yoga?


Marshalls dressing room selfie...

I LOVE denim!
 So when I spied this soft cozy fleecy knit denim blue shirt...
I pounced and have been wearing it on rotation these past few weeks.

I am loving this new Sonsie skincare.
The redness from my rosacea has completely calmed down.

If you want to try it please use the 15% discount code...

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to shoot me an email.

Joanne from Steveston came to Victoria for a few days.

We got together for an afternoon of fun.

Shopped thrift and consignment shops 
visited the Vic West Market on Catherine Street
before we had lunch at The Snug in The Oak Bay Beach Hotel.

The Market has a very European Vibe...
lots of interesting food items and the displays are works of art!

Am knitting another Bateaux Mouches Scarf/Shawl
Using Bamboo Yarn in white for Summer.
Feels lovely in the hand...soft and light.

Soup for lunch at Pure Vanilla...
red lentil with a spicy tang.

New LG Washer and Dryer Set

Our former set were 
15 years old and the washer ground to a halt on Saturday.
I had to rinse the entire load in the bathtub 
before wringing the clothes by hand to dry!

Our laundry room is bright and cheerful...
I can look out onto the Humble Bungalow Garden while working downstairs.

There are some rustic touches in the minimalist decor.

but so important!
There are Joys in clean clothes and freshly ironed cottons.

I spend a LOT of time doing laundry!

Another sourdough Boule has baked...
"Alexandra Cooks" basic sourdough recipe is my favourite.
After making bread for several years now I can do it with my eyes closed :-))
The flavour is amazing and the bread is easy to make.

Do you bake your own bread?

White Orchid

Do you shop local?
Think we need to help these shops stay open and keep their business thriving.
So many small businesses are struggling to survive and many are already shut down.

Buying Power is in our hands
(and wallets)
we have choices
 through our decisions of 
who we buy from...
where we spend our money
If we
 support companies run and owned by women.
We are empowering them to continue...

Just like the
Cordova Candle Company who are local and make lovely scented soy candles.

I light mine every morning while I sip my coffee and read my socials.

What are your favourite local shops?
Are you a repeat customer?
Do you know the women behind the business?

Speaking of Socials...
several friends have quit Facebook
others are taking a 3 week break from all online platforms.

Are you considering leaving any of your social memberships?

We have the power to make changes...
it is up to each of us to decide what is right.

What is new with you?

Are you worried about the state of the world?

Have you, like me, had to limit your exposure to the news?

I do not go down rabbit holes...
I act locally...making changes where I can see the results of those efforts.

I bake, I knit, I drink tea, I read, I walk, I go to Yoga, I live an honest and simple life.


~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog



Anonymous said...

Hello Hostess, which Sonsie product helped your skin redness?

Adele said...

as always, I love reading your blog posts! the bamboo yarn sounds great for the bateaux mouches scarf -- I cannot tolerate wool at all, so am often on the lookout for alternatives that drape well. and excellent find with that denim shirt!! I have a knit denim jacket that is so comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this lovely post, it’s a balm during difficult times. My work, my ability to pay staff; are impacted by changes in the winds. It’s not as easy to ignore the news, because for work I must keep up with the changes. What I am working on is seeing it roll over and off, like water on a ducks back. Thank you for the reminder that we each can make a difference and our right and good choices make a difference.

Anonymous said...

What curious potato! What did you do with it?

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I think the super serum is the star here...I use both the serum and the moisturizer together every morning and at night. My skin used to have redness that I covered up with makeup...there must be a calming ingredient that soothes the skin and I have not had any negative reactions whatsoever. The list of ingredients are on the Sonsie website.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

The bamboo yarn is lovely to work with...especially soft to the hand and yes! the drape is gorgeous! I like the knit clothes that Frank and Eileen make and sell online but I am not much of an online shopper so when I spied this denim shirt I tried it on immediately :-))

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

It must be a challenge to be in charge of a staff and have to keep your eyes open to changes in the business climate...stay positive!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I did not buy the potato! I just picked it up when I saw that it was a heart shape!!

Laura J said...

Your comments about managing the onslaught of The News are so apt..we can all act locally, whether it’s becoming more engaged in local decisions by city councils, buying locally (I’m amazed at how much I can support local), or simply being a helpful, thoughtful friend and neighbour. I limit my social media exposure very intentionally and only read the cuts down on the anxiety for me as it’s easier to skip or stop reading.

Lorrie said...

The Bateau Mouches scarves look soft and light - really lovely. Bamboo will be perfect for summer when there is a chill in the air, especially in the evening.
I baked bread earlier this week - sourdough, but in a regular loaf pan. Restricting my news consumption is crucial these days for peace of mind. I've started doing more watercolour painting and find that very soothing.
I don't do yoga, but exercise every day, walking and/or using a youtube video. I find it helps keep me limber.
Take care!

J said...

Only two years ago I moved to a suburb on the outer edge of our city, which was a country village. In that time I have seen small dress shops, a shoe shop, toy shop and gift shops close down. I am now trying to support the local shop owners even if it means spending a few more cents on gifts etc.

Beverley said...

Lovely post in an anxious week. I was officially inspired by your Bateaux Mouches shawl, and picked up the pattern yesterday. Suitable alpaca silk lace yarn is in my stash. This will be my therapeutic knitting. Canadian winters require calm perseverance at the best of times. Knitting projects, good books, and quiet comforts will see me through. 🤗 said...

I try and stay off news. We don't have TV news as we only have a TV for steaming Prime or PBS. Still the hearings on confirmations in Washngton is enough to make me quake. They are so unqualified and all the replublicans do is lick trumps shoes. It's despicable. I started using the sourdough recipe from Bread alone ( alot like Tartine) but his sourdough baguettes are out of this world and very easy. That comes from his new book ' Slow Rise'. You might check if the library has it or goggle it.
Your day out looks lovely.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I agree Laura J...The news in our world is only reputable broadcasts are on my listen list. We have neighbours who have a young family and one of the parents had a serious accident...I have put together a care pack of food and I will be making soup and some dinners to deliver...I also plan to help out with the young children so the parents can have a few hours to rest and recharge.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Watercolour painting is a restorative and creative hobby...perhaps you will share some of your work on your blog? Nothing is nicer than the aroma of freshly baked bread fresh loaf out of the oven :-)) Take care

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Watching the disappearance of local businesses is a sad state of affairs...we have many shops and restaurants closing. I think people are shopping so much online that the local shop holders cannot compete with the costs. I too spend a bit more for the local shopping but I also enjoy the exchange of news, a brief chat and the personal help that the shop keepers offer.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I hope you enjoy the knitting is so easy and meditative :-)) I knit and read daily..."calm perseverance" is a perfect description!!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Bread making is a lovely habit! I will check out the Slow Rise Book...thank you for sharing it. We are so closely linked to the US as neighbours, so we naturally get a lot of the news. I don't really understand how American Politics works but I do know it is quite different from our Canadian system.
The tariffs that Trump is threatening to implement are a very real concern for us up here.
As I mentioned we can help in our own communities to make a positive difference...

Sue Blaney said...

Dear Leslie - happy 2025. love your health goals. part of my health goals are exercise activity includes pilates reformer. i take a group 2x per week and it has helped overall strength, posture, back issues, etc i've learned that my flexibility in my build has caused over use of my joints, hips being the key ones. now i strive for working to keep myself strong versus flexible. hope all is good. i really enjoy your posts. love your everyday pleasures of caring for your home, your garden, your friend and family and yourself. here in the states right now we are trying to stay calm and wok local in the face of this new regime - peace, sue

Marguerite said...

I am 69 and have enjoyed the practice of Yoga for many years. The late Dr. Michael Moseley had many helpful health tips including standing on one leg when brushing one's teeth. I find myself doing little balance things when I am waiting in line.
I do not bake bread because I could not resist the lure of it and Lurpak butter!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Pilates is very popular and an effective practice...a stronger body and healthy bones are a wise goal.
We are experiencing some uncertainty here in BC and Canada after the President has assigned the 25% tariffs. Think we have a rocky road ahead...hope we can keep a positive outlook as we navigate these uncertain times.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

We are doing a Thai Chi move ~ we stand on both feet on tip toes then forcefully drop our is said to build bone. The bread baking is easy but the butter and bread restraint is a challenge!!! Balancing exercises added to everyday habits makes it much easier to maintain...well done!

Ann said...

Glad you are enjoying yoga...trying to walk more and lift weights to combat osteoporosis. Decided not to get the monthly bone building shots! Your bread looks wonderful...don't bake bread yet but found my mom's old bread recipe (using a Tupperware big bowl and no kneading) and plan to try it soon. Love your laundry room - I love my front loaders but every so often I miss my old top load washer where I could let things soak! Have a great February!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I am getting the Prolia shots twice a year...and trying to get stronger bones with weight training and Yoga. A no knead recipe is a great way to enjoy freshly baked bread! The aroma in the kitchen is so amazing :-))
Take care and good luck on your osteoporosis journey.